#include "InitTweak.h" #include "SynTree/Visitor.h" #include "SynTree/Statement.h" #include "SynTree/Initializer.h" #include "SynTree/Expression.h" #include "GenPoly/GenPoly.h" namespace InitTweak { namespace { class HasDesignations : public Visitor { public: bool hasDesignations = false; template void handleInit( Init * init ) { if ( ! init->get_designators().empty() ) hasDesignations = true; else Visitor::visit( init ); } virtual void visit( SingleInit * singleInit ) { handleInit( singleInit); } virtual void visit( ListInit * listInit ) { handleInit( listInit); } }; class InitExpander : public Visitor { public: InitExpander() {} virtual void visit( SingleInit * singleInit ); virtual void visit( ListInit * listInit ); std::list< Expression * > argList; }; void InitExpander::visit( SingleInit * singleInit ) { argList.push_back( singleInit->get_value()->clone() ); } void InitExpander::visit( ListInit * listInit ) { // xxx - for now, assume no nested list inits std::list::iterator it = listInit->begin_initializers(); for ( ; it != listInit->end_initializers(); ++it ) { (*it)->accept( *this ); } } } std::list< Expression * > makeInitList( Initializer * init ) { InitExpander expander; maybeAccept( init, expander ); return expander.argList; } bool isDesignated( Initializer * init ) { HasDesignations finder; maybeAccept( init, finder ); return finder.hasDesignations; } bool tryConstruct( ObjectDecl * objDecl ) { return ! LinkageSpec::isBuiltin( objDecl->get_linkage() ) && (objDecl->get_init() == NULL || ( objDecl->get_init() != NULL && objDecl->get_init()->get_maybeConstructed() )) && ! isDesignated( objDecl->get_init() ); } Expression * getCtorDtorCall( Statement * stmt ) { if ( stmt == NULL ) return NULL; if ( ExprStmt * exprStmt = dynamic_cast< ExprStmt * >( stmt ) ) { return exprStmt->get_expr(); } else if ( CompoundStmt * compoundStmt = dynamic_cast< CompoundStmt * >( stmt ) ) { // could also be a compound statement with a loop, in the case of an array if( compoundStmt->get_kids().size() == 2 ) { // loop variable and loop ForStmt * forStmt = dynamic_cast< ForStmt * >( compoundStmt->get_kids().back() ); assert( forStmt && forStmt->get_body() ); return getCtorDtorCall( forStmt->get_body() ); } else if ( compoundStmt->get_kids().size() == 1 ) { // should be the call statement, but in any case there's only one option return getCtorDtorCall( compoundStmt->get_kids().front() ); } else { assert( false && "too many statements in compoundStmt for getCtorDtorCall" ); } } if ( ImplicitCtorDtorStmt * impCtorDtorStmt = dynamic_cast< ImplicitCtorDtorStmt * > ( stmt ) ) { return getCtorDtorCall( impCtorDtorStmt->get_callStmt() ); } else { // should never get here assert( false && "encountered unknown call statement" ); } } bool isInstrinsicSingleArgCallStmt( Statement * stmt ) { Expression * callExpr = getCtorDtorCall( stmt ); if ( ! callExpr ) return false; ApplicationExpr * appExpr = dynamic_cast< ApplicationExpr * >( callExpr ); assert( appExpr ); VariableExpr * function = dynamic_cast< VariableExpr * >( appExpr->get_function() ); assert( function ); // check for Intrinsic only - don't want to remove all overridable ctor/dtors because autogenerated ctor/dtor // will call all member dtors, and some members may have a user defined dtor. FunctionType * funcType = GenPoly::getFunctionType( function->get_var()->get_type() ); assert( funcType ); return function->get_var()->get_linkage() == LinkageSpec::Intrinsic && funcType->get_parameters().size() == 1; } namespace { template Expression *& callArg( CallExpr * callExpr, unsigned int pos ) { if ( pos >= callExpr->get_args().size() ) assert( false && "asking for argument that doesn't exist. Return NULL/throw exception?" ); for ( Expression *& arg : callExpr->get_args() ) { if ( pos == 0 ) return arg; pos--; } assert( false ); } } Expression *& getCallArg( Expression * callExpr, unsigned int pos ) { if ( ApplicationExpr * appExpr = dynamic_cast< ApplicationExpr * >( callExpr ) ) { return callArg( appExpr, pos ); } else if ( UntypedExpr * untypedExpr = dynamic_cast< UntypedExpr * >( callExpr ) ) { return callArg( untypedExpr, pos ); } else { assert( false && "Unexpected expression type passed to getCallArg" ); } } namespace { std::string funcName( Expression * func ) { if ( NameExpr * nameExpr = dynamic_cast< NameExpr * >( func ) ) { return nameExpr->get_name(); } else if ( VariableExpr * varExpr = dynamic_cast< VariableExpr * >( func ) ) { return varExpr->get_var()->get_name(); } else if ( CastExpr * castExpr = dynamic_cast< CastExpr * >( func ) ) { return funcName( castExpr->get_arg() ); } else { assert( false && "Unexpected expression type being called as a function in call expression" ); } } } std::string getFunctionName( Expression * expr ) { if ( ApplicationExpr * appExpr = dynamic_cast< ApplicationExpr * >( expr ) ) { return funcName( appExpr->get_function() ); } else if ( UntypedExpr * untypedExpr = dynamic_cast< UntypedExpr * > ( expr ) ) { return funcName( untypedExpr->get_function() ); } else { std::cerr << expr << std::endl; assert( false && "Unexpected expression type passed to getFunctionName" ); } } Type * getPointerBase( Type * type ) { if ( PointerType * ptrType = dynamic_cast< PointerType * >( type ) ) { return ptrType->get_base(); } else if ( ArrayType * arrayType = dynamic_cast< ArrayType * >( type ) ) { return arrayType->get_base(); } else { return NULL; } } Type * isPointerType( Type * type ) { if ( getPointerBase( type ) ) return type; else return NULL; } class ConstExprChecker : public Visitor { public: ConstExprChecker() : isConstExpr( true ) {} virtual void visit( ApplicationExpr *applicationExpr ) { isConstExpr = false; } virtual void visit( UntypedExpr *untypedExpr ) { isConstExpr = false; } virtual void visit( NameExpr *nameExpr ) { isConstExpr = false; } virtual void visit( CastExpr *castExpr ) { isConstExpr = false; } virtual void visit( LabelAddressExpr *labAddressExpr ) { isConstExpr = false; } virtual void visit( UntypedMemberExpr *memberExpr ) { isConstExpr = false; } virtual void visit( MemberExpr *memberExpr ) { isConstExpr = false; } virtual void visit( VariableExpr *variableExpr ) { isConstExpr = false; } virtual void visit( ConstantExpr *constantExpr ) { /* bottom out */ } // these might be okay? // virtual void visit( SizeofExpr *sizeofExpr ); // virtual void visit( AlignofExpr *alignofExpr ); // virtual void visit( UntypedOffsetofExpr *offsetofExpr ); // virtual void visit( OffsetofExpr *offsetofExpr ); // virtual void visit( OffsetPackExpr *offsetPackExpr ); // virtual void visit( AttrExpr *attrExpr ); // virtual void visit( CommaExpr *commaExpr ); // virtual void visit( LogicalExpr *logicalExpr ); // virtual void visit( ConditionalExpr *conditionalExpr ); virtual void visit( TupleExpr *tupleExpr ) { isConstExpr = false; } virtual void visit( SolvedTupleExpr *tupleExpr ) { isConstExpr = false; } virtual void visit( TypeExpr *typeExpr ) { isConstExpr = false; } virtual void visit( AsmExpr *asmExpr ) { isConstExpr = false; } virtual void visit( UntypedValofExpr *valofExpr ) { isConstExpr = false; } virtual void visit( CompoundLiteralExpr *compLitExpr ) { isConstExpr = false; } bool isConstExpr; }; bool isConstExpr( Expression * expr ) { if ( expr ) { ConstExprChecker checker; expr->accept( checker ); return checker.isConstExpr; } return true; } bool isConstExpr( Initializer * init ) { if ( init ) { ConstExprChecker checker; init->accept( checker ); return checker.isConstExpr; } // if // for all intents and purposes, no initializer means const expr return true; } }