// // Cforall Version 1.0.0 Copyright (C) 2015 University of Waterloo // // The contents of this file are covered under the licence agreement in the // file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall. // // ExceptVisitor.cc -- // // Author : Andrew Beach // Created On : Wed Jun 14 16:49:00 2017 // Last Modified By : Andrew Beach // Last Modified On : Thr Aug 17 17:19:00 2017 // Update Count : 9 // #include "ExceptTranslate.h" #include // for NULL #include // for assert, assertf #include // for back_inserter, inserter #include // for string, operator== #include "Common/PassVisitor.h" // for PassVisitor, WithGuards #include "Common/SemanticError.h" // for SemanticError #include "Common/utility.h" // for CodeLocation #include "Parser/LinkageSpec.h" // for Cforall #include "SynTree/Attribute.h" // for Attribute #include "SynTree/Constant.h" // for Constant #include "SynTree/Declaration.h" // for ObjectDecl, FunctionDecl, Struc... #include "SynTree/Expression.h" // for UntypedExpr, ConstantExpr, Name... #include "SynTree/Initializer.h" // for SingleInit, ListInit #include "SynTree/Label.h" // for Label #include "SynTree/Mutator.h" // for mutateAll #include "SynTree/Statement.h" // for CompoundStmt, CatchStmt, ThrowStmt #include "SynTree/Type.h" // for FunctionType, Type, noQualifiers #include "SynTree/VarExprReplacer.h" // for VarExprReplacer, VarExprReplace... #include "SynTree/Visitor.h" // for acceptAll namespace ControlStruct { // Buricratic Helpers (Not having to do with the paritular operation.) typedef std::list CatchList; void split( CatchList& allHandlers, CatchList& terHandlers, CatchList& resHandlers ) { while ( !allHandlers.empty() ) { CatchStmt * stmt = allHandlers.front(); allHandlers.pop_front(); if (CatchStmt::Terminate == stmt->get_kind()) { terHandlers.push_back(stmt); } else { resHandlers.push_back(stmt); } } } void appendDeclStmt( CompoundStmt * block, Declaration * item ) { block->push_back(new DeclStmt(item)); } Expression * nameOf( DeclarationWithType * decl ) { return new VariableExpr( decl ); } class ExceptionMutatorCore : public WithGuards { enum Context { NoHandler, TerHandler, ResHandler }; // Also need to handle goto, break & continue. // They need to be cut off in a ResHandler, until we enter another // loop, switch or the goto stays within the function. Context cur_context; // The current (innermost) termination handler exception declaration. ObjectDecl * handler_except_decl; // The built in types used in translation. StructDecl * except_decl; StructDecl * node_decl; StructDecl * hook_decl; // The many helper functions for code/syntree generation. Statement * create_given_throw( const char * throwFunc, ThrowStmt * throwStmt ); Statement * create_terminate_throw( ThrowStmt * throwStmt ); Statement * create_terminate_rethrow( ThrowStmt * throwStmt ); Statement * create_resume_throw( ThrowStmt * throwStmt ); Statement * create_resume_rethrow( ThrowStmt * throwStmt ); CompoundStmt * take_try_block( TryStmt * tryStmt ); FunctionDecl * create_try_wrapper( CompoundStmt * body ); FunctionDecl * create_terminate_catch( CatchList &handlers ); CompoundStmt * create_single_matcher( DeclarationWithType * except_obj, CatchStmt * modded_handler ); FunctionDecl * create_terminate_match( CatchList &handlers ); CompoundStmt * create_terminate_caller( FunctionDecl * try_wrapper, FunctionDecl * terminate_catch, FunctionDecl * terminate_match ); FunctionDecl * create_resume_handler( CatchList &handlers ); CompoundStmt * create_resume_wrapper( Statement * wraps, FunctionDecl * resume_handler ); FunctionDecl * create_finally_wrapper( TryStmt * tryStmt ); ObjectDecl * create_finally_hook( FunctionDecl * finally_wrapper ); // Types used in translation, make sure to use clone. // void (*function)(); FunctionType try_func_t; // void (*function)(int, exception); FunctionType catch_func_t; // int (*function)(exception); FunctionType match_func_t; // bool (*function)(exception); FunctionType handle_func_t; // void (*function)(__attribute__((unused)) void *); FunctionType finally_func_t; StructInstType * create_except_type() { assert( except_decl ); return new StructInstType( noQualifiers, except_decl ); } void init_func_types(); public: ExceptionMutatorCore() : cur_context( NoHandler ), handler_except_decl( nullptr ), except_decl( nullptr ), node_decl( nullptr ), hook_decl( nullptr ), try_func_t( noQualifiers, false ), catch_func_t( noQualifiers, false ), match_func_t( noQualifiers, false ), handle_func_t( noQualifiers, false ), finally_func_t( noQualifiers, false ) {} void premutate( CatchStmt *catchStmt ); void premutate( StructDecl *structDecl ); Statement * postmutate( ThrowStmt *throwStmt ); Statement * postmutate( TryStmt *tryStmt ); }; void ExceptionMutatorCore::init_func_types() { assert( except_decl ); ObjectDecl index_obj( "__handler_index", Type::StorageClasses(), LinkageSpec::Cforall, /*bitfieldWidth*/ NULL, new BasicType( noQualifiers, BasicType::SignedInt ), /*init*/ NULL ); ObjectDecl exception_obj( "__exception_inst", Type::StorageClasses(), LinkageSpec::Cforall, /*bitfieldWidth*/ NULL, new PointerType( noQualifiers, new StructInstType( noQualifiers, except_decl ) ), /*init*/ NULL ); ObjectDecl bool_obj( "__ret_bool", Type::StorageClasses(), LinkageSpec::Cforall, /*bitfieldWidth*/ NULL, new BasicType( noQualifiers, BasicType::Bool ), /*init*/ NULL, std::list{ new Attribute( "unused" ) } ); ObjectDecl voidptr_obj( "__hook", Type::StorageClasses(), LinkageSpec::Cforall, NULL, new PointerType( noQualifiers, new VoidType( noQualifiers ), std::list{ new Attribute( "unused" ) } ), NULL ); ObjectDecl * unused_index_obj = index_obj.clone(); unused_index_obj->attributes.push_back( new Attribute( "unused" ) ); catch_func_t.get_parameters().push_back( index_obj.clone() ); catch_func_t.get_parameters().push_back( exception_obj.clone() ); match_func_t.get_returnVals().push_back( unused_index_obj ); match_func_t.get_parameters().push_back( exception_obj.clone() ); handle_func_t.get_returnVals().push_back( bool_obj.clone() ); handle_func_t.get_parameters().push_back( exception_obj.clone() ); finally_func_t.get_parameters().push_back( voidptr_obj.clone() ); } // ThrowStmt Mutation Helpers Statement * ExceptionMutatorCore::create_given_throw( const char * throwFunc, ThrowStmt * throwStmt ) { // `throwFunc`( `throwStmt->get_name` ); UntypedExpr * call = new UntypedExpr( new NameExpr( throwFunc ) ); call->get_args().push_back( throwStmt->get_expr() ); throwStmt->set_expr( nullptr ); delete throwStmt; return new ExprStmt( call ); } Statement * ExceptionMutatorCore::create_terminate_throw( ThrowStmt *throwStmt ) { // __throw_terminate( `throwStmt->get_name()` ); } return create_given_throw( "__cfaehm__throw_terminate", throwStmt ); } Statement * ExceptionMutatorCore::create_terminate_rethrow( ThrowStmt *throwStmt ) { // { `handler_except_decl` = NULL; __rethrow_terminate(); } assert( nullptr == throwStmt->get_expr() ); assert( handler_except_decl ); CompoundStmt * result = new CompoundStmt(); result->labels = throwStmt->labels; result->push_back( new ExprStmt( UntypedExpr::createAssign( nameOf( handler_except_decl ), new ConstantExpr( Constant::null( new PointerType( noQualifiers, handler_except_decl->get_type()->clone() ) ) ) ) ) ); result->push_back( new ExprStmt( new UntypedExpr( new NameExpr( "__cfaehm__rethrow_terminate" ) ) ) ); delete throwStmt; return result; } Statement * ExceptionMutatorCore::create_resume_throw( ThrowStmt *throwStmt ) { // __throw_resume( `throwStmt->get_name` ); return create_given_throw( "__cfaehm__throw_resume", throwStmt ); } Statement * ExceptionMutatorCore::create_resume_rethrow( ThrowStmt *throwStmt ) { // return false; Statement * result = new ReturnStmt( new ConstantExpr( Constant::from_bool( false ) ) ); result->labels = throwStmt->labels; delete throwStmt; return result; } // TryStmt Mutation Helpers CompoundStmt * ExceptionMutatorCore::take_try_block( TryStmt *tryStmt ) { CompoundStmt * block = tryStmt->get_block(); tryStmt->set_block( nullptr ); return block; } FunctionDecl * ExceptionMutatorCore::create_try_wrapper( CompoundStmt *body ) { return new FunctionDecl( "try", Type::StorageClasses(), LinkageSpec::Cforall, try_func_t.clone(), body ); } FunctionDecl * ExceptionMutatorCore::create_terminate_catch( CatchList &handlers ) { std::list handler_wrappers; FunctionType *func_type = catch_func_t.clone(); DeclarationWithType * index_obj = func_type->get_parameters().front(); DeclarationWithType * except_obj = func_type->get_parameters().back(); // Index 1..{number of handlers} int index = 0; CatchList::iterator it = handlers.begin(); for ( ; it != handlers.end() ; ++it ) { ++index; CatchStmt * handler = *it; // case `index`: // { // `handler.decl` = { (virtual `decl.type`)`except` }; // `handler.body`; // } // return; CompoundStmt * block = new CompoundStmt(); // Just copy the exception value. (Post Validation) ObjectDecl * handler_decl = static_cast( handler->get_decl() ); ObjectDecl * local_except = handler_decl->clone(); local_except->set_init( new ListInit({ new SingleInit( new VirtualCastExpr( nameOf( except_obj ), local_except->get_type() ) ) }) ); block->push_back( new DeclStmt( local_except ) ); // Add the cleanup attribute. local_except->get_attributes().push_back( new Attribute( "cleanup", { new NameExpr( "__cfaehm__cleanup_terminate" ) } ) ); // Update variables in the body to point to this local copy. { VarExprReplacer::DeclMap mapping; mapping[ handler_decl ] = local_except; VarExprReplacer mapper( mapping ); handler->get_body()->accept( mapper ); } block->push_back( handler->get_body() ); handler->set_body( nullptr ); std::list caseBody { block, new ReturnStmt( nullptr ) }; handler_wrappers.push_back( new CaseStmt( new ConstantExpr( Constant::from_int( index ) ), caseBody ) ); } // TODO: Some sort of meaningful error on default perhaps? std::list stmt_handlers; while ( !handler_wrappers.empty() ) { stmt_handlers.push_back( handler_wrappers.front() ); handler_wrappers.pop_front(); } SwitchStmt * handler_lookup = new SwitchStmt( nameOf( index_obj ), stmt_handlers ); CompoundStmt * body = new CompoundStmt(); body->push_back( handler_lookup ); return new FunctionDecl("catch", Type::StorageClasses(), LinkageSpec::Cforall, func_type, body); } // Create a single check from a moddified handler. // except_obj is referenced, modded_handler will be freed. CompoundStmt * ExceptionMutatorCore::create_single_matcher( DeclarationWithType * except_obj, CatchStmt * modded_handler ) { // { // `modded_handler.decl` // if ( `decl.name = (virtual `decl.type`)`except` // [&& `modded_handler.cond`] ) { // `modded_handler.body` // } // } CompoundStmt * block = new CompoundStmt(); // Local Declaration ObjectDecl * local_except = dynamic_cast( modded_handler->get_decl() ); assert( local_except ); block->push_back( new DeclStmt( local_except ) ); // Check for type match. Expression * cond = UntypedExpr::createAssign( nameOf( local_except ), new VirtualCastExpr( nameOf( except_obj ), local_except->get_type()->clone() ) ); // Add the check on the conditional if it is provided. if ( modded_handler->get_cond() ) { cond = new LogicalExpr( cond, modded_handler->get_cond() ); } // Construct the match condition. block->push_back( new IfStmt( cond, modded_handler->get_body(), nullptr ) ); modded_handler->set_decl( nullptr ); modded_handler->set_cond( nullptr ); modded_handler->set_body( nullptr ); delete modded_handler; return block; } FunctionDecl * ExceptionMutatorCore::create_terminate_match( CatchList &handlers ) { // int match(exception * except) { // HANDLER WRAPPERS { return `index`; } // } CompoundStmt * body = new CompoundStmt(); FunctionType * func_type = match_func_t.clone(); DeclarationWithType * except_obj = func_type->get_parameters().back(); // Index 1..{number of handlers} int index = 0; CatchList::iterator it; for ( it = handlers.begin() ; it != handlers.end() ; ++it ) { ++index; CatchStmt * handler = *it; // Body should have been taken by create_terminate_catch. assert( nullptr == handler->get_body() ); // Create new body. handler->set_body( new ReturnStmt( new ConstantExpr( Constant::from_int( index ) ) ) ); // Create the handler. body->push_back( create_single_matcher( except_obj, handler ) ); *it = nullptr; } body->push_back( new ReturnStmt( new ConstantExpr( Constant::from_int( 0 ) ) ) ); return new FunctionDecl("match", Type::StorageClasses(), LinkageSpec::Cforall, func_type, body); } CompoundStmt * ExceptionMutatorCore::create_terminate_caller( FunctionDecl * try_wrapper, FunctionDecl * terminate_catch, FunctionDecl * terminate_match ) { // { __cfaehm__try_terminate(`try`, `catch`, `match`); } UntypedExpr * caller = new UntypedExpr( new NameExpr( "__cfaehm__try_terminate" ) ); std::list& args = caller->get_args(); args.push_back( nameOf( try_wrapper ) ); args.push_back( nameOf( terminate_catch ) ); args.push_back( nameOf( terminate_match ) ); CompoundStmt * callStmt = new CompoundStmt(); callStmt->push_back( new ExprStmt( caller ) ); return callStmt; } FunctionDecl * ExceptionMutatorCore::create_resume_handler( CatchList &handlers ) { // bool handle(exception * except) { // HANDLER WRAPPERS { `hander->body`; return true; } // } CompoundStmt * body = new CompoundStmt(); FunctionType * func_type = handle_func_t.clone(); DeclarationWithType * except_obj = func_type->get_parameters().back(); CatchList::iterator it; for ( it = handlers.begin() ; it != handlers.end() ; ++it ) { CatchStmt * handler = *it; // Modifiy body. CompoundStmt * handling_code = dynamic_cast( handler->get_body() ); if ( ! handling_code ) { handling_code = new CompoundStmt(); handling_code->push_back( handler->get_body() ); } handling_code->push_back( new ReturnStmt( new ConstantExpr( Constant::from_bool( true ) ) ) ); handler->set_body( handling_code ); // Create the handler. body->push_back( create_single_matcher( except_obj, handler ) ); *it = nullptr; } body->push_back( new ReturnStmt( new ConstantExpr( Constant::from_bool( false ) ) ) ); return new FunctionDecl("handle", Type::StorageClasses(), LinkageSpec::Cforall, func_type, body); } CompoundStmt * ExceptionMutatorCore::create_resume_wrapper( Statement * wraps, FunctionDecl * resume_handler ) { CompoundStmt * body = new CompoundStmt(); // struct __try_resume_node __resume_node // __attribute__((cleanup( __cfaehm__try_resume_cleanup ))); // ** unwinding of the stack here could cause problems ** // ** however I don't think that can happen currently ** // __cfaehm__try_resume_setup( &__resume_node, resume_handler ); std::list< Attribute * > attributes; { std::list< Expression * > attr_params; attr_params.push_back( new NameExpr( "__cfaehm__try_resume_cleanup" ) ); attributes.push_back( new Attribute( "cleanup", attr_params ) ); } ObjectDecl * obj = new ObjectDecl( "__resume_node", Type::StorageClasses(), LinkageSpec::Cforall, nullptr, new StructInstType( Type::Qualifiers(), node_decl ), nullptr, attributes ); appendDeclStmt( body, obj ); UntypedExpr *setup = new UntypedExpr( new NameExpr( "__cfaehm__try_resume_setup" ) ); setup->get_args().push_back( new AddressExpr( nameOf( obj ) ) ); setup->get_args().push_back( nameOf( resume_handler ) ); body->push_back( new ExprStmt( setup ) ); body->push_back( wraps ); return body; } FunctionDecl * ExceptionMutatorCore::create_finally_wrapper( TryStmt * tryStmt ) { // void finally() { } FinallyStmt * finally = tryStmt->get_finally(); CompoundStmt * body = finally->get_block(); finally->set_block( nullptr ); delete finally; tryStmt->set_finally( nullptr ); return new FunctionDecl("finally", Type::StorageClasses(), LinkageSpec::Cforall, finally_func_t.clone(), body); } ObjectDecl * ExceptionMutatorCore::create_finally_hook( FunctionDecl * finally_wrapper ) { // struct __cfaehm__cleanup_hook __finally_hook // __attribute__((cleanup( finally_wrapper ))); // Make Cleanup Attribute. std::list< Attribute * > attributes; { std::list< Expression * > attr_params; attr_params.push_back( nameOf( finally_wrapper ) ); attributes.push_back( new Attribute( "cleanup", attr_params ) ); } return new ObjectDecl( "__finally_hook", Type::StorageClasses(), LinkageSpec::Cforall, nullptr, new StructInstType( noQualifiers, hook_decl ), nullptr, attributes ); } // Visiting/Mutating Functions void ExceptionMutatorCore::premutate( CatchStmt *catchStmt ) { // Validate the Statement's form. ObjectDecl * decl = dynamic_cast( catchStmt->get_decl() ); if ( decl && true /* check decl->get_type() */ ) { // Pass. } else if ( CatchStmt::Terminate == catchStmt->get_kind() ) { throw SemanticError("catch must have exception type"); } else { throw SemanticError("catchResume must have exception type"); } // Track the handler context. GuardValue( cur_context ); if ( CatchStmt::Terminate == catchStmt->get_kind() ) { cur_context = TerHandler; GuardValue( handler_except_decl ); handler_except_decl = decl; } else { cur_context = ResHandler; } } void ExceptionMutatorCore::premutate( StructDecl *structDecl ) { if ( !structDecl->has_body() ) { // Skip children? return; } else if ( structDecl->get_name() == "__cfaehm__base_exception_t" ) { assert( nullptr == except_decl ); except_decl = structDecl; init_func_types(); } else if ( structDecl->get_name() == "__cfaehm__try_resume_node" ) { assert( nullptr == node_decl ); node_decl = structDecl; } else if ( structDecl->get_name() == "__cfaehm__cleanup_hook" ) { assert( nullptr == hook_decl ); hook_decl = structDecl; } // Later we might get the exception type as well. } Statement * ExceptionMutatorCore::postmutate( ThrowStmt *throwStmt ) { assert( except_decl ); // Ignoring throwStmt->get_target() for now. if ( ThrowStmt::Terminate == throwStmt->get_kind() ) { if ( throwStmt->get_expr() ) { return create_terminate_throw( throwStmt ); } else if ( TerHandler == cur_context ) { return create_terminate_rethrow( throwStmt ); } else { assertf(false, "Invalid throw in %s at %i\n", throwStmt->location.filename.c_str(), throwStmt->location.first_line); return nullptr; } } else { if ( throwStmt->get_expr() ) { return create_resume_throw( throwStmt ); } else if ( ResHandler == cur_context ) { return create_resume_rethrow( throwStmt ); } else { assertf(false, "Invalid throwResume in %s at %i\n", throwStmt->location.filename.c_str(), throwStmt->location.first_line); return nullptr; } } } Statement * ExceptionMutatorCore::postmutate( TryStmt *tryStmt ) { assert( except_decl ); assert( node_decl ); assert( hook_decl ); // Generate a prefix for the function names? CompoundStmt * block = new CompoundStmt(); CompoundStmt * inner = take_try_block( tryStmt ); if ( tryStmt->get_finally() ) { // Define the helper function. FunctionDecl * finally_block = create_finally_wrapper( tryStmt ); appendDeclStmt( block, finally_block ); // Create and add the finally cleanup hook. appendDeclStmt( block, create_finally_hook( finally_block ) ); } CatchList termination_handlers; CatchList resumption_handlers; split( tryStmt->get_catchers(), termination_handlers, resumption_handlers ); if ( resumption_handlers.size() ) { // Define the helper function. FunctionDecl * resume_handler = create_resume_handler( resumption_handlers ); appendDeclStmt( block, resume_handler ); // Prepare hooks inner = create_resume_wrapper( inner, resume_handler ); } if ( termination_handlers.size() ) { // Define the three helper functions. FunctionDecl * try_wrapper = create_try_wrapper( inner ); appendDeclStmt( block, try_wrapper ); FunctionDecl * terminate_catch = create_terminate_catch( termination_handlers ); appendDeclStmt( block, terminate_catch ); FunctionDecl * terminate_match = create_terminate_match( termination_handlers ); appendDeclStmt( block, terminate_match ); // Build the call to the try wrapper. inner = create_terminate_caller( try_wrapper, terminate_catch, terminate_match ); } // Embed the try block. block->push_back( inner ); return block; } void translateEHM( std::list< Declaration *> & translationUnit ) { PassVisitor translator; mutateAll( translationUnit, translator ); } }