// // Cforall Version 1.0.0 Copyright (C) 2016 University of Waterloo // // The contents of this file are covered under the licence agreement in the // file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall. // // ExceptDecl.cc -- // // Author : Henry Xue // Created On : Tue Jul 20 04:10:50 2021 // Last Modified By : Henry Xue // Last Modified On : Mon Jul 26 12:55:28 2021 // Update Count : 3 // #include "ExceptDecl.h" #include // for assert #include // for string #include // for stringstream #include "Common/PassVisitor.h" // for PassVisitor #include "Common/utility.h" // for cloneAll #include "SynTree/Mutator.h" // for mutateAll #include "Virtual/Tables.h" // for helpers namespace ControlStruct { const std::list< Expression *> & makeParameters( const std::list< TypeDecl *> & forallClause ) { auto parameters = new std::list< Expression *>(); for ( auto it = forallClause.begin(); it != forallClause.end(); it++ ) { parameters->emplace_back( new TypeExpr( new TypeInstType( noQualifiers, ( *it )->get_name(), false ) ) ); } return *parameters; } TypeInstType * makeExceptInstType( const std::string & exceptionName, const std::list< Expression *> & parameters ) { TypeInstType * exceptInstType = new TypeInstType( noQualifiers, exceptionName, false ); cloneAll( parameters, exceptInstType->parameters ); return exceptInstType; } // void (*copy)(exception_name parameters * this, exception_name parameters * that); FunctionType * makeCopyFnType( const std::string & exceptionName, const std::list< Expression *> & parameters ) { FunctionType * copyFnType = new FunctionType( noQualifiers, false ); copyFnType->get_parameters().push_back( new ObjectDecl( "this", noStorageClasses, LinkageSpec::Cforall, nullptr, new PointerType( noQualifiers, makeExceptInstType( exceptionName, parameters ) ), nullptr ) ); copyFnType->get_parameters().push_back( new ObjectDecl( "that", noStorageClasses, LinkageSpec::Cforall, nullptr, new PointerType( noQualifiers, makeExceptInstType( exceptionName, parameters ) ), nullptr ) ); copyFnType->get_returnVals().push_back( new ObjectDecl( "", noStorageClasses, LinkageSpec::Cforall, nullptr, new VoidType( noQualifiers ), nullptr ) ); return copyFnType; } // void (*^?{})(exception_name parameters & this); FunctionType * makeDtorFnType( const std::string & exceptionName, const std::list< Expression *> & parameters ) { FunctionType * dtorFnType = new FunctionType( noQualifiers, false ); dtorFnType->get_parameters().push_back( new ObjectDecl( "this", noStorageClasses, LinkageSpec::Cforall, nullptr, new ReferenceType( noQualifiers, makeExceptInstType( exceptionName, parameters ) ), nullptr ) ); dtorFnType->get_returnVals().push_back( new ObjectDecl( "", noStorageClasses, LinkageSpec::Cforall, nullptr, new VoidType( noQualifiers ), nullptr ) ); return dtorFnType; } // const char * (*msg)(exception_name parameters * this); FunctionType * makeMsgFnType( const std::string & exceptionName, const std::list< Expression *> & parameters ) { FunctionType * msgFnType = new FunctionType( noQualifiers, false ); msgFnType->get_parameters().push_back( new ObjectDecl( "this", noStorageClasses, LinkageSpec::Cforall, nullptr, new PointerType( noQualifiers, makeExceptInstType( exceptionName, parameters ) ), nullptr ) ); msgFnType->get_returnVals().push_back( new ObjectDecl( "", noStorageClasses, LinkageSpec::Cforall, nullptr, new PointerType( noQualifiers, new BasicType( Type::Const, BasicType::Char ) ), nullptr ) ); return msgFnType; } StructDecl * ehmTypeIdStruct( const std::string & exceptionName, const std::list< TypeDecl *> & forallClause ) { StructDecl * structDecl = new StructDecl( Virtual::typeIdType( exceptionName ) ); structDecl->members.push_back( new ObjectDecl( "parent", noStorageClasses, LinkageSpec::Cforall, nullptr, new PointerType( noQualifiers, new TypeInstType( Type::Const, "__cfavir_type_info", false ) ), nullptr ) ); structDecl->set_body( true ); cloneAll( forallClause, structDecl->parameters ); return structDecl; } ObjectDecl * ehmTypeIdValue( const std::string & exceptionName, const std::list< Expression *> & parameters ) { StructInstType * typeIdType = new StructInstType( Type::Const, Virtual::typeIdType( exceptionName ) ); cloneAll( parameters, typeIdType->parameters ); return new ObjectDecl( Virtual::typeIdName( exceptionName ), noStorageClasses, LinkageSpec::Cforall, nullptr, typeIdType, new ListInit( { new SingleInit( new AddressExpr( new NameExpr( "__cfatid_exception_t" ) ) ) }, {}, true ), { new Attribute( "cfa_linkonce" ) } ); } StructDecl * ehmExceptionStructDecl( const std::string & exceptionName, const std::list< TypeDecl *> & forallClause ) { StructDecl * structDecl = new StructDecl( exceptionName ); cloneAll( forallClause, structDecl->parameters ); return structDecl; } StructDecl * ehmVirtualTableStruct( const std::string & exceptionName, const std::list< TypeDecl *> & forallClause, const std::list< Expression *> & parameters ) { StructInstType * typeIdType = new StructInstType( Type::Const, Virtual::typeIdType( exceptionName ) ); cloneAll( parameters, typeIdType->parameters ); ObjectDecl * typeId = new ObjectDecl( "__cfavir_typeid", noStorageClasses, LinkageSpec::Cforall, nullptr, new PointerType( noQualifiers, typeIdType ), nullptr ); ObjectDecl * size = new ObjectDecl( "size", noStorageClasses, LinkageSpec::Cforall, nullptr, new TypeInstType( noQualifiers, "size_t", false ), nullptr ); ObjectDecl * copy = new ObjectDecl( "copy", noStorageClasses, LinkageSpec::Cforall, nullptr, new PointerType( noQualifiers, makeCopyFnType( exceptionName, parameters ) ), nullptr ); ObjectDecl * dtor = new ObjectDecl( "^?{}", noStorageClasses, LinkageSpec::Cforall, nullptr, new PointerType( noQualifiers, makeDtorFnType( exceptionName, parameters ) ), nullptr ); ObjectDecl * msg = new ObjectDecl( "msg", noStorageClasses, LinkageSpec::Cforall, nullptr, new PointerType( noQualifiers, makeMsgFnType( exceptionName, parameters ) ), nullptr ); StructDecl * structDecl = new StructDecl( Virtual::vtableTypeName( exceptionName ) ); structDecl->members.push_back( typeId ); structDecl->members.push_back( size ); structDecl->members.push_back( copy ); structDecl->members.push_back( dtor ); structDecl->members.push_back( msg ); structDecl->set_body( true ); cloneAll( forallClause, structDecl->parameters ); return structDecl; } StructDecl * ehmExceptionStruct( const std::string & exceptionName, const std::list< TypeDecl *> & forallClause, const std::list< Expression *> & parameters, const std::list< Declaration *> & members ) { StructInstType * vtableType = new StructInstType( Type::Const, Virtual::vtableTypeName( exceptionName ) ); cloneAll( parameters, vtableType->parameters ); StructDecl * structDecl = new StructDecl( exceptionName ); structDecl->members = members; structDecl->members.push_front( new ObjectDecl( "virtual_table", noStorageClasses, LinkageSpec::Cforall, nullptr, new PointerType( noQualifiers, vtableType ), nullptr ) ); structDecl->set_body( true ); cloneAll( forallClause, structDecl->parameters ); return structDecl; } ObjectDecl * ehmExternVtable( const std::string & exceptionName, const std::list< Expression *> & parameters, const std::string & tableName ) { StructInstType * vtableType = new StructInstType( Type::Const, Virtual::vtableTypeName( exceptionName ) ); cloneAll( parameters, vtableType->parameters ); return new ObjectDecl( tableName, Type::Extern, LinkageSpec::Cforall, nullptr, vtableType, nullptr ); } FunctionDecl * ehmDefineCopy( const std::string & exceptionName, const std::list< Expression *> & parameters ) { return new FunctionDecl( "copy", noStorageClasses, LinkageSpec::Cforall, makeCopyFnType( exceptionName, parameters ), new CompoundStmt( { new ExprStmt( new UntypedExpr( new NameExpr( "?=?" ), { new UntypedExpr( new NameExpr( "*?" ), { new NameExpr( "this" ) } ), new UntypedExpr( new NameExpr( "*?" ), { new NameExpr( "that" ) } ) } ) ) } ) ); } FunctionDecl * ehmDefineMsg( const std::string & exceptionName, const std::list< Expression *> & parameters ) { std::stringstream msg; msg << exceptionName; if ( !parameters.empty() ) { // forall variant, add parameters msg << "("; for ( auto it = parameters.begin(); it != parameters.end(); it++ ) { ( *it )->print( msg ); if ( it + 1 == parameters.end() ) { msg << ")"; // end of list, close bracket } else { msg << ", "; // otherwise use comma as separator } } } return new FunctionDecl( "msg", noStorageClasses, LinkageSpec::Cforall, makeMsgFnType( exceptionName, parameters ), new CompoundStmt( { new ReturnStmt( new ConstantExpr( Constant::from_string( msg.str() ) ) ) } ) ); } ObjectDecl * ehmVirtualTable( const std::string & exceptionName, const std::list< Expression *> & parameters, const std::string & tableName ) { StructInstType * sizeofType = new StructInstType( noQualifiers, exceptionName ); cloneAll( parameters, sizeofType->parameters ); std::list< Initializer *> inits { new SingleInit( new AddressExpr( new NameExpr( Virtual::typeIdName( exceptionName ) ) ) ), new SingleInit( new SizeofExpr( sizeofType ) ), new SingleInit( new NameExpr( "copy" ) ), new SingleInit( new NameExpr( "^?{}" ) ), new SingleInit( new NameExpr( "msg" ) ) }; std::list< Designation *> desig { new Designation( { new NameExpr( "__cfavir_typeid" ) } ), new Designation( { new NameExpr( "size" ) } ), new Designation( { new NameExpr( "copy" ) } ), new Designation( { new NameExpr( "^?{}" ) } ), new Designation( { new NameExpr( "msg" ) } ) }; StructInstType * vtableType = new StructInstType( Type::Const, Virtual::vtableTypeName( exceptionName ) ); cloneAll( parameters, vtableType->parameters ); return new ObjectDecl( tableName, noStorageClasses, LinkageSpec::Cforall, nullptr, vtableType, new ListInit( inits, desig ) ); } class ExceptDeclCore : public WithDeclsToAdd { public: // translates exception decls Declaration * postmutate( StructDecl * structDecl ); // translates vtable decls DeclarationWithType * postmutate( ObjectDecl * objectDecl ); }; Declaration * ExceptDeclCore::postmutate( StructDecl * structDecl ) { if ( structDecl->is_exception() ) { const std::string & exceptionName = structDecl->get_name(); const std::list< TypeDecl *> & forallClause = structDecl->get_parameters(); const std::list< Expression *> & parameters = makeParameters( forallClause ); const std::list< Declaration *> & members = structDecl->get_members(); declsToAddBefore.push_back( ehmTypeIdStruct( exceptionName, forallClause ) ); if ( forallClause.empty() ) { // non-forall variant declsToAddBefore.push_back( ehmTypeIdValue( exceptionName, parameters ) ); } declsToAddBefore.push_back( ehmExceptionStructDecl( exceptionName, forallClause ) ); declsToAddBefore.push_back( ehmVirtualTableStruct( exceptionName, forallClause, parameters ) ); return ehmExceptionStruct( exceptionName, forallClause, parameters, members ); } return structDecl; } DeclarationWithType * ExceptDeclCore::postmutate( ObjectDecl * objectDecl ) { // Check if it is VTableType VTableType * vtableType = dynamic_cast< VTableType *>( objectDecl->get_type() ); if ( vtableType ) { TypeInstType * base = dynamic_cast< TypeInstType *>( vtableType->get_base() ); assert( base ); // should be a TypeInstType const std::string & exceptionName = base->get_name(); const std::string & tableName = objectDecl->get_name(); const std::list< Expression *> parameters = base->get_parameters(); if ( objectDecl->get_storageClasses().is_extern ) { // if extern return ehmExternVtable( exceptionName, parameters, tableName ); } // else, non-extern if ( !parameters.empty() ) { // forall variant declsToAddBefore.push_back( ehmTypeIdValue( exceptionName, parameters ) ); } declsToAddBefore.push_back( ehmDefineCopy( exceptionName, parameters ) ); declsToAddBefore.push_back( ehmDefineMsg( exceptionName, parameters ) ); return ehmVirtualTable( exceptionName, parameters, tableName ); } return objectDecl; } void translateExcept( std::list< Declaration *> & translationUnit ) { PassVisitor translator; mutateAll( translationUnit, translator ); } }