// // Cforall Version 1.0.0 Copyright (C) 2016 University of Waterloo // // The contents of this file are covered under the licence agreement in the // file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall. // // Waitfor.cc -- // // Author : Thierry Delisle // Created On : Mon Aug 28 11:06:52 2017 // Last Modified By : // Last Modified On : // Update Count : 5 // #include "Concurrency/Keywords.h" #include // for assert #include // for string, operator== using namespace std::string_literals; #include "Common/PassVisitor.h" // for PassVisitor #include "Common/SemanticError.h" // for SemanticError #include "Common/utility.h" // for deleteAll, map_range #include "CodeGen/OperatorTable.h" // for isConstructor #include "InitTweak/InitTweak.h" // for getPointerBase #include "Parser/LinkageSpec.h" // for Cforall #include "ResolvExpr/Resolver.h" // for findVoidExpression #include "SynTree/Constant.h" // for Constant #include "SynTree/Declaration.h" // for StructDecl, FunctionDecl, ObjectDecl #include "SynTree/Expression.h" // for VariableExpr, ConstantExpr, Untype... #include "SynTree/Initializer.h" // for SingleInit, ListInit, Initializer ... #include "SynTree/Label.h" // for Label #include "SynTree/Statement.h" // for CompoundStmt, DeclStmt, ExprStmt #include "SynTree/Type.h" // for StructInstType, Type, PointerType #include "SynTree/Visitor.h" // for Visitor, acceptAll class Attribute; /* void foo() { while( true ) { when( a < 1 ) waitfor( f, a ) { bar(); } or timeout( swagl() ); or waitfor( g, a ) { baz(); } or waitfor( ^?{}, a ) { break; } or waitfor( ^?{} ) { break; } } } void f(int i, float f, A & mutex b, struct foo * ); void f(int ); | | | | | | | | | | \ | | / \ / \ / \/ void foo() { while( true ) { acceptable_t acceptables[3]; if( a < 1 ) { acceptables[0].func = f; acceptables[0].mon = a; } acceptables[1].func = g; acceptables[1].mon = a; acceptables[2].func = f; acceptables[2].mon = a; acceptables[2].is_dtor = true; int ret = waitfor_internal( acceptables, swagl() ); switch( ret ) { case 0: { bar(); } case 1: { baz(); } case 2: signal(a); { break; } } } }*/ namespace Concurrency { //============================================================================================= // Pass declarations //============================================================================================= class GenerateWaitForPass final : public WithIndexer { public: void premutate( FunctionDecl * decl ); void premutate( StructDecl * decl ); Statement * postmutate( WaitForStmt * stmt ); static void generate( std::list< Declaration * > & translationUnit ) { PassVisitor< GenerateWaitForPass > impl; acceptAll( translationUnit, impl ); } ObjectDecl * declare( unsigned long count, CompoundStmt * stmt ); ObjectDecl * declareFlag( CompoundStmt * stmt ); Statement * makeSetter( ObjectDecl * flag ); ObjectDecl * declMon( WaitForStmt::Clause & clause, CompoundStmt * stmt ); void init( ObjectDecl * acceptables, int index, WaitForStmt::Clause & clause, Statement * settter, CompoundStmt * stmt ); Expression * init_timeout( Expression *& time, Expression *& time_cond, bool has_else, Expression *& else_cond, Statement * settter, CompoundStmt * stmt ); Expression * call(size_t count, ObjectDecl * acceptables, Expression * timeout, CompoundStmt * stmt); void choose( WaitForStmt * waitfor, Expression * result, CompoundStmt * stmt ); static void implement( std::list< Declaration * > & translationUnit ) { PassVisitor< GenerateWaitForPass > impl; mutateAll( translationUnit, impl ); } private: FunctionDecl * decl_waitfor = nullptr; StructDecl * decl_mask = nullptr; StructDecl * decl_acceptable = nullptr; StructDecl * decl_monitor = nullptr; UniqueName namer_acc = "__acceptables_"s; UniqueName namer_idx = "__index_"s; UniqueName namer_flg = "__do_run_"s; UniqueName namer_msk = "__mask_"s; UniqueName namer_mon = "__monitors_"s; UniqueName namer_tim = "__timeout_"s; }; //============================================================================================= // General entry routine //============================================================================================= void generateWaitFor( std::list< Declaration * > & translationUnit ) { GenerateWaitForPass ::implement( translationUnit ); } //============================================================================================= // Generic helper routine //============================================================================================= namespace { Expression * makeOpIndex( DeclarationWithType * array, unsigned long index ) { return new UntypedExpr( new NameExpr( "?[?]" ), { new VariableExpr( array ), new ConstantExpr( Constant::from_ulong( index ) ) } ); } Expression * makeOpAssign( Expression * lhs, Expression * rhs ) { return new UntypedExpr( new NameExpr( "?=?" ), { lhs, rhs } ); } Expression * makeOpMember( Expression * sue, const std::string & mem ) { return new UntypedMemberExpr( new NameExpr( mem ), sue ); } Statement * makeAccStatement( DeclarationWithType * object, unsigned long index, const std::string & member, Expression * value, const SymTab::Indexer & indexer ) { Expression * expr = makeOpAssign( makeOpMember( makeOpIndex( object, index ), member ), value ); ResolvExpr::findVoidExpression( expr, indexer ); return new ExprStmt( expr ); } Expression * safeCond( Expression * expr, bool ifnull = true ) { if( expr ) return expr; return new ConstantExpr( Constant::from_bool( ifnull ) ); } VariableExpr * extractVariable( Expression * func ) { if( VariableExpr * var = dynamic_cast< VariableExpr * >( func ) ) { return var; } CastExpr * cast = strict_dynamic_cast< CastExpr * >( func ); return strict_dynamic_cast< VariableExpr * >( cast->arg ); } Expression * detectIsDtor( Expression * func ) { VariableExpr * typed_func = extractVariable( func ); bool is_dtor = InitTweak::isDestructor( typed_func->var ); return new ConstantExpr( Constant::from_bool( is_dtor ) ); } }; //============================================================================================= // Generate waitfor implementation //============================================================================================= void GenerateWaitForPass::premutate( FunctionDecl * decl) { if( decl->name != "__waitfor_internal" ) return; decl_waitfor = decl; } void GenerateWaitForPass::premutate( StructDecl * decl ) { if( ! decl->body ) return; if( decl->name == "__acceptable_t" ) { assert( !decl_acceptable ); decl_acceptable = decl; } else if( decl->name == "__waitfor_mask_t" ) { assert( !decl_mask ); decl_mask = decl; } else if( decl->name == "monitor_desc" ) { assert( !decl_monitor ); decl_monitor = decl; } } Statement * GenerateWaitForPass::postmutate( WaitForStmt * waitfor ) { if( !decl_monitor || !decl_acceptable || !decl_mask ) SemanticError( waitfor, "waitfor keyword requires monitors to be in scope, add #include " ); CompoundStmt * stmt = new CompoundStmt(); ObjectDecl * acceptables = declare( waitfor->clauses.size(), stmt ); ObjectDecl * flag = declareFlag( stmt ); Statement * setter = makeSetter( flag ); int index = 0; for( auto & clause : waitfor->clauses ) { init( acceptables, index, clause, setter, stmt ); index++; } Expression * timeout = init_timeout( waitfor->timeout.time, waitfor->timeout.condition, waitfor->orelse .statement, waitfor->orelse .condition, setter, stmt ); CompoundStmt * compound = new CompoundStmt(); stmt->push_back( new IfStmt( safeCond( new VariableExpr( flag ) ), compound, nullptr )); Expression * result = call( waitfor->clauses.size(), acceptables, timeout, compound ); choose( waitfor, result, compound ); return stmt; } ObjectDecl * GenerateWaitForPass::declare( unsigned long count, CompoundStmt * stmt ) { ObjectDecl * acceptables = ObjectDecl::newObject( namer_acc.newName(), new ArrayType( noQualifiers, new StructInstType( noQualifiers, decl_acceptable ), new ConstantExpr( Constant::from_ulong( count ) ), false, false ), nullptr ); stmt->push_back( new DeclStmt( acceptables) ); Expression * set = new UntypedExpr( new NameExpr( "__builtin_memset" ), { new VariableExpr( acceptables ), new ConstantExpr( Constant::from_int( 0 ) ), new SizeofExpr( new VariableExpr( acceptables ) ) } ); ResolvExpr::findVoidExpression( set, indexer ); stmt->push_back( new ExprStmt( set ) ); return acceptables; } ObjectDecl * GenerateWaitForPass::declareFlag( CompoundStmt * stmt ) { ObjectDecl * flag = ObjectDecl::newObject( namer_flg.newName(), new BasicType( noQualifiers, BasicType::Bool ), new SingleInit( new ConstantExpr( Constant::from_ulong( 0 ) ) ) ); stmt->push_back( new DeclStmt( flag) ); return flag; } Statement * GenerateWaitForPass::makeSetter( ObjectDecl * flag ) { Expression * expr = new UntypedExpr( new NameExpr( "?=?" ), { new VariableExpr( flag ), new ConstantExpr( Constant::from_ulong( 1 ) ) } ); ResolvExpr::findVoidExpression( expr, indexer ); return new ExprStmt( expr ); } ObjectDecl * GenerateWaitForPass::declMon( WaitForStmt::Clause & clause, CompoundStmt * stmt ) { ObjectDecl * mon = ObjectDecl::newObject( namer_mon.newName(), new ArrayType( noQualifiers, new PointerType( noQualifiers, new StructInstType( noQualifiers, decl_monitor ) ), new ConstantExpr( Constant::from_ulong( clause.target.arguments.size() ) ), false, false ), new ListInit( map_range < std::list > ( clause.target.arguments, [this](Expression * expr ){ Expression * init = new CastExpr( new UntypedExpr( new NameExpr( "get_monitor" ), { expr } ), new PointerType( noQualifiers, new StructInstType( noQualifiers, decl_monitor ) ) ); ResolvExpr::findSingleExpression( init, indexer ); return new SingleInit( init ); }) ) ); stmt->push_back( new DeclStmt( mon) ); return mon; } void GenerateWaitForPass::init( ObjectDecl * acceptables, int index, WaitForStmt::Clause & clause, Statement * setter, CompoundStmt * stmt ) { ObjectDecl * monitors = declMon( clause, stmt ); Type * fptr_t = new PointerType( noQualifiers, new FunctionType( noQualifiers, true ) ); stmt->push_back( new IfStmt( safeCond( clause.condition ), new CompoundStmt({ makeAccStatement( acceptables, index, "is_dtor", detectIsDtor( clause.target.function ) , indexer ), makeAccStatement( acceptables, index, "func" , new CastExpr( clause.target.function, fptr_t ) , indexer ), makeAccStatement( acceptables, index, "data" , new VariableExpr( monitors ) , indexer ), makeAccStatement( acceptables, index, "size" , new ConstantExpr( Constant::from_ulong( clause.target.arguments.size() ) ), indexer ), setter->clone() }), nullptr )); clause.target.function = nullptr; clause.target.arguments.empty(); clause.condition = nullptr; } Expression * GenerateWaitForPass::init_timeout( Expression *& time, Expression *& time_cond, bool has_else, Expression *& else_cond, Statement * setter, CompoundStmt * stmt ) { ObjectDecl * timeout = ObjectDecl::newObject( namer_tim.newName(), new BasicType( noQualifiers, BasicType::LongLongUnsignedInt ), new SingleInit( new ConstantExpr( Constant::from_int( -1 ) ) ) ); stmt->push_back( new DeclStmt( timeout ) ); if( time ) { stmt->push_back( new IfStmt( safeCond( time_cond ), new CompoundStmt({ new ExprStmt( makeOpAssign( new VariableExpr( timeout ), time ) ), setter->clone() }), nullptr )); time = time_cond = nullptr; } if( has_else ) { stmt->push_back( new IfStmt( safeCond( else_cond ), new CompoundStmt({ new ExprStmt( makeOpAssign( new VariableExpr( timeout ), new ConstantExpr( Constant::from_ulong( 0 ) ) ) ), setter->clone() }), nullptr )); else_cond = nullptr; } return new VariableExpr( timeout ); } Expression * GenerateWaitForPass::call( size_t count, ObjectDecl * acceptables, Expression * timeout, CompoundStmt * stmt ) { ObjectDecl * index = ObjectDecl::newObject( namer_idx.newName(), new BasicType( noQualifiers, BasicType::ShortSignedInt ), new SingleInit( new ConstantExpr( Constant::from_int( -1 ) ) ) ); stmt->push_back( new DeclStmt( index ) ); ObjectDecl * mask = ObjectDecl::newObject( namer_msk.newName(), new StructInstType( noQualifiers, decl_mask ), new ListInit({ new SingleInit( new AddressExpr( new VariableExpr( index ) ) ), new ListInit({ new SingleInit( new VariableExpr( acceptables ) ), new SingleInit( new ConstantExpr( Constant::from_ulong( count ) ) ) }) }) ); stmt->push_back( new DeclStmt( mask ) ); stmt->push_back( new ExprStmt( new ApplicationExpr( VariableExpr::functionPointer( decl_waitfor ), { new CastExpr( new VariableExpr( mask ), new ReferenceType( noQualifiers, new StructInstType( noQualifiers, decl_mask ) ) ), timeout } ) )); return new VariableExpr( index ); } void GenerateWaitForPass::choose( WaitForStmt * waitfor, Expression * result, CompoundStmt * stmt ) { SwitchStmt * swtch = new SwitchStmt( result, std::list() ); unsigned long i = 0; for( auto & clause : waitfor->clauses ) { swtch->statements.push_back( new CaseStmt( new ConstantExpr( Constant::from_ulong( i++ ) ), { clause.statement, new BranchStmt( "", BranchStmt::Break ) } ) ); } if(waitfor->timeout.statement) { swtch->statements.push_back( new CaseStmt( new ConstantExpr( Constant::from_int( -2 ) ), { waitfor->timeout.statement, new BranchStmt( "", BranchStmt::Break ) } ) ); } if(waitfor->orelse.statement) { swtch->statements.push_back( new CaseStmt( new ConstantExpr( Constant::from_int( -1 ) ), { waitfor->orelse.statement, new BranchStmt( "", BranchStmt::Break ) } ) ); } stmt->push_back( swtch ); } }; // Local Variables: // // mode: c // // tab-width: 4 // // End: //