// // Cforall Version 1.0.0 Copyright (C) 2015 University of Waterloo // // The contents of this file are covered under the licence agreement in the // file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall. // // Corun.cpp -- generate code needed by the actor system // // Author : Colby Parsons // Created On : Monday October 9 15:16:42 2023 // Last Modified By : Colby Parsons // Last Modified On : Monday October 9 15:16:42 2023 // Update Count : 0 // #include "AST/Decl.hpp" #include "AST/Expr.hpp" #include "AST/Pass.hpp" #include "AST/Stmt.hpp" #include "AST/TranslationUnit.hpp" #include "Common/UniqueName.h" using namespace ast; using namespace std; namespace Concurrency { struct CorunKeyword : public WithDeclsToAdd<>, public WithStmtsToAdd<> { UniqueName CorunFnNamer = "__CFA_corun_lambda_"s; UniqueName CoforFnNamer = "__CFA_cofor_lambda_"s; // UniqueName CoforFnVarNamer = "__CFA_cofor_lambda_var"s; UniqueName RunnerBlockNamer = "__CFA_corun_block_"s; string coforArgName = "__CFA_cofor_lambda_arg"; string numProcsName = "__CFA_cofor_num_procs"; string currProcsName = "__CFA_cofor_curr_procs"; string thdArrName = "__CFA_cofor_thread_array"; string loopTempName = "__CFA_cofor_loop_temp"; const StructDecl * runnerBlockDecl = nullptr; const StructDecl * coforRunnerDecl = nullptr; // Finds runner_block (corun task) and cofor_runner (cofor task) decls void previsit( const StructDecl * decl ) { if ( !decl->body ) { return; } else if ( "runner_block" == decl->name ) { assert( !runnerBlockDecl ); runnerBlockDecl = decl; } else if ( "cofor_runner" == decl->name ) { assert( !coforRunnerDecl ); coforRunnerDecl = decl; } } // codegen for cofor statements Stmt * postvisit( const CoforStmt * stmt ) { if ( !runnerBlockDecl || !coforRunnerDecl ) SemanticError( stmt->location, "To use cofor statements add #include \n" ); if ( stmt->inits.size() != 1 ) SemanticError( stmt->location, "Cofor statements must have a single initializer in the loop control\n" ); if ( !stmt->body ) return nullptr; const CodeLocation & loc = stmt->location; const string fnName = CoforFnNamer.newName(); CompoundStmt * body = new CompoundStmt( loc ); // push back cofor initializer to generated body body->push_back( deepCopy( stmt->inits.at(0) ) ); CompoundStmt * fnBody = new CompoundStmt( loc ); const DeclStmt * declStmtPtr = dynamic_cast(stmt->inits.at(0).get()); if ( ! declStmtPtr ) SemanticError( stmt->location, "Cofor statement initializer is somehow not a decl statement?\n" ); const Decl * declPtr = dynamic_cast(declStmtPtr->decl.get()); if ( ! declPtr ) SemanticError( stmt->location, "Cofor statement initializer is somehow not a decl?\n" ); Type * initType = new TypeofType( new NameExpr( loc, declPtr->name ) ); // Generates: // typeof(init) __CFA_cofor_lambda_var = *((typeof(init) *)val); fnBody->push_back( new DeclStmt( loc, new ObjectDecl( loc, declPtr->name, initType, new SingleInit( loc, UntypedExpr::createDeref( loc, new CastExpr( loc, new NameExpr( loc, coforArgName ), new PointerType( initType ), ExplicitCast ) ) ) ) )); // push rest of cofor body into loop lambda fnBody->push_back( deepCopy( stmt->body ) ); // Generates: // void __CFA_cofor_lambda_() { // typeof(init) __CFA_cofor_lambda_var = *((typeof(init) *)val); // stmt->body; // } Stmt * coforLambda = new DeclStmt( loc, new FunctionDecl( loc, fnName, // name {}, // forall { new ObjectDecl( loc, coforArgName, new ast::PointerType( new ast::VoidType() ) ) }, // params {}, // return fnBody // body ) ); body->push_back( coforLambda ); // Generates: // unsigned __CFA_cofor_num_procs = get_proc_count(); body->push_back( new DeclStmt( loc, new ObjectDecl( loc, numProcsName, new BasicType( BasicType::Kind::UnsignedInt ), new SingleInit( loc, new UntypedExpr( loc, new NameExpr( loc, "get_proc_count" ), {} ) ) ) ) ); // Generates: // unsigned __CFA_cofor_curr_procs = 0; body->push_back( new DeclStmt( loc, new ObjectDecl( loc, currProcsName, new BasicType( BasicType::Kind::UnsignedInt ), new SingleInit( loc, ConstantExpr::from_int( loc, 0 ) ) ) ) ); // Generates: // unsigned cofor_runner __CFA_cofor_thread_array[nprocs]; body->push_back( new DeclStmt( loc, new ObjectDecl( loc, thdArrName, new ast::ArrayType( new StructInstType( coforRunnerDecl ), new NameExpr( loc, numProcsName ), ast::FixedLen, ast::DynamicDim ) ) ) ); // Generates: // start_runners( __CFA_cofor_thread_array, __CFA_cofor_num_procs, __CFA_cofor_lambda_ ); body->push_back( new ExprStmt( loc, new UntypedExpr( loc, new NameExpr( loc, "start_runners" ), { new NameExpr( loc, thdArrName ), new NameExpr( loc, numProcsName ), new NameExpr( loc, fnName ) } ) )); // Generates: // typeof(initializer) * __CFA_cofor_loop_temp = malloc(); CompoundStmt * forLoopBody = new CompoundStmt( loc ); forLoopBody->push_back( new DeclStmt( loc, new ObjectDecl( loc, loopTempName, new PointerType( initType ), new SingleInit( loc, new UntypedExpr( loc, new NameExpr( loc, "malloc" ), {} ) ) ) ) ); // Generates: // *__CFA_cofor_loop_temp = initializer; forLoopBody->push_back( new ExprStmt( loc, UntypedExpr::createAssign( loc, UntypedExpr::createDeref( loc, new NameExpr( loc, loopTempName ) ), new NameExpr( loc, declPtr->name ) ) )); // Generates: // send_work( __CFA_cofor_thread_array, __CFA_cofor_num_procs, // __CFA_cofor_curr_procs, __CFA_cofor_loop_temp ); forLoopBody->push_back( new ExprStmt( loc, new UntypedExpr( loc, new NameExpr( loc, "send_work" ), { new NameExpr( loc, thdArrName ), new NameExpr( loc, numProcsName ), new NameExpr( loc, currProcsName ), new NameExpr( loc, loopTempName ) } ) )); body->push_back( new ForStmt( loc, {}, deepCopy( stmt->cond ), deepCopy( stmt->inc ), forLoopBody )); // Generates: // end_runners( __CFA_cofor_thread_array, __CFA_cofor_num_procs ); body->push_back( new ExprStmt( loc, new UntypedExpr( loc, new NameExpr( loc, "end_runners" ), { new NameExpr( loc, thdArrName ), new NameExpr( loc, numProcsName ) } ) )); return body; } // codegen for corun statements Stmt * postvisit( const CorunStmt * stmt ) { if ( !runnerBlockDecl || !coforRunnerDecl ) SemanticError( stmt->location, "To use corun statements add #include \n" ); if ( !stmt->stmt ) return nullptr; const CodeLocation & loc = stmt->location; const string fnName = CorunFnNamer.newName(); const string objName = RunnerBlockNamer.newName(); // Generates: // void __CFA_corun_lambda_() { ... stmt->stmt ... } Stmt * runnerLambda = new DeclStmt( loc, new FunctionDecl( loc, fnName, // name {}, // forall {}, // params {}, // return new CompoundStmt( loc, { deepCopy(stmt->stmt) } ) // body ) ); // Generates: // runner_block __CFA_corun_block_; Stmt * objDecl = new DeclStmt( loc, new ObjectDecl( loc, objName, new StructInstType( runnerBlockDecl ) ) ); // Generates: // __CFA_corun_block_{ __CFA_corun_lambda_ }; Stmt * threadStart = new ExprStmt( loc, new UntypedExpr ( loc, new NameExpr( loc, "?{}" ), { new NameExpr( loc, objName ), new NameExpr( loc, fnName ) } ) ); stmtsToAddBefore.push_back( runnerLambda ); stmtsToAddBefore.push_back( objDecl ); return threadStart; } }; void implementCorun( TranslationUnit & translationUnit ) { Pass::run( translationUnit ); } } // namespace Concurrency