// // Cforall Version 1.0.0 Copyright (C) 2015 University of Waterloo // // The contents of this file are covered under the licence agreement in the // file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall. // // Actors.cpp -- generate code needed by the actor system // // Author : Colby Parsons // Created On : Thurs Jan 19 15:34:00 2023 // Last Modified By : Colby Parsons // Last Modified On : Thurs Jan 19 15:34:00 2023 // Update Count : 0 // #include "AST/Print.hpp" #include "AST/Decl.hpp" #include "AST/Pass.hpp" #include "AST/Type.hpp" #include "AST/Stmt.hpp" #include "AST/TranslationUnit.hpp" #include "AST/Expr.hpp" #include using namespace ast; using namespace std; namespace Concurrency { struct CollectactorStructDecls : public ast::WithGuards { unordered_set & actorStructDecls; unordered_set & messageStructDecls; const StructDecl ** requestDecl; const EnumDecl ** allocationDecl; const StructDecl ** actorDecl; const StructDecl ** msgDecl; StructDecl * parentDecl; bool insideStruct = false; bool namedDecl = false; // finds and sets a ptr to the Allocation enum, which is needed in the next pass void previsit( const EnumDecl * decl ) { if( decl->name == "Allocation" ) *allocationDecl = decl; } // finds and sets a ptr to the actor, message, and request structs, which are needed in the next pass void previsit( const StructDecl * decl ) { GuardValue(insideStruct); insideStruct = true; parentDecl = mutate( decl ); if( decl->name == "actor" ) *actorDecl = decl; if( decl->name == "message" ) *msgDecl = decl; if( decl->name == "request" ) *requestDecl = decl; } // this catches structs of the form: // struct dummy_actor { actor a; }; // since they should be: // struct dummy_actor { inline actor; }; void previsit ( const ObjectDecl * decl ) { if ( insideStruct && ! decl->name.empty() ) { GuardValue(namedDecl); namedDecl = true; } } // this collects the valid actor and message struct decl pts void postvisit( const StructInstType * node ) { if ( ! *actorDecl || ! *msgDecl ) return; if ( insideStruct && !namedDecl ) { if ( node->aggr() == *actorDecl ) { actorStructDecls.insert( parentDecl ); } else if ( node->aggr() == *msgDecl ) { messageStructDecls.insert( parentDecl ); } } } public: CollectactorStructDecls( unordered_set & actorStructDecls, unordered_set & messageStructDecls, const StructDecl ** requestDecl, const EnumDecl ** allocationDecl, const StructDecl ** actorDecl, const StructDecl ** msgDecl ) : actorStructDecls( actorStructDecls ), messageStructDecls( messageStructDecls ), requestDecl( requestDecl ), allocationDecl( allocationDecl ), actorDecl(actorDecl), msgDecl(msgDecl) {} }; // keeps track of all fwdDecls of message routines so that we can hoist them to right after the appropriate decls class FwdDeclTable { // tracks which decls we have seen so that we can hoist the FunctionDecl to the highest point possible struct FwdDeclData { const StructDecl * actorDecl; const StructDecl * msgDecl; FunctionDecl * fwdDecl; bool actorFound; bool msgFound; bool readyToInsert() { return actorFound && msgFound; } bool foundActor() { actorFound = true; return readyToInsert(); } bool foundMsg() { msgFound = true; return readyToInsert(); } FwdDeclData( const StructDecl * actorDecl, const StructDecl * msgDecl, FunctionDecl * fwdDecl ) : actorDecl(actorDecl), msgDecl(msgDecl), fwdDecl(fwdDecl), actorFound(false), msgFound(false) {} }; // map indexed by actor struct ptr // value is map of all FwdDeclData that contains said actor struct ptr // inner map is indexed by the message struct ptr of FwdDeclData unordered_map> actorMap; // this map is the same except the outer map is indexed by message ptr and the inner is indexed by actor ptr unordered_map> msgMap; void insert( const StructDecl * decl, const StructDecl * otherDecl, unordered_map> & map, FwdDeclData * data ) { auto iter = map.find( decl ); if ( iter != map.end() ) { // if decl exists in map append data to existing inner map iter->second.emplace( make_pair( otherDecl, data ) ); } else { // else create inner map for key map.emplace( make_pair( decl, unordered_map( { make_pair( otherDecl, data ) } ) ) ); } } public: // insert decl into table so that we can fwd declare it later (average cost: O(1)) void insertDecl( const StructDecl * actorDecl, const StructDecl * msgDecl, FunctionDecl * fwdDecl ) { FwdDeclData * declToInsert = new FwdDeclData( actorDecl, msgDecl, fwdDecl ); insert( actorDecl, msgDecl, actorMap, declToInsert ); insert( msgDecl, actorDecl, msgMap, declToInsert ); } // returns list of decls to insert after current struct decl // Over the entire pass the runtime of this routine is O(r) where r is the # of receive routines list updateDecl( const StructDecl * decl, bool isMsg ) { unordered_map> & map = isMsg ? msgMap : actorMap; unordered_map> & otherMap = isMsg ? actorMap : msgMap; auto iter = map.find( decl ); list toInsertAfter; // this is populated with decls that are ready to insert if ( iter == map.end() ) return toInsertAfter; // iterate over inner map unordered_map & currInnerMap = iter->second; for ( auto innerIter = currInnerMap.begin(); innerIter != currInnerMap.end(); ) { FwdDeclData * currentDatum = innerIter->second; bool readyToInsert = isMsg ? currentDatum->foundMsg() : currentDatum->foundActor(); if ( ! readyToInsert ) { ++innerIter; continue; } // readyToInsert is true so we are good to insert the forward decl of the message fn toInsertAfter.push_back( currentDatum->fwdDecl ); // need to remove from other map before deleting // find inner map in other map ( other map is actor map if original is msg map and vice versa ) const StructDecl * otherDecl = isMsg ? currentDatum->actorDecl : currentDatum->msgDecl; auto otherMapIter = otherMap.find( otherDecl ); unordered_map & otherInnerMap = otherMapIter->second; // find the FwdDeclData we need to remove in the other inner map auto otherInnerIter = otherInnerMap.find( decl ); // remove references to deleted FwdDeclData from current inner map innerIter = currInnerMap.erase( innerIter ); // this does the increment so no explicit inc needed // remove references to deleted FwdDeclData from other inner map otherInnerMap.erase( otherInnerIter ); // if other inner map is now empty, remove key from other outer map if ( otherInnerMap.empty() ) otherMap.erase( otherDecl ); // now we are safe to delete the FwdDeclData since we are done with it // and we have removed all references to it from our data structures delete currentDatum; } // if current inner map is now empty, remove key from outer map. // Have to do this after iterating for safety if ( currInnerMap.empty() ) map.erase( decl ); return toInsertAfter; } }; #define __ALLOC 0 // C_TODO: complete swap to no-alloc version struct GenReceiveDecls : public ast::WithDeclsToAdd<> { unordered_set & actorStructDecls; unordered_set & messageStructDecls; const StructDecl ** requestDecl; const EnumDecl ** allocationDecl; const StructDecl ** actorDecl; const StructDecl ** msgDecl; FwdDeclTable & forwardDecls; void postvisit( const FunctionDecl * decl ) { // return if not of the form receive( param1, param2 ) or if it is a forward decl if ( decl->name != "receive" || decl->params.size() != 2 || !decl->stmts ) return; // the params should be references const ReferenceType * derivedActorRef = dynamic_cast(decl->params.at(0)->get_type()); const ReferenceType * derivedMsgRef = dynamic_cast(decl->params.at(1)->get_type()); if ( !derivedActorRef || !derivedMsgRef ) return; // the references should be to struct instances const StructInstType * arg1InstType = dynamic_cast(derivedActorRef->base.get()); const StructInstType * arg2InstType = dynamic_cast(derivedMsgRef->base.get()); if ( !arg1InstType || !arg2InstType ) return; // If the struct instances are derived actor and message types then generate the message send routine auto actorIter = actorStructDecls.find( arg1InstType->aggr() ); auto messageIter = messageStructDecls.find( arg2InstType->aggr() ); if ( actorIter != actorStructDecls.end() && messageIter != messageStructDecls.end() ) { // check that we have found all the decls we need from if ( !*allocationDecl || !*requestDecl ) SemanticError( decl->location, "using actors requires a header, add #include \n" ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The following generates this send message operator routine for all receive(derived_actor &, derived_msg &) functions /* static inline derived_actor & ?|?( derived_actor & receiver, derived_msg & msg ) { request * new_req = alloc(); Allocation (*my_work_fn)( derived_actor &, derived_msg & ) = receive; __receive_fn fn = (__receive_fn)my_work_fn; (*new_req){ &receiver, &msg, fn }; send( receiver, *new_req ); return receiver; } */ // C_TODO: update this with new no alloc version CompoundStmt * sendBody = new CompoundStmt( decl->location ); #if __ALLOC // Generates: request * new_req = alloc(); sendBody->push_back( new DeclStmt( decl->location, new ObjectDecl( decl->location, "new_req", new PointerType( new StructInstType( *requestDecl ) ), new SingleInit( decl->location, new UntypedExpr( decl->location, new NameExpr( decl->location, "alloc" ), {} ) ) ) )); #else // Generates: request new_req; sendBody->push_back( new DeclStmt( decl->location, new ObjectDecl( decl->location, "new_req", new StructInstType( *requestDecl ) ) )); #endif // Function type is: Allocation (*)( derived_actor &, derived_msg & ) FunctionType * derivedReceive = new FunctionType(); derivedReceive->params.push_back( ast::deepCopy( derivedActorRef ) ); derivedReceive->params.push_back( ast::deepCopy( derivedMsgRef ) ); derivedReceive->returns.push_back( new EnumInstType( *allocationDecl ) ); // Generates: Allocation (*my_work_fn)( derived_actor &, derived_msg & ) = receive; sendBody->push_back( new DeclStmt( decl->location, new ObjectDecl( decl->location, "my_work_fn", new PointerType( derivedReceive ), new SingleInit( decl->location, new NameExpr( decl->location, "receive" ) ) ) )); // Function type is: Allocation (*)( actor &, messsage & ) FunctionType * genericReceive = new FunctionType(); genericReceive->params.push_back( new ReferenceType( new StructInstType( *actorDecl ) ) ); genericReceive->params.push_back( new ReferenceType( new StructInstType( *msgDecl ) ) ); genericReceive->returns.push_back( new EnumInstType( *allocationDecl ) ); // Generates: Allocation (*fn)( actor &, messsage & ) = (Allocation (*)( actor &, messsage & ))my_work_fn; // More readable synonymous code: // typedef Allocation (*__receive_fn)(actor &, message &); // __receive_fn fn = (__receive_fn)my_work_fn; sendBody->push_back( new DeclStmt( decl->location, new ObjectDecl( decl->location, "fn", new PointerType( genericReceive ), new SingleInit( decl->location, new CastExpr( decl->location, new NameExpr( decl->location, "my_work_fn" ), new PointerType( genericReceive ), ExplicitCast ) ) ) )); #if __ALLOC // Generates: (*new_req){ &receiver, &msg, fn }; sendBody->push_back( new ExprStmt( decl->location, new UntypedExpr ( decl->location, new NameExpr( decl->location, "?{}" ), { new UntypedExpr( decl->location, new NameExpr( decl->location, "*?" ), { new NameExpr( decl->location, "new_req" ) } ), new AddressExpr( new NameExpr( decl->location, "receiver" ) ), new AddressExpr( new NameExpr( decl->location, "msg" ) ), new NameExpr( decl->location, "fn" ) } ) )); // Generates: send( receiver, *new_req ); sendBody->push_back( new ExprStmt( decl->location, new UntypedExpr ( decl->location, new NameExpr( decl->location, "send" ), { { new NameExpr( decl->location, "receiver" ), new UntypedExpr( decl->location, new NameExpr( decl->location, "*?" ), { new NameExpr( decl->location, "new_req" ) } ) } } ) )); #else // Generates: new_req{ &receiver, &msg, fn }; sendBody->push_back( new ExprStmt( decl->location, new UntypedExpr ( decl->location, new NameExpr( decl->location, "?{}" ), { new NameExpr( decl->location, "new_req" ), new AddressExpr( new NameExpr( decl->location, "receiver" ) ), new AddressExpr( new NameExpr( decl->location, "msg" ) ), new NameExpr( decl->location, "fn" ) } ) )); // Generates: send( receiver, new_req ); sendBody->push_back( new ExprStmt( decl->location, new UntypedExpr ( decl->location, new NameExpr( decl->location, "send" ), { { new NameExpr( decl->location, "receiver" ), new NameExpr( decl->location, "new_req" ) } } ) )); #endif // Generates: return receiver; sendBody->push_back( new ReturnStmt( decl->location, new NameExpr( decl->location, "receiver" ) ) ); // put it all together into the complete function decl from above FunctionDecl * sendOperatorFunction = new FunctionDecl( decl->location, "?|?", {}, // forall { new ObjectDecl( decl->location, "receiver", ast::deepCopy( derivedActorRef ) ), new ObjectDecl( decl->location, "msg", ast::deepCopy( derivedMsgRef ) ) }, // params { new ObjectDecl( decl->location, "receiver_ret", ast::deepCopy( derivedActorRef ) ) }, nullptr, // body { Storage::Static }, // storage Linkage::Cforall, // linkage {}, // attributes { Function::Inline } ); // forward decls to resolve use before decl problem for '|' routines forwardDecls.insertDecl( *actorIter, *messageIter , ast::deepCopy( sendOperatorFunction ) ); // forwardDecls.push_back( ast::deepCopy( sendOperatorFunction ) ); sendOperatorFunction->stmts = sendBody; declsToAddAfter.push_back( sendOperatorFunction ); } } public: GenReceiveDecls( unordered_set & actorStructDecls, unordered_set & messageStructDecls, const StructDecl ** requestDecl, const EnumDecl ** allocationDecl, const StructDecl ** actorDecl, const StructDecl ** msgDecl, FwdDeclTable & forwardDecls ) : actorStructDecls(actorStructDecls), messageStructDecls(messageStructDecls), requestDecl(requestDecl), allocationDecl(allocationDecl), actorDecl(actorDecl), msgDecl(msgDecl), forwardDecls(forwardDecls) {} }; struct GenFwdDecls : public ast::WithDeclsToAdd<> { unordered_set & actorStructDecls; unordered_set & messageStructDecls; FwdDeclTable & forwardDecls; void postvisit( const StructDecl * decl ) { list toAddAfter; auto actorIter = actorStructDecls.find( decl ); if ( actorIter != actorStructDecls.end() ) { // this is a derived actor decl // get list of fwd decls that we can now insert toAddAfter = forwardDecls.updateDecl( decl, false ); // get rid of decl from actorStructDecls since we no longer need it actorStructDecls.erase( actorIter ); } else { auto messageIter = messageStructDecls.find( decl ); if ( messageIter == messageStructDecls.end() ) return; toAddAfter = forwardDecls.updateDecl( decl, true ); // get rid of decl from messageStructDecls since we no longer need it messageStructDecls.erase( messageIter ); } // add the fwd decls to declsToAddAfter for ( FunctionDecl * func : toAddAfter ) { declsToAddAfter.push_back( func ); } } public: GenFwdDecls( unordered_set & actorStructDecls, unordered_set & messageStructDecls, FwdDeclTable & forwardDecls ) : actorStructDecls(actorStructDecls), messageStructDecls(messageStructDecls), forwardDecls(forwardDecls) {} }; void implementActors( TranslationUnit & translationUnit ) { // unordered_maps to collect all derived actor and message types unordered_set actorStructDecls; unordered_set messageStructDecls; FwdDeclTable forwardDecls; // for storing through the passes // these are populated with various important struct decls const StructDecl * requestDeclPtr = nullptr; const EnumDecl * allocationDeclPtr = nullptr; const StructDecl * actorDeclPtr = nullptr; const StructDecl * msgDeclPtr = nullptr; // double pointer to modify local ptrs above const StructDecl ** requestDecl = &requestDeclPtr; const EnumDecl ** allocationDecl = &allocationDeclPtr; const StructDecl ** actorDecl = &actorDeclPtr; const StructDecl ** msgDecl = &msgDeclPtr; // first pass collects ptrs to Allocation enum, request type, and generic receive fn typedef // also populates maps of all derived actors and messages Pass::run( translationUnit, actorStructDecls, messageStructDecls, requestDecl, allocationDecl, actorDecl, msgDecl ); // second pass locates all receive() routines that overload the generic receive fn // it then generates the appropriate operator '|' send routines for the receive routines Pass::run( translationUnit, actorStructDecls, messageStructDecls, requestDecl, allocationDecl, actorDecl, msgDecl, forwardDecls ); // The third pass forward declares operator '|' send routines Pass::run( translationUnit, actorStructDecls, messageStructDecls, forwardDecls ); } } // namespace Concurrency // Local Variables: // // tab-width: 4 // // mode: c++ // // compile-command: "make install" // // End: //