// // Cforall Version 1.0.0 Copyright (C) 2015 University of Waterloo // // The contents of this file are covered under the licence agreement in the // file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall. // // utility.h -- // // Author : Richard C. Bilson // Created On : Mon May 18 07:44:20 2015 // Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr // Last Modified On : Sun May 6 22:24:16 2018 // Update Count : 40 // #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Common/Indenter.h" class Expression; template< typename T > static inline T * maybeClone( const T *orig ) { if ( orig ) { return orig->clone(); } else { return 0; } // if } template< typename T, typename U > struct maybeBuild_t { static T * doit( const U *orig ) { if ( orig ) { return orig->build(); } else { return 0; } // if } }; template< typename T, typename U > static inline T * maybeBuild( const U *orig ) { return maybeBuild_t::doit(orig); } template< typename T, typename U > static inline T * maybeMoveBuild( const U *orig ) { T* ret = maybeBuild(orig); delete orig; return ret; } template< typename Input_iterator > void printEnums( Input_iterator begin, Input_iterator end, const char * const *name_array, std::ostream &os ) { for ( Input_iterator i = begin; i != end; ++i ) { os << name_array[ *i ] << ' '; } // for } template< typename Container > void deleteAll( const Container &container ) { for ( const auto &i : container ) { delete i; } // for } template< typename Container > void printAll( const Container &container, std::ostream &os, Indenter indent = {} ) { for ( typename Container::const_iterator i = container.begin(); i != container.end(); ++i ) { if ( *i ) { os << indent; (*i)->print( os, indent ); // need an endl after each element because it's not easy to know when each individual item should end os << std::endl; } // if } // for } template< typename SrcContainer, typename DestContainer > void cloneAll( const SrcContainer &src, DestContainer &dest ) { typename SrcContainer::const_iterator in = src.begin(); std::back_insert_iterator< DestContainer > out( dest ); while ( in != src.end() ) { *out++ = (*in++)->clone(); } // while } template< typename SrcContainer, typename DestContainer, typename Predicate > void cloneAll_if( const SrcContainer &src, DestContainer &dest, Predicate pred ) { std::back_insert_iterator< DestContainer > out( dest ); for ( auto x : src ) { if ( pred(x) ) { *out++ = x->clone(); } } // while } template< typename Container > void assertAll( const Container &container ) { int count = 0; for ( typename Container::const_iterator i = container.begin(); i != container.end(); ++i ) { if ( !(*i) ) { std::cerr << count << " is null" << std::endl; } // if } // for } template < typename T > std::list tail( std::list l ) { if ( ! l.empty() ) { std::list ret(++(l.begin()), l.end()); return ret; } // if } template < typename T > std::list flatten( std::list < std::list > l) { typedef std::list Ts; Ts ret; switch ( l.size() ) { case 0: return ret; case 1: return l.front(); default: ret = flatten(tail(l)); ret.insert(ret.begin(), l.front().begin(), l.front().end()); return ret; } // switch } /// Splice src onto the end of dst, clearing src template< typename T > void splice( std::vector< T > & dst, std::vector< T > & src ) { dst.reserve( dst.size() + src.size() ); for ( T & x : src ) { dst.emplace_back( std::move( x ) ); } src.clear(); } /// Splice src onto the begining of dst, clearing src template< typename T > void spliceBegin( std::vector< T > & dst, std::vector< T > & src ) { splice( src, dst ); dst.swap( src ); } template < typename T > void toString_single( std::ostream & os, const T & value ) { os << value; } template < typename T, typename... Params > void toString_single( std::ostream & os, const T & value, const Params & ... params ) { os << value; toString_single( os, params ... ); } template < typename ... Params > std::string toString( const Params & ... params ) { std::ostringstream os; toString_single( os, params... ); return os.str(); } #define toCString( ... ) toString( __VA_ARGS__ ).c_str() // replace element of list with all elements of another list template< typename T > void replace( std::list< T > &org, typename std::list< T >::iterator pos, std::list< T > &with ) { typename std::list< T >::iterator next = pos; advance( next, 1 ); //if ( next != org.end() ) { org.erase( pos ); org.splice( next, with ); //} return; } // replace range of a list with a single element template< typename T > void replace( std::list< T > &org, typename std::list< T >::iterator begin, typename std::list< T >::iterator end, const T & with ) { org.insert( begin, with ); org.erase( begin, end ); } template< typename... Args > auto filter(Args&&... args) -> decltype(std::copy_if(std::forward(args)...)) { return std::copy_if(std::forward(args)...); } template class Container, typename... Args > void filter( Container< E *, Args... > & container, UnaryPredicate pred, bool doDelete ) { auto i = begin( container ); while ( i != end( container ) ) { auto it = next( i ); if ( pred( *i ) ) { if ( doDelete ) { delete *i; } // if container.erase( i ); } // if i = it; } // while } template< typename... Args > auto zip(Args&&... args) -> decltype(zipWith(std::forward(args)..., std::make_pair)) { return zipWith(std::forward(args)..., std::make_pair); } template< class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2, class OutputIterator, class BinFunction > void zipWith( InputIterator1 b1, InputIterator1 e1, InputIterator2 b2, InputIterator2 e2, OutputIterator out, BinFunction func ) { while ( b1 != e1 && b2 != e2 ) *out++ = func(*b1++, *b2++); } // it's nice to actually be able to increment iterators by an arbitrary amount template< class InputIt, class Distance > InputIt operator+( InputIt it, Distance n ) { advance(it, n); return it; } template< typename T > void warn_single( const T & arg ) { std::cerr << arg << std::endl; } template< typename T, typename... Params > void warn_single(const T & arg, const Params & ... params ) { std::cerr << arg; warn_single( params... ); } template< typename... Params > void warn( const Params & ... params ) { std::cerr << "Warning: "; warn_single( params... ); } /// determines if `pref` is a prefix of `str` static inline bool isPrefix( const std::string & str, const std::string & pref ) { if ( pref.size() > str.size() ) return false; auto its = std::mismatch( pref.begin(), pref.end(), str.begin() ); return its.first == pref.end(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Ref Counted Singleton class // Objects that inherit from this class will have at most one reference to it // but if all references die, the object will be deleted. template< typename ThisType > class RefCountSingleton { public: static std::shared_ptr get() { if( global_instance.expired() ) { std::shared_ptr new_instance = std::make_shared(); global_instance = new_instance; return std::move(new_instance); } return global_instance.lock(); } private: static std::weak_ptr global_instance; }; template< typename ThisType > std::weak_ptr RefCountSingleton::global_instance; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RAII object to regulate "save and restore" behaviour, e.g. // void Foo::bar() { // ValueGuard guard(var); // var is a member of type Foo // var = ...; // } // var's original value is restored template< typename T > struct ValueGuard { T old; T& ref; ValueGuard(T& inRef) : old(inRef), ref(inRef) {} ~ValueGuard() { ref = old; } }; template< typename T > struct ValueGuardPtr { T old; T* ref; ValueGuardPtr(T * inRef) : old( inRef ? *inRef : T() ), ref(inRef) {} ~ValueGuardPtr() { if( ref ) *ref = old; } }; template< typename aT > struct FuncGuard { aT m_after; template< typename bT > FuncGuard( bT before, aT after ) : m_after( after ) { before(); } ~FuncGuard() { m_after(); } }; template< typename bT, typename aT > FuncGuard makeFuncGuard( bT && before, aT && after ) { return FuncGuard( std::forward(before), std::forward(after) ); } template< typename T > struct ValueGuardPtr< std::list< T > > { std::list< T > old; std::list< T >* ref; ValueGuardPtr( std::list< T > * inRef) : old(), ref(inRef) { if( ref ) { swap( *ref, old ); } } ~ValueGuardPtr() { if( ref ) { swap( *ref, old ); } } }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helper struct and function to support // for ( val : reverseIterate( container ) ) {} // syntax to have a for each that iterates backwards template< typename T > struct reverse_iterate_t { T& ref; reverse_iterate_t( T & ref ) : ref(ref) {} typedef typename T::reverse_iterator iterator; iterator begin() { return ref.rbegin(); } iterator end() { return ref.rend(); } }; template< typename T > reverse_iterate_t< T > reverseIterate( T & ref ) { return reverse_iterate_t< T >( ref ); } template< typename OutType, typename Range, typename Functor > OutType map_range( const Range& range, Functor&& functor ) { OutType out; std::transform( begin( range ), end( range ), std::back_inserter( out ), std::forward< Functor >( functor ) ); return out; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helper struct and function to support // for ( val : group_iterate( container1, container2, ... ) ) {} // syntax to have a for each that iterates multiple containers of the same length // TODO: update to use variadic arguments template< typename T1, typename T2 > struct group_iterate_t { private: std::tuple args; public: group_iterate_t( bool skipBoundsCheck, const T1 & v1, const T2 & v2 ) : args(v1, v2) { assertf(skipBoundsCheck || v1.size() == v2.size(), "group iteration requires containers of the same size: <%zd, %zd>.", v1.size(), v2.size()); }; typedef std::tuple(args).begin()), decltype(*std::get<1>(args).begin())> value_type; typedef decltype(std::get<0>(args).begin()) T1Iter; typedef decltype(std::get<1>(args).begin()) T2Iter; struct iterator { typedef std::tuple IterTuple; IterTuple it; iterator( T1Iter i1, T2Iter i2 ) : it( i1, i2 ) {} iterator operator++() { return iterator( ++std::get<0>(it), ++std::get<1>(it) ); } bool operator!=( const iterator &other ) const { return it != other.it; } value_type operator*() const { return std::tie( *std::get<0>(it), *std::get<1>(it) ); } }; iterator begin() { return iterator( std::get<0>(args).begin(), std::get<1>(args).begin() ); } iterator end() { return iterator( std::get<0>(args).end(), std::get<1>(args).end() ); } }; /// performs bounds check to ensure that all arguments are of the same length. template< typename... Args > group_iterate_t group_iterate( Args &&... args ) { return group_iterate_t(false, std::forward( args )...); } /// does not perform a bounds check - requires user to ensure that iteration terminates when appropriate. template< typename... Args > group_iterate_t unsafe_group_iterate( Args &&... args ) { return group_iterate_t(true, std::forward( args )...); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helper struct and function to support // for ( val : lazy_map( container1, f ) ) {} // syntax to have a for each that iterates a container, mapping each element by applying f template< typename T, typename Func > struct lambda_iterate_t { const T & ref; std::function f; struct iterator { typedef decltype(begin(ref)) Iter; Iter it; std::function f; iterator( Iter it, std::function f ) : it(it), f(f) {} iterator & operator++() { ++it; return *this; } bool operator!=( const iterator &other ) const { return it != other.it; } auto operator*() const -> decltype(f(*it)) { return f(*it); } }; lambda_iterate_t( const T & ref, std::function f ) : ref(ref), f(f) {} auto begin() const -> decltype(iterator(std::begin(ref), f)) { return iterator(std::begin(ref), f); } auto end() const -> decltype(iterator(std::end(ref), f)) { return iterator(std::end(ref), f); } }; template< typename... Args > lambda_iterate_t lazy_map( const Args &... args ) { return lambda_iterate_t( args...); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // O(1) polymorphic integer ilog2, using clz, which returns the number of leading 0-bits, starting at the most // significant bit (single instruction on x86) template inline #if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ > 4 constexpr #endif T ilog2(const T & t) { if(std::is_integral::value) { const constexpr int r = sizeof(t) * __CHAR_BIT__ - 1; if( sizeof(T) == sizeof(unsigned int) ) return r - __builtin_clz ( t ); if( sizeof(T) == sizeof(unsigned long) ) return r - __builtin_clzl ( t ); if( sizeof(T) == sizeof(unsigned long long) ) return r - __builtin_clzll( t ); } assert(false); return -1; } // ilog2 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// evaluates expr as a long long int. If second is false, expr could not be evaluated std::pair eval(Expression * expr); namespace ast { class Expr; } std::pair eval(const ast::Expr * expr); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Reorders the input range in-place so that the minimal-value elements according to the /// comparator are in front; /// returns the iterator after the last minimal-value element. template Iter sort_mins( Iter begin, Iter end, Compare& lt ) { if ( begin == end ) return end; Iter min_pos = begin; for ( Iter i = begin + 1; i != end; ++i ) { if ( lt( *i, *min_pos ) ) { // new minimum cost; swap into first position min_pos = begin; std::iter_swap( min_pos, i ); } else if ( ! lt( *min_pos, *i ) ) { // duplicate minimum cost; swap into next minimum position ++min_pos; std::iter_swap( min_pos, i ); } } return ++min_pos; } template inline Iter sort_mins( Iter begin, Iter end, Compare&& lt ) { return sort_mins( begin, end, lt ); } /// sort_mins defaulted to use std::less template inline Iter sort_mins( Iter begin, Iter end ) { return sort_mins( begin, end, std::less::value_type>{} ); } // Local Variables: // // tab-width: 4 // // mode: c++ // // compile-command: "make install" // // End: //