// // Cforall Version 1.0.0 Copyright (C) 2015 University of Waterloo // // The contents of this file are covered under the licence agreement in the // file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall. // // ResolvProtoDump.cpp -- Prints AST as instances for resolv-proto. // // Author : Andrew Beach // Created On : Wed Oct 6 14:10:00 2021 // Last Modified By : Andrew Beach // Last Modified On : Tue Oct 18 11:23:00 2021 // Update Count : 0 // #include "ResolvProtoDump.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include "AST/Copy.hpp" #include "AST/Pass.hpp" #include "AST/TranslationUnit.hpp" #include "AST/Type.hpp" #include "CodeGen/OperatorTable.h" namespace { /// Add a prefix to an existing name. std::string add_prefix( const std::string & prefix, const char * added ) { if ( prefix.empty() ) { return std::string("$") + added; } else { return prefix + added; } } /// Shortens operator names. std::string op_name( const std::string & name ) { if ( name.compare( 0, 10, "_operator_" ) == 0 ) { return name.substr( 10 ); } else if ( name.compare( "_constructor" ) == 0 || name.compare( "_destructor" ) == 0 ) { return name.substr( 1 ); } else if ( name.compare( 0, 11, "__operator_" ) == 0 ) { return name.substr( 11 ); } else { return name; } } /// Get the resolv-proto names for operators. std::string rp_name( const std::string & name, std::string && pre = "" ) { // Check for anonymous names. if ( name.empty() ) { return add_prefix( pre, "anon" ); } // Replace operator names. const CodeGen::OperatorInfo * opInfo = CodeGen::operatorLookup( name ); if ( nullptr != opInfo ) { return add_prefix( pre, "" ) + op_name( opInfo->outputName ); } // Replace return value prefix. if ( name.compare( 0, 8, "_retval_" ) == 0 ) { return add_prefix( pre, "rtn_" ) + op_name( name.substr( 8 ) ); } // Default to just name, with first character in lowercase. if ( std::isupper( name[0] ) ) { std::string copy = name; copy[0] = std::tolower( copy[0] ); return pre + copy; } return pre + name; } /// Normalise a type instance name. std::string ti_name( const std::string & name ) { // Replace built-in names if ( name == "char16_t" || name == "char32_t" || name == "wchar_t" ) { return std::string("#") + name; } // Strip leadng underscores. unsigned i = 0; while ( i < name.size() && name[i] == '_' ) { ++i; } if ( i == name.size() ) { return "Anon"; } std::string stripped = name.substr( i ); // Strip trailing generic from autogen names () static char generic[] = "_generic_"; static size_t n_generic = sizeof(generic) - 1; if ( stripped.size() >= n_generic && stripped.substr( stripped.size() - n_generic ) == generic ) { stripped.resize( stripped.size() - n_generic ); } // Uppercase first character. stripped[0] = std::toupper( stripped[0] ); return stripped; } std::vector> to_types( const std::vector> & data ) { std::vector> ret_val; ret_val.reserve( data.size() ); for ( auto entry : data ) { if ( auto * typeExpr = entry.as() ) { ret_val.emplace_back( typeExpr->type ); } } return ret_val; } enum class septype { separated, terminated, preceded }; template void build( V & visitor, const std::vector> & types, std::stringstream & ss, septype mode ); template void buildAsTuple( V & visitor, const std::vector> & types, std::stringstream & ss ); struct TypePrinter : public ast::WithShortCircuiting, ast::WithVisitorRef { /// Accumulator for the printed type. std::stringstream ss; /// Closed type variables. const std::unordered_set & closed; /// Depth of nesting from root type. unsigned depth; TypePrinter( const std::unordered_set & closed ) : ss(), closed(closed), depth(0) {} std::string result() const { return ss.str(); } // Basic type represented as an integer type. // TODO: Maybe hard-code conversion graph and make named type. void previsit( const ast::BasicType * type ) { ss << (int)type->kind; } // Pointers (except function pointers) are represented as generic type. void previsit( const ast::PointerType * type ) { if ( nullptr == type->base.as() ) { ss << "#$ptr<"; ++depth; } } void postvisit( const ast::PointerType * type ) { if ( nullptr == type->base.as() ) { --depth; ss << '>'; } } // Arrays repersented as pointers. void previsit( const ast::ArrayType * type ) { ss << "#$ptr<"; ++depth; type->base->accept( *visitor ); --depth; ss << '>'; visit_children = false; } // Ignore top-level references as they are mostly transparent to resolution. void previsit( const ast::ReferenceType * ) { if ( !atTopLevel() ) { ss << "#$ref<"; } ++depth; } void postvisit( const ast::ReferenceType * ) { --depth; if ( !atTopLevel() ) { ss << '>'; } } void previsit( const ast::FunctionType * type ) { ss << '['; ++depth; build( *visitor, type->returns, ss, septype::preceded ); ss << " : "; build( *visitor, type->params, ss, septype::terminated ); --depth; ss << ']'; visit_children = false; } private: bool atTopLevel() const { return 0 == depth; } void handleAggregate( const ast::BaseInstType * type ) { ss << '#' << type->name; if ( !type->params.empty() ) { ss << '<'; ++depth; build( *visitor, to_types( type->params ), ss, septype::separated ); --depth; ss << '>'; } visit_children = false; } public: void previsit( const ast::StructInstType * type ) { handleAggregate( type ); } void previsit( const ast::UnionInstType * type ) { handleAggregate( type ); } void previsit( const ast::EnumInstType * ) { // TODO: Add the meaningful text representation of typed enum ss << (int)ast::BasicKind::SignedInt; } void previsit( const ast::TypeInstType * type ) { // Print closed variables as named types. if ( closed.count( type->name ) ) { ss << '#' << type->name; // Otherwise normalize the name. } else { ss << ti_name( type->name ); } } void previsit( const ast::TupleType * tupleType ) { ++depth; buildAsTuple( *visitor, tupleType->types, ss ); --depth; visit_children = false; } void previsit( const ast::VarArgsType * ) { if ( atTopLevel() ) ss << "#$varargs"; } // TODO: Support 0 and 1 with their type names and conversions. void previsit( const ast::ZeroType * ) { ss << (int)ast::BasicKind::SignedInt; } void previsit( const ast::OneType * ) { ss << (int)ast::BasicKind::SignedInt; } void previsit( const ast::VoidType * ) { if ( !atTopLevel() ) { ss << "#void"; } } }; struct ExprPrinter : public ast::WithShortCircuiting, ast::WithVisitorRef { // TODO: Change interface to generate multiple expression canditates. /// Accumulator of the printed expression. std::stringstream ss; /// Set of closed type variables. const std::unordered_set & closed; ExprPrinter( const std::unordered_set & closed ) : ss(), closed( closed ) {} std::string result() const { return ss.str(); } void previsit( const ast::NameExpr * expr ) { ss << '&' << rp_name( expr->name ); } /// Handle already resolved variables as type constants. void previsit( const ast::VariableExpr * expr ) { ss << ast::Pass::read( expr->var->get_type(), closed ); visit_children = false; } void previsit( const ast::UntypedExpr * expr ) { // TODO: Handle name extraction more generally. const ast::NameExpr * name = expr->func.as(); // TODO: Incorporate function type into resolv-proto. if ( !name ) { expr->func->accept( *visitor ); visit_children = false; return; } ss << rp_name( name->name ); if ( expr->args.empty() ) { ss << "()"; } else { ss << "( "; auto it = expr->args.begin(); while (true) { (*it)->accept( *visitor ); if ( ++it == expr->args.end() ) break; ss << ' '; } ss << " )"; } visit_children = false; } void previsit( const ast::ApplicationExpr * expr ) { ss << ast::Pass::read( static_cast( expr ), closed ); visit_children = false; } void previsit( const ast::AddressExpr * expr ) { ss << "$addr( "; expr->arg->accept( *visitor ); ss << " )"; visit_children = false; } void previsit( const ast::CastExpr * expr ) { ss << ast::Pass::read( expr->result.get(), closed ); visit_children = false; } /// Member access handled as function from aggregate to member. void previsit( const ast::UntypedMemberExpr * expr ) { // TODO: Handle name extraction more generally. const ast::NameExpr * name = expr->member.as(); // TODO: Incorporate function type into resolve-proto. if ( !name ) { expr->member->accept( *visitor ); visit_children = false; return; } ss << rp_name( name->name, "$field_" ); ss << "( "; expr->aggregate->accept( *visitor ); ss << " )"; visit_children = false; } /// Constant expression replaced by its type. void previsit( const ast::ConstantExpr * expr ) { ss << ast::Pass::read( static_cast( expr ), closed ); visit_children = false; } /// sizeof, alignof, & offsetof are replaced by constant type. // TODO: Extra expression to resolve argument. void previsit( const ast::SizeofExpr * ) { ss << (int)ast::BasicKind::LongUnsignedInt; visit_children = false; } void previsit( const ast::AlignofExpr * ) { ss << (int)ast::BasicKind::LongUnsignedInt; visit_children = false; } void previsit( const ast::UntypedOffsetofExpr * ) { ss << (int)ast::BasicKind::LongUnsignedInt; visit_children = false; } /// Logical expressions represented as operators. void previsit( const ast::LogicalExpr * expr ) { ss << ( (ast::AndExpr == expr->isAnd) ? "$and( " : "$or( " ); expr->arg1->accept( *visitor ); ss << ' '; expr->arg2->accept( *visitor ); ss << " )"; visit_children = false; } /// Conditional expression represented as an operator. void previsit( const ast::ConditionalExpr * expr ) { ss << "$if( "; expr->arg1->accept( *visitor ); ss << ' '; expr->arg2->accept( *visitor ); ss << ' '; expr->arg3->accept( *visitor ); ss << " )"; visit_children = false; } /// Comma expression represented as on operator. void previsit( const ast::CommaExpr * expr ) { ss << "$seq( "; expr->arg1->accept( *visitor ); ss << ' '; expr->arg2->accept( *visitor ); ss << " )"; visit_children = false; } // TODO: Handle ignored ImplicitCopyCtorExpr and below. }; template void build( V & visitor, const std::vector> & types, std::stringstream & ss, septype mode ) { if ( types.empty() ) return; if ( septype::preceded == mode ) { ss << ' '; } auto it = types.begin(); (*it)->accept( visitor ); while ( ++it != types.end() ) { ss << ' '; (*it)->accept( visitor ); } if ( septype::terminated == mode ) { ss << ' '; } } std::string buildType( const std::string & name, const ast::Type * type, const std::unordered_set & closed ); /// Build a string representing a function type. std::string buildFunctionType( const std::string & name, const ast::FunctionType * type, const std::unordered_set & closed ) { ast::Pass printer( closed ); std::stringstream & ss = printer.core.ss; build( printer, type->returns, ss, septype::terminated ); ss << rp_name( name ); build( printer, type->params, ss, septype::preceded ); for ( const auto & assertion : type->assertions ) { auto var = assertion->var; ss << " | " << buildType( var->name, var->get_type(), closed ); } return ss.str(); } /// Build a description of a type. std::string buildType( const std::string & name, const ast::Type * type, const std::unordered_set & closed ) { const ast::Type * norefs = type->stripReferences(); if ( const auto & ptrType = dynamic_cast( norefs ) ) { if ( const auto & funcType = ptrType->base.as() ) { return buildFunctionType( name, funcType, closed ); } } else if ( const auto & funcType = dynamic_cast( norefs ) ) { return buildFunctionType( name, funcType, closed ); } std::stringstream ss; ss << ast::Pass::read( norefs, closed ); ss << " &" << rp_name( name ); return ss.str(); } /// Builds description of a field access. std::string buildAggregateDecl( const std::string & name, const ast::AggregateDecl * agg, const ast::Type * type, const std::unordered_set & closed ) { const ast::Type * norefs = type->stripReferences(); std::stringstream ss; ss << ast::Pass::read( norefs, closed ) << ' '; ss << rp_name( name, "$field_" ); ss << " #" << agg->name; if ( !agg->params.empty() ) { ss << '<'; auto it = agg->params.begin(); while (true) { ss << ti_name( (*it)->name ); if ( ++it == agg->params.end() ) break; ss << ' '; } ss << '>'; } return ss.str(); } template void buildAsTuple( V & visitor, const std::vector> & types, std::stringstream & ss ) { switch ( types.size() ) { case 0: ss << "#void"; break; case 1: types.front()->accept( visitor ); break; default: ss << "#$" << types.size() << '<'; build( visitor, types, ss, septype::separated ); ss << '>'; break; } } /// Adds a return std::string buildReturn( const ast::Type * returnType, const ast::Expr * expr, const std::unordered_set & closed ) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "$constructor( "; ss << ast::Pass::read( returnType, closed ); ss << ' '; ss << ast::Pass::read( expr, closed ); ss << " )"; return ss.str(); } void buildInitComponent( std::stringstream & out, const ast::Init * init, const std::unordered_set & closed ) { if ( const auto * s = dynamic_cast( init ) ) { out << ast::Pass::read( s->value.get(), closed ) << ' '; } else if ( const auto * l = dynamic_cast( init ) ) { for ( const auto & it : l->initializers ) { buildInitComponent( out, it, closed ); } } } /// Build a representation of an initializer. std::string buildInitializer( const std::string & name, const ast::Init * init, const std::unordered_set & closed ) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "$constructor( &"; ss << rp_name( name ); ss << ' '; buildInitComponent( ss, init, closed ); ss << ')'; return ss.str(); } /// Visitor for collecting and printing resolver prototype output. class ProtoDump : public ast::WithShortCircuiting, ast::WithVisitorRef { /// Declarations in this scope. // Set is used for ordering of printing. std::set decls; /// Expressions in this scope. std::vector exprs; /// Sub-scopes std::vector subs; /// Closed type variables std::unordered_set closed; /// Outer lexical scope const ProtoDump * parent; /// Return type for this scope ast::ptr returnType; /// Is the declaration in this scope or a parent scope? bool hasDecl( const std::string & decl ) const { return decls.count( decl ) || (parent && parent->hasDecl( decl )); } /// Adds a declaration to this scope if it is new. void addDecl( const std::string & decl ) { if ( !hasDecl( decl ) ) decls.insert( decl ); } /// Adds a new expression to this scope. void addExpr( const std::string & expr ) { if ( !expr.empty() ) exprs.emplace_back( expr ); } /// Adds a new scope as a child scope. void addSub( ast::Pass && pass ) { subs.emplace_back( std::move( pass.core ) ); } /// Adds all named declaration in a list to the local scope. void addAll( const std::vector> & decls ) { for ( auto decl : decls ) { // Skip anonymous decls. if ( decl->name.empty() ) continue; if ( const auto & obj = decl.as() ) { previsit( obj ); } } } public: ProtoDump() : parent( nullptr ), returnType( nullptr ) {} ProtoDump( const ProtoDump * parent, const ast::Type * returnType ) : closed( parent->closed ), parent( parent ), returnType( returnType ) {} ProtoDump( const ProtoDump & other ) : decls( other.decls ), exprs( other.exprs ), subs( other.subs ), closed( other.closed ), parent( other.parent ), returnType( other.returnType ) {} ProtoDump( ProtoDump && ) = default; ProtoDump & operator=( const ProtoDump & ) = delete; ProtoDump & operator=( ProtoDump && ) = delete; void previsit( const ast::ObjectDecl * decl ) { // Add variable as declaration. addDecl( buildType( decl->name, decl->type, closed ) ); // Add initializer as expression if applicable. if ( decl->init ) { addExpr( buildInitializer( decl->name, decl->init, closed ) ); } } void previsit( const ast::FunctionDecl * decl ) { visit_children = false; // Skips declarations with ftype parameters. for ( const auto & typeDecl : decl->type->forall ) { if ( ast::TypeDecl::Ftype == typeDecl->kind ) { return; } } // Add function as declaration. // NOTE: I'm not sure why the assertions are only present on the // declaration and not the function type. Is that an error? ast::FunctionType * new_type = ast::shallowCopy( decl->type.get() ); for ( const ast::ptr & assertion : decl->assertions ) { new_type->assertions.push_back( new ast::VariableExpr( assertion->location , assertion ) ); } addDecl( buildFunctionType( decl->name, new_type, closed ) ); delete new_type; // Add information body if available. if ( !decl->stmts ) return; const std::vector> & returns = decl->type->returns; // Add the return statement. ast::ptr retType = nullptr; if ( 1 == returns.size() ) { if ( !returns.front().as() ) { retType = returns.front(); } } else if ( 1 < returns.size() ) { retType = new ast::TupleType( copy( returns ) ); } ast::Pass body( this, retType.get() ); // Handle the forall clause (type parameters and assertions). for ( const ast::ptr & typeDecl : decl->type_params ) { // Add set of "closed" types to body so that it can print them as NamedType. body.core.closed.insert( typeDecl->name ); // Add assertions to local scope as declarations as well. for ( const ast::DeclWithType * assertion : typeDecl->assertions ) { assertion->accept( body ); } } // NOTE: Related to the last NOTE; this is where the assertions are now. for ( const ast::ptr & assertion : decl->assertions ) { assertion->accept( body ); } // Add named parameters and returns to local scope. body.core.addAll( decl->returns ); body.core.addAll( decl->params ); // Add contents of the function to a new scope. decl->stmts->accept( body ); // Store sub-scope addSub( std::move( body ) ); } private: void addAggregateFields( const ast::AggregateDecl * agg ) { for ( const auto & member : agg->members ) { if ( const ast::ObjectDecl * obj = member.as() ) { addDecl( buildAggregateDecl( obj->name, agg, obj->type, closed ) ); } } visit_children = false; } public: void previsit( const ast::StructDecl * decl ) { addAggregateFields( decl ); } void previsit( const ast::UnionDecl * decl ) { addAggregateFields( decl ); } void previsit( const ast::EnumDecl * decl ) { for ( const auto & member : decl->members ) { if ( const auto * obj = member.as() ) { previsit( obj ); } } visit_children = false; } void previsit( const ast::ReturnStmt * stmt ) { // Do nothing for void-returning functions or statements returning nothing. if ( !returnType || !stmt->expr ) return; // Otherwise constuct the return type from the expression. addExpr( buildReturn( returnType.get(), stmt->expr, closed ) ); visit_children = false; } void previsit( const ast::AsmStmt * ) { // Skip asm statements. visit_children = false; } void previsit( const ast::Expr * expr ) { addExpr( ast::Pass::read( expr, closed ) ); visit_children = false; } private: /// Print the pesudo-declarations not in any scope. void printGlobal( std::ostream & out ) const { // &? Address of operator. out << "#$ptr $addr T" << std::endl; const int intId = (int)ast::BasicKind::SignedInt; // ?&&? ?||? ?: Logical operators. out << intId << " $and " << intId << ' ' << intId << std::endl; out << intId << " $or " << intId << ' ' << intId << std::endl; out << "T $if " << intId << " T T" << std::endl; // ?,? Sequencing. out << "T $seq X T" << std::endl; } /// Print everything in this scope and its child scopes. void printLocal( std::ostream & out, unsigned indent ) const { const std::string tab( indent, '\t' ); // Print Declarations: for ( const std::string & decl : decls ) { out << tab << decl << std::endl; } // Print Divider: out << '\n' << tab << "%%\n" << std::endl; // Print Top-Level Expressions: for ( const std::string & expr : exprs ) { out << tab << expr << std::endl; } // Print Children Scopes: ++indent; for ( const ProtoDump & sub : subs ) { out << tab << '{' << std::endl; sub.printLocal( out, indent ); out << tab << '}' << std::endl; } } public: /// Start printing, the collected information. void print( std::ostream & out ) const { printGlobal( out ); printLocal( out, 0 ); } }; } // namespace void dumpAsResolverProto( ast::TranslationUnit & transUnit ) { ast::Pass dump; accept_all( transUnit, dump ); dump.core.print( std::cout ); } // Local Variables: // // tab-width: 4 // // mode: c++ // // compile-command: "make install" // // End: //