// // Cforall Version 1.0.0 Copyright (C) 2015 University of Waterloo // // The contents of this file are covered under the licence agreement in the // file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall. // // GenType.cpp -- // // Author : Richard C. Bilson // Created On : Mon May 18 07:44:20 2015 // Last Modified By : Andrew Beach // Last Modified On : Fri May 20 11:18:00 2022 // Update Count : 24 // #include "GenType.hpp" #include // for assert, assertf #include // for _List_iterator, _List_const_iterator #include // for operator<<, ostringstream, basic_os... #include "AST/Print.hpp" // for print #include "AST/Vector.hpp" // for vector #include "CodeGenerator.hpp" // for CodeGenerator #include "Common/UniqueName.hpp" // for UniqueName namespace CodeGen { namespace { struct GenType final : public ast::WithShortCircuiting, public ast::WithVisitorRef { std::string result; GenType( const std::string &typeString, const Options &options ); void previsit( ast::Node const * ); void postvisit( ast::Node const * ); void postvisit( ast::FunctionType const * type ); void postvisit( ast::VoidType const * type ); void postvisit( ast::BasicType const * type ); void postvisit( ast::PointerType const * type ); void postvisit( ast::ArrayType const * type ); void postvisit( ast::ReferenceType const * type ); void postvisit( ast::StructInstType const * type ); void postvisit( ast::UnionInstType const * type ); void postvisit( ast::EnumInstType const * type ); void postvisit( ast::TypeInstType const * type ); void postvisit( ast::TupleType const * type ); void postvisit( ast::VarArgsType const * type ); void postvisit( ast::ZeroType const * type ); void postvisit( ast::OneType const * type ); void postvisit( ast::GlobalScopeType const * type ); void postvisit( ast::TraitInstType const * type ); void postvisit( ast::TypeofType const * type ); void postvisit( ast::VTableType const * type ); void postvisit( ast::QualifiedType const * type ); private: void handleQualifiers( ast::Type const *type ); std::string handleGeneric( ast::BaseInstType const * type ); void genArray( const ast::CV::Qualifiers &qualifiers, ast::Type const *base, ast::Expr const *dimension, bool isVarLen, bool isStatic ); std::string genParamList( const ast::vector & ); Options options; }; GenType::GenType( const std::string &typeString, const Options &options ) : result( typeString ), options( options ) {} void GenType::previsit( ast::Node const * ) { // Turn off automatic recursion for all nodes, to allow each visitor to // precisely control the order in which its children are visited. visit_children = false; } void GenType::postvisit( ast::Node const * node ) { std::stringstream ss; ast::print( ss, node ); assertf( false, "Unhandled node reached in GenType: %s", ss.str().c_str() ); } void GenType::postvisit( ast::VoidType const * type ) { result = "void " + result; handleQualifiers( type ); } void GenType::postvisit( ast::BasicType const * type ) { ast::BasicKind kind = type->kind; assert( 0 <= kind && kind < ast::BasicKind::NUMBER_OF_BASIC_TYPES ); result = std::string( ast::BasicType::typeNames[kind] ) + " " + result; handleQualifiers( type ); } void GenType::genArray( const ast::CV::Qualifiers & qualifiers, ast::Type const * base, ast::Expr const *dimension, bool isVarLen, bool isStatic ) { std::ostringstream os; if ( result != "" ) { if ( result[ 0 ] == '*' ) { os << "(" << result << ")"; } else { os << result; } } os << "["; if ( isStatic ) { os << "static "; } if ( qualifiers.is_const ) { os << "const "; } if ( qualifiers.is_volatile ) { os << "volatile "; } if ( qualifiers.is_restrict ) { os << "__restrict "; } if ( qualifiers.is_atomic ) { os << "_Atomic "; } if ( dimension != 0 ) { ast::Pass::read( dimension, os, options ); } else if ( isVarLen ) { // no dimension expression on a VLA means it came in with the * token os << "*"; } os << "]"; result = os.str(); base->accept( *visitor ); } void GenType::postvisit( ast::PointerType const * type ) { if ( type->isStatic || type->isVarLen || type->dimension ) { genArray( type->qualifiers, type->base, type->dimension, type->isVarLen, type->isStatic ); } else { handleQualifiers( type ); if ( result[ 0 ] == '?' ) { result = "* " + result; } else { result = "*" + result; } type->base->accept( *visitor ); } } void GenType::postvisit( ast::ArrayType const * type ) { genArray( type->qualifiers, type->base, type->dimension, type->isVarLen, type->isStatic ); } void GenType::postvisit( ast::ReferenceType const * type ) { assertf( !options.genC, "Reference types should not reach code generation." ); handleQualifiers( type ); result = "&" + result; type->base->accept( *visitor ); } void GenType::postvisit( ast::FunctionType const * type ) { std::ostringstream os; if ( result != "" ) { if ( result[ 0 ] == '*' ) { os << "(" << result << ")"; } else { os << result; } } if ( type->params.empty() ) { if ( !type->isVarArgs ) { os << "(void)"; } else if ( options.genC ) { os << "()"; } else { os << "(...)"; } } else { os << "(" ; os << genParamList( type->params ); if ( type->isVarArgs ) { os << ", ..."; } os << ")"; } result = os.str(); if ( type->returns.size() == 0 ) { result = "void " + result; } else { type->returns.front()->accept( *visitor ); } // Add forall clause. if( !type->forall.empty() && !options.genC ) { //assertf( !options.genC, "FunctionDecl type parameters should not reach code generation." ); std::ostringstream os; ast::Pass cg( os, options ); os << "forall("; cg.core.genCommaList( type->forall ); os << ")" << std::endl; result = os.str() + result; } } std::string GenType::handleGeneric( ast::BaseInstType const * type ) { if ( !type->params.empty() ) { std::ostringstream os; ast::Pass cg( os, options ); os << "("; cg.core.genCommaList( type->params ); os << ") "; return os.str(); } return ""; } void GenType::postvisit( ast::StructInstType const * type ) { result = type->name + handleGeneric( type ) + " " + result; if ( options.genC ) result = "struct " + result; handleQualifiers( type ); } void GenType::postvisit( ast::UnionInstType const * type ) { result = type->name + handleGeneric( type ) + " " + result; if ( options.genC ) result = "union " + result; handleQualifiers( type ); } void GenType::postvisit( ast::EnumInstType const * type ) { // if ( type->base && type->base->base ) { // result = genType( type->base->base, result, options ); // } else { result = type->name + " " + result; if ( options.genC ) { result = "enum " + result; } // } handleQualifiers( type ); } void GenType::postvisit( ast::TypeInstType const * type ) { assertf( !options.genC, "TypeInstType should not reach code generation." ); result = type->name + " " + result; handleQualifiers( type ); } void GenType::postvisit( ast::TupleType const * type ) { assertf( !options.genC, "TupleType should not reach code generation." ); unsigned int i = 0; std::ostringstream os; os << "["; for ( ast::ptr const & t : type->types ) { i++; os << genType( t, "", options ) << (i == type->size() ? "" : ", "); } os << "] "; result = os.str() + result; } void GenType::postvisit( ast::VarArgsType const * type ) { result = "__builtin_va_list " + result; handleQualifiers( type ); } void GenType::postvisit( ast::ZeroType const * type ) { // Ideally these wouldn't hit codegen at all, but should be safe to make them ints. result = (options.pretty ? "zero_t " : "long int ") + result; handleQualifiers( type ); } void GenType::postvisit( ast::OneType const * type ) { // Ideally these wouldn't hit codegen at all, but should be safe to make them ints. result = (options.pretty ? "one_t " : "long int ") + result; handleQualifiers( type ); } void GenType::postvisit( ast::GlobalScopeType const * type ) { assertf( !options.genC, "GlobalScopeType should not reach code generation." ); handleQualifiers( type ); } void GenType::postvisit( ast::TraitInstType const * type ) { assertf( !options.genC, "TraitInstType should not reach code generation." ); result = type->name + " " + result; handleQualifiers( type ); } void GenType::postvisit( ast::TypeofType const * type ) { std::ostringstream os; os << "typeof("; ast::Pass::read( type->expr.get(), os, options ); os << ") " << result; result = os.str(); handleQualifiers( type ); } void GenType::postvisit( ast::VTableType const * type ) { assertf( !options.genC, "Virtual table types should not reach code generation." ); std::ostringstream os; os << "vtable(" << genType( type->base, "", options ) << ") " << result; result = os.str(); handleQualifiers( type ); } void GenType::postvisit( ast::QualifiedType const * type ) { assertf( !options.genC, "QualifiedType should not reach code generation." ); std::ostringstream os; os << genType( type->parent, "", options ) << "." << genType( type->child, "", options ) << result; result = os.str(); handleQualifiers( type ); } void GenType::handleQualifiers( ast::Type const * type ) { if ( type->is_const() ) { result = "const " + result; } if ( type->is_volatile() ) { result = "volatile " + result; } if ( type->is_restrict() ) { result = "__restrict " + result; } if ( type->is_atomic() ) { result = "_Atomic " + result; } } std::string GenType::genParamList( const ast::vector & range ) { auto cur = range.begin(); auto end = range.end(); if ( cur == end ) return ""; std::ostringstream oss; UniqueName param( "__param_" ); while ( true ) { oss << genType( *cur++, options.genC ? param.newName() : "", options ); if ( cur == end ) break; oss << ", "; } return oss.str(); } } // namespace std::string genType( ast::Type const * type, const std::string & base, const Options & options ) { std::ostringstream os; if ( !type->attributes.empty() ) { ast::Pass cg( os, options ); cg.core.genAttributes( type->attributes ); } return os.str() + ast::Pass::read( type, base, options ); } std::string genTypeNoAttr( ast::Type const * type, const std::string & base, const Options & options ) { return ast::Pass::read( type, base, options ); } } // namespace CodeGen // Local Variables: // // tab-width: 4 // // mode: c++ // // compile-command: "make install" // // End: //