// // Cforall Version 1.0.0 Copyright (C) 2015 University of Waterloo // // The contents of this file are covered under the licence agreement in the // file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall. // // FixMain.cc -- // // Author : Thierry Delisle // Created On : Thr Jan 12 14:11:09 2017 // Last Modified By : // Last Modified On : // Update Count : 0 // #include "FixMain.h" #include // for assert, assertf #include // for operator<<, basic_ostream::operator<< #include // for list #include // for operator<< #include "AST/Decl.hpp" #include "AST/Pass.hpp" #include "AST/Type.hpp" #include "AST/Vector.hpp" #include "Common/PassVisitor.h" #include "Common/SemanticError.h" // for SemanticError #include "CodeGen/GenType.h" // for GenType #include "SynTree/Declaration.h" // for FunctionDecl, operator<< #include "SynTree/Type.h" // for FunctionType #include "SymTab/Mangler.h" namespace CodeGen { namespace { struct FindMainCore { FunctionDecl * main_signature = nullptr; void previsit( FunctionDecl * decl ) { if ( FixMain::isMain( decl ) ) { if ( main_signature ) { SemanticError( decl, "Multiple definition of main routine\n" ); } main_signature = decl; } } }; struct FindMainCore_new { ast::FunctionDecl const * main_declaration = nullptr; void previsit( ast::FunctionDecl const * decl ) { if ( FixMain::isMain( decl ) ) { if ( main_declaration ) { SemanticError( decl, "Multiple definition of main routine\n" ); } main_declaration = decl; } } }; std::string genTypeAt( const ast::vector & types, size_t at ) { return genType( types[at], "", Options( false, false, false, false ) ); } } template std::string genTypeAt(const container& p, size_t idx) { return genType((*std::next(p.begin(), idx))->get_type(), ""); } void FixMain::fix( std::list< Declaration * > & translationUnit, std::ostream &os, const char* bootloader_filename ) { PassVisitor< FindMainCore > main_finder; acceptAll( translationUnit, main_finder ); FunctionDecl * main_signature = main_finder.pass.main_signature; if( main_signature ) { os << "static inline int invoke_main(int argc, char* argv[], char* envp[]) { (void)argc; (void)argv; (void)envp; return "; main_signature->mangleName = SymTab::Mangler::mangle(main_signature); os << main_signature->get_scopedMangleName() << "("; const auto& params = main_signature->get_functionType()->get_parameters(); switch(params.size()) { case 3: os << "(" << genTypeAt(params, 0) << ")argc, (" << genTypeAt(params, 1) << ")argv, (" << genTypeAt(params, 2) << ")envp"; break; case 2: os << "(" << genTypeAt(params, 0) << ")argc, (" << genTypeAt(params, 1) << ")argv"; break; case 0: break; default : assert(false); } os << "); }\n"; std::ifstream bootloader(bootloader_filename, std::ios::in); assertf( bootloader.is_open(), "cannot open bootloader.c\n" ); os << bootloader.rdbuf(); } } namespace { ast::ObjectDecl * makeIntObj(){ return new ast::ObjectDecl( CodeLocation(), "", new ast::BasicType( ast::BasicType::SignedInt ) ); } ast::ObjectDecl * makeCharStarStarObj() { return new ast::ObjectDecl( CodeLocation(), "", new ast::PointerType( new ast::PointerType( new ast::BasicType( ast::BasicType::Char ) ) ) ); } std::string getMangledNameOfMain( ast::vector && params, ast::ArgumentFlag isVarArgs ) { ast::ptr decl = new ast::FunctionDecl( CodeLocation(), "main", ast::vector(), ast::vector(), std::move( params ), { makeIntObj() }, nullptr, ast::Storage::Classes(), ast::Linkage::Spec(), ast::vector(), ast::Function::Specs(), isVarArgs ); return Mangle::mangle( decl.get() ); } std::string getMangledNameOf0ParameterMain() { return getMangledNameOfMain( {}, ast::VariableArgs ); } std::string getMangledNameOf2ParameterMain() { return getMangledNameOfMain( { makeIntObj(), makeCharStarStarObj(), }, ast::FixedArgs ); } bool is_main( const std::string & mangled_name ) { // This breaks if you move it out of the function. static const std::string mangled_mains[] = { getMangledNameOf0ParameterMain(), getMangledNameOf2ParameterMain(), //getMangledNameOf3ParameterMain(), }; for ( auto main_name : mangled_mains ) { if ( main_name == mangled_name ) return true; } return false; } } // namespace bool FixMain::isMain( FunctionDecl * decl ) { if ( std::string("main") != decl->name ) { return false; } return is_main( SymTab::Mangler::mangle( decl, true, true ) ); } bool FixMain::isMain( const ast::FunctionDecl * decl ) { if ( std::string("main") != decl->name ) { return false; } return is_main( Mangle::mangle( decl, Mangle::Type ) ); } void FixMain::fix( ast::TranslationUnit & translationUnit, std::ostream &os, const char * bootloader_filename ) { ast::Pass main_finder; ast::accept_all( translationUnit, main_finder ); if ( nullptr == main_finder.core.main_declaration ) return; ast::FunctionDecl * main_declaration = ast::mutate( main_finder.core.main_declaration ); main_declaration->mangleName = Mangle::mangle( main_declaration ); os << "static inline int invoke_main(int argc, char* argv[], char* envp[]) { (void)argc; (void)argv; (void)envp; return "; os << main_declaration->scopedMangleName() << "("; const auto& params = main_declaration->type->params; switch ( params.size() ) { case 3: os << "(" << genTypeAt(params, 0) << ")argc, (" << genTypeAt(params, 1) << ")argv, (" << genTypeAt(params, 2) << ")envp"; break; case 2: os << "(" << genTypeAt(params, 0) << ")argc, (" << genTypeAt(params, 1) << ")argv"; break; case 0: break; default : assert(false); } os << "); }\n"; std::ifstream bootloader( bootloader_filename, std::ios::in ); assertf( bootloader.is_open(), "cannot open bootloader.c\n" ); os << bootloader.rdbuf(); } } // namespace CodeGen