// // Cforall Version 1.0.0 Copyright (C) 2015 University of Waterloo // // The contents of this file are covered under the licence agreement in the // file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall. // // CodeGenerator.h -- // // Author : Richard C. Bilson // Created On : Mon May 18 07:44:20 2015 // Last Modified By : Andrew Beach // Last Modified On : Wed Jun 29 14:32:00 2022 // Update Count : 65 // #pragma once #include // for list #include // for ostream, operator<< #include // for string #include "CodeGen/Options.h" // for Options #include "Common/Indenter.h" // for Indenter #include "Common/PassVisitor.h" // for PassVisitor #include "SynTree/Declaration.h" // for DeclarationWithType (ptr only), Fun... #include "SynTree/Visitor.h" // for Visitor #include "SynTree/SynTree.h" // for Visitor Nodes namespace ast { class DeclWithType; } namespace CodeGen { struct CodeGenerator : public WithShortCircuiting, public WithGuards, public WithVisitorRef { static int tabsize; CodeGenerator( std::ostream &os, bool pretty = false, bool genC = false, bool lineMarks = false, bool printExprTypes = false ); CodeGenerator( std::ostream &os, const Options &options ); //*** Turn off visit_children for all nodes void previsit( BaseSyntaxNode * ); //*** Error for unhandled node types void postvisit( BaseSyntaxNode * ); //*** print type for all expressions void previsit( Expression * node ); //*** Declaration void postvisit( StructDecl * ); void postvisit( FunctionDecl * ); void postvisit( ObjectDecl * ); void postvisit( UnionDecl * aggregateDecl ); void postvisit( EnumDecl * aggregateDecl ); void postvisit( TraitDecl * aggregateDecl ); void postvisit( TypedefDecl * typeDecl ); void postvisit( TypeDecl * typeDecl ); void postvisit( StaticAssertDecl * assertDecl ); //*** Initializer void postvisit( Designation * ); void postvisit( SingleInit * ); void postvisit( ListInit * ); void postvisit( ConstructorInit * ); //*** Constant void postvisit( Constant * ); //*** Expression void postvisit( ApplicationExpr *applicationExpr ); void postvisit( UntypedExpr *untypedExpr ); void postvisit( RangeExpr * rangeExpr ); void postvisit( NameExpr *nameExpr ); void postvisit( AddressExpr *addressExpr ); void postvisit( LabelAddressExpr *addressExpr ); void postvisit( CastExpr *castExpr ); void postvisit( KeywordCastExpr * castExpr ); void postvisit( VirtualCastExpr *castExpr ); void postvisit( UntypedMemberExpr *memberExpr ); void postvisit( MemberExpr *memberExpr ); void postvisit( VariableExpr *variableExpr ); void postvisit( ConstantExpr *constantExpr ); void postvisit( SizeofExpr *sizeofExpr ); void postvisit( AlignofExpr *alignofExpr ); void postvisit( UntypedOffsetofExpr *offsetofExpr ); void postvisit( OffsetofExpr *offsetofExpr ); void postvisit( OffsetPackExpr *offsetPackExpr ); void postvisit( LogicalExpr *logicalExpr ); void postvisit( ConditionalExpr *conditionalExpr ); void postvisit( CommaExpr *commaExpr ); void postvisit( CompoundLiteralExpr *compLitExpr ); void postvisit( UniqueExpr * ); void postvisit( TupleAssignExpr * tupleExpr ); void postvisit( UntypedTupleExpr *tupleExpr ); void postvisit( TupleExpr *tupleExpr ); void postvisit( TupleIndexExpr * tupleExpr ); void postvisit( TypeExpr *typeExpr ); void postvisit( DimensionExpr *dimensionExpr ); void postvisit( AsmExpr * ); void postvisit( StmtExpr * ); void postvisit( ConstructorExpr * ); void postvisit( DeletedExpr * ); void postvisit( DefaultArgExpr * ); void postvisit( GenericExpr * ); void postvisit( QualifiedNameExpr *); //*** Statements void postvisit( CompoundStmt * ); void postvisit( ExprStmt * ); void postvisit( AsmStmt * ); void postvisit( DirectiveStmt * ); void postvisit( AsmDecl * ); // special: statement in declaration context void postvisit( DirectiveDecl * ); // special: statement in declaration context void postvisit( IfStmt * ); void postvisit( SwitchStmt * ); void postvisit( CaseStmt * ); void postvisit( BranchStmt * ); void postvisit( ReturnStmt * ); void postvisit( ThrowStmt * ); void postvisit( CatchStmt * ); void postvisit( WaitForStmt * ); void postvisit( WithStmt * ); void postvisit( WhileDoStmt * ); void postvisit( ForStmt * ); void postvisit( NullStmt * ); void postvisit( DeclStmt * ); void postvisit( ImplicitCtorDtorStmt * ); void postvisit( MutexStmt * stmt ); void genAttributes( std::list< Attribute * > & attributes ); template< class Iterator > void genCommaList( Iterator begin, Iterator end ); struct LabelPrinter { LabelPrinter(CodeGenerator &cg) : cg(cg), labels( 0 ) {} LabelPrinter & operator()( std::list< Label > & l ); CodeGenerator & cg; std::list< Label > * labels; }; void asmName( DeclarationWithType *decl ); void extension( Expression *expr ); void extension( Declaration *decl ); void updateLocation( BaseSyntaxNode const * to ); struct LineEnder { CodeGenerator & cg; LineEnder( CodeGenerator & cg ) : cg( cg ) {} std::ostream & operator()(std::ostream &) const; }; private: Indenter indent; std::ostream & output; LabelPrinter printLabels; Options options; public: LineEnder endl; private: CodeLocation currentLocation; void updateLocation( CodeLocation const & to ); void handleStorageClass( DeclarationWithType *decl ); void handleAggregate( AggregateDecl *aggDecl, const std::string & kind ); void handleTypedef( NamedTypeDecl *namedType ); std::string mangleName( DeclarationWithType * decl ); }; // CodeGenerator template< class Iterator > void CodeGenerator::genCommaList( Iterator begin, Iterator end ) { if ( begin == end ) return; for ( ;; ) { (*begin++)->accept( *visitor ); if ( begin == end ) break; output << ", "; // separator } // for } // genCommaList inline bool doSemicolon( Declaration* decl ) { if ( FunctionDecl* func = dynamic_cast< FunctionDecl* >( decl ) ) { return ! func->get_statements(); } // if return true; } // doSemicolon /// returns C-compatible name of declaration std::string genName( DeclarationWithType * decl ); std::string genName( ast::DeclWithType const * decl ); inline std::ostream & operator<<( std::ostream & os, const CodeGenerator::LineEnder & endl ) { return endl( os ); } } // namespace CodeGen // Local Variables: // // tab-width: 4 // // mode: c++ // // compile-command: "make install" // // End: //