// // Cforall Version 1.0.0 Copyright (C) 2015 University of Waterloo // // The contents of this file are covered under the licence agreement in the // file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall. // // CodeGenerator.cc -- // // Author : Richard C. Bilson // Created On : Mon May 18 07:44:20 2015 // Last Modified By : Rob Schluntz // Last Modified On : Thu Jun 04 15:00:00 2015 // Update Count : 125 // #include #include #include #include #include "SynTree/Type.h" #include "SynTree/Declaration.h" #include "SynTree/Statement.h" #include "SynTree/Expression.h" #include "SynTree/Initializer.h" #include "utility.h" #include "UnimplementedError.h" #include "CodeGenerator.h" #include "OperatorTable.h" #include "GenType.h" using namespace std; namespace CodeGen { int CodeGenerator::tabsize = 4; // the kinds of statements that would ideally be separated by more whitespace bool wantSpacing( Statement * stmt) { return dynamic_cast< IfStmt * >( stmt ) || dynamic_cast< CompoundStmt * >( stmt ) || dynamic_cast< WhileStmt * >( stmt ) || dynamic_cast< ForStmt * > ( stmt ) || dynamic_cast< SwitchStmt *>( stmt ); } CodeGenerator::CodeGenerator( std::ostream &os ) : cur_indent( 0 ), insideFunction( false ), output( os ) { } CodeGenerator::CodeGenerator( std::ostream &os, std::string init, int indent, bool infunp ) : cur_indent( indent ), insideFunction( infunp ), output( os ) { //output << std::string( init ); } CodeGenerator::CodeGenerator( std::ostream &os, char *init, int indent, bool infunp ) : cur_indent( indent ), insideFunction( infunp ), output( os ) { //output << std::string( init ); } string mangleName( DeclarationWithType *decl ) { if ( decl->get_mangleName() != "" ) { return decl->get_mangleName(); } else { return decl->get_name(); } // if } //*** Declarations void CodeGenerator::visit( FunctionDecl *functionDecl ) { handleStorageClass( functionDecl ); if ( functionDecl->get_isInline() ) { output << "inline "; } // if output << genType( functionDecl->get_functionType(), mangleName( functionDecl ) ); // how to get this to the Functype? std::list< Declaration * > olds = functionDecl->get_oldDecls(); if ( ! olds.empty() ) { output << " /* function has old declaration */"; } // if // acceptAll( functionDecl->get_oldDecls(), *this ); if ( functionDecl->get_statements() ) { functionDecl->get_statements()->accept(*this ); } // if } void CodeGenerator::visit( ObjectDecl *objectDecl ) { handleStorageClass( objectDecl ); output << genType( objectDecl->get_type(), mangleName( objectDecl ) ); if ( objectDecl->get_init() ) { output << " = "; objectDecl->get_init()->accept( *this ); } // if if ( objectDecl->get_bitfieldWidth() ) { output << ":"; objectDecl->get_bitfieldWidth()->accept( *this ); } // if } void CodeGenerator::handleAggregate( AggregateDecl *aggDecl ) { if ( aggDecl->get_name() != "" ) output << aggDecl->get_name(); std::list< Declaration * > &memb = aggDecl->get_members(); if ( ! memb.empty() ) { output << endl << string( cur_indent, ' ' ) << "{" << endl; cur_indent += CodeGenerator::tabsize; for ( std::list< Declaration* >::iterator i = memb.begin(); i != memb.end(); i++) { output << string( cur_indent, ' ' ); (*i)->accept(*this ); output << ";" << endl; } cur_indent -= CodeGenerator::tabsize; output << string( cur_indent, ' ' ) << "}"; } // if } void CodeGenerator::visit( StructDecl *structDecl ) { output << "struct "; handleAggregate( structDecl ); } void CodeGenerator::visit( UnionDecl *aggregateDecl ) { output << "union "; handleAggregate( aggregateDecl ); } void CodeGenerator::visit( EnumDecl *aggDecl ) { output << "enum "; if ( aggDecl->get_name() != "" ) output << aggDecl->get_name(); std::list< Declaration* > &memb = aggDecl->get_members(); if ( ! memb.empty() ) { output << endl << "{" << endl; cur_indent += CodeGenerator::tabsize; for ( std::list< Declaration* >::iterator i = memb.begin(); i != memb.end(); i++) { ObjectDecl *obj = dynamic_cast< ObjectDecl* >( *i ); assert( obj ); output << string( cur_indent, ' ' ) << mangleName( obj ); if ( obj->get_init() ) { output << " = "; obj->get_init()->accept(*this ); } // if output << "," << endl; } // for cur_indent -= CodeGenerator::tabsize; output << "}" << endl; } // if } void CodeGenerator::visit( ContextDecl *aggregateDecl ) {} void CodeGenerator::visit( TypedefDecl *typeDecl ) { output << "typedef "; output << genType( typeDecl->get_base(), typeDecl->get_name() ); } void CodeGenerator::visit( TypeDecl *typeDecl ) { // really, we should mutate this into something that isn't a TypeDecl but that requires large-scale changes, // still to be done output << "extern unsigned long " << typeDecl->get_name(); if ( typeDecl->get_base() ) { output << " = sizeof( " << genType( typeDecl->get_base(), "" ) << " )"; } // if } void CodeGenerator::visit( SingleInit *init ) { init->get_value()->accept( *this ); } void CodeGenerator::visit( ListInit *init ) { output << "{ "; genCommaList( init->begin_initializers(), init->end_initializers() ); output << " }"; } void CodeGenerator::visit( Constant *constant ) { output << constant->get_value() ; } //*** Expressions void CodeGenerator::visit( ApplicationExpr *applicationExpr ) { if ( VariableExpr *varExpr = dynamic_cast< VariableExpr* >( applicationExpr->get_function() ) ) { OperatorInfo opInfo; if ( varExpr->get_var()->get_linkage() == LinkageSpec::Intrinsic && operatorLookup( varExpr->get_var()->get_name(), opInfo ) ) { std::list< Expression* >::iterator arg = applicationExpr->get_args().begin(); switch ( opInfo.type ) { case OT_PREFIXASSIGN: case OT_POSTFIXASSIGN: case OT_INFIXASSIGN: { assert( arg != applicationExpr->get_args().end() ); if ( AddressExpr *addrExpr = dynamic_cast< AddressExpr * >( *arg ) ) { *arg = addrExpr->get_arg(); } else { UntypedExpr *newExpr = new UntypedExpr( new NameExpr( "*?" ) ); newExpr->get_args().push_back( *arg ); *arg = newExpr; } // if break; } default: // do nothing ; } switch ( opInfo.type ) { case OT_INDEX: assert( applicationExpr->get_args().size() == 2 ); (*arg++)->accept( *this ); output << "["; (*arg)->accept( *this ); output << "]"; break; case OT_CALL: // there are no intrinsic definitions of the function call operator assert( false ); break; case OT_PREFIX: case OT_PREFIXASSIGN: assert( applicationExpr->get_args().size() == 1 ); output << "("; output << opInfo.symbol; (*arg)->accept( *this ); output << ")"; break; case OT_POSTFIX: case OT_POSTFIXASSIGN: assert( applicationExpr->get_args().size() == 1 ); (*arg)->accept( *this ); output << opInfo.symbol; break; case OT_INFIX: case OT_INFIXASSIGN: assert( applicationExpr->get_args().size() == 2 ); output << "("; (*arg++)->accept( *this ); output << opInfo.symbol; (*arg)->accept( *this ); output << ")"; break; case OT_CONSTANT: // there are no intrinsic definitions of 0 or 1 as functions assert( false ); } } else { varExpr->accept( *this ); output << "("; genCommaList( applicationExpr->get_args().begin(), applicationExpr->get_args().end() ); output << ")"; } // if } else { applicationExpr->get_function()->accept( *this ); output << "("; genCommaList( applicationExpr->get_args().begin(), applicationExpr->get_args().end() ); output << ")"; } // if } void CodeGenerator::visit( UntypedExpr *untypedExpr ) { if ( NameExpr *nameExpr = dynamic_cast< NameExpr* >( untypedExpr->get_function() ) ) { OperatorInfo opInfo; if ( operatorLookup( nameExpr->get_name(), opInfo ) ) { std::list< Expression* >::iterator arg = untypedExpr->get_args().begin(); switch ( opInfo.type ) { case OT_INDEX: assert( untypedExpr->get_args().size() == 2 ); (*arg++)->accept( *this ); output << "["; (*arg)->accept( *this ); output << "]"; break; case OT_CALL: assert( false ); break; case OT_PREFIX: case OT_PREFIXASSIGN: assert( untypedExpr->get_args().size() == 1 ); output << "("; output << opInfo.symbol; (*arg)->accept( *this ); output << ")"; break; case OT_POSTFIX: case OT_POSTFIXASSIGN: assert( untypedExpr->get_args().size() == 1 ); (*arg)->accept( *this ); output << opInfo.symbol; break; case OT_INFIX: case OT_INFIXASSIGN: assert( untypedExpr->get_args().size() == 2 ); output << "("; (*arg++)->accept( *this ); output << opInfo.symbol; (*arg)->accept( *this ); output << ")"; break; case OT_CONSTANT: // there are no intrinsic definitions of 0 or 1 as functions assert( false ); } } else { nameExpr->accept( *this ); output << "("; genCommaList( untypedExpr->get_args().begin(), untypedExpr->get_args().end() ); output << ")"; } // if } else { untypedExpr->get_function()->accept( *this ); output << "("; genCommaList( untypedExpr->get_args().begin(), untypedExpr->get_args().end() ); output << ")"; } // if } void CodeGenerator::visit( NameExpr *nameExpr ) { OperatorInfo opInfo; if ( operatorLookup( nameExpr->get_name(), opInfo ) ) { assert( opInfo.type == OT_CONSTANT ); output << opInfo.symbol; } else { output << nameExpr->get_name(); } // if } void CodeGenerator::visit( AddressExpr *addressExpr ) { output << "(&"; // this hack makes sure that we don't convert "constant_zero" to "0" if we're taking its address if ( VariableExpr *variableExpr = dynamic_cast< VariableExpr* >( addressExpr->get_arg() ) ) { output << mangleName( variableExpr->get_var() ); } else { addressExpr->get_arg()->accept( *this ); } // if output << ")"; } void CodeGenerator::visit( CastExpr *castExpr ) { output << "(("; if ( castExpr->get_results().empty() ) { output << "void" ; } else { output << genType( castExpr->get_results().front(), "" ); } // if output << ")"; castExpr->get_arg()->accept( *this ); output << ")"; } void CodeGenerator::visit( UntypedMemberExpr *memberExpr ) { assert( false ); } void CodeGenerator::visit( MemberExpr *memberExpr ) { memberExpr->get_aggregate()->accept( *this ); output << "." << mangleName( memberExpr->get_member() ); } void CodeGenerator::visit( VariableExpr *variableExpr ) { OperatorInfo opInfo; if ( variableExpr->get_var()->get_linkage() == LinkageSpec::Intrinsic && operatorLookup( variableExpr->get_var()->get_name(), opInfo ) && opInfo.type == OT_CONSTANT ) { output << opInfo.symbol; } else { output << mangleName( variableExpr->get_var() ); } // if } void CodeGenerator::visit( ConstantExpr *constantExpr ) { assert( constantExpr->get_constant() ); constantExpr->get_constant()->accept( *this ); } void CodeGenerator::visit( SizeofExpr *sizeofExpr ) { output << "sizeof("; if ( sizeofExpr->get_isType() ) { output << genType( sizeofExpr->get_type(), "" ); } else { sizeofExpr->get_expr()->accept( *this ); } // if output << ")"; } void CodeGenerator::visit( LogicalExpr *logicalExpr ) { output << "("; logicalExpr->get_arg1()->accept( *this ); if ( logicalExpr->get_isAnd() ) { output << " && "; } else { output << " || "; } // if logicalExpr->get_arg2()->accept( *this ); output << ")"; } void CodeGenerator::visit( ConditionalExpr *conditionalExpr ) { output << "("; conditionalExpr->get_arg1()->accept( *this ); output << " ? "; conditionalExpr->get_arg2()->accept( *this ); output << " : "; conditionalExpr->get_arg3()->accept( *this ); output << ")"; } void CodeGenerator::visit( CommaExpr *commaExpr ) { output << "("; commaExpr->get_arg1()->accept( *this ); output << " , "; commaExpr->get_arg2()->accept( *this ); output << ")"; } void CodeGenerator::visit( TupleExpr *tupleExpr ) {} void CodeGenerator::visit( TypeExpr *typeExpr ) {} //*** Statements void CodeGenerator::visit( CompoundStmt *compoundStmt ) { std::list ks = compoundStmt->get_kids(); output << "{" << endl; cur_indent += CodeGenerator::tabsize; for ( std::list::iterator i = ks.begin(); i != ks.end(); i++) { output << string( cur_indent, ' ' ) << printLabels( (*i)->get_labels() ); (*i)->accept(*this ); output << endl; if ( wantSpacing( *i ) ) { output << endl; } } cur_indent -= CodeGenerator::tabsize; output << string( cur_indent, ' ' ) << "}"; } void CodeGenerator::visit( ExprStmt *exprStmt ) { // I don't see why this check is necessary. // If this starts to cause problems then put it back in, // with an explanation assert( exprStmt ); // if ( exprStmt != 0 ) { exprStmt->get_expr()->accept( *this ); output << ";" ; // } // if } void CodeGenerator::visit( IfStmt *ifStmt ) { output << "if ("; ifStmt->get_condition()->accept(*this ); output << ") "; ifStmt->get_thenPart()->accept(*this ); if ( ifStmt->get_elsePart() != 0) { output << " else "; ifStmt->get_elsePart()->accept(*this ); } // if } void CodeGenerator::visit( SwitchStmt *switchStmt ) { output << "switch (" ; switchStmt->get_condition()->accept(*this ); output << ") "; output << "{" << std::endl; cur_indent += CodeGenerator::tabsize; acceptAll( switchStmt->get_branches(), *this ); cur_indent -= CodeGenerator::tabsize; output << string( cur_indent, ' ' ) << "}"; } void CodeGenerator::visit( CaseStmt *caseStmt ) { output << string( cur_indent, ' ' ); if ( caseStmt->isDefault()) { output << "default"; } else { output << "case "; caseStmt->get_condition()->accept(*this ); } // if output << ":\n"; std::list sts = caseStmt->get_statements(); cur_indent += CodeGenerator::tabsize; for ( std::list::iterator i = sts.begin(); i != sts.end(); i++) { output << string( cur_indent, ' ' ) << printLabels( (*i)->get_labels() ) ; (*i)->accept(*this ); output << endl; } cur_indent -= CodeGenerator::tabsize; } void CodeGenerator::visit( BranchStmt *branchStmt ) { switch ( branchStmt->get_type()) { case BranchStmt::Goto: if ( ! branchStmt->get_target().empty() ) output << "goto " << branchStmt->get_target(); else { if ( branchStmt->get_computedTarget() != 0 ) { output << "goto *"; branchStmt->get_computedTarget()->accept( *this ); } // if } // if break; case BranchStmt::Break: output << "break"; break; case BranchStmt::Continue: output << "continue"; break; } output << ";"; } void CodeGenerator::visit( ReturnStmt *returnStmt ) { output << "return "; // xxx -- check for null expression; if ( returnStmt->get_expr() ) { returnStmt->get_expr()->accept( *this ); } // if output << ";"; } void CodeGenerator::visit( WhileStmt *whileStmt ) { if ( whileStmt->get_isDoWhile() ) output << "do" ; else { output << "while (" ; whileStmt->get_condition()->accept(*this ); output << ")"; } // if output << " "; output << CodeGenerator::printLabels( whileStmt->get_body()->get_labels() ); whileStmt->get_body()->accept( *this ); output << string( cur_indent, ' ' ); if ( whileStmt->get_isDoWhile() ) { output << " while (" ; whileStmt->get_condition()->accept(*this ); output << ");"; } // if } void CodeGenerator::visit( ForStmt *forStmt ) { output << "for ("; if ( forStmt->get_initialization() != 0 ) forStmt->get_initialization()->accept( *this ); else output << ";"; if ( forStmt->get_condition() != 0 ) forStmt->get_condition()->accept( *this ); output << ";"; if ( forStmt->get_increment() != 0 ) forStmt->get_increment()->accept( *this ); output << ") "; if ( forStmt->get_body() != 0 ) { output << CodeGenerator::printLabels( forStmt->get_body()->get_labels() ); forStmt->get_body()->accept( *this ); } // if } void CodeGenerator::visit( NullStmt *nullStmt ) { //output << string( cur_indent, ' ' ) << CodeGenerator::printLabels( nullStmt->get_labels() ); output << "/* null statement */ ;"; } void CodeGenerator::visit( DeclStmt *declStmt ) { declStmt->get_decl()->accept( *this ); if ( doSemicolon( declStmt->get_decl() ) ) { output << ";"; } // if } std::string CodeGenerator::printLabels( std::list< Label > &l ) { std::string str( "" ); l.unique(); // assumes a sorted list. Why not use set? for ( std::list< Label >::iterator i = l.begin(); i != l.end(); i++ ) str += *i + ": "; return str; } void CodeGenerator::handleStorageClass( Declaration *decl ) { switch ( decl->get_storageClass() ) { case Declaration::NoStorageClass: break; case Declaration::Extern: output << "extern "; break; case Declaration::Static: output << "static "; break; case Declaration::Auto: // silently drop storage class break; case Declaration::Register: output << "register "; break; case Declaration::Inline: // handled as special via isInline flag (FIX) break; case Declaration::Fortran: // not handled break; } // switch } } // namespace CodeGen // Local Variables: // // tab-width: 4 // // mode: c++ // // compile-command: "make install" // // End: //