// // Cforall Version 1.0.0 Copyright (C) 2015 University of Waterloo // // The contents of this file are covered under the licence agreement in the // file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall. // // CodeGenerator.cc -- // // Author : Richard C. Bilson // Created On : Mon May 18 07:44:20 2015 // Last Modified By : Andrew Beach // Last Modified On : Fri Aug 18 15:34:00 2017 // Update Count : 488 // #include "CodeGenerator.h" #include // for assert, assertf #include // for _List_iterator, list, list<>::it... #include "Common/SemanticError.h" // for SemanticError #include "Common/UniqueName.h" // for UniqueName #include "Common/utility.h" // for CodeLocation, toString #include "GenType.h" // for genType #include "InitTweak/InitTweak.h" // for getPointerBase #include "OperatorTable.h" // for OperatorInfo, operatorLookup #include "Parser/LinkageSpec.h" // for Spec, Intrinsic #include "SynTree/Attribute.h" // for Attribute #include "SynTree/BaseSyntaxNode.h" // for BaseSyntaxNode #include "SynTree/Constant.h" // for Constant #include "SynTree/Declaration.h" // for DeclarationWithType, TypeDecl #include "SynTree/Expression.h" // for Expression, UntypedExpr, Applica... #include "SynTree/Initializer.h" // for Initializer, ListInit, Designation #include "SynTree/Label.h" // for Label, operator<< #include "SynTree/Statement.h" // for Statement, AsmStmt, BranchStmt #include "SynTree/Type.h" // for Type, Type::StorageClasses, Func... using namespace std; namespace CodeGen { int CodeGenerator::tabsize = 4; // the kinds of statements that would ideally be followed by whitespace bool wantSpacing( Statement * stmt) { return dynamic_cast< IfStmt * >( stmt ) || dynamic_cast< CompoundStmt * >( stmt ) || dynamic_cast< WhileStmt * >( stmt ) || dynamic_cast< ForStmt * >( stmt ) || dynamic_cast< SwitchStmt *>( stmt ); } void CodeGenerator::extension( Expression * expr ) { if ( expr->get_extension() ) { output << "__extension__ "; } // if } // extension void CodeGenerator::extension( Declaration * decl ) { if ( decl->get_extension() ) { output << "__extension__ "; } // if } // extension void CodeGenerator::asmName( DeclarationWithType * decl ) { if ( ConstantExpr * asmName = decl->get_asmName() ) { output << " asm ( " << asmName->get_constant()->get_value() << " )"; } // if } // extension CodeGenerator::LabelPrinter & CodeGenerator::LabelPrinter::operator()( std::list< Label > & l ) { labels = &l; return *this; } ostream & operator<<( ostream & output, CodeGenerator::LabelPrinter & printLabels ) { std::list< Label > & labs = *printLabels.labels; // l.unique(); // assumes a sorted list. Why not use set? Does order matter? for ( Label & l : labs ) { output << l.get_name() + ": "; printLabels.cg.genAttributes( l.get_attributes() ); } // for return output; } /* Using updateLocation at the beginning of a node and nextLine * within a node should become the method of formating. */ void CodeGenerator::updateLocation( CodeLocation const & to ) { if ( !lineMarks ) { return; } else if ( currentLocation.followedBy( to, 0 ) ) { return; } else if ( currentLocation.followedBy( to, 1 ) ) { output << "\n" << indent; currentLocation.linenumber += 1; } else if ( currentLocation.followedBy( to, 2 ) ) { output << "\n\n" << indent; currentLocation.linenumber += 2; } else { output << "\n# " << to.linenumber << " \"" << to.filename << "\"\n" << indent; currentLocation = to; } output << std::flush; } void CodeGenerator::updateLocation( BaseSyntaxNode const * to ) { updateLocation( to->location ); } void CodeGenerator::nextLine() { if ( !lineMarks ) { output << "\n" << indent << std::flush; } } CodeGenerator::CodeGenerator( std::ostream & os, bool pretty, bool genC, bool lineMarks ) : indent( CodeGenerator::tabsize ), insideFunction( false ), output( os ), printLabels( *this ), pretty( pretty ), genC( genC ), lineMarks( lineMarks ) {} string CodeGenerator::mangleName( DeclarationWithType * decl ) { if ( pretty ) return decl->get_name(); if ( decl->get_mangleName() != "" ) { // need to incorporate scope level in order to differentiate names for destructors return decl->get_scopedMangleName(); } else { return decl->get_name(); } // if } void CodeGenerator::genAttributes( list< Attribute * > & attributes ) { if ( attributes.empty() ) return; output << "__attribute__ (("; for ( list< Attribute * >::iterator attr( attributes.begin() );; ) { output << (*attr)->get_name(); if ( ! (*attr)->get_parameters().empty() ) { output << "("; genCommaList( (*attr)->get_parameters().begin(), (*attr)->get_parameters().end() ); output << ")"; } // if if ( ++attr == attributes.end() ) break; output << ","; // separator } // for output << ")) "; } // CodeGenerator::genAttributes // *** Declarations void CodeGenerator::visit( FunctionDecl * functionDecl ) { extension( functionDecl ); genAttributes( functionDecl->get_attributes() ); handleStorageClass( functionDecl ); functionDecl->get_funcSpec().print( output ); output << genType( functionDecl->get_functionType(), mangleName( functionDecl ), pretty, genC ); asmName( functionDecl ); // acceptAll( functionDecl->get_oldDecls(), *this ); if ( functionDecl->get_statements() ) { functionDecl->get_statements()->accept( *this ); } // if } void CodeGenerator::visit( ObjectDecl * objectDecl ) { if (objectDecl->get_name().empty() && genC ) { // only generate an anonymous name when generating C code, otherwise it clutters the output too much static UniqueName name = { "__anonymous_object" }; objectDecl->set_name( name.newName() ); } extension( objectDecl ); genAttributes( objectDecl->get_attributes() ); handleStorageClass( objectDecl ); output << genType( objectDecl->get_type(), mangleName( objectDecl ), pretty, genC ); asmName( objectDecl ); if ( objectDecl->get_init() ) { output << " = "; objectDecl->get_init()->accept( *this ); } // if if ( objectDecl->get_bitfieldWidth() ) { output << ":"; objectDecl->get_bitfieldWidth()->accept( *this ); } // if } void CodeGenerator::handleAggregate( AggregateDecl * aggDecl, const std::string & kind ) { genAttributes( aggDecl->get_attributes() ); if( ! aggDecl->get_parameters().empty() && ! genC ) { // assertf( ! genC, "Aggregate type parameters should not reach code generation." ); output << "forall("; genCommaList( aggDecl->get_parameters().begin(), aggDecl->get_parameters().end() ); output << ")" << endl; output << indent; } output << kind << aggDecl->get_name(); if ( aggDecl->has_body() ) { std::list< Declaration * > & memb = aggDecl->get_members(); output << " {" << endl; ++indent; for ( std::list< Declaration* >::iterator i = memb.begin(); i != memb.end(); i++ ) { updateLocation( *i ); output << indent; (*i)->accept( *this ); output << ";" << endl; } // for --indent; output << indent << "}"; } // if } void CodeGenerator::visit( StructDecl * structDecl ) { extension( structDecl ); handleAggregate( structDecl, "struct " ); } void CodeGenerator::visit( UnionDecl * unionDecl ) { extension( unionDecl ); handleAggregate( unionDecl, "union " ); } void CodeGenerator::visit( EnumDecl * enumDecl ) { extension( enumDecl ); updateLocation( enumDecl ); output << "enum "; genAttributes( enumDecl->get_attributes() ); output << enumDecl->get_name(); std::list< Declaration* > &memb = enumDecl->get_members(); if ( ! memb.empty() ) { output << " {" << endl; ++indent; for ( std::list< Declaration* >::iterator i = memb.begin(); i != memb.end(); i++) { ObjectDecl * obj = dynamic_cast< ObjectDecl* >( *i ); assert( obj ); updateLocation( obj ); output << indent << mangleName( obj ); if ( obj->get_init() ) { output << " = "; obj->get_init()->accept( *this ); } // if output << "," << endl; } // for --indent; output << indent << "}"; } // if } void CodeGenerator::visit( TraitDecl * traitDecl ) { assertf( ! genC, "TraitDecl nodes should not reach code generation." ); extension( traitDecl ); handleAggregate( traitDecl, "trait " ); } void CodeGenerator::visit( TypedefDecl * typeDecl ) { assertf( ! genC, "Typedefs are removed and substituted in earlier passes." ); updateLocation( typeDecl ); output << "typedef "; output << genType( typeDecl->get_base(), typeDecl->get_name(), pretty, genC ) << endl; } void CodeGenerator::visit( TypeDecl * typeDecl ) { if ( genC ) { // really, we should mutate this into something that isn't a TypeDecl but that requires large-scale changes, // still to be done extension( typeDecl ); output << "extern unsigned long " << typeDecl->get_name(); if ( typeDecl->get_base() ) { output << " = sizeof( " << genType( typeDecl->get_base(), "", pretty, genC ) << " )"; } // if } else { output << typeDecl->genTypeString() << " " << typeDecl->get_name(); if ( typeDecl->get_kind() != TypeDecl::Any && typeDecl->get_sized() ) { output << " | sized(" << typeDecl->get_name() << ")"; } if ( ! typeDecl->get_assertions().empty() ) { output << " | { "; genCommaList( typeDecl->get_assertions().begin(), typeDecl->get_assertions().end() ); output << " }"; } } } void CodeGenerator::visit( Designation * designation ) { std::list< Expression * > designators = designation->get_designators(); if ( designators.size() == 0 ) return; for ( Expression * des : designators ) { if ( dynamic_cast< NameExpr * >( des ) || dynamic_cast< VariableExpr * >( des ) ) { // if expression is a NameExpr or VariableExpr, then initializing aggregate member output << "."; des->accept( *this ); } else { // otherwise, it has to be a ConstantExpr or CastExpr, initializing array eleemnt output << "["; des->accept( *this ); output << "]"; } // if } // for output << " = "; } void CodeGenerator::visit( SingleInit * init ) { init->get_value()->accept( *this ); } void CodeGenerator::visit( ListInit * init ) { auto initBegin = init->begin(); auto initEnd = init->end(); auto desigBegin = init->get_designations().begin(); auto desigEnd = init->get_designations().end(); output << "{ "; for ( ; initBegin != initEnd && desigBegin != desigEnd; ) { (*desigBegin)->accept( *this ); (*initBegin)->accept( *this ); ++initBegin, ++desigBegin; if ( initBegin != initEnd ) { output << ", "; } } output << " }"; assertf( initBegin == initEnd && desigBegin == desigEnd, "Initializers and designators not the same length. %s", toString( init ).c_str() ); } void CodeGenerator::visit( __attribute__((unused)) ConstructorInit * init ){ assertf( ! genC, "ConstructorInit nodes should not reach code generation." ); // pseudo-output for constructor/destructor pairs output << "{" << std::endl << ++indent << "ctor: "; maybeAccept( init->get_ctor(), *this ); output << ", " << std::endl << indent << "dtor: "; maybeAccept( init->get_dtor(), *this ); output << std::endl << --indent << "}"; } void CodeGenerator::visit( Constant * constant ) { output << constant->get_value() ; } // *** Expressions void CodeGenerator::visit( ApplicationExpr * applicationExpr ) { extension( applicationExpr ); if ( VariableExpr * varExpr = dynamic_cast< VariableExpr* >( applicationExpr->get_function() ) ) { OperatorInfo opInfo; if ( varExpr->get_var()->get_linkage() == LinkageSpec::Intrinsic && operatorLookup( varExpr->get_var()->get_name(), opInfo ) ) { std::list< Expression* >::iterator arg = applicationExpr->get_args().begin(); switch ( opInfo.type ) { case OT_INDEX: assert( applicationExpr->get_args().size() == 2 ); (*arg++)->accept( *this ); output << "["; (*arg)->accept( *this ); output << "]"; break; case OT_CALL: // there are no intrinsic definitions of the function call operator assert( false ); break; case OT_CTOR: case OT_DTOR: if ( applicationExpr->get_args().size() == 1 ) { // the expression fed into a single parameter constructor or destructor may contain side // effects, so must still output this expression output << "("; (*arg++)->accept( *this ); output << ") /* " << opInfo.inputName << " */"; } else if ( applicationExpr->get_args().size() == 2 ) { // intrinsic two parameter constructors are essentially bitwise assignment output << "("; (*arg++)->accept( *this ); output << opInfo.symbol; (*arg)->accept( *this ); output << ") /* " << opInfo.inputName << " */"; } else { // no constructors with 0 or more than 2 parameters assert( false ); } // if break; case OT_PREFIX: case OT_PREFIXASSIGN: assert( applicationExpr->get_args().size() == 1 ); output << "("; output << opInfo.symbol; (*arg)->accept( *this ); output << ")"; break; case OT_POSTFIX: case OT_POSTFIXASSIGN: assert( applicationExpr->get_args().size() == 1 ); (*arg)->accept( *this ); output << opInfo.symbol; break; case OT_INFIX: case OT_INFIXASSIGN: assert( applicationExpr->get_args().size() == 2 ); output << "("; (*arg++)->accept( *this ); output << opInfo.symbol; (*arg)->accept( *this ); output << ")"; break; case OT_CONSTANT: case OT_LABELADDRESS: // there are no intrinsic definitions of 0/1 or label addresses as functions assert( false ); } // switch } else { varExpr->accept( *this ); output << "("; genCommaList( applicationExpr->get_args().begin(), applicationExpr->get_args().end() ); output << ")"; } // if } else { applicationExpr->get_function()->accept( *this ); output << "("; genCommaList( applicationExpr->get_args().begin(), applicationExpr->get_args().end() ); output << ")"; } // if } void CodeGenerator::visit( UntypedExpr * untypedExpr ) { extension( untypedExpr ); if ( NameExpr * nameExpr = dynamic_cast< NameExpr* >( untypedExpr->get_function() ) ) { OperatorInfo opInfo; if ( operatorLookup( nameExpr->get_name(), opInfo ) ) { std::list< Expression* >::iterator arg = untypedExpr->get_args().begin(); switch ( opInfo.type ) { case OT_INDEX: assert( untypedExpr->get_args().size() == 2 ); (*arg++)->accept( *this ); output << "["; (*arg)->accept( *this ); output << "]"; break; case OT_CALL: assert( false ); case OT_CTOR: case OT_DTOR: if ( untypedExpr->get_args().size() == 1 ) { // the expression fed into a single parameter constructor or destructor may contain side // effects, so must still output this expression output << "("; (*arg++)->accept( *this ); output << ") /* " << opInfo.inputName << " */"; } else if ( untypedExpr->get_args().size() == 2 ) { // intrinsic two parameter constructors are essentially bitwise assignment output << "("; (*arg++)->accept( *this ); output << opInfo.symbol; (*arg)->accept( *this ); output << ") /* " << opInfo.inputName << " */"; } else { // no constructors with 0 or more than 2 parameters assert( false ); } // if break; case OT_PREFIX: case OT_PREFIXASSIGN: case OT_LABELADDRESS: assert( untypedExpr->get_args().size() == 1 ); output << "("; output << opInfo.symbol; (*arg)->accept( *this ); output << ")"; break; case OT_POSTFIX: case OT_POSTFIXASSIGN: assert( untypedExpr->get_args().size() == 1 ); (*arg)->accept( *this ); output << opInfo.symbol; break; case OT_INFIX: case OT_INFIXASSIGN: assert( untypedExpr->get_args().size() == 2 ); output << "("; (*arg++)->accept( *this ); output << opInfo.symbol; (*arg)->accept( *this ); output << ")"; break; case OT_CONSTANT: // there are no intrinsic definitions of 0 or 1 as functions assert( false ); } // switch } else { if ( nameExpr->get_name() == "..." ) { // case V1 ... V2 or case V1~V2 assert( untypedExpr->get_args().size() == 2 ); (*untypedExpr->get_args().begin())->accept( *this ); output << " ... "; (*--untypedExpr->get_args().end())->accept( *this ); } else { // builtin routines nameExpr->accept( *this ); output << "("; genCommaList( untypedExpr->get_args().begin(), untypedExpr->get_args().end() ); output << ")"; } // if } // if } else { untypedExpr->get_function()->accept( *this ); output << "("; genCommaList( untypedExpr->get_args().begin(), untypedExpr->get_args().end() ); output << ")"; } // if } void CodeGenerator::visit( RangeExpr * rangeExpr ) { rangeExpr->get_low()->accept( *this ); output << " ... "; rangeExpr->get_high()->accept( *this ); } void CodeGenerator::visit( NameExpr * nameExpr ) { extension( nameExpr ); OperatorInfo opInfo; if ( operatorLookup( nameExpr->get_name(), opInfo ) ) { assert( opInfo.type == OT_CONSTANT ); output << opInfo.symbol; } else { output << nameExpr->get_name(); } // if } void CodeGenerator::visit( AddressExpr * addressExpr ) { extension( addressExpr ); output << "(&"; addressExpr->arg->accept( *this ); output << ")"; } void CodeGenerator::visit( LabelAddressExpr *addressExpr ) { extension( addressExpr ); output << "(&&" << addressExpr->arg << ")"; } void CodeGenerator::visit( CastExpr * castExpr ) { extension( castExpr ); output << "("; if ( castExpr->get_result()->isVoid() ) { output << "(void)" ; } else { // at least one result type of cast. // Note: previously, lvalue casts were skipped. Since it's now impossible for the user to write // an lvalue cast, this has been taken out. output << "("; output << genType( castExpr->get_result(), "", pretty, genC ); output << ")"; } // if castExpr->get_arg()->accept( *this ); output << ")"; } void CodeGenerator::visit( VirtualCastExpr * castExpr ) { assertf( ! genC, "VirtualCastExpr should not reach code generation." ); extension( castExpr ); output << "(virtual "; castExpr->get_arg()->accept( *this ); output << ")"; } void CodeGenerator::visit( UntypedMemberExpr * memberExpr ) { assertf( ! genC, "UntypedMemberExpr should not reach code generation." ); extension( memberExpr ); memberExpr->get_aggregate()->accept( *this ); output << "."; memberExpr->get_member()->accept( *this ); } void CodeGenerator::visit( MemberExpr * memberExpr ) { extension( memberExpr ); memberExpr->get_aggregate()->accept( *this ); output << "." << mangleName( memberExpr->get_member() ); } void CodeGenerator::visit( VariableExpr * variableExpr ) { extension( variableExpr ); OperatorInfo opInfo; if ( variableExpr->get_var()->get_linkage() == LinkageSpec::Intrinsic && operatorLookup( variableExpr->get_var()->get_name(), opInfo ) && opInfo.type == OT_CONSTANT ) { output << opInfo.symbol; } else { output << mangleName( variableExpr->get_var() ); } // if } void CodeGenerator::visit( ConstantExpr * constantExpr ) { assert( constantExpr->get_constant() ); extension( constantExpr ); constantExpr->get_constant()->accept( *this ); } void CodeGenerator::visit( SizeofExpr * sizeofExpr ) { extension( sizeofExpr ); output << "sizeof("; if ( sizeofExpr->get_isType() ) { output << genType( sizeofExpr->get_type(), "", pretty, genC ); } else { sizeofExpr->get_expr()->accept( *this ); } // if output << ")"; } void CodeGenerator::visit( AlignofExpr * alignofExpr ) { // use GCC extension to avoid bumping std to C11 extension( alignofExpr ); output << "__alignof__("; if ( alignofExpr->get_isType() ) { output << genType( alignofExpr->get_type(), "", pretty, genC ); } else { alignofExpr->get_expr()->accept( *this ); } // if output << ")"; } void CodeGenerator::visit( UntypedOffsetofExpr * offsetofExpr ) { assertf( ! genC, "UntypedOffsetofExpr should not reach code generation." ); output << "offsetof("; output << genType( offsetofExpr->get_type(), "", pretty, genC ); output << ", " << offsetofExpr->get_member(); output << ")"; } void CodeGenerator::visit( OffsetofExpr * offsetofExpr ) { // use GCC builtin output << "__builtin_offsetof("; output << genType( offsetofExpr->get_type(), "", pretty, genC ); output << ", " << mangleName( offsetofExpr->get_member() ); output << ")"; } void CodeGenerator::visit( OffsetPackExpr * offsetPackExpr ) { assertf( ! genC, "OffsetPackExpr should not reach code generation." ); output << "__CFA_offsetpack(" << genType( offsetPackExpr->get_type(), "", pretty, genC ) << ")"; } void CodeGenerator::visit( LogicalExpr * logicalExpr ) { extension( logicalExpr ); output << "("; logicalExpr->get_arg1()->accept( *this ); if ( logicalExpr->get_isAnd() ) { output << " && "; } else { output << " || "; } // if logicalExpr->get_arg2()->accept( *this ); output << ")"; } void CodeGenerator::visit( ConditionalExpr * conditionalExpr ) { extension( conditionalExpr ); output << "("; conditionalExpr->get_arg1()->accept( *this ); output << " ? "; conditionalExpr->get_arg2()->accept( *this ); output << " : "; conditionalExpr->get_arg3()->accept( *this ); output << ")"; } void CodeGenerator::visit( CommaExpr * commaExpr ) { extension( commaExpr ); output << "("; if ( genC ) { // arg1 of a CommaExpr is never used, so it can be safely cast to void to reduce gcc warnings. commaExpr->set_arg1( new CastExpr( commaExpr->get_arg1() ) ); } commaExpr->get_arg1()->accept( *this ); output << " , "; commaExpr->get_arg2()->accept( *this ); output << ")"; } void CodeGenerator::visit( TupleAssignExpr * tupleExpr ) { assertf( ! genC, "TupleAssignExpr should not reach code generation." ); tupleExpr->stmtExpr->accept( *this ); } void CodeGenerator::visit( UntypedTupleExpr * tupleExpr ) { assertf( ! genC, "UntypedTupleExpr should not reach code generation." ); extension( tupleExpr ); output << "["; genCommaList( tupleExpr->get_exprs().begin(), tupleExpr->get_exprs().end() ); output << "]"; } void CodeGenerator::visit( TupleExpr * tupleExpr ) { assertf( ! genC, "TupleExpr should not reach code generation." ); extension( tupleExpr ); output << "["; genCommaList( tupleExpr->get_exprs().begin(), tupleExpr->get_exprs().end() ); output << "]"; } void CodeGenerator::visit( TupleIndexExpr * tupleExpr ) { assertf( ! genC, "TupleIndexExpr should not reach code generation." ); extension( tupleExpr ); tupleExpr->get_tuple()->accept( *this ); output << "." << tupleExpr->get_index(); } void CodeGenerator::visit( TypeExpr * typeExpr ) { // if ( genC ) std::cerr << "typeexpr still exists: " << typeExpr << std::endl; // assertf( ! genC, "TypeExpr should not reach code generation." ); if ( ! genC ) { output<< genType( typeExpr->get_type(), "", pretty, genC ); } } void CodeGenerator::visit( AsmExpr * asmExpr ) { if ( asmExpr->get_inout() ) { output << "[ "; asmExpr->get_inout()->accept( *this ); output << " ] "; } // if asmExpr->get_constraint()->accept( *this ); output << " ( "; asmExpr->get_operand()->accept( *this ); output << " )"; } void CodeGenerator::visit( CompoundLiteralExpr *compLitExpr ) { assert( compLitExpr->get_result() && dynamic_cast< ListInit * > ( compLitExpr->get_initializer() ) ); output << "(" << genType( compLitExpr->get_result(), "", pretty, genC ) << ")"; compLitExpr->get_initializer()->accept( *this ); } void CodeGenerator::visit( UniqueExpr * unqExpr ) { assertf( ! genC, "Unique expressions should not reach code generation." ); output << "unq<" << unqExpr->get_id() << ">{ "; unqExpr->get_expr()->accept( *this ); output << " }"; } void CodeGenerator::visit( StmtExpr * stmtExpr ) { std::list< Statement * > & stmts = stmtExpr->get_statements()->get_kids(); updateLocation( stmtExpr ); output << "({" << std::endl; ++indent; unsigned int numStmts = stmts.size(); unsigned int i = 0; for ( Statement * stmt : stmts ) { updateLocation( stmt ); output << indent << printLabels( stmt->get_labels() ); if ( i+1 == numStmts ) { // last statement in a statement expression needs to be handled specially - // cannot cast to void, otherwise the expression statement has no value if ( ExprStmt * exprStmt = dynamic_cast< ExprStmt * >( stmt ) ) { exprStmt->get_expr()->accept( *this ); output << ";" << endl; ++i; break; } } stmt->accept( *this ); output << endl; if ( wantSpacing( stmt ) ) { output << endl; } // if ++i; } --indent; output << indent << "})"; } // *** Statements void CodeGenerator::visit( CompoundStmt * compoundStmt ) { std::list ks = compoundStmt->get_kids(); output << "{" << endl; ++indent; for ( std::list::iterator i = ks.begin(); i != ks.end(); i++ ) { output << indent << printLabels( (*i)->get_labels() ); (*i)->accept( *this ); output << endl; if ( wantSpacing( *i ) ) { output << endl; } // if } // for --indent; output << indent << "}"; } void CodeGenerator::visit( ExprStmt * exprStmt ) { assert( exprStmt ); if ( genC ) { // cast the top-level expression to void to reduce gcc warnings. exprStmt->set_expr( new CastExpr( exprStmt->get_expr() ) ); } exprStmt->get_expr()->accept( *this ); output << ";"; } void CodeGenerator::visit( AsmStmt * asmStmt ) { output << "asm "; if ( asmStmt->get_voltile() ) output << "volatile "; if ( ! asmStmt->get_gotolabels().empty() ) output << "goto "; output << "( "; if ( asmStmt->get_instruction() ) asmStmt->get_instruction()->accept( *this ); output << " : "; genCommaList( asmStmt->get_output().begin(), asmStmt->get_output().end() ); output << " : "; genCommaList( asmStmt->get_input().begin(), asmStmt->get_input().end() ); output << " : "; genCommaList( asmStmt->get_clobber().begin(), asmStmt->get_clobber().end() ); if ( ! asmStmt->get_gotolabels().empty() ) { output << " : "; for ( std::list