#include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; #include #include // strlen #include "config.h" // configure info enum Kind { Bool, Char, SignedChar, UnsignedChar, ShortSignedInt, ShortUnsignedInt, SignedInt, UnsignedInt, LongSignedInt, LongUnsignedInt, LongLongSignedInt, LongLongUnsignedInt, SignedInt128, UnsignedInt128, uFloat16, uFloat16Complex, uFloat32, uFloat32Complex, Float, FloatComplex, // FloatImaginary, uFloat32x, uFloat32xComplex, uFloat64, uFloat64Complex, Double, DoubleComplex, // DoubleImaginary, uFloat64x, uFloat64xComplex, uuFloat80, uFloat128, uFloat128Complex, uuFloat128, LongDouble, LongDoubleComplex, // LongDoubleImaginary, uFloat128x, uFloat128xComplex, NUMBER_OF_BASIC_TYPES }; enum NumSort { // floating point types act as both signed and unsigned Signed = 0x1, Unsigned = 0x2, Floating = 0x3 }; struct Node { Kind basicType; // basic type const char * name; // basic-type name const char * abbrev; // internal abbreviation (documentation only) const char * type; // actual type name const char * mangled; // mangled abbreviation NumSort sign; // is this a signed integral type? int left, middle, right; // 3-ary tree, -1 => nullptr int rank; // integral rank (C standard, extended) } graph[NUMBER_OF_BASIC_TYPES] = { { Bool, "Bool", "B", "_Bool", "b", Signed, Char, SignedChar, -1, 0 }, // root { Char, "Char", "C", "char", "c", Signed, SignedChar, UnsignedChar, ShortSignedInt, 1 }, { SignedChar, "SignedChar", "SC", "signed char", "a", Signed, UnsignedChar, ShortSignedInt, -1, 1 }, { UnsignedChar, "UnsignedChar", "UC", "unsigned char", "h", Unsigned, ShortUnsignedInt, ShortSignedInt, -1, 1 }, { ShortSignedInt, "ShortSignedInt", "SI", "signed short int", "s", Signed, ShortUnsignedInt, SignedInt, -1, 2 }, { ShortUnsignedInt, "ShortUnsignedInt", "SUI", "unsigned short int", "t", Unsigned, UnsignedInt, SignedInt, -1, 2 }, { SignedInt, "SignedInt", "I", "signed int", "i", Signed, UnsignedInt, LongSignedInt, -1, 3 }, { UnsignedInt, "UnsignedInt", "UI", "unsigned int", "j", Unsigned, LongUnsignedInt, LongSignedInt, -1, 3 }, { LongSignedInt, "LongSignedInt", "LI", "signed long int", "l", Signed, LongUnsignedInt, LongLongSignedInt, -1, 4 }, { LongUnsignedInt, "LongUnsignedInt", "LUI", "unsigned long int", "m", Unsigned, LongLongSignedInt, LongLongUnsignedInt, -1, 4 }, { LongLongSignedInt, "LongLongSignedInt", "LLI", "signed long long int", "x", Signed, LongLongUnsignedInt, SignedInt128, -1, 5 }, { LongLongUnsignedInt, "LongLongUnsignedInt", "LLUI", "unsigned long long int", "y", Unsigned, SignedInt128, UnsignedInt128, -1, 5 }, { SignedInt128, "SignedInt128", "IB", "__int128", "n", Signed, UnsignedInt128, uFloat16, -1, 6 }, { UnsignedInt128, "UnsignedInt128", "UIB", "unsigned __int128", "o", Unsigned, uFloat16, -1, -1, 6 }, { uFloat16, "uFloat16", "_FH", "_Float16", "DF16_", Floating, uFloat32, uFloat16Complex, -1, 7 }, { uFloat16Complex, "uFloat16Complex", "_FH", "_Float16 _Complex", "CDF16_", Floating, uFloat32Complex, -1, -1, 7 }, { uFloat32, "uFloat32", "_F", "_Float32", "DF32_", Floating, Float, uFloat32Complex, -1, 8 }, { uFloat32Complex, "uFloat32Complex", "_FC", "_Float32 _Complex", "CDF32_", Floating, FloatComplex, -1, -1, 8 }, { Float, "Float", "F", "float", "f", Floating, uFloat32x, FloatComplex, -1, 9 }, { FloatComplex, "FloatComplex", "FC", "float _Complex", "Cf", Floating, uFloat32xComplex, -1, -1, 9 }, // { FloatImaginary, "FloatImaginary", "FI", "float _Imaginary", "If", false, DoubleImaginary, FloatComplex, -1, 9 }, { uFloat32x, "uFloat32x", "_FX", "_Float32x", "DF32x_", Floating, uFloat64, uFloat32xComplex, -1, 10 }, { uFloat32xComplex, "uFloat32xComplex", "_FXC", "_Float32x _Complex", "CDF32x_", Floating, uFloat64Complex, -1, -1, 10 }, { uFloat64, "uFloat64", "FD", "_Float64", "DF64_", Floating, Double, uFloat64Complex, -1, 11 }, { uFloat64Complex, "uFloat64Complex", "_FDC", "_Float64 _Complex", "CDF64_", Floating, DoubleComplex, -1, -1, 11 }, { Double, "Double", "D", "double", "d", Floating, uFloat64x, DoubleComplex, -1, 12 }, { DoubleComplex, "DoubleComplex", "DC", "double _Complex", "Cd", Floating, uFloat64xComplex, -1, -1, 12 }, // { DoubleImaginary, "DoubleImaginary", "DI", "double _Imaginary", "Id", false, LongDoubleImaginary, DoubleComplex, -1, 12 }, { uFloat64x, "uFloat64x", "F80X", "_Float64x", "DF64x_", Floating, uuFloat80, uFloat64xComplex, -1, 13 }, { uFloat64xComplex, "uFloat64xComplex", "_FDXC", "_Float64x _Complex", "CDF64x_", Floating, uFloat128Complex, -1, -1, 13 }, { uuFloat80, "uuFloat80", "F80", "__float80", "Dq", Floating, uFloat128, uFloat64xComplex, -1, 14 }, { uFloat128, "uFloat128", "_FB", "_Float128", "DF128_", Floating, uuFloat128, uFloat128Complex, -1, 15 }, { uFloat128Complex, "uFloat128Complex", "_FLDC", "_Float128 _Complex", "CDF128_", Floating, LongDoubleComplex, -1, -1, 15 }, { uuFloat128, "uuFloat128", "FB", "__float128", "g", Floating, LongDouble, uFloat128Complex, -1, 16 }, { LongDouble, "LongDouble", "LD", "long double", "e", Floating, uFloat128x, LongDoubleComplex, -1, 17 }, { LongDoubleComplex, "LongDoubleComplex", "LDC", "long double _Complex", "Ce", Floating, uFloat128xComplex, -1, -1, 17 }, // { LongDoubleImaginary, "LongDoubleImaginary", "LDI", "long double _Imaginary", "Ie", false, LongDoubleComplex, -1, -1, 17 }, { uFloat128x, "uFloat128x", "_FBX", "_Float128x", "DF128x_", Floating, uFloat128xComplex, -1, -1, 18 }, { uFloat128xComplex, "uFloat128xComplex", "_FLDXC", "_Float128x _Complex", "CDF128x_", Floating, -1, -1, -1, 18 } }; // graph static int costMatrix[NUMBER_OF_BASIC_TYPES][NUMBER_OF_BASIC_TYPES]; static int signMatrix[NUMBER_OF_BASIC_TYPES][NUMBER_OF_BASIC_TYPES]; static Kind commonTypeMatrix[NUMBER_OF_BASIC_TYPES][NUMBER_OF_BASIC_TYPES]; void generateCosts( int row ) { bool seen[NUMBER_OF_BASIC_TYPES] = { false /*, ... */ }; struct el_cost { int i; int path; int sign; el_cost( int i = 0, int p = 0, int s = 0 ) : i(i), path(p), sign(s) {} // reverse the sense for use in largest-on-top priority queue bool operator< (const el_cost& o) const { return path > o.path || (path == o.path && sign > o.sign); } }; // initialize BFS queue with root of traversal priority_queue< el_cost > q; q.emplace( row, 0, 0 ); // BFS costs do { // visit cost element int col = q.top().i; // skip if already set if ( seen[col] ) { q.pop(); continue; } else { seen[col] = true; } // if // otherwise set min-costs into matrix int cost = q.top().path; int scost = q.top().sign; costMatrix[row][col] = cost; signMatrix[row][col] = scost; q.pop(); // traverse children int i = graph[col].left; if ( i == -1 ) continue; q.emplace( i, cost + 1, scost + ! (graph[col].sign & graph[i].sign) ); i = graph[col].middle; if ( i == -1 ) continue; q.emplace( i, cost + 1, scost + !(graph[col].sign & graph[i].sign) ); i = graph[col].right; if ( i == -1 ) continue; q.emplace( i, cost + 1, scost + !(graph[col].sign & graph[i].sign) ); } while ( ! q.empty() ); } // generateCosts void generateCommonType( int row, int col ) { // row <= col if ( costMatrix[row][col] >= 0 ) { // safe conversion from row => col commonTypeMatrix[row][col] = commonTypeMatrix[col][row] = graph[col].basicType; } else if ( costMatrix[col][row] >= 0 ) { // safe conversion from col => row commonTypeMatrix[row][col] = commonTypeMatrix[col][row] = graph[row].basicType; } else { // need to find least common ancestor // can cheat a bit here, in that there is always a direct ancestor of the later (col) element int i = graph[col].left; if ( i == -1 ) assert("invalid ancestor assumption"); if ( costMatrix[row][i] >= 0 ) { commonTypeMatrix[row][col] = commonTypeMatrix[col][row] = graph[i].basicType; return; } // if i = graph[col].middle; if ( i == -1 ) assert("invalid ancestor assumption"); if ( costMatrix[row][i] >= 0 ) { commonTypeMatrix[row][col] = commonTypeMatrix[col][row] = graph[i].basicType; return; } // if i = graph[col].right; if ( i == -1 ) assert("invalid ancestor assumption"); if ( costMatrix[row][i] >= 0 ) { commonTypeMatrix[row][col] = commonTypeMatrix[col][row] = graph[i].basicType; return; } // if assert("invalid ancestor assumption"); } // if } // generateCommonType void resetInput( fstream & file, const char * filename, stringstream & buffer, stringstream & code, string & str ) { file.close(); buffer.str( "" ); code.str( "" ); file.open( filename, fstream::in ); if ( file.fail() ) { cout << "Internal error, could not open " << filename << " for input." << endl; abort(); } // if buffer << file.rdbuf(); str = buffer.str(); } // resetInput void output( fstream & file, const char * filename, stringstream & code ) { file.close(); file.open( filename, fstream::out ); if ( file.fail() ) { cout << "Internal error, could not open " << filename << " for output." << endl; abort(); } // if file << code.rdbuf(); // overwrite file } // output void Abort( const char * kind, const char * file ) { cerr << "Internal error, could not find " << kind << " of generated code for " << file << endl; } // Abort int main() { for ( int r = 0; r < NUMBER_OF_BASIC_TYPES; r += 1 ) { // initialization for ( int c = 0; c < NUMBER_OF_BASIC_TYPES; c += 1 ) { costMatrix[r][c] = -1; signMatrix[r][c] = -1; commonTypeMatrix[r][c] = NUMBER_OF_BASIC_TYPES; } // for } // for int lastInteger = NUMBER_OF_BASIC_TYPES; for ( int r = 0; r < NUMBER_OF_BASIC_TYPES; r += 1 ) { // perform breath-first traversal to generate cost graph generateCosts(r); } // for for ( int r = 0; r < NUMBER_OF_BASIC_TYPES; r += 1 ) { // use cost graph to find nearest-common-ancestor for (int c = r; c < NUMBER_OF_BASIC_TYPES; c += 1 ) { generateCommonType(r, c); } // for } // for // Find the last integer type. // Assumes at least 1, and all come before the floating types. for ( int i = 1 ; i < NUMBER_OF_BASIC_TYPES ; i += 1 ) { if ( Floating == graph[i].sign ) { lastInteger = (i - 1); break; } } #define STARTMK "// GENERATED START, DO NOT EDIT" #define ENDMK "// GENERATED END" string BYMK( __FILE__ ); string::size_type posn = BYMK.find_last_of( "/" ); if ( posn != string::npos ) BYMK.erase( 0, posn - 1); // remove directories BYMK = "// GENERATED BY " + BYMK; fstream file; stringstream buffer, code; string str; size_t start, end; #define TypeH_AST TOP_SRCDIR "src/AST/BasicKind.hpp" resetInput( file, TypeH_AST, buffer, code, str ); if ( (start = str.find( STARTMK )) == string::npos ) Abort( "start", TypeH_AST ); start += sizeof( STARTMK ); // includes newline code << str.substr( 0, start ); code << BYMK << endl; code << "enum BasicKind {" << endl; for ( int r = 0; r < NUMBER_OF_BASIC_TYPES; r += 1 ) { code << "\t" << graph[r].name << "," << endl; } // for code << "\tNUMBER_OF_BASIC_TYPES," << endl; code << "\tMAX_INTEGER_TYPE = " << graph[lastInteger].name << "," << endl; code << "};" << endl; if ( (start = str.find( ENDMK, start + 1 )) == string::npos ) Abort( "end", TypeH_AST ); code << str.substr( start ); output( file, TypeH_AST, code ); // cout << code.str(); #define TypeC_AST TOP_SRCDIR "src/AST/Type.cpp" resetInput( file, TypeC_AST, buffer, code, str ); if ( (start = str.find( STARTMK )) == string::npos ) Abort( "start", TypeC_AST ); start += sizeof( STARTMK ); // includes newline code << str.substr( 0, start ); code << BYMK << endl; code << "const char * BasicType::typeNames[] = {" << endl; for ( int r = 0; r < NUMBER_OF_BASIC_TYPES; r += 1 ) { code << "\t\"" << graph[r].type << "\"," << endl; } // for code << "};" << endl; if ( (start = str.find( ENDMK, start + 1 )) == string::npos ) Abort( "end", TypeC_AST ); code << str.substr( start ); output( file, TypeC_AST, code ); // cout << code.str(); #define ConversionCost TOP_SRCDIR "src/ResolvExpr/ConversionCost.cc" resetInput( file, ConversionCost, buffer, code, str ); if ( (start = str.find( STARTMK )) == string::npos ) Abort( "start", ConversionCost ); start += sizeof( STARTMK ); // includes newline code << str.substr( 0, start ); code << "\t" << BYMK << endl; code << "\t/* EXTENDED INTEGRAL RANK HIERARCHY (root to leaves)" << endl; for ( int c = 0; c < NUMBER_OF_BASIC_TYPES; c += 1 ) { code << '\t' << left; if ( graph[c].rank != graph[c + 1].rank ) { code << right << setw(30) << graph[c].type << left; } else if ( graph[c].rank != graph[c + 2].rank ) { code << string( 10, ' ' ) << setw(25) << graph[c].type << graph[c + 1].type; c += 1; } else { code << setw(20) << graph[c].type << setw(20) << graph[c + 1].type << graph[c + 2].type; c += 2; } // if code << endl; } // for code << right << "\t*/" << endl; code << "\t"; // indentation for end marker if ( (start = str.find( ENDMK, start + 1 )) == string::npos ) Abort( "end", ConversionCost ); if ( (end = str.find( STARTMK, start + 1 )) == string::npos ) Abort( "start", ConversionCost ); end += sizeof( STARTMK ); code << str.substr( start, end - start ); code << "\t" << BYMK << endl; code << "\tstatic const int costMatrix[ast::BasicKind::NUMBER_OF_BASIC_TYPES][ast::BasicKind::NUMBER_OF_BASIC_TYPES] = { // path length from root to node" << endl << "\t\t/* "; for ( int r = 0; r < NUMBER_OF_BASIC_TYPES; r += 1 ) { // titles code << setw(5) << graph[r].abbrev; } // for code << " */" << endl; for ( int r = 0; r < NUMBER_OF_BASIC_TYPES; r += 1 ) { // costs code << "\t\t/* " << setw(6) << graph[r].abbrev << " */ {"; for ( int c = 0; c < NUMBER_OF_BASIC_TYPES; c += 1 ) { code << setw(4) << costMatrix[r][c] << ","; } // for code << " }," << endl; } // for code << "\t}; // costMatrix" << endl; // maximum conversion cost from int code << "\tstatic const int maxIntCost = " << *max_element(costMatrix[SignedInt], costMatrix[SignedInt] + NUMBER_OF_BASIC_TYPES) << ";" << endl; code << "\t"; // indentation for end marker if ( (start = str.find( ENDMK, start + 1 )) == string::npos ) Abort( "end", ConversionCost ); if ( (end = str.find( STARTMK, start + 1 )) == string::npos ) Abort( "start", ConversionCost ); end += sizeof( STARTMK ); code << str.substr( start, end - start ); code << "\t" << BYMK << endl; code << "\tstatic const int signMatrix[ast::BasicKind::NUMBER_OF_BASIC_TYPES][ast::BasicKind::NUMBER_OF_BASIC_TYPES] = { // number of sign changes in safe conversion" << endl << "\t\t/* "; for ( int r = 0; r < NUMBER_OF_BASIC_TYPES; r += 1 ) { // titles code << setw(5) << graph[r].abbrev; } // for code << " */" << endl; for ( int r = 0; r < NUMBER_OF_BASIC_TYPES; r += 1 ) { // costs code << "\t\t/* " << setw(6) << graph[r].abbrev << " */ {"; for ( int c = 0; c < NUMBER_OF_BASIC_TYPES; c += 1 ) { code << setw(4) << signMatrix[r][c] << ","; } // for code << " }," << endl; } // for code << "\t}; // signMatrix" << endl; code << "\t"; // indentation for end marker if ( (start = str.find( ENDMK, start + 1 )) == string::npos ) Abort( "end", ConversionCost ); code << str.substr( start ); output( file, ConversionCost, code ); // cout << code.str(); #define CommonType TOP_SRCDIR "src/ResolvExpr/CommonType.cc" resetInput( file, CommonType, buffer, code, str ); if ( (start = str.find( STARTMK )) == string::npos ) Abort( "start", CommonType ); start += sizeof( STARTMK ); // includes newline code << str.substr( 0, start ); enum { PER_ROW = 6 }; code << "\t" << BYMK << endl; code << "\t#define BT ast::BasicKind::" << endl; code << "\tstatic const BT Kind commonTypes[BT NUMBER_OF_BASIC_TYPES][BT NUMBER_OF_BASIC_TYPES] = { // nearest common ancestor" << endl << "\t\t/*\t\t "; for ( int r = 0; r < NUMBER_OF_BASIC_TYPES; r += 1 ) { // titles code << setw(24) << graph[r].abbrev; if ( (r+1) % PER_ROW == 0 ) { code << endl << "\t\t\t\t "; } // if } // for code << "*/" << endl; for ( int r = 0; r < NUMBER_OF_BASIC_TYPES; r += 1 ) { // costs code << "\t\t\t\t {\n\t\t/* " << setw(6) << graph[r].abbrev << " */"; for ( int c = 0; c < NUMBER_OF_BASIC_TYPES; c += 1 ) { string s = string{"BT "} + graph[commonTypeMatrix[r][c]].name; code << setw(23) << s << ","; if ( (c+1) % PER_ROW == 0 ) { code << endl << "\t\t\t\t "; } // if } // for code << "}," << endl; } // for code << "\t}; // commonTypes" << endl; code << "\t#undef BT" << endl; code << "\t"; // indentation for end marker if ( (start = str.find( ENDMK, start + 1 )) == string::npos ) Abort( "end", CommonType ); code << str.substr( start ); output( file, CommonType, code ); // cout << code.str(); #define ManglerCommon TOP_SRCDIR "src/SymTab/ManglerCommon.cc" resetInput( file, ManglerCommon, buffer, code, str ); if ( (start = str.find( STARTMK )) == string::npos ) Abort( "start", ManglerCommon ); start += sizeof( STARTMK ); // includes newline code << str.substr( 0, start ); code << "// GENERATED BY " __FILE__ "\n" "// NOTES ON MANGLING:\n" "// * Itanium spec says that Float80 encodes to \"e\" (like LongDouble), but the distinct lengths cause resolution problems.\n" "// * Float128 is supposed to encode to \"g\", but I wanted it to mangle equal to LongDouble.\n" "// * Mangling for non-standard complex types is by best guess\n" "// * _FloatN is supposed to encode as \"DF\"N\"_\"; modified for same reason as above.\n" "// * unused mangling identifiers:\n" "// - \"z\" ellipsis\n" "// - \"Dd\" IEEE 754r 64-bit decimal floating point (borrowed for _Float32x)\n" "// - \"De\" IEEE 754r 128-bit decimal floating point\n" "// - \"Df\" IEEE 754r 32-bit decimal floating point\n" "// - \"Dh\" IEEE 754r 16-bit decimal floating point (borrowed for _Float16)\n" "// - \"DF\"N\"_\" ISO/IEC TS 18661 N-bit binary floating point (_FloatN)\n" "// - \"Di\" char32_t\n" "// - \"Ds\" char16_t\n"; code << "const std::string basicTypes[ast::BasicKind::NUMBER_OF_BASIC_TYPES] = {" << endl; for ( int r = 0; r < NUMBER_OF_BASIC_TYPES; r += 1 ) { code << "\t\"" << graph[r].mangled << "\"," << setw(9 - strlen(graph[r].mangled)) << ' ' << "// " << graph[r].type << endl; } // for code << "}; // basicTypes" << endl; if ( (start = str.find( ENDMK, start + 1 )) == string::npos ) Abort( "end", ManglerCommon ); code << str.substr( start ); output( file, ManglerCommon, code ); // cout << code.str(); } // main // Local Variables: // // tab-width: 4 // // mode: c++ // // compile-command: "g++-8 -Wall -Wextra BasicTypes-gen.cc" // // End: //