// // Cforall Version 1.0.0 Copyright (C) 2015 University of Waterloo // // The contents of this file are covered under the licence agreement in the // file "LICENCE" distributed with Cforall. // // Expr.hpp -- // // Author : Aaron B. Moss // Created On : Fri May 10 10:30:00 2019 // Last Modified By : Aaron B. Moss // Created On : Fri May 10 10:30:00 2019 // Update Count : 1 // #pragma once #include #include #include #include // for move #include #include "Fwd.hpp" // for UniqueId #include "Label.hpp" #include "ParseNode.hpp" #include "Visitor.hpp" // Must be included in *all* AST classes; should be #undef'd at the end of the file #define MUTATE_FRIEND template friend auto mutate(const node_t * node); namespace ast { /// Contains the ID of a declaration and a type that is derived from that declaration, /// but subject to decay-to-pointer and type parameter renaming struct ParamEntry { UniqueId decl; ptr actualType; ptr formalType; ptr expr; ParamEntry() : decl( 0 ), actualType( nullptr ), formalType( nullptr ), expr( nullptr ) {} ParamEntry( UniqueId id, Type* actual, Type* formal, Expr* e ) : decl( id ), actualType( actual ), formalType( formal ), expr( e ) {} }; /// Pre-resolution list of parameters to infer using ResnSlots = std::vector; /// Post-resolution map of inferred parameters using InferredParams = std::map< UniqueId, ParamEntry >; /// Base node for expressions class Expr : public ParseNode { public: /// Saves space (~16 bytes) by combining ResnSlots and InferredParams struct InferUnion { enum { Empty, Slots, Params } mode; union data_t { char def; ResnSlots resnSlots; InferredParams inferParams; data_t() : def('\0') {} ~data_t() {} } data; /// initializes from other InferUnion void init_from( const InferUnion& o ) { switch ( o.mode ) { case Empty: return; case Slots: new(&data.resnSlots) ResnSlots{ o.data.resnSlots }; return; case Params: new(&data.inferParams) InferredParams{ o.data.inferParams }; return; } } /// initializes from other InferUnion (move semantics) void init_from( InferUnion&& o ) { switch ( o.mode ) { case Empty: return; case Slots: new(&data.resnSlots) ResnSlots{ std::move(o.data.resnSlots) }; return; case Params: new(&data.inferParams) InferredParams{ std::move(o.data.inferParams) }; return; } } /// clears variant fields void reset() { switch( mode ) { case Empty: return; case Slots: data.resnSlots.~ResnSlots(); return; case Params: data.inferParams.~InferredParams(); return; } } InferUnion() : mode(Empty), data() {} InferUnion( const InferUnion& o ) : mode( o.mode ), data() { init_from( o ); } InferUnion( InferUnion&& o ) : mode( o.mode ), data() { init_from( std::move(o) ); } InferUnion& operator= ( const InferUnion& ) = delete; InferUnion& operator= ( InferUnion&& ) = delete; ~InferUnion() { reset(); } ResnSlots& resnSlots() { switch (mode) { case Empty: new(&data.resnSlots) ResnSlots{}; mode = Slots; // fallthrough case Slots: return data.resnSlots; case Params: assert(!"Cannot return to resnSlots from Params"); } } InferredParams& inferParams() { switch (mode) { case Slots: data.resnSlots.~ResnSlots(); // fallthrough case Empty: new(&data.inferParams) InferredParams{}; mode = Params; // fallthrough case Params: return data.inferParams; } } }; ptr result; ptr env; InferUnion inferred; bool extension = false; Expr( const CodeLocation & loc, const Type * res = nullptr ) : ParseNode( loc ), result( res ), env(), inferred() {} Expr * set_extension( bool ex ) { extension = ex; return this; } virtual const Expr * accept( Visitor & v ) const override = 0; private: Expr * clone() const override = 0; MUTATE_FRIEND }; /// The application of a function to a set of parameters. /// Post-resolver form of `UntypedExpr` class ApplicationExpr final : public Expr { public: ptr func; std::vector> args; ApplicationExpr( const CodeLocation & loc, const Expr * f, std::vector> && as = {} ); const Expr * accept( Visitor & v ) const override { return v.visit( this ); } private: ApplicationExpr * clone() const override { return new ApplicationExpr{ *this }; } MUTATE_FRIEND }; /// The application of a function to a set of parameters, pre-overload resolution. class UntypedExpr final : public Expr { public: ptr func; std::vector> args; UntypedExpr( const CodeLocation & loc, const Expr * f, std::vector> && as = {} ) : Expr( loc ), func( f ), args( std::move(as) ) {} /// Creates a new dereference expression static UntypedExpr * createDeref( const CodeLocation & loc, Expr * arg ); /// Creates a new assignment expression static UntypedExpr * createAssign( const CodeLocation & loc, Expr * lhs, Expr * rhs ); const Expr * accept( Visitor & v ) const override { return v.visit( this ); } private: UntypedExpr * clone() const override { return new UntypedExpr{ *this }; } MUTATE_FRIEND }; /// A name whose name is as-yet undetermined. /// May also be used to avoid name mangling in codegen phase. class NameExpr final : public Expr { public: std::string name; NameExpr( const CodeLocation & loc, const std::string & n ) : Expr( loc ), name( n ) {} const Expr * accept( Visitor & v ) const override { return v.visit( this ); } private: NameExpr * clone() const override { return new NameExpr{ *this }; } MUTATE_FRIEND }; /// Address-of expression `&e` class AddressExpr final : public Expr { public: ptr arg; AddressExpr( const CodeLocation & loc, const Expr * a ); const Expr * accept( Visitor & v ) const override { return v.visit( this ); } private: AddressExpr * clone() const override { return new AddressExpr{ *this }; } MUTATE_FRIEND }; /// GCC &&label /// https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-3.4.2/gcc/Labels-as-Values.html class LabelAddressExpr final : public Expr { public: Label arg; LabelAddressExpr( const CodeLocation & loc, Label && a ); const Expr * accept( Visitor & v ) const override { return v.visit( this ); } private: LabelAddressExpr * clone() const override { return new LabelAddressExpr{ *this }; } MUTATE_FRIEND }; /// Whether a cast existed in the program source or not enum GeneratedFlag { ExplicitCast, GeneratedCast }; /// A type cast, e.g. `(int)e` class CastExpr final : public Expr { public: ptr arg; GeneratedFlag isGenerated; CastExpr( const CodeLocation & loc, const Expr * a, const Type * to, GeneratedFlag g = GeneratedCast ) : Expr( loc, to ), arg( a ), isGenerated( g ) {} /// Cast-to-void CastExpr( const CodeLocation & loc, const Expr * a, GeneratedFlag g = GeneratedCast ); const Expr * accept( Visitor & v ) const override { return v.visit( this ); } private: CastExpr * clone() const override { return new CastExpr{ *this }; } MUTATE_FRIEND }; /// A cast to "keyword types", e.g. `(thread &)t` class KeywordCastExpr final : public Expr { public: ptr arg; enum Target { Coroutine, Thread, Monitor, NUMBER_OF_TARGETS } target; KeywordCastExpr( const CodeLocation & loc, const Expr * a, Target t ) : Expr( loc ), arg( a ), target( t ) {} /// Get a name for the target type const std::string& targetString() const; const Expr * accept( Visitor & v ) const override { return v.visit( this ); } private: KeywordCastExpr * clone() const override { return new KeywordCastExpr{ *this }; } MUTATE_FRIEND }; /// A virtual dynamic cast, e.g. `(virtual exception)e` class VirtualCastExpr final : public Expr { public: ptr arg; VirtualCastExpr( const CodeLocation & loc, const Expr * a, const Type * to ) : Expr( loc, to ), arg( a ) {} const Expr * accept( Visitor & v ) const override { return v.visit( this ); } private: VirtualCastExpr * clone() const override { return new VirtualCastExpr{ *this }; } MUTATE_FRIEND }; /// A member selection operation before expression resolution, e.g. `q.p` class UntypedMemberExpr final : public Expr { public: ptr member; ptr aggregate; UntypedMemberExpr( const CodeLocation & loc, const Expr * mem, const Expr * agg ) : Expr( loc ), member( mem ), aggregate( agg ) { assert( aggregate ); } const Expr * accept( Visitor & v ) const override { return v.visit( this ); } private: UntypedMemberExpr * clone() const override { return new UntypedMemberExpr{ *this }; } MUTATE_FRIEND }; /// A member selection operation after expression resolution, e.g. `q.p` class MemberExpr final : public Expr { public: readonly member; ptr aggregate; MemberExpr( const CodeLocation & loc, const DeclWithType * mem, const Expr * agg ); const Expr * accept( Visitor & v ) const override { return v.visit( this ); } private: MemberExpr * clone() const override { return new MemberExpr{ *this }; } MUTATE_FRIEND }; /// A reference to a named variable. class VariableExpr final : public Expr { public: readonly var; VariableExpr( const CodeLocation & loc, const DeclWithType * v ); /// generates a function pointer for a given function static VariableExpr * functionPointer( const CodeLocation & loc, const FunctionDecl * decl ); const Expr * accept( Visitor & v ) const override { return v.visit( this ); } private: VariableExpr * clone() const override { return new VariableExpr{ *this }; } MUTATE_FRIEND }; /// A compile-time constant class ConstantExpr final : public Expr { union Val { unsigned long long ival; double dval; Val( unsigned long long i ) : ival( i ) {} Val( double d ) : dval( d ) {} } val; public: std::string rep; ConstantExpr( const CodeLocation & loc, const Type * ty, const std::string & r, unsigned long long v ) : Expr( loc, ty ), val( v ), rep( r ) {} ConstantExpr( const CodeLocation & loc, const Type * ty, const std::string & r, double v ) : Expr( loc, ty ), val( v ), rep( r ) {} /// Gets the value of this constant as an integer long long int intValue() const; /// Gets the value of this constant as floating point double floatValue() const; /// generates a boolean constant of the given bool static ConstantExpr * from_bool( const CodeLocation & loc, bool b ); /// generates a char constant of the given char static ConstantExpr * from_char( const CodeLocation & loc, char c ); /// generates an integer constant of the given int static ConstantExpr * from_int( const CodeLocation & loc, int i ); /// generates an integer constant of the given unsigned long int static ConstantExpr * from_ulong( const CodeLocation & loc, unsigned long i ); /// generates a floating point constant of the given double static ConstantExpr * from_double( const CodeLocation & loc, double d ); /// generates an array of chars constant of the given string static ConstantExpr * from_string( const CodeLocation & loc, const std::string & s ); /// generates a null pointer value for the given type. void * if omitted. static ConstantExpr * null( const CodeLocation & loc, const Type * ptrType = nullptr ); const Expr * accept( Visitor & v ) const override { return v.visit( this ); } private: ConstantExpr * clone() const override { return new ConstantExpr{ *this }; } MUTATE_FRIEND }; /// sizeof expression, e.g. `sizeof(int)`, `sizeof 3+4` class SizeofExpr final : public Expr { public: ptr expr; ptr type; SizeofExpr( const CodeLocation & loc, const Expr * e ); SizeofExpr( const CodeLocation & loc, const Type * t ); // deliberately no disambiguating overload for nullptr_t const Expr * accept( Visitor & v ) const override { return v.visit( this ); } private: SizeofExpr * clone() const override { return new SizeofExpr{ *this }; } MUTATE_FRIEND }; /// alignof expression, e.g. `alignof(int)`, `alignof 3+4` class AlignofExpr final : public Expr { public: ptr expr; ptr type; AlignofExpr( const CodeLocation & loc, const Expr * e ); AlignofExpr( const CodeLocation & loc, const Type * t ); // deliberately no disambiguating overload for nullptr_t const Expr * accept( Visitor & v ) const override { return v.visit( this ); } private: AlignofExpr * clone() const override { return new AlignofExpr{ *this }; } MUTATE_FRIEND }; /// offsetof expression before resolver determines field, e.g. `offsetof(MyStruct, myfield)` class UntypedOffsetofExpr final : public Expr { public: ptr type; std::string member; UntypedOffsetofExpr( const CodeLocation & loc, const Type * ty, const std::string & mem ) : Expr( loc ), type( ty ), member( mem ) {} const Expr * accept( Visitor & v ) const override { return v.visit( this ); } private: UntypedOffsetofExpr * clone() const override { return new UntypedOffsetofExpr{ *this }; } MUTATE_FRIEND }; /// offsetof expression after resolver determines field, e.g. `offsetof(MyStruct, myfield)` class OffsetofExpr final : public Expr { public: ptr type; readonly member; OffsetofExpr( const CodeLocation & loc, const Type * ty, const DeclWithType * mem ); const Expr * accept( Visitor & v ) const override { return v.visit( this ); } private: OffsetofExpr * clone() const override { return new OffsetofExpr{ *this }; } MUTATE_FRIEND }; /// a pack of field-offsets for a generic type class OffsetPackExpr final : public Expr { public: ptr type; OffsetPackExpr( const CodeLocation & loc, const StructInstType * ty ); const Expr * accept( Visitor & v ) const override { return v.visit( this ); } private: OffsetPackExpr * clone() const override { return new OffsetPackExpr{ *this }; } MUTATE_FRIEND }; /// Variants of short-circuiting logical expression enum LogicalFlag { OrExpr, AndExpr }; /// Short-circuiting boolean expression (`&&` or `||`) class LogicalExpr final : public Expr { public: ptr arg1; ptr arg2; LogicalFlag isAnd; LogicalExpr( const CodeLocation & loc, const Expr * a1, const Expr * a2, LogicalFlag ia ); const Expr * accept( Visitor & v ) const override { return v.visit( this ); } private: LogicalExpr * clone() const override { return new LogicalExpr{ *this }; } MUTATE_FRIEND }; /// Three-argument conditional e.g. `p ? a : b` class ConditionalExpr final : public Expr { public: ptr arg1; ptr arg2; ptr arg3; ConditionalExpr( const CodeLocation & loc, const Expr * a1, const Expr * a2, const Expr * a3 ) : Expr( loc ), arg1( a1 ), arg2( a2 ), arg3( a3 ) {} const Expr * accept( Visitor & v ) const override { return v.visit( this ); } private: ConditionalExpr * clone() const override { return new ConditionalExpr{ *this }; } MUTATE_FRIEND }; /// Comma expression e.g. `( a , b )` class CommaExpr final : public Expr { public: ptr arg1; ptr arg2; CommaExpr( const CodeLocation & loc, const Expr * a1, const Expr * a2 ) : Expr( loc ), arg1( a1 ), arg2( a2 ) {} const Expr * accept( Visitor & v ) const override { return v.visit( this ); } private: CommaExpr * clone() const override { return new CommaExpr{ *this }; } MUTATE_FRIEND }; /// A type used as an expression (e.g. a type generator parameter) class TypeExpr final : public Expr { public: ptr type; TypeExpr( const CodeLocation & loc, const Type * t ) : Expr(loc), type(t) {} const Expr * accept( Visitor & v ) const override { return v.visit( this ); } private: TypeExpr * clone() const override { return new TypeExpr{ *this }; } MUTATE_FRIEND }; /// A GCC "asm constraint operand" used in an asm statement, e.g. `[output] "=f" (result)`. /// https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-4.7.1/gcc/Machine-Constraints.html#Machine-Constraints class AsmExpr final : public Expr { public: ptr inout; ptr constraint; }; //================================================================================================= /// This disgusting and giant piece of boiler-plate is here to solve a cyclic dependency /// remove only if there is a better solution /// The problem is that ast::ptr< ... > uses increment/decrement which won't work well with /// forward declarations inline void increment( const class Expr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment(ref); } inline void decrement( const class Expr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement(ref); } inline void increment( const class ApplicationExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment(ref); } inline void decrement( const class ApplicationExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement(ref); } inline void increment( const class UntypedExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment(ref); } inline void decrement( const class UntypedExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement(ref); } inline void increment( const class NameExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment(ref); } inline void decrement( const class NameExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement(ref); } inline void increment( const class AddressExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment(ref); } inline void decrement( const class AddressExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement(ref); } inline void increment( const class LabelAddressExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment(ref); } inline void decrement( const class LabelAddressExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement(ref); } inline void increment( const class CastExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment(ref); } inline void decrement( const class CastExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement(ref); } inline void increment( const class KeywordCastExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment(ref); } inline void decrement( const class KeywordCastExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement(ref); } inline void increment( const class VirtualCastExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment(ref); } inline void decrement( const class VirtualCastExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement(ref); } inline void increment( const class MemberExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment(ref); } inline void decrement( const class MemberExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement(ref); } inline void increment( const class UntypedMemberExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment(ref); } inline void decrement( const class UntypedMemberExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement(ref); } inline void increment( const class VariableExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment(ref); } inline void decrement( const class VariableExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement(ref); } inline void increment( const class ConstantExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment(ref); } inline void decrement( const class ConstantExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement(ref); } inline void increment( const class SizeofExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment(ref); } inline void decrement( const class SizeofExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement(ref); } inline void increment( const class AlignofExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment(ref); } inline void decrement( const class AlignofExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement(ref); } inline void increment( const class UntypedOffsetofExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment(ref); } inline void decrement( const class UntypedOffsetofExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement(ref); } inline void increment( const class OffsetofExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment(ref); } inline void decrement( const class OffsetofExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement(ref); } inline void increment( const class OffsetPackExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment(ref); } inline void decrement( const class OffsetPackExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement(ref); } inline void increment( const class LogicalExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment(ref); } inline void decrement( const class LogicalExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement(ref); } inline void increment( const class ConditionalExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment(ref); } inline void decrement( const class ConditionalExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement(ref); } inline void increment( const class CommaExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment(ref); } inline void decrement( const class CommaExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement(ref); } inline void increment( const class TypeExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment(ref); } inline void decrement( const class TypeExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement(ref); } inline void increment( const class AsmExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment(ref); } inline void decrement( const class AsmExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement(ref); } // inline void increment( const class ImplicitCopyCtorExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment(ref); } // inline void decrement( const class ImplicitCopyCtorExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement(ref); } // inline void increment( const class ConstructorExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment(ref); } // inline void decrement( const class ConstructorExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement(ref); } // inline void increment( const class CompoundLiteralExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment(ref); } // inline void decrement( const class CompoundLiteralExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement(ref); } // inline void increment( const class UntypedValofExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment(ref); } // inline void decrement( const class UntypedValofExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement(ref); } // inline void increment( const class RangeExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment(ref); } // inline void decrement( const class RangeExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement(ref); } // inline void increment( const class UntypedTupleExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment(ref); } // inline void decrement( const class UntypedTupleExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement(ref); } // inline void increment( const class TupleExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment(ref); } // inline void decrement( const class TupleExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement(ref); } // inline void increment( const class TupleIndexExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment(ref); } // inline void decrement( const class TupleIndexExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement(ref); } // inline void increment( const class TupleAssignExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment(ref); } // inline void decrement( const class TupleAssignExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement(ref); } // inline void increment( const class StmtExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment(ref); } // inline void decrement( const class StmtExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement(ref); } // inline void increment( const class UniqueExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment(ref); } // inline void decrement( const class UniqueExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement(ref); } // inline void increment( const class UntypedInitExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment(ref); } // inline void decrement( const class UntypedInitExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement(ref); } // inline void increment( const class InitExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment(ref); } // inline void decrement( const class InitExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement(ref); } // inline void increment( const class DeletedExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment(ref); } // inline void decrement( const class DeletedExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement(ref); } // inline void increment( const class DefaultArgExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment(ref); } // inline void decrement( const class DefaultArgExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement(ref); } // inline void increment( const class GenericExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->increment(ref); } // inline void decrement( const class GenericExpr * node, Node::ref_type ref ) { node->decrement(ref); } } #undef MUTATE_FRIEND // Local Variables: // // tab-width: 4 // // mode: c++ // // compile-command: "make install" // // End: //