# Thoughts on Resolver Design # ## Conversions ## C's implicit "usual arithmetic conversions" define a structure among the built-in types consisting of _unsafe_ narrowing conversions and a hierarchy of _safe_ widening conversions. There is also a set of _explicit_ conversions that are only allowed through a cast expression. Based on Glen's notes on conversions [1], I propose that safe and unsafe conversions be expressed as constructor variants, though I make explicit (cast) conversions a constructor variant as well rather than a dedicated operator. Throughout this article, I will use the following operator names for constructors and conversion functions from `From` to `To`: void ?{} ( To*, To ); // copy constructor void ?{} ( To*, From ); // explicit constructor void ?{explicit} ( To*, From ); // explicit cast conversion void ?{safe} ( To*, From ); // implicit safe conversion void ?{unsafe} ( To*, From ); // implicit unsafe conversion [1] http://plg.uwaterloo.ca/~cforall/Conversions/index.html Glen's design made no distinction between constructors and unsafe implicit conversions; this is elegant, but interacts poorly with tuples. Essentially, without making this distinction, a constructor like the following would add an interpretation of any two `int`s as a `Coord`, needlessly multiplying the space of possible interpretations of all functions: void ?{}( Coord *this, int x, int y ); That said, it would certainly be possible to make a multiple-argument implicit conversion, as below, though the argument above suggests this option should be used infrequently: void ?{unsafe}( Coord *this, int x, int y ); An alternate possibility would be to only count two-arg constructors `void ?{} ( To*, From )` as unsafe conversions; under this semantics, safe and explicit conversions should also have a compiler-enforced restriction to ensure that they are two-arg functions (this restriction may be valuable regardless). ### Constructor Idiom ### Basing our notion of conversions off otherwise normal Cforall functions means that we can use the full range of Cforall features for conversions, including polymorphism. Glen [1] defines a _constructor idiom_ that can be used to create chains of safe conversions without duplicating code; given a type `Safe` which members of another type `From` can be directly converted to, the constructor idiom allows us to write a conversion for any type `To` which `Safe` converts to: forall(otype To | { void ?{safe}( To*, Safe ) }) void ?{safe}( To *this, From that ) { Safe tmp = /* some expression involving that */; *this = tmp; // uses assertion parameter } This idiom can also be used with only minor variations for a parallel set of unsafe conversions. What selective non-use of the constructor idiom gives us is the ability to define a conversion that may only be the *last* conversion in a chain of such. Constructing a conversion graph able to unambiguously represent the full hierarchy of implicit conversions in C is provably impossible using only single-step conversions with no additional information (see Appendix B), but this mechanism is sufficiently powerful (see [1], though the design there has some minor bugs; the general idea is to use the constructor idiom to define two chains of conversions, one among the signed integral types, another among the unsigned, and to use monomorphic conversions to allow conversions between signed and unsigned integer types). ### Implementation Details ### It is desirable to have a system which can be efficiently implemented, yet also to have one which has sufficient power to distinguish between functions on all possible axes of polymorphism. This ordering may be a partial order, which may complicate implementation somewhat; in this case it may be desirable to store the set of implementations for a given function as the directed acyclic graph (DAG) representing the order. ## Conversion Costs ## Each possible resolution of an expression has a _cost_ tuple consisting of the following components: _unsafe_ conversion cost, _polymorphic_ specialization cost, _safe_ conversion cost, a count of _explicit_ conversions, and _qualifier_ conversion cost. These components are lexically-ordered and can be summed element-wise; summation starts at `(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)`. ### Lvalue and Qualifier Conversions ### C defines the notion of a _lvalue_, essentially an addressable object, as well as a number of type _qualifiers_, `const`, `volatile`, and `restrict`. As these type qualifiers are generally only meaningful to the type system as applied to lvalues, the two concepts are closely related. A const lvalue cannot be modified, the compiler cannot assume that a volatile lvalue will not be concurrently modified by some other part of the system, and a restrict lvalue must have pointer type, and the compiler may assume that no other pointer in scope aliases that pointer (this is solely a performance optimization, and may be ignored by implementers). _Lvalue-to-rvalue conversion_, which takes an lvalue of type `T` and converts it to an expression result of type `T` (commonly called an _rvalue_ of type `T`) also strips all the qualifiers from the lvalue, as an expression result is a value, not an addressable object that can have properties like immutability. Though lvalue-to-rvalue conversion strips the qualifiers from lvalues, derived rvalue types such as pointer types may include qualifiers; `const int *` is a distinct type from `int *`, though the latter is safely convertable to the former. In general, any number of qualifiers can be safely added to the pointed-to-type of a pointer type, e.g. `int *` converts safely to `const int *` and `volatile int *`, both of which convert safely to `const volatile int *`. Since lvalues are precicely "addressable objects", in C, only lvalues can be used as the operand of the `&` address-of operator. Similarly, only modifiable lvalues may be used as the assigned-to operand of the mutating operators: assignment, compound assignment (e.g. `+=`), and increment and decrement; roughly speaking, lvalues without the `const` qualifier are modifiable, but lvalues of incomplete types, array types, and struct or union types with const members are also not modifiable. Lvalues are produced by the following expressions: object identifiers (function identifiers are not considered to be lvalues), the result of the `*` dereference operator applied to an object pointer, the result of a member expression `s.f` if the left argument `s` is an lvalue (note that the preceding two rules imply that the result of indirect member expressions `s->f` are always lvalues, by desugaring to `(*s).f`), and the result of the indexing operator `a[i]` (similarly by its desugaring to `*((a)+(i))`). Somewhat less obviously, parenthesized lvalue expressions, string literals, and compound literals (e.g. `(struct foo){ 'x', 3.14, 42 }`) are also lvalues. All of the conversions described above are defined in standard C, but Cforall requires further features from its type system. In particular, to allow overloading of the `*?` and `?[?]` dereferencing and indexing operators, Cforall requires a way to declare that the functions defining these operators return lvalues, and since C functions never return lvalues and for syntactic reasons we wish to distinguish functions which return lvalues from functions which return pointers, this is of necessity an extension to standard C. In the current design, an `lvalue` qualifier can be added to function return types (and only to function return types), the effect of which is to return a pointer which is implicitly dereferenced by the caller. C++ includes the more general concept of _references_, which are typically implemented as implicitly dereferenced pointers as well. Another use case which C++ references support is providing a way to pass function parameters by reference (rather than by value) with a natural syntax; Cforall in its current state has no such mechanism. As an example, consider the following (currently typical) copy-constructor signature and call: void ?{}(T *lhs, T rhs); T x; T y = { x }; Note that the right-hand argument is passed by value, and would in fact be copied twice in the course of the constructor call `T y = { x };` (once into the parameter by C's standard `memcpy` semantics, once again in the body of the copy constructor, though it is possible that return value optimization will elide the `memcpy`-style copy). However, to pass by reference using the existing pointer syntax, the example above would look like this: void ?{}(T *lhs, const T *rhs); T x; T y = { &x }; This example is not even as bad as it could be; assuming pass-by-reference is the desired semantics for the `?+?` operator, that implies the following design today: T ?+?(const T *lhs, const T *rhs); T a, b; T c = &a + &b, In addition to `&a + &b` being unsightly and confusing syntax to add `a` and `b`, it also introduces a possible ambiguity with pointer arithmetic on `T*` which can only be resolved by return-type inference. Pass-by-reference and marking functions as returning lvalues instead of the usual rvalues are actually closely related concepts, as obtaining a reference to pass depends on the referenced object being addressable, i.e. an lvalue, and lvalue return types are effectively return-by-reference. Cforall should also unify the concepts, with a parameterized type for "reference to `T`", which I will write `ref T`. Syntax bikeshedding can be done later (there are some examples at the bottom of this section), but `ref T` is sufficiently distinct from both the existing `lvalue T` (which it subsumes) and the closely related C++ `T&` to allow independent discussion of its semantics. Firstly, assignment to a function parameter as part of a function call and local variable initialization have almost identical semantics, so should be treated similarly for the reference type too; this implies we should be able to declare local variables of reference type, as in the following: int x = 42; ref int r = x; // r is now an alias for x Unlike in C++, we would like to have the capability to re-bind references after initialization, as this allows the attractive syntax of references to support some further useful code patterns, such as first initializing a reference after its declaration. Constant references to `T` (`const ref T`) should not be re-bindable. One option for re-binding references is to use a dedicated operator, as in the code example below: int i = 42, j = 7; ref int r = i; // bind r to i r = j; // set i (== r) to 7 r := j; // rebind r to j using the new := rebind operator i = 42; // reset i (!= r) to 42 assert( r == 7 ); The other syntactic option for reference re-bind would be to overload assignment and use type inference on the left and right-hand sides to determine whether the referred-to variable on the left should be reassigned to the value on the right, or if the reference on the left should be aliased to the reference on the right. This could be disambiguated with casts, as in the following code example: int i int j; ref int r = i; // (0a) ref int s = i; // (0b) i = j; // (1) i = (int)s; // (2) i = s; // (3) // --------------------- r = s; // (4) r = (ref int)j; // (5) // --------------------- r = j; // (6) r = (int)s; // (7) By the expected aliasing syntax, (0a) and (0b) are initializing `r` and `s` as aliases for `i`. For C compatibility, (1) has to be assignment; in general, any assignment to a non-reference type should be assignment, so (2) and (3) are as well. By types, (4) and (5) should have the same semantics, and the semantics of (6) and (7) should match as well. This suggests that (4) and (5) are reference re-bind, and (6) and (7) are an assignment to the referred variable; this makes the syntax to explicitly alias a local variable rather ugly (and inconsistent with the initialization syntax), as well as making it rather awkward to copy the value stored in one reference-type variable into another reference type variable (which is likely more painful in functions with by-reference parameters than with local variables of reference type). Because of the aforementioned issues with overloading assignment as reference rebind, in addition to the fact that reference rebind should not be a user-overloadable operator (unlike assignment), I propose refererence rebind should have its own dedicated operator. The semantics and restrictions of `ref T` are effectively the semantics of an lvalue of type `T`, and by this analogy there should be a safe, qualifier dropping conversion from `ref const volatile restrict T` (and every other qualifier combination on the `T` in `ref T`) to `T`. With this conversion, the resolver may type most expressions that C would call "lvalue of type `T`" as `ref T`. There's also an obvious argument that lvalues of a (possibly-qualified) type `T` should be convertable to references of type `T`, where `T` is also so-qualified (e.g. lvalue `int` to `ref int`, lvalue `const char` to `ref const char`). By similar arguments to pointer types, qualifiers should be addable to the referred-to type of a reference (e.g. `ref int` to `ref const int`). As a note, since pointer arithmetic is explictly not defined on `ref T`, `restrict ref T` should be allowable and would have alias-analysis rules that are actually comprehensible to mere mortals. Using pass-by-reference semantics for function calls should not put syntactic constraints on how the function is called; particularly, temporary values should be able to be passed by reference. The mechanism for this pass-by-reference would be to store the value of the temporary expression into a new unnamed temporary, and pass the reference of that temporary to the function. As an example, the following code should all compile and run: void f(ref int x) { printf("%d\n", x++); } int i = 7, j = 11; const int answer = 42; f(i); // (1) f(42); // (2) f(i + j); // (3) f(answer); // (4) The semantics of (1) are just like C++'s, "7" is printed, and `i` has the value 8 afterward. For (2), "42" is printed, and the increment of the unnamed temporary to 43 is not visible to the caller; (3) behaves similarly, printing "19", but not changing `i` or `j`. (4) is a bit of an interesting case; we want to be able to support named constants like `answer` that can be used anywhere the constant expression they're replacing (like `42`) could go; in this sense, (4) and (2) should have the same semantics. However, we don't want the mutation to the `x` parameter to be visible in `answer` afterward, because `answer` is a constant, and thus shouldn't change. The solution to this is to allow chaining of the two `ref` conversions; `answer` has the type `ref const int`, which can be converted to `int` by the lvalue-to-rvalue conversion (which drops the qualifiers), then up to `ref int` by the temporary-producing rvalue-to-lvalue conversion. Thus, an unnamed temporary is inserted, initialized to `answer` (i.e. 42), mutated by `f`, then discarded; "42" is printed, just as in case (2), and `answer` still equals 42 after the call, because it was the temporary that was mutated, not `answer`. It may be somewhat surprising to C++ programmers that `f(i)` mutates `i` while `f(answer)` does not mutate `answer` (though `f(answer)` would be illegal in C++, leading to the dreaded "const hell"), but the behaviour of this rule can be determined by examining local scope with the simple rule "non-`const` references to `const` variables produce temporaries", which aligns with programmer intuition that `const` variables cannot be mutated. To bikeshed syntax for `ref T`, there are three basic options: language keywords (`lvalue T` is already in Cforall), compiler-supported "special" generic types (e.g. `ref(T)`), or sigils (`T&` is familiar to C++ programmers). Keyword or generic based approaches run the risk of name conflicts with existing code, while any sigil used would have to be carefully chosen to not create parsing conflicts. **TODO** Consider arguments for move semantics and see if there is a compelling case for rvalue references. ### Conversion Operator Costs ### Copy constructors, safe conversions, and unsafe conversions all have an associated conversion cost, calculated according to the algorithm below: 1. Monomorphic copy constructors have a conversion cost of `(0, 0, 0, 0)` 2. Monomorphic safe conversions have a conversion cost of `(0, 0, 1, 1)` 3. Monomoprhic unsafe conversions have a conversion cost of `(1, 0, 0, 1)` 4. Polymorphic conversion operators (or copy constructors) have a conversion cost of `(0, 1, 0, 1)` plus the conversion cost of their monomorphic equivalent and the sum of the conversion costs of all conversion operators passed as assertion parameters, but where the fourth "count" element of the cost tuple is fixed to `1`. **TODO** Polymorphism cost may need to be reconsidered in the light of the thoughts on polymorphism below. **TODO** You basically just want path-length in the conversion graph implied by the set of conversions; the only tricky question is whether or not you can account for "mixed" safe and unsafe conversions used to satisfy polymorphic constraints, whether a polymorphic conversion should cost more than a monomorphic one, and whether to account for non-conversion constraints in the polymorphism cost ### Argument-Parameter Matching ### Given a function `f` with an parameter list (after tuple flattening) `(T1 t1, T2 t2, ... Tn tn)`, and a function application `f(, , ... )`, the cost of matching each argument to the appropriate parameter is calculated according to the algorithm below: Given a parameter `t` of type `T` and an expression `` from these lists, `` will have a set of interpretations of types `E1, E2, ... Ek` with associated costs `(u1, p1, s1, c1), (u2, p2, s2, c2), ... (uk, pk, sk, ck)`. (If any `Ei` is a tuple type, replace it with its first flattened element for the purposes of this section.) The cost of matching the interpretation of `` with type `Ei` to `t1` with type `T` is the sum of the interpretation cost `(ui, pi, si, ci)` and the conversion operator cost from `Ei` to `T`. ### Object Initialization ### The cost to initialize an object is calculated very similarly to argument-parameter matching, with a few modifications. Firstly, explicit constructors are included in the set of available conversions, with conversion cost `(0, 0, 0, 1)` plus associated polymorphic conversion costs (if applicable) and the _interpretation cost_ of the constructor, the sum of the argument-parameter matching costs for its parameters. Also, ties in overall cost (interpretation cost plus conversion cost) are broken by lowest conversion cost (i.e. of alternatives with the same overall cost, copy constructors are preferred to other explicit constructors, explicit constructors are preferred to safe conversions, which are preferred to unsafe conversions). An object initialization is properly typed if it has exactly one min-cost interpretation. ### Explicit Casts ### Explicit casts are handled similarly to object initialization. Copy constructors and other explicit constructors are not included in the set of possible conversions, though interpreting a cast as type ascription (`(T)e`, meaning the interpretation of `e` as type `T`) has conversion cost `(0, 0, 0, 0)`. Explicit conversion operators are also included in the set of possible conversions, with cost `(0, 0, 0, 1)` plus whatever polymorphic conversion costs are invoked. Unlike for explicit constructors and other functions, implicit conversions are never applied to the argument or return type of an explicit cast operator, so that the cast may be used more effectively as a method for the user programmer to guide type resolution. ## Trait Satisfaction ## A _trait_ consists of a list of _type variables_ along with a (possibly empty) set of _assertions_ on those variables. Assertions can take two forms, _variable assertions_ and the more common _function assertions_, as in the following example: trait a_trait(otype T, otype S) { T a_variable_assertion; S* another_variable_assertion; S a_function_assertion( T* ); }; Variable assertions enforce that a variable with the given name and type exists (the type is generally one of the type variables, or derived from one), while a function assertion enforces that a function with a _compatible signature_ to the provided function exists. To test if some list of types _satisfy_ the trait, the types are first _bound_ to the type variables, and then declarations to satisfy each assertion are sought out. Variable assertions require an exact match, because they are passed as object pointers, and there is no mechanism to employ conversion functions, while function assertions only require a function that can be wrapped to a compatible type; for example, the declarations below satisfy `a_trait(int, short)`: int a_variable_assertion; short* another_variable_assertion; char a_function_assertion( void* ); // int* may be implicitly converted to void*, and char to short, so the // above works Cforall Polymorphic functions have a _constraining trait_, denoted as follows: forall(otype A, otype B | some_trait(A, B)) The trait may be anonymous, with the same syntax as a trait declaration, and may be unioned together using `|` or `,`. **TODO** Consider including field assertions in the list of constraint types, also associated types and the appropriate matching type assertion. ## Polymorphism Costs ## The type resolver should prefer functions that are "less polymorphic" to functions that are "more polymorphic". Determining how to order functions by degree of polymorphism is somewhat less straightforward, though, as there are multiple axes of polymorphism and it is not always clear how they compose. The natural order for degree of polymorphism is a partial order, and this section includes some open questions on whether it is desirable or feasible to develop a tie-breaking strategy to impose a total order on the degree of polymorphism of functions. Helpfully, though, the degree of polymorphism is a property of functions rather than function calls, so any complicated graph structure or calculation representing a (partial) order over function degree of polymorphism can be calculated once and cached. ### Function Parameters ### All other things being equal, if a parameter of one function has a concrete type and the equivalent parameter of another function has a dynamic type, the first function is less polymorphic: void f( int, int ); // (0) least polymorphic forall(otype T) void f( T, int ); // (1a) more polymorphic than (0) forall(otype T) void f( int, T ); // (1b) more polymorphic than (0) // incomparable with (1a) forall(otype T) void f( T, T ); // (2) more polymorphic than (1a/b) This should extend to parameterized types (pointers and generic types) also: forall(otype S) struct box { S val; }; forall(otype T) void f( T, T* ); // (3) less polymorphic than (2) forall(otype T) void f( T, T** ); // (4) less polymorphic than (3) forall(otype T) void f( T, box(T) ); // (5) less polymorphic than (2) // incomparable with (3) forall(otype T) void f( T, box(T*) ); // (6) less polymorphic than (5) Every function in the group above is incomparable with (1a/b), but that's fine because an `int` isn't a pointer or a `box`, so the ambiguity shouldn't occur much in practice (unless there are safe or unsafe conversions defined between the possible argument types). For degree of polymorphism from arguments, I think we should not distinguish between different type parameters, e.g. the following should be considered equally polymorphic: forall(otype T, otype S) void f( T, T, S ); // (7) forall(otype T, otype S) void f( S, T, T ); // (8) However parameter lists are compared, parameters of multi-parameter generic types should ideally be treated as a recursive case, e.g. in the example below, (9) is less polymorphic than (10), which is less polymorphic than (11): forall(otype T, otype S) struct pair { T x; S y; }; void f( pair(int, int) ); // (9) forall(otype T) void f( pair(T, int) ); // (10) forall(otype T) void f( pair(T, T) ); // (11) Parameter comparison could possibly be made somewhat cheaper at loss of some precision by representing each parameter as a value from the natural numbers plus infinity, where infinity represents a monomorphic parameter and a finite number counts how many levels deep the shallowest type variable is, e.g. where `T` is a type variable, `int` would have value infinity, `T` would have value 0, `T*` would have value 1, `box(T)*` would have value 2, etc. Under this scheme, higher values represent less polymorphism. This makes the partial order on parameters a total order, so that many of the incomparable functions above compare equal, though that is perhaps a virtue. It also loses the ability to differentiate between some multi-parameter generic types, such as the parameters in (10) and (11), which would both be valued 1, losing the polymorphism distinction between them. A variant of the above scheme would be to fix a maximum depth of polymorphic type variables (16 seems like a reasonable choice) at which a parameter would be considered to be effectively monomorphic, and to subtract the value described above from that maximum, clamping the result to a minimum of 0. Under this scheme, assuming a maximum value of 4, `int` has value 0, `T` has value 4, `T*` has value 3, `box(T)*` has value 2, and `box(T*)**` has value 0, the same as `int`. This can be quite succinctly represented, and summed without the presence of a single monomorphic parameter pushing the result to infinity, but does lose the ability to distinguish between very deeply structured polymorphic types. ### Parameter Lists ### A partial order on function parameter lists can be produced by the product order of the partial orders on parameters described above. In more detail, this means that for two parameter lists with the same arity, if any pair of corresponding parameters are incomparable with respect to each other, the two parameter lists are incomparable; if in all pairs of corresponding parameters one list's parameter is always (less than or) equal to the other list's parameter than the first parameter list is (less than or) equal to the second parameter list; otherwise the lists are incomparable with respect to each other. How to compare parameter lists of different arity is a somewhat open question. A simple, but perhaps somewhat unsatisfying, solution would be just to say that such lists are incomparable. The simplist approach to make them comparable is to say that, given two lists `(T1, T2, ... Tn)` and `(S1, S2, ... Sm)`, where `n <= m`, the parameter lists can be compared based on their shared prefix of `n` types. This approach breaks the transitivity property of the equivalence relation on the partial order, though, as seen below: forall(otype T) void f( T, int ); // (1a) forall(otype T) void f( T, int, int ); // (12) forall(otype T) void f( T, int, T ); // (13) By this rule, (1a) is equally polymorphic to both (12) and (13), so by transitivity (12) and (13) should also be equally polymorphic, but that is not actually the case. We can fix the rule by saying that `(T1 ... Tn)` can be compared to `(S1 ... Sm)` by _extending_ the list of `T`s to `m` types by inserting notional monomorphic parameters. In this case, (1a) and (12) are equally polymorphic, because (1a) gets extended with a monomorphic type that compares equal to (12)'s third `int` parameter, but (1a) is less polymorphic than (13), because its notional monomorphic third parameter is less polymorphic than (13)'s `T`. Essentially what this rule says is that any parameter list with more parameters is no less polymorphic than one with fewer. We could collapse this parameter list ordering to a succinct total order by simply taking the sum of the clamped parameter polymorphism counts, but this would again make most incomparable parameter lists compare equal, as well as having the potential for some unexpected results based on the (completely arbitrary) value chosen for "completely polymorphic". For instance, if we set 4 to be the maximum depth of polymorphism (as above), the following functions would be equally polymorphic, which is a somewhat unexpected result: forall(otype T) void g( T, T, T, int ); // 4 + 4 + 4 + 0 = 12 forall(otype T) void g( T*, T*, T*, T* ); // 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 12 These functions would also be considered equally polymorphic: forall(otype T) void g( T, int ); // 4 + 0 = 4; forall(otype T) void g( T**, T** ); // 2 + 2 = 4; This issue can be mitigated by choosing a larger maximum depth of polymorphism, but this scheme does have the distinct disadvantage of either specifying the (completely arbitrary) maximum depth as part of the language or allowing the compiler to refuse to accept otherwise well-typed deeply-nested polymorphic types. For purposes of determining polymorphism, the list of return types of a function should be treated like another parameter list, and combined with the degree of polymorphism from the parameter list in the same way that the parameters in the parameter list are combined. For instance, in the following, (14) is less polymorphic than (15) which is less polymorphic than (16): forall(otype T) int f( T ); // (14) forall(otype T) T* f( T ); // (15) forall(otype T) T f( T ); // (16) ### Type Variables and Bounds ### Degree of polymorphism doesn't solely depend on the parameter lists, though. Glen's thesis (4.4.4, p.89) gives an example that shows that it also depends on the number of type variables as well: forall(otype T) void f( T, int ); // (1a) polymorphic forall(otype T) void f( T, T ); // (2) more polymorphic forall(otype T, otype S) void f( T, S ); // (17) most polymorphic Clearly the `forall` type parameter list needs to factor into calculation of degree of polymorphism as well, as it's the only real differentiation between (2) and (17). The simplest way to include the type parameter list would be to simply count the type variables and say that functions with more type variables are more polymorphic. However, it also seems natural that more-constrained type variables should be counted as "less polymorphic" than less-constrained type variables. This would allow our resolver to pick more specialized (and presumably more efficient) implementations of functions where one exists. For example: forall(otype T | { void g(T); }) T f( T ); // (18) less polymorphic forall(otype T) T f( T ); // (16) more polymorphic We could account for this by counting the number of unique constraints and saying that functions with more constraints are less polymorphic. That said, we do model the `forall` constraint list as a (possibly anonymous) _trait_, and say that each trait is a set of constraints, so we could presumably define a partial order over traits based on subset inclusion, and use this partial order instead of the weaker count of constraints to order the list of type parameters of a function, as below: trait has_g(otype T) { void g(T); }; trait has_h(otype S) { void h(T); }; trait has_gh(otype R | has_g(R) | has_h(R)) {}; // has_gh is equivlent to { void g(R); void h(R); } forall(otype T | has_gh(T)) T f( T ); // (19) least polymorphic forall(otype T | has_g(T)) T f( T ); // (18) more polymorphic than (19) forall(otype T | has_h(T)) T f( T ); // (18b) more polymorphic than (19) // incomparable with (18) forall(otype T) T f( T ); // (16) most polymorphic The tricky bit with this is figuring out how to compare the constraint functions for equality up to type variable renaming; I suspect there's a known solution, but don't know what it is (perhaps some sort of unification calculation, though I hope there's a more lightweight option). We also should be able to take advantage of the programmer-provided trait subset information (like the constraint on `has_gh` in the example) to more efficiently generate the partial-order graph for traits, which should be able to be cached for efficiency. Combining count of type variables with the (partial) order on the trait constraining those variables seems like it should be a fairly straightforward product ordering to me - one `forall` qualifier is (less than or) equal to another if it has both a (less than or) equal number of type variables and a (less than or) equal degree of polymorphism from its constraining trait; the two qualifiers are incomparable otherwise. If an easier-to-calculate total ordering is desired, it might be acceptable to use the number of type variables, with ties broken by number of constraints. Similarly, to combine the (partial) orders on parameter and return lists with the (partial) order on `forall` qualifiers, a product ordering seems like the reasonable choice, though if we wanted a total order a reasonable choice would be to use whatever method we use to combine parameter costs into parameter lists to combine the costs for the parameter and return lists, then break ties by the order on the `forall` qualifiers. ## Expression Costs ## ### Variable Expressions ### Variables may be overloaded; that is, there may be multiple distinct variables with the same name so long as each variable has a distinct type. The variable expression `x` has one zero-cost interpretation as type `T` for each variable `T x` in scope. ### Member Selection Expressions ### For every interpretation `I` of `e` which has a struct or union type `S`, `e.y` has an interpretation of type `T` for each member `T y` of `S`, with the same cost as `I`. Note that there may be more than one member of `S` with the same name, as per Cforall's usual overloading rules. The indirect member expression `e->y` is desugared to `(*e).y` and interpreted analogously. **TODO** Consider allowing `e.y` to be interpreted as `e->y` if no interpretations as `e.y` exist. ### Address Expressions ### Address expressions `&e` have an interpretation for each interpretation `I` of `e` that is an lvalue of type `T`, with the same cost as `I` and type `T*`. Lvalues result from variable expressions, member selection expressions, or application of functions returning an lvalue-qualified type. Note that the dereference operator is overloadable, so the rules for its resolution follow those for function application below. **TODO** Consider allowing conversion-to-lvalue so that, e.g., `&42` spawns a new temporary holding `42` and takes its address. ### Boolean-context Expressions ### C has a number of "boolean contexts", where expressions are assigned a truth value; these include both arguments to the short-circuiting `&&` and `||` operators, as well as the conditional expressions in `if` and `while` statements, the middle expression in `for` statements, and the first argument to the `?:` ternary conditional operator. In all these contexts, C interprets `0` (which is both an integer and a null pointer literal) as false, and all other integer or pointer values as true. In this spirit, Cforall allows other types to be considered "truthy" if they support the following de-sugaring in a conditional context (see notes on interpretation of literal `0` below): x => ((int)( x != 0 )) ### Literal Expressions ### Literal expressions (e.g. 42, 'c', 3.14, "Hello, world!") have one zero-cost interpretation with the same type the expression would have in C, with three exceptions: Character literals like 'x' are typed as `char` in Cforall, not `int` as in C. This change breaks very little C code (primarily `sizeof 'x'`; the implicit conversion from `int` to `char` and lack of overloading handle most other expressions), matches the behaviour of C++, and is more compatible with programmer intuition. The literals `0` and `1` are also treated specially by Cforall, due to their potential uses in operator overloading. Earlier versions of Cforall allowed `0` and `1` to be variable names, allowing multiple interpretations of them according to the existing variable overloading rules, with the following declarations in the prelude: const int 0, 1; forall ( dtype DT ) const DT * const 0; forall ( ftype FT ) FT * const 0; This did, however, create some backward-compatibility problems and potential performance issues, and works poorly for generic types. To start with, this (entirely legal C) code snippet doesn't compile in Cforall: if ( 0 ) {} It desugars to `if ( (int)(0 != 0) ) {}`, and since both `int` and `forall(dtype DT) DT*` have a != operator which returns `int` the resolver can not choose which `0` variable to take, because they're both exact matches. The general != computation may also be less efficient than a check for a zero value; take the following example of a rational type: struct rational { int32_t num, int32_t den }; rational 0 = { 0, 1 }; int ?!=? (rational a, rational b) { return ((int64_t)a.num)*b.den != ((int64_t)b.num)*a.den; } int not_zero (rational a) { return a.num != 0; } To check if two rationals are equal we need to do a pair of multiplications to normalize them (the casts in the example are to prevent overflow), but to check if a rational is non-zero we just need to check its numerator, a more efficient operation. Finally, though polymorphic null-pointer variables can be meaningfully defined, most other polymorphic variables cannot be, which makes it difficult to make generic types "truthy" using the existing system: forall(otype T) struct pair { T x; T y; }; forall(otype T | { T 0; }) pair(T) 0 = { 0, 0 }; Now, it seems natural enough to want to define the zero for this pair type as a pair of the zero values of its element type (if they're defined). The declaration of `pair(T) 0` above is actually illegal though, as there is no way to represent the zero values of an infinite number of types in the single memory location available for this polymorphic variable - the polymorphic null-pointer variables defined in the prelude are legal, but that is only because all pointers are the same size and the single zero value is a legal value of all pointer types simultaneously; null pointer is, however, somewhat unique in this respect. The technical explanation for the problems with polymorphic zero is that `0` is really a rvalue, not a lvalue - an expression, not an object. Drawing from this, the solution we propose is to give `0` a new built-in type, `_zero_t` (name open to bikeshedding), and similarly give `1` the new built-in type `_unit_t`. If the prelude defines != over `_zero_t` this solves the `if ( 0 )` problem, because now the unambiguous best interpretation of `0 != 0` is to read them both as `_zero_t` (and say that this expression is false). Backwards compatibility with C can be served by defining conversions in the prelude from `_zero_t` and `_unit_t` to `int` and the appropriate pointer types, as below: // int 0; forall(otype T | { void ?{safe}(T*, int); }) void ?{safe} (T*, _zero_t); forall(otype T | { void ?{unsafe}(T*, int); }) void ?{unsafe} (T*, _zero_t); // int 1; forall(otype T | { void ?{safe}(T*, int); }) void ?{safe} (T*, _unit_t); forall(otype T | { void ?{unsafe}(T*, int); }) void ?{unsafe} (T*, _unit_t); // forall(dtype DT) const DT* 0; forall(dtype DT) void ?{safe}(const DT**, _zero_t); // forall(ftype FT) FT* 0; forall(ftype FT) void ?{safe}(FT**, _zero_t); Further, with this change, instead of making `0` and `1` overloadable variables, we can instead allow user-defined constructors (or, more flexibly, safe conversions) from `_zero_t`, as below: // rational 0 = { 0, 1 }; void ?{safe} (rational *this, _zero_t) { this->num = 0; this->den = 1; } Note that we don't need to name the `_zero_t` parameter to this constructor, because its only possible value is a literal zero. This one line allows `0` to be used anywhere a `rational` is required, as well as enabling the same use of rationals in boolean contexts as above (by interpreting the `0` in the desguraring to be a rational by this conversion). Furthermore, while defining a conversion function from literal zero to `rational` makes rational a "truthy" type able to be used in a boolean context, we can optionally further optimize the truth decision on rationals as follows: int ?!=? (rational a, _zero_t) { return a.num != 0; } This comparison function will be chosen in preference to the more general rational comparison function for comparisons against literal zero (like in boolean contexts) because it doesn't require a conversion on the `0` argument. Functions of the form `int ?!=? (T, _zero_t)` can acutally be used in general to make a type `T` truthy without making `0` a value which can convert to that type, a capability not available in the current design. This design also solves the problem of polymorphic zero for generic types, as in the following example: // ERROR: forall(otype T | { T 0; }) pair(T) 0 = { 0, 0 }; forall(otype T | { T 0; }) void ?{safe} (pair(T) *this, _zero_t) { this->x = 0; this->y = 0; } The polymorphic variable declaration didn't work, but this constructor is perfectly legal and has the desired semantics. We can assert that `T` can be used in a boolean context as follows: `forall(otype T | { int ?!=?(T, _zero_t); })` Since the C standard ( specifically states that pointers can be assigned into `_Bool` variables (and implies that other artithmetic types can be assigned into `_Bool` variables), it seems natural to say that assignment into a `_Bool` variable effectively constitutes a boolean context. To allow this interpretation, I propose including the following function (or its effective equivalent) in the prelude: forall(otype T | { int ?!=?(T, _zero_t); }) void ?{safe}( _Bool *this, T that ) { *this = that != 0; } Note that this conversion is not transitive; that is, for `t` a variable of some "truthy" type `T`, `(_Bool)t;` would use this conversion (in the absence of a lower-cost one), `(int)t;` would not use this conversion (and in fact would not be legal in the absence of another valid way to convert a `T` to an `int`), but `(int)(_Bool)t;` could legally use this conversion. Similarly giving literal `1` the special type `_unit_t` allows for more concise and consistent specification of the increment and decrement operators, using the following de-sugaring: ++i => i += 1 i++ => (tmp = i, i += 1, tmp) --i => i -= 1 i-- => (tmp = i, i -= 1, tmp) In the examples above, `tmp` is a fresh temporary with its type inferred from the return type of `i += 1`. Under this proposal, defining a conversion from `_unit_t` to `T` and a `lvalue T ?+=? (T*, T)` provides both the pre- and post-increment operators for free in a consistent fashion (similarly for -= and the decrement operators). If a meaningful `1` cannot be defined for a type, both increment operators can still be defined with the signature `lvalue T ?+=? (T*, _unit_t)`. Similarly, if scalar addition can be performed on a type more efficiently than by repeated increment, `lvalue T ?+=? (T*, int)` will not only define the addition operator, it will simultaneously define consistent implementations of both increment operators (this can also be accomplished by defining a conversion from `int` to `T` and an addition operator `lvalue T ?+=?(T*, T)`). To allow functions of the form `lvalue T ?+=? (T*, int)` to satisfy "has an increment operator" assertions of the form `lvalue T ?+=? (T*, _unit_t)`, we also define a non-transitive unsafe conversion from `_Bool` (allowable values `0` and `1`) to `_unit_t` (and `_zero_t`) as follows: void ?{unsafe} (_unit_t*, _Bool) {} As a note, the desugaring of post-increment above is possibly even more efficient than that of C++ - in C++, the copy to the temporary may be hidden in a separately-compiled module where it can't be elided in cases where it is not used, whereas this approach for Cforall always gives the compiler the opportunity to optimize out the temporary when it is not needed. Furthermore, one could imagine a post-increment operator that returned some type `T2` that was implicitly convertable to `T` but less work than a full copy of `T` to create (this seems like an absurdly niche case) - since the type of `tmp` is inferred from the return type of `i += 1`, you could set up functions with the following signatures to enable an equivalent pattern in Cforall: lvalue T2 ?+=? (T*, _unit_t); // increment operator returns T2 void ?{} (T2*, T); // initialize T2 from T for use in `tmp = i` void ?{safe} (T*, T2); // allow T2 to be used as a T when needed to // preserve expected semantics of T x = y++; **TODO** Look in C spec for literal type interprations. **TODO** Write up proposal for wider range of literal types, put in appendix ### Initialization and Cast Expressions ### An initialization expression `T x = e` has one interpretation for each interpretation `I` of `e` with type `S` which is convertable to `T`. The cost of the interpretation is the cost of `I` plus the conversion cost from `S` to `T`. A cast expression `(T)e` is interpreted as hoisting initialization of a temporary variable `T tmp = e` out of the current expression, then replacing `(T)e` by the new temporary `tmp`. ### Assignment Expressions ### An assignment expression `e = f` desugars to `(?=?(&e, f), e)`, and is then interpreted according to the usual rules for function application and comma expressions. Operator-assignment expressions like `e += f` desugar similarly as `(?+=?(&e, f), e)`. ### Function Application Expressions ### Every _compatible function_ and satisfying interpretation of its arguments and polymorphic variable bindings produces one intepretation for the function application expression. Broadly speaking, the resolution cost of a function application is the sum of the cost of the interpretations of all arguments, the cost of all conversions to make those argument interpretations match the parameter types, and the binding cost of any of the function's polymorphic type parameters. **TODO** Work out binding cost in more detail. **TODO** Address whether "incomparably polymorphic" should be treated as "equally polymorphic" and be disambiguated by count of (safe) conversions. **TODO** Think about what polymorphic return types mean in terms of late binding. **TODO** Consider if "f is less polymorphic than g" can mean exactly "f specializes g"; if we don't consider the assertion parameters (except perhaps by count) and make polymorphic variables bind exactly (rather than after implicit conversions) this should actually be pre-computable. **TODO** Add "deletable" functions - take Thierry's suggestion that a deleted function declaration is costed out by the resolver in the same way that any other function declaration is costed; if the deleted declaration is the unique min-cost resolution refuse to type the expression, if it is tied for min-cost then take the non-deleted alternative, and of two equivalent-cost deleted interpretations with the same return type pick one arbitrarily rather than producing an ambiguous resolution. This would also be useful for forbidding pointer-to-floating-point explicit conversions (C11, **TODO** Cover default parameters, maybe named parameters (see "named arguments" thread of 11 March 2016) ### Sizeof, Alignof & Offsetof Expressions ### `sizeof`, `alignof`, and `offsetof` expressions have at most a single interpretation, of type `size_t`. `sizeof` and `alignof` expressions take either a type or an expression as an argument; if the argument is a type, it must be a complete type which is not a function type, if an expression, the expression must have a single interpretation, the type of which conforms to the same rules. `offsetof` takes two arguments, a type and a member name; the type must be a complete structure or union type, and the second argument must name a member of that type. ### Comma Expressions ### A comma expression `x, y` resolves `x` as if it had been cast to `void`, and then, if there is a unique interpretation `I` of `x`, has one interpretation for each interpretation `J` of `y` with the same type as `J` costing the sum of the costs of `I` and `J`. ### Index Expressions ### **TODO** Consider adding polymorphic function in prelude for this, as per in the C standard: forall(otype T, otype I, otype R, otype E | { R ?+?(T, I); lvalue E *?(R); }) lvalue E ?[?](T a, I i) { return *(a + i); } I think this isn't actually a good idea, because the cases for it are niche, mostly odd tricks like `0[p]` as an alternate syntax for dereferencing a pointer `p`, and adding it to the prelude would slow down resolution of every index expression just a bit. Our existing prelude includes an indexing operator `forall(otype T) lvalue T ?[?](ptrdiff_t, T*)`, plus qualified variants, which should satisfy C source-compatibility without propegating this silly desugaring further. #### Compatible Functions #### **TODO** This subsection is very much a work in progress and has multiple open design questions. A _compatible function_ for an application expression is a visible function declaration with the same name as the application expression and parameter types that can be converted to from the argument types. Function pointers and variables of types with the `?()` function call operator overloaded may also serve as function declarations for purposes of compatibility. For monomorphic parameters of a function declaration, the declaration is a compatible function if there is an argument interpretation that is either an exact match, or has a safe or unsafe implicit conversion that can be used to reach the parameter type; for example: void f(int); f(42); // compatible; exact match to int type f('x'); // compatible; safe conversion from char => int f(3.14); // compatible; unsafe conversion from double => int f((void*)0); // not compatible; no implicit conversion from void* => int Per Richard[*], function assertion satisfaction involves recursively searching for compatible functions, not an exact match on the function types (I don't believe the current Cforall resolver handles this properly); to extend the previous example: forall(otype T | { void f(T); }) void g(T); g(42); // binds T = int, takes f(int) by exact match g('x'); // binds T = char, takes f(int) by conversion g(3.14); // binds T = double, takes f(int) by conversion [*] Bilson, s.2.1.3, p.26-27, "Assertion arguments are found by searching the accessible scopes for definitions corresponding to assertion names, and choosing the ones whose types correspond *most closely* to the assertion types." (emphasis mine) There are three approaches we could take to binding type variables: type variables must bind to argument types exactly, each type variable must bind exactly to at least one argument, or type variables may bind to any type which all corresponding arguments can implicitly convert to; I'll provide some possible motivation for each approach. There are two main arguments for the more restrictive binding schemes; the first is that the built-in implicit conversions in C between `void*` and `T*` for any type `T` can lead to unexpectedly type-unsafe behaviour in a more permissive binding scheme, for example: forall(dtype T) T* id(T *p) { return p; } int main() { int *p = 0; char *c = id(p); } This code compiles in CFA today, and it works because the extra function wrapper `id` provides a level of indirection that allows the non-chaining implicit conversions from `int*` => `void*` and `void*` => `char*` to chain. The resolver types the last line with `T` bound to `void` as follows: char *c = (char*)id( (void*)p ); It has been suggested that making the implicit conversions to and from `void*` explicit in Cforall code (as in C++) would solve this particular problem, and provide enough other type-safety benefits to outweigh the source-compatibility break with C; see Appendix D for further details. The second argument for a more constrained binding scheme is performance; trait assertions need to be checked after the type variables are bound, and adding more possible values for the type variables should correspond to a linear increase in runtime of the resolver per type variable. There are 21 built-in arithmetic types in C (ignoring qualifiers), and each of them is implicitly convertable to any other; if we allow unrestricted binding of type variables, a common `int` variable (or literal) used in the position of a polymorphic variable parameter would cause a 20x increase in the amount of time needed to check trait resolution for that interpretation. These numbers have yet to be emprically substantiated, but the theory is reasonable, and given that much of the impetus for re-writing the resolver is due to its poor performance, I think this is a compelling argument. I would also mention that a constrained binding scheme is practical; the most common type of assertion is a function assertion, and, as mentioned above, those assertions should be able to be implicitly converted to to match. Thus, in the example above with `g(T)`, where the assertion is `void f(T)`, we first bind `T = int` or `T = char` or `T = double`, then substitute the binding into the assertion, yielding assertions of `void f(int)`, `void f(char)`, or `void f(double)`, respectively, then attempt to satisfy these assertions to complete the binding. Though in all three cases, the existing function with signature `void f(int)` satisfies this assertion, the checking work cannot easily be re-used between variable bindings, because there may be better or worse matches depending on the specifics of the binding. The main argument for a more flexible binding scheme is that the binding abstraction can actually cause a wrapped function call that would work to cease to resolve, as below: forall(otype T | { T ?+? (T, T) }) T add(T x, T y) { return x + y; } int main() { int i, j = 2; short r, s = 3; i = add(j, s); r = add(s, j); } Now, C's implicit conversions mean that you can call `j + s` or `s + j`, and in both cases the short `s` is promoted to `int` to match `j`. If, on the other hand, we demand that variables exactly match type variables, neither call to `add` will compile, because it is impossible to simultaneously bind `T` to both `int` and `short` (C++ has a similar restriction on template variable inferencing). One alternative that enables this case, while still limiting the possible type variable bindings is to say that at least one argument must bind to its type parameter exactly. In this case, both calls to `add` would have the set `{ T = int, T = short }` for candidate bindings, and would have to check both, as well as checking that `short` could convert to `int` or vice-versa. It is worth noting here that parameterized types generally bind their type parameters exactly anyway, so these "restrictive" semantics only restrict a small minority of calls; for instance, in the example following, there isn't a sensible way to type the call to `ptr-add`: forall(otype T | { T ?+?(T, T) }) void ptr-add( T* rtn, T* x, T* y ) { *rtn = *x + *y; } int main() { int i, j = 2; short s = 3; ptr-add(&i, &j, &s); // ERROR &s is not an int* } I think there is some value in providing library authors with the capability to express "these two parameter types must match exactly". This can be done without restricting the language's expressivity, as the `add` case above can be made to work under the strictest type variable binding semantics with any addition operator in the system by changing its signature as follows: forall( otype T, otype R, otype S | { R ?+?(T, S); } ) R add(T x, S y) { return x + y; } Now, it is somewhat unfortunate that the most general version here is more verbose (and thus that the path of least resistence would be more restrictive library code); however, the breaking case in the example code above is a bit odd anyway - explicitly taking two variables of distinct types and relying on C's implicit conversions to do the right thing is somewhat bad form, especially where signed/unsigned conversions are concerned. I think the more common case for implicit conversions is the following, though, where the conversion is used on a literal: short x = 40; short y = add(x, 2); One option to handle just this case would be to make literals implicitly convertable to match polymorphic type variables, but only literals. The example above would actually behave slightly differently than `x + 2` in C, though, casting the `2` down to `short` rather than the `x` up to `int`, a possible demerit of this scheme. The other question to ask would be which conversions would be allowed for literals; it seems rather odd to allow down-casting `42ull` to `char`, when the programmer has explicitly specified by the suffix that it's an unsigned long. Type interpretations of literals in C are rather complex (see [1]), but one reasonable approach would be to say that un-suffixed integer literals could be interpreted as any type convertable from int, "u" suffixed literals could be interpreted as any type convertable from "unsigned int" except the signed integer types, and "l" or "ll" suffixed literals could only be interpreted as `long` or `long long`, respectively (or possibly that the "u" suffix excludes the signed types, while the "l" suffix excludes the types smaller than `long int`, as in [1]). Similarly, unsuffixed floating-point literals could be interpreted as `float`, `double` or `long double`, but "f" or "l" suffixed floating-point literals could only be interpreted as `float` or `long double`, respectively. I would like to specify that character literals can only be interpreted as `char`, but the wide-character variants and the C practice of typing character literals as `int` means that would likely break code, so character literals should be able to take any integer type. [1] http://en.cppreference.com/w/c/language/integer_constant With the possible exception of the `add` case above, implicit conversions to the function types of assertions can handle most of the expected behaviour from C. However, implicit conversions cannot be applied to match variable assertions, as in the following example: forall( otype T | { int ?B1`, `B1->B2`, `B2->C`, and `A->C`. If we are comparing conversions from `A` to both `B2` and `C`, we expect the conversion to `B2` to be chosen because it's the more specific type under the conversion preorder, but since its chain length is longer than the conversion to `C`, it loses and `C` is chosen. However, taking the conversion preorder and breaking ties or ambiguities by chain length also doesn't work, because of cases like the following example where the transitivity property is broken and we can't find a global maximum: `X->Y1->Y2`, `X->Z1->Z2->Z3->W`, `X->W` In this set of arcs, if we're comparing conversions from `X` to each of `Y2`, `Z3` and `W`, converting to `Y2` is cheaper than converting to `Z3`, because there are no conversions between `Y2` and `Z3`, and `Y2` has the shorter chain length. Also, comparing conversions from `X` to `Z3` and to `W`, we find that the conversion to `Z3` is cheaper, because `Z3 < W` by the conversion preorder, and so is considered to be the nearer type. By transitivity, then, the conversion from `X` to `Y2` should be cheaper than the conversion from `X` to `W`, but in this case the `X` and `W` are incomparable by the conversion preorder, so the tie is broken by the shorter path from `X` to `W` in favour of `W`, contradicting the transitivity property for this proposed order. Without transitivity, we would need to compare all pairs of conversions, which would be expensive, and possibly not yield a minimal-cost conversion even if all pairs were comparable. In short, this ordering is infeasible, and by extension I believe any ordering composed solely of single-step conversions between types with no further user-supplied information will be insufficiently powerful to express the built-in conversions between C's types. ## Appendix C: Proposed Prelude Changes ## **TODO** Port Glen's "Future Work" page for builtin C conversions. **TODO** Move discussion of zero_t, unit_t here. It may be desirable to have some polymorphic wrapper functions in the prelude which provide consistent default implementations of various operators given a definition of one of them. Naturally, users could still provide a monomorphic overload if they wished to make their own code more efficient than the polymorphic wrapper could be, but this would minimize user effort in the common case where the user cannot write a more efficient function, or is willing to trade some runtime efficiency for developer time. As an example, consider the following polymorphic defaults for `+` and `+=`: forall(otype T | { T ?+?(T, T); }) lvalue T ?+=? (T *a, T b) { return *a = *a + b; } forall(otype T | { lvalue T ?+=? (T*, T) }) T ?+? (T a, T b) { T tmp = a; return tmp += b; } Both of these have a possibly unneccessary copy (the first in copying the result of `*a + b` back into `*a`, the second copying `a` into `tmp`), but in cases where these copies are unavoidable the polymorphic wrappers should be just as performant as the monomorphic equivalents (assuming a compiler sufficiently clever to inline the extra function call), and allow programmers to define a set of related operators with maximal concision. **TODO** Look at what Glen and Richard have already written for this. ## Appendix D: Feasibility of Making void* Conversions Explicit ## C allows implicit conversions between `void*` and other pointer types, as per section of the standard. Making these implicit conversions explicit in Cforall would provide significant type-safety benefits, and is precedented in C++. A weaker version of this proposal would be to allow implicit conversions to `void*` (as a sort of "top type" for all pointer types), but to make the unsafe conversion from `void*` back to a concrete pointer type an explicit conversion. However, `int *p = malloc( sizeof(int) );` and friends are hugely common in C code, and rely on the unsafe implicit conversion from the `void*` return type of `malloc` to the `int*` type of the variable - obviously it would be too much of a source-compatibility break to disallow this for C code. We do already need to wrap C code in an `extern "C"` block, though, so it is technically feasible to make the `void*` conversions implicit in C but explicit in Cforall. Also, for calling C code with `void*`-based APIs, pointers-to-dtype are calling-convention compatible with `void*`; we could read `void*` in function signatures as essentially a fresh dtype type variable, e.g: void* malloc( size_t ) => forall(dtype T0) T0* malloc( size_t ) void qsort( void*, size_t, size_t, int (*)( const void*, const void* ) ) => forall(dtype T0, dtype T1, dtype T2) void qsort( T0*, size_t, size_t, int (*)( const T1*, const T2* ) ) This would even allow us to leverage some of Cforall's type safety to write better declarations for legacy C API functions, like the following wrapper for `qsort`: extern "C" { // turns off name-mangling so that this calls the C library // call-compatible type-safe qsort signature forall(dtype T) void qsort( T*, size_t, size_t, int (*)( const T*, const T* ) ); // forbid type-unsafe C signature from resolving void qsort( void*, size_t, size_t, int (*)( const void*, const void* ) ) = delete; } ## Appendix E: Features to Add in Resolver Re-write ## * Reference types * Special types for 0 and 1 literals * Expression type for return statement that resolves similarly to ?=? - This is to get rid of the kludge in the box pass that effectively re-implements the resolver poorly.