#include "thrdlib/thread.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using thrdlib::thread_t; extern __attribute__((aligned(128))) thread_local struct { void * volatile this_thread; void * volatile this_processor; void * volatile this_stats; struct { volatile unsigned short disable_count; volatile bool enabled; volatile bool in_progress; } preemption_state; #if defined(__SIZEOF_INT128__) __uint128_t rand_seed; #else uint64_t rand_seed; #endif struct { uint64_t fwd_seed; uint64_t bck_seed; } ready_rng; } kernelTLS __attribute__ ((tls_model ( "initial-exec" ))); //-------------------- // Constants unsigned nframes; unsigned fsize; unsigned nproduce; //-------------------- // Frame management class Frame { static const thread_t reset; static const thread_t set; std::atomic rdy_state = { reset }; std::atomic rnd_state = { set }; public: unsigned number; std::unique_ptr data; private: inline bool wait( thread_t self, std::atomic & state, std::atomic & other ) { bool ret; while(true) { thread_t expected = state; if( expected == set ) { ret = false; goto END; } assert( expected == reset ); if( std::atomic_compare_exchange_strong( &state, &expected, self) ) { thrdlib::park( self ); ret = true; goto END; } } END: assert( state == set ); assert( other != set ); state = reset; return ret; } inline bool publish( std::atomic & state ) { thread_t got = std::atomic_exchange( &state, set ); assert( got != set ); if( got == reset ) return false; thrdlib::unpark( got ); return true; } public: inline bool wait_rendered( thread_t self ) { return wait( self, rnd_state, rdy_state ); } inline bool wait_ready ( thread_t self ) { return wait( self, rdy_state, rnd_state ); } inline bool publish() { return publish( rdy_state ); } inline bool release() { return publish( rnd_state ); } }; const thread_t Frame::reset = nullptr; const thread_t Frame::set = reinterpret_cast(1); std::unique_ptr frames; volatile unsigned last_produced = 0; //-------------------- // Threads thread_t volatile the_stats_thread = nullptr; inline void fence(void) { std::atomic_thread_fence(std::memory_order_seq_cst); } struct { struct { volatile unsigned long long parks = 0; volatile unsigned long long unparks = 0; } sim; struct { volatile unsigned long long parks = 0; volatile unsigned long long unparks = 0; } rend; struct { volatile unsigned long long ran = 0; volatile unsigned long long saw = 0; } stats; } thrd_stats; void Stats( thread_t self ) { the_stats_thread = self; fence(); thrdlib::park( self ); std::vector seen; seen.resize(nproduce, false); while(last_produced < nproduce) { thrdlib::yield(); thrd_stats.stats.ran++; if( last_produced > 0 ) seen.at(last_produced - 1) = true; } thrd_stats.stats.saw = std::count(seen.begin(), seen.end(), true); } void Simulator( thread_t self ) { for(unsigned i = 0; i < nproduce; i++) { auto & frame = frames[i % nframes]; // Wait for the frames to be rendered if( frame.wait_rendered( self ) ) { thrd_stats.sim.parks++; } // Write the frame information frame.number = i; for( unsigned x = 0; x < fsize; x++ ) { frame.data[x] = i; } std::cout << "Simulated " << i << std::endl; last_produced = i+1; // Publish it if( frame.publish() ) { thrd_stats.sim.unparks++; } } } void Renderer( thread_t self ) { thrdlib::unpark( the_stats_thread ); for(unsigned i = 0; i < nproduce; i++) { auto & frame = frames[i % nframes]; // Wait for the frames to be ready if( frame.wait_ready( self ) ) { thrd_stats.rend.parks++; } // Render the frame unsigned total = 0; for( unsigned x = 0; x < fsize; x++ ) { total += frame.data[x]; } std::cout << "Rendered " << i << std::endl; assert(total == i * fsize); // Release if( frame.release() ) { thrd_stats.rend.unparks++; } } } int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { nframes = 3; fsize = 1000; nproduce = 60; const char * framework; for(;;) { static struct option options[] = { {"buff", required_argument, 0, 'b'}, {"nprod", required_argument, 0, 'p'}, {"fsize", required_argument, 0, 'f'}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; int idx = 0; int opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, "b:p:f:", options, &idx); std::string arg = optarg ? optarg : ""; size_t len = 0; switch(opt) { // Exit Case case -1: /* paranoid */ assert(optind <= argc); if( optind == argc ) { std::cerr << "Must specify a framework" << std::endl; goto usage; } framework = argv[optind]; goto run; case 'b': try { nframes = std::stoul(optarg, &len); if(nframes == 0 || len != arg.size()) { throw std::invalid_argument(""); } } catch(std::invalid_argument &) { std::cerr << "Number of buffered frames must be at least 1, was" << arg << std::endl; goto usage; } break; case 'p': try { nproduce = std::stoul(optarg, &len); if(nproduce == 0 || len != arg.size()) { throw std::invalid_argument(""); } } catch(std::invalid_argument &) { std::cerr << "Number of produced frames must be at least 1, was" << arg << std::endl; goto usage; } break; case 'f': try { fsize = std::stoul(optarg, &len); if(fsize == 0 || len != arg.size()) { throw std::invalid_argument(""); } } catch(std::invalid_argument &) { std::cerr << "Size of produced frames must be at least 1, was" << arg << std::endl; goto usage; } break; // Other cases default: /* ? */ std::cerr << opt << std::endl; usage: std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [options] framework" << std::endl; std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << " -b, --buff=COUNT Number of frames to buffer" << std::endl; std::cerr << " -p, --nprod=COUNT Number of frames to produce" << std::endl; std::cerr << " -f, --fsize=SIZE Size of each frame in bytes" << std::endl; std::exit(1); } } run: assert( framework ); frames.reset(new Frame[nframes]); for(unsigned i = 0; i < nframes; i++) { frames[i].number = 0; frames[i].data.reset(new unsigned char[fsize]); } std::cout << "Created frames of " << fsize << " bytes" << std::endl; std::cout << "(Buffering " << nframes << ")" << std::endl; thrdlib::init( framework, 2 ); thread_t stats = thrdlib::create( Stats ); std::cout << "Created Stats Thread" << std::endl; while( the_stats_thread == nullptr ) thrdlib::yield(); std::cout << "Creating Main Threads" << std::endl; thread_t renderer = thrdlib::create( Renderer ); thread_t simulator = thrdlib::create( Simulator ); std::cout << "Running" << std::endl; thrdlib::join( simulator ); thrdlib::join( renderer ); thrdlib::join( stats ); thrdlib::clean(); std::cout << "----------" << std::endl; std::cout << "# Parks" << std::endl; std::cout << " Renderer park: " << thrd_stats. sim. parks << std::endl; std::cout << " Renderer unpark: " << thrd_stats. sim.unparks << std::endl; std::cout << " Simulator park: " << thrd_stats.rend. parks << std::endl; std::cout << " Simulator unpark: " << thrd_stats.rend.unparks << std::endl; std::cout << "Stats thread" << std::endl; std::cout << " Ran : " << thrd_stats.stats.ran << " times" << std::endl; std::cout << " Saw : " << thrd_stats.stats.saw << " (" << ((100.f * thrd_stats.stats.saw) / nproduce) << "%)" << std::endl; }