\chapter{Performance} \noindent ==================== Writing Points: \begin{itemize} \item Machine Specification \item Allocators and their details \item Benchmarks and their details \item Results \end{itemize} \noindent ==================== \section{Memory Allocators} For these experiments, we used 7 memory allocators excluding our standalone memory allocator uHeapLmmm. \begin{tabularx}{0.8\textwidth} { | >{\raggedright\arraybackslash}X | >{\centering\arraybackslash}X | >{\raggedleft\arraybackslash}X | } \hline Memory Allocator & Version & Configurations \\ \hline dl & & \\ \hline hoard & & \\ \hline je & & \\ \hline pt3 & & \\ \hline rp & & \\ \hline tbb & & \\ \hline tc & & \\ \end{tabularx} (FIX ME: complete table) \section{Experiment Environment} We conducted these experiments ... (FIX ME: what machine and which specifications to add). We used our micro becnhmark suite (FIX ME: cite mbench) to evaluate other memory allocators (FIX ME: cite above memory allocators) and our uHeapLmmm. \section{Results} \subsection{Memory Benchmark} FIX ME: add experiment, knobs, graphs, and description \subsection{Speed Benchmark} FIX ME: add experiment, knobs, graphs, and description \subsubsection{Speed Time} FIX ME: add experiment, knobs, graphs, and description \subsubsection{Speed Workload} FIX ME: add experiment, knobs, graphs, and description \subsection{Cache Scratch} FIX ME: add experiment, knobs, graphs, and description \subsubsection{Cache Scratch Time} FIX ME: add experiment, knobs, graphs, and description \subsubsection{Cache Scratch Layout} FIX ME: add experiment, knobs, graphs, and description \subsection{Cache Thrash} FIX ME: add experiment, knobs, graphs, and description \subsubsection{Cache Thrash Time} FIX ME: add experiment, knobs, graphs, and description \subsubsection{Cache Thrash Layout} FIX ME: add experiment, knobs, graphs, and description