\chapter{Allocator} \noindent ==================== Writing Points: \begin{itemize} \item Objective of @uHeapLmmm@. \item Design philosophy. \item Background and previous design of @uHeapLmmm@. \item Distributed design of @uHeapLmmm@. ----- SHOULD WE GIVE IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS HERE? ----- \PAB{Maybe. There might be an Implementation chapter.} \item figure. \item Advantages of distributed design. \end{itemize} The new features added to @uHeapLmmm@ (incl. @malloc_size@ routine) \CFA alloc interface with examples. \begin{itemize} \item Why did we need it? \item The added benefits. \end{itemize} ----- SHOULD WE GIVE PERFORMANCE AND USABILITY COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT INTERFACES THAT WE TRIED? ----- \PAB{Often Performance is its own chapter. I added one for now.} Performance evaluation using u-benchmark suite. \noindent ==================== \newpage \paragraph{Design 1: Decentralized} Fixed number of heaps: shard the heap into N heaps each with a bump-area allocated from the @sbrk@ area. Kernel threads (KT) are assigned to the N heaps. When KTs $\le$ N, the heaps are uncontented. When KTs $>$ N, the heaps are contented. By adjusting N, this approach reduces storage at the cost of speed due to contention. In all cases, a thread acquires/releases a lock, contented or uncontented. \begin{cquote} \centering \input{AllocDS1} \end{cquote} Problems: need to know when a KT is created and destroyed to know when to create/delete the KT's heap. On KT deletion, its heap freed-storage needs to be distributed somewhere. \paragraph{Design 2: Centralized} One heap, but lower bucket sizes are N-shared across KTs. This design leverages the fact that 95\% of allocation requests are less than 512 bytes and there are only 3--5 different request sizes. When KTs $\le$ N, the important bucket sizes are uncontented. When KTs $>$ N, the free buckets are contented. Therefore, threads are only contending for a small number of buckets, which are distributed among them to reduce contention. \begin{cquote} \centering \input{AllocDS2} \end{cquote} Problems: need to know when a kernel thread (KT) is created and destroyed to know when to assign a shared bucket-number. When no thread is assigned a bucket number, its free storage is unavailable. It is possible to use sharing and stealing techniques to share/find unused storage, when a free list is unused or empty.