% based on: % uWaterloo Thesis Template for LaTeX % Last Updated June 14, 2017 by Stephen Carr, IST Client Services % FOR ASSISTANCE, please send mail to rt-IST-CSmathsci@ist.uwaterloo.ca \documentclass[letterpaper,12pt,titlepage,oneside,final]{book} \input{style/master} \input{glossary} \usepackage{subfiles} \begin{document} \input{thesis-frontpgs} % %====================================================================== % \chapter{Introduction} % %====================================================================== % Tation exerci delenit ullamcorper at feugiat ullamcorper, ullamcorper elit vulputate iusto esse luptatum duis autem esse nulla qui. Volutpat praesent et at nisl ut in consequat blandit vel augue ut dolor illum facilisis zzril ipsum, augue odio, accumsan ea augue molestie lobortis zzril laoreet. Ex duis, te velit illum odio, nisl qui consequat aliquip qui blandit hendrerit. Ea dolor nonummy ullamcorper nulla lorem tation laoreet in ea, ullamcorper vel consequat zzril delenit quis dignissim, vulputate tincidunt ut." %====================================================================== \chapter{Array} %====================================================================== \section{Features Added} \subfile{content/array/features/sec.tex} \section{Multidimensional implementation} \label{toc:mdimpl} \subfile{content/array/mdim/sec.tex} %====================================================================== \chapter{String} %====================================================================== \subfile{content/string/string-master.tex} % %---------------------------------------------------------------------- % % END MATERIAL % %---------------------------------------------------------------------- % % B I B L I O G R A P H Y % % ----------------------- % % The following statement selects the style to use for references. It controls the sort order of the entries in the bibliography and also the formatting for the in-text labels. % \bibliographystyle{plain} % % This specifies the location of the file containing the bibliographic information. % % It assumes you're using BibTeX (if not, why not?). % \cleardoublepage % This is needed if the book class is used, to place the anchor in the correct page, % % because the bibliography will start on its own page. % % Use \clearpage instead if the document class uses the "oneside" argument % \phantomsection % With hyperref package, enables hyperlinking from the table of contents to bibliography % % The following statement causes the title "References" to be used for the bibliography section: % \renewcommand*{\bibname}{References} % % Add the References to the Table of Contents % \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\textbf{References}} % \bibliography{thesis} % % Tip 5: You can create multiple .bib files to organize your references. % % Just list them all in the \bibliogaphy command, separated by commas (no spaces). % % The following statement causes the specified references to be added to the bibliography% even if they were not % % cited in the text. The asterisk is a wildcard that causes all entries in the bibliographic database to be included (optional). % \nocite{*} % % The \appendix statement indicates the beginning of the appendices. % \appendix % % Add a title page before the appendices and a line in the Table of Contents % \chapter*{APPENDICES} % \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{APPENDICES} % %====================================================================== % \chapter[PDF Plots From Matlab]{Matlab Code for Making a PDF Plot} % \label{AppendixA} % % Tip 4: Example of how to get a shorter chapter title for the Table of Contents % %====================================================================== % \section{Using the GUI} % Properties of Matab plots can be adjusted from the plot window via a graphical interface. Under the Desktop menu in the Figure window, select the Property Editor. You may also want to check the Plot Browser and Figure Palette for more tools. To adjust properties of the axes, look under the Edit menu and select Axes Properties. % To set the figure size and to save as PDF or other file formats, click the Export Setup button in the figure Property Editor. % \section{From the Command Line} % All figure properties can also be manipulated from the command line. Here's an example: % \begin{verbatim} % x=[0:0.1:pi]; % hold on % Plot multiple traces on one figure % plot(x,sin(x)) % plot(x,cos(x),'--r') % plot(x,tan(x),'.-g') % title('Some Trig Functions Over 0 to \pi') % Note LaTeX markup! % legend('{\it sin}(x)','{\it cos}(x)','{\it tan}(x)') % hold off % set(gca,'Ylim',[-3 3]) % Adjust Y limits of "current axes" % set(gcf,'Units','inches') % Set figure size units of "current figure" % set(gcf,'Position',[0,0,6,4]) % Set figure width (6 in.) and height (4 in.) % cd n:\thesis\plots % Select where to save % print -dpdf plot.pdf % Save as PDF % \end{verbatim} \end{document}