with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; -- with Ada.Standard; use Ada.Standard; procedure test is type GBR is ( Green, Blue, Red ); type RGB is ( Red, Green, Blue ); for RGB use ( Red => 10, Green => 20, Blue => 21 ); Colour : RGB := Red; type ABC is ('A', 'B', 'C'); Chars : ABC := 'C'; type Operator is ( '+', '-', '*', '/' ); for Operator use ( '+' => 10, '-' => 20, '*' => 30, '/' => 40 ); op : Operator := '+'; Ops : array( 0..3) of Operator; type Week is ( Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun ); for Week use ( Mon => 0, Tue => 1, Wed => 2, Thu => 10, Fri => 11, Sat => 14, Sun => 15 ); subtype Weekday is Week range Mon .. Fri; subtype Weekend is Week range Sat .. Sun; Day : Week; Lunch : array( Week ) of Integer; -- type Boolean is ( False, True ); B : Boolean := True; begin Put_Line( Integer'Image( RGB'Pos( Colour ) ) & " " & RGB'Image( RGB'Val(0) ) ); Put_Line( Integer'Image( RGB'Enum_Rep( Colour ) ) & " " & RGB'Image( RGB'Enum_Val( 10 ) ) ); Put_Line( """" & RGB'Image( Colour ) & """ " & RGB'Image( RGB'Value( "Red" ) ) ); Put_Line( RGB'Image( Colour ) & Integer'Image( RGB'Pos( Colour ) ) & Integer'Image( RGB'Enum_Rep( Colour ) ) ); Put_Line( RGB'Image( Colour ) & Integer'Image( RGB'Pos( Colour ) ) & Integer'Image( RGB'Enum_Rep( Colour ) ) ); for op in RGB loop Put( "(" & Integer'Image( RGB'Pos( op ) ) & Integer'Image( RGB'Enum_Rep( op ) ) & ' ' & RGB'Image( op ) & ") " ); end loop; Put_Line( "" ); Put_Line( ABC'Image( Chars ) ); Put_Line( Integer'Image( ABC'Pos( Chars ) ) ); Op := '+'; if Op = '+' or else Op = '-' then null; elsif Op = '*' or else Op = '/' then null; end if; case Op is when '+' => null; when '-' => null; when '*' => null; -- when '/' => null; when others => null; end case; for op in Operator loop Put( "(" & Integer'Image( Operator'Pos( op ) ) & Integer'Image( Operator'Enum_Rep( op ) ) & ' ' & Operator'Image( op ) & ") " ); end loop; Put_Line( "" ); Ops := "+-*/"; Ops := "+-" & "*/"; for Op of Ops loop Put_Line( Operator'Image( Op ) ); end loop; Day := Wed; case Day is when Mon .. Fri => null; when Sat .. Sun => null; end case; case Day is when Weekday => null; when Weekend => null; end case; for Day in Mon .. Sun loop Put( Week'Image( Day ) & " " ); end loop; Put_Line( "" ); for Day in Week loop Put( Week'Image( Day ) & " " ); end loop; Put_Line( "" ); for Day in Weekday loop Put( Week'Image( Day ) & " " ); end loop; Put_Line( "" ); for Day in Weekend loop Put( Week'Image( Day ) & " " ); end loop; Put_Line( "" ); for Day in Week loop Lunch( Day ) := 3; end loop; for Day in Week loop Put( Integer'Image( Lunch(Day ) ) & " " ); end loop; if B then null; end if; B := False; Colour := Green; Put_Line ( Boolean'Image( B ) & " " ); Put_Line ( RGB'Image( RGB'Enum_Val( 10 ) ) & " " ); end test; -- Local Variables: -- -- tab-width: 4 -- -- compile-command: "gnatmake test.adb" -- -- End: --