% % Main glossary entries -- definitions of relevant terminology % \newglossaryentry{computer} % { % name=computer, % description={A programmable machine that receives input data, % stores and manipulates the data, and provides % formatted output} % } % % Nomenclature glossary entries -- New definitions, or unusual terminology % \newglossary*{nomenclature}{Nomenclature} % \newglossaryentry{dingledorf} % { % type=nomenclature, % name=dingledorf, % description={A person of supposed average intelligence who makes incredibly brainless misjudgments} % } % % List of Abbreviations (abbreviations type is built in to the glossaries-extra package) % \newabbreviation{aaaaz}{AAAAZ}{American Association of Amateur Astronomers and Zoologists} % % List of Symbols % \newglossary*{symbols}{List of Symbols} % \newglossaryentry{rvec} % { % name={$\mathbf{v}$}, % sort={label}, % type=symbols, % description={Random vector: a location in n-dimensional Cartesian space, where each dimensional component is determined by a random process} % } % Examples from template above \newabbreviation{foo}{FOO}{\Newterm{Fred Orders Oysters}} \newabbreviation{bar}{BAR}{\Newterm{Boys Are Rushed}} \newglossaryentry{git}{ name=git, first={\Newterm{git}}, description={is a system that can count the change in your pocket.} } \newglossaryentry{gulp}{ name={gulp}, first={\Newterm{gulp}}, description={a motion made with the mouth.} }