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54 | cfa-cc Developer's Reference |
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58 | Fangren Yu |
59 | }% author |
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84 | \section{Overview} |
85 | |
86 | cfa-cc is the reference compiler for the \CFA programming language, which is a non- |
87 | object-oriented extension to C. |
88 | \CFA attempts to introduce productive modern programming language features to C |
89 | while maintaining as much backward-compatibility as possible, so that most existing C |
90 | programs can seamlessly work with \CFA. |
91 | |
92 | Since the \CFA project was dated back to the early 2000s, and only restarted in the past |
93 | few years, there is a significant amount of legacy code in the current compiler codebase, |
94 | with little proper documentation available. This becomes a difficulty while developing new |
95 | features based on the previous implementations, and especially while diagnosing |
96 | problems. |
97 | |
98 | Currently, the \CFA team is also facing another problem: bad compiler performance. For |
99 | the development of a new programming language, writing a standard library is an |
100 | important part. The incompetence of the compiler causes building the library files to take |
101 | tens of minutes, making iterative development and testing almost impossible. There is |
102 | ongoing effort to rewrite the core data structure of the compiler to overcome the |
103 | performance issue, but many bugs may appear during the work, and lack of documentation |
104 | makes debugging extremely difficult. |
105 | |
106 | This developer's reference will be continuously improved and eventually cover the |
107 | compiler codebase. For now, the focus is mainly on the parts being rewritten, and also the |
108 | performance bottleneck, namely the resolution algorithm. It is aimed to provide new |
109 | developers to the project enough guidance and clarify the purposes and behavior of certain |
110 | functions which are not mentioned in the previous \CFA research papers. |
111 | |
112 | |
113 | \section{Compiler Framework} |
114 | |
115 | \subsection{AST Representation} |
116 | |
117 | Source code input is first transformed into abstract syntax tree (AST) representation by the |
118 | parser before analyzed by the compiler. |
119 | |
120 | There are 4 major categories of AST nodes used by the compiler, along with some derived |
121 | structures. |
122 | |
123 | \subsubsection{Declaration nodes} |
124 | |
125 | A declaration node represents either of: |
126 | \begin{itemize} |
127 | \item |
128 | Type declaration: struct, union, typedef or type parameter (see Appendix A.3) |
129 | \item |
130 | Variable declaration |
131 | \item |
132 | Function declaration |
133 | \end{itemize} |
134 | Declarations are introduced by standard C declarations, with the usual scoping rules. |
135 | In addition, declarations can also be introduced by the forall clause (which is the origin |
136 | of \CFA's name): |
137 | \begin{cfa} |
138 | forall (<$\emph{TypeParameterList}$> | <$\emph{AssertionList}$>) |
139 | $\emph{declaration}$ |
140 | \end{cfa} |
141 | Type parameters in \CFA are similar to \CC template type parameters. The \CFA |
142 | declaration |
143 | \begin{cfa} |
144 | forall (dtype T) ... |
145 | \end{cfa} |
146 | behaves similarly as the \CC template declaration |
147 | \begin{C++} |
148 | template <typename T> ... |
149 | \end{C++} |
150 | |
151 | Assertions are a distinctive feature of \CFA: contrary to the \CC template where |
152 | arbitrary functions and operators can be used in a template definition, in a \CFA |
153 | parametric function, operations on parameterized types must be declared in assertions. |
154 | |
155 | Consider the following \CC template: |
156 | \begin{C++} |
157 | template <typename T> int foo(T t) { |
158 | return bar(t) + baz(t); |
159 | } |
160 | \end{C++} |
161 | Unless bar and baz are also parametric functions taking any argument type, they must be |
162 | declared in the assertions, or otherwise the code will not compile: |
163 | \begin{cfa} |
164 | forall (dtype T | { int bar(T); int baz(t); }) int foo (T t) { |
165 | return bar(t) + baz(t); |
166 | } |
167 | \end{cfa} |
168 | Assertions are written using the usual function declaration syntax. The scope of type |
169 | parameters and assertions is the following declaration. |
170 | |
171 | \subsubsection{Type nodes} |
172 | |
173 | A type node represents the type of an object or expression. |
174 | Named types reference the corresponding type declarations. The type of a function is its |
175 | function pointer type (same as standard C). |
176 | With the addition of type parameters, named types may contain a list of parameter values |
177 | (actual parameter types). |
178 | |
179 | \subsubsection{Statement nodes} |
180 | |
181 | Statement nodes represent the statements in the program, including basic expression |
182 | statements, control flows and blocks. |
183 | Local declarations (within a block statement) are represented as declaration statements. |
184 | |
185 | \subsubsection{Expression nodes} |
186 | |
187 | Some expressions are represented differently in the compiler before and after resolution |
188 | stage: |
189 | \begin{itemize} |
190 | \item |
191 | Name expressions: NameExpr pre-resolution, VariableExpr post-resolution |
192 | \item |
193 | Member expressions: UntypedMemberExpr pre-resolution, MemberExpr post-resolution |
194 | \item |
195 | Function call expressions (including overloadable operators): UntypedExpr pre-resolution, ApplicationExpr post-resolution |
196 | \end{itemize} |
197 | The pre-resolution representations contain only the symbols. Post-resolution results link |
198 | them to the actual variable and function declarations. |
199 | |
200 | |
201 | \subsection{Compilation Passes} |
202 | |
203 | Compilation steps are implemented as passes, which follows a general structural recursion |
204 | pattern on the syntax tree. |
205 | |
206 | The basic work flow of compilation passes follows preorder and postorder traversal on |
207 | tree data structure, implemented with visitor pattern, and can be loosely described with |
208 | the following pseudocode: |
209 | \begin{C++} |
210 | Pass::visit (node_t node) { |
211 | previsit(node); |
212 | if (visit_children) |
213 | for each child of node: |
214 | child.accept(this); |
215 | postvisit(node); |
216 | } |
217 | \end{C++} |
218 | Operations in previsit() happen in preorder (top to bottom) and operations in |
219 | postvisit() happen in postorder (bottom to top). The precise order of recursive |
220 | operations on child nodes can be found in @Common/PassVisitor.impl.h@ (old) and |
221 | @AST/Pass.impl.hpp@ (new). |
222 | Implementations of compilation passes need to follow certain conventions: |
223 | \begin{itemize} |
224 | \item |
225 | Passes \textbf{should not} directly override the visit method (Non-virtual Interface |
226 | principle); if a pass desires different recursion behavior, it should set |
227 | @visit_children@ to false and perform recursive calls manually within previsit or |
228 | postvisit procedures. To enable this option, inherit from @WithShortCircuiting@ mixin. |
229 | \item |
230 | previsit may mutate the node but \textbf{must not} change the node type or return null. |
231 | \item |
232 | postvisit may mutate the node, reconstruct it to a different node type, or delete it by |
233 | returning null. |
234 | \item |
235 | If the previsit or postvisit method is not defined for a node type, the step is skipped. |
236 | If the return type is declared as void, the original node is returned by default. These |
237 | behaviors are controlled by template specialization rules; see |
238 | @Common/PassVisitor.proto.h@ (old) and @AST/Pass.proto.hpp@ (new) for details. |
239 | \end{itemize} |
240 | Other useful mixin classes for compilation passes include: |
241 | \begin{itemize} |
242 | \item |
243 | WithGuards allows saving values of variables and restore automatically upon exiting |
244 | the current node. |
245 | \item |
246 | WithVisitorRef creates a wrapped entity of current pass (the actual argument |
247 | passed to recursive calls internally) for explicit recursion, usually used together |
248 | with WithShortCircuiting. |
249 | \item |
250 | WithSymbolTable gives a managed symbol table with built-in scoping rule handling |
251 | (\eg on entering and exiting a block statement) |
252 | \end{itemize} |
253 | \NOTE: If a pass extends the functionality of another existing pass, due to \CC overloading |
254 | resolution rules, it \textbf{must} explicitly introduce the inherited previsit and postvisit procedures |
255 | to its own scope, or otherwise they will not be picked up by template resolution: |
256 | \begin{C++} |
257 | class Pass2: public Pass1 { |
258 | using Pass1::previsit; |
259 | using Pass1::postvisit; |
260 | // new procedures |
261 | } |
262 | \end{C++} |
263 | |
264 | |
265 | \subsection{Data Structure Change WIP (new-ast)} |
266 | |
267 | It has been observed that excessive copying of syntax tree structures accounts for a |
268 | majority of computation cost and significantly slows down the compiler. In the previous |
269 | implementation of the syntax tree, every internal node has a unique parent; therefore all |
270 | copies are required to duplicate everything down to the bottom. A new, experimental |
271 | re-implementation of the syntax tree (source under directory AST/ hereby referred to as |
272 | ``new-ast'') attempts to overcome this issue with a functional approach that allows sharing |
273 | of common sub-structures and only makes copies when necessary. |
274 | |
275 | The core of new-ast is a customized implementation of smart pointers, similar to |
276 | @std::shared_ptr@ and @std::weak_ptr@ in \CC standard library. Reference counting is |
277 | used to detect sharing and allows optimization. For a purely functional (a.k.a. immutable) |
278 | data structure, all mutations are modelled by shallow copies along the path of mutation. |
279 | With reference counting optimization, unique nodes are allowed to be mutated in place. |
280 | This however, may potentially introduce some complications and bugs; a few issues are |
281 | discussed near the end of this section. |
282 | |
283 | \subsubsection{Source: AST/Node.hpp} |
284 | |
285 | class @ast::Node@ is the base class of all new-ast node classes, which implements |
286 | reference counting mechanism. Two different counters are recorded: ``strong'' reference |
287 | count for number of nodes semantically owning it; ``weak'' reference count for number of |
288 | nodes holding a mere reference and only need to observe changes. |
289 | class @ast::ptr_base@ is the smart pointer implementation and also takes care of |
290 | resource management. |
291 | |
292 | Direct access through the smart pointer is read-only. A mutable access should be obtained |
293 | by calling shallowCopy or mutate as below. |
294 | |
295 | Currently, the weak pointers are only used to reference declaration nodes from a named |
296 | type, or a variable expression. Since declaration nodes are intended to denote unique |
297 | entities in the program, weak pointers always point to unique (unshared) nodes. This may |
298 | change in the future, and weak references to shared nodes may introduce some problems; |
299 | see mutate function below. |
300 | |
301 | All node classes should always use smart pointers in the structure and should not use raw |
302 | pointers. |
303 | |
304 | \begin{C++} |
305 | void ast::Node::increment(ref_type ref) |
306 | \end{C++} |
307 | Increments this node's strong or weak reference count. |
308 | \begin{C++} |
309 | void ast::Node::decrement(ref_type ref, bool do_delete = true) |
310 | \end{C++} |
311 | Decrements this node's strong or weak reference count. If strong reference count reaches |
312 | zero, the node is deleted by default. |
313 | \NOTE: Setting @do_delete@ to false may result in a detached node. Subsequent code should |
314 | manually delete the node or assign it to a strong pointer to prevent memory leak. |
315 | Reference counting functions are internally called by @ast::ptr_base@. |
316 | \begin{C++} |
317 | template<typename node_t> |
318 | node_t * shallowCopy(const node_t * node) |
319 | \end{C++} |
320 | Returns a mutable, shallow copy of node: all child pointers are pointing to the same child |
321 | nodes. |
322 | \begin{C++} |
323 | template<typename node_t> |
324 | node_t * mutate(const node_t * node) |
325 | \end{C++} |
326 | If node is unique (strong reference count is 1), returns a mutable pointer to the same node. |
327 | Otherwise, returns shallowCopy(node). |
328 | It is an error to mutate a shared node that is weak-referenced. Currently this does not |
329 | happen. The problem may appear once weak pointers to shared nodes (\eg expression |
330 | nodes) are used; special care will be needed. |
331 | |
332 | \NOTE: This naive uniqueness check may not be sufficient in some cases. A discussion of the |
333 | issue is presented at the end of this section. |
334 | \begin{C++} |
335 | template<typename node_t, typename parent_t, typename field_t, typename assn_t> |
336 | const node_t * mutate_field(const node_t * node, field_t parent_t::*field, assn_t && val) |
337 | \end{C++} |
338 | \begin{C++} |
339 | template<typename node_t, typename parent_t, typename coll_t, typename ind_t, |
340 | typename field_t> |
341 | const node_t * mutate_field_index(const node_t * node, coll_t parent_t::* field, ind_t i, |
342 | field_t && val) |
343 | \end{C++} |
344 | Helpers for mutating a field on a node using pointer to member (creates shallow copy |
345 | when necessary). |
346 | |
347 | \subsubsection{Issue: Undetected sharing} |
348 | |
349 | The @mutate@ behavior described above has a problem: deeper shared nodes may be |
350 | mistakenly considered as unique. \VRef[Figure]{f:DeepNodeSharing} shows how the problem could arise: |
351 | \begin{figure} |
352 | \centering |
353 | \input{DeepNodeSharing} |
354 | \caption{Deep sharing of nodes} |
355 | \label{f:DeepNodeSharing} |
356 | \end{figure} |
357 | Suppose that we are working on the tree rooted at P1, which |
358 | is logically the chain P1-A-B and P2 is irrelevant, and then |
359 | mutate(B) is called. The algorithm considers B as unique since |
360 | it is only directly owned by A. However, the other tree P2-A-B |
361 | indirectly shares the node B and is therefore wrongly mutated. |
362 | |
363 | To partly address this problem, if the mutation is called higher up the tree, a chain |
364 | mutation helper can be used: |
365 | |
366 | \subsubsection{Source: AST/Chain.hpp} |
367 | |
368 | \begin{C++} |
369 | template<typename node_t, Node::ref_type ref_t> |
370 | auto chain_mutate(ptr_base<node_t, ref_t> & base) |
371 | \end{C++} |
372 | This function returns a chain mutator handle which takes pointer-to-member to go down |
373 | the tree while creating shallow copies as necessary; see @struct _chain_mutator@ in the |
374 | source code for details. |
375 | |
376 | For example, in the above diagram, if mutation of B is wanted while at P1, the call using |
377 | @chain_mutate@ looks like the following: |
378 | \begin{C++} |
379 | chain_mutate(P1.a)(&A.b) = new_value_of_b; |
380 | \end{C++} |
381 | Note that if some node in chain mutate is shared (therefore shallow copied), it implies that |
382 | every node further down will also be copied, thus correctly executing the functional |
383 | mutation algorithm. This example code creates copies of both A and B and performs |
384 | mutation on the new nodes, so that the other tree P2-A-B is untouched. |
385 | However, if a pass traverses down to node B and performs mutation, for example, in |
386 | @postvisit(B)@, information on sharing higher up is lost. Since the new-ast structure is only in |
387 | experimental use with the resolver algorithm, which mostly rebuilds the tree bottom-up, |
388 | this issue does not actually happen. It should be addressed in the future when other |
389 | compilation passes are migrated to new-ast and many of them contain procedural |
390 | mutations, where it might cause accidental mutations to other logically independent trees |
391 | (\eg common sub-expression) and become a bug. |
392 | |
393 | |
394 | \vspace*{20pt} % FIX ME, spacing problem with this heading ??? |
395 | \section{Compiler Algorithm Documentation} |
396 | |
397 | This documentation currently covers most of the resolver, data structures used in variable |
398 | and expression resolution, and a few directly related passes. Later passes involving code |
399 | generation is not included yet; documentation for those will be done afterwards. |
400 | |
401 | \subsection{Symbol Table} |
402 | |
403 | \NOTE: For historical reasons, the symbol table data structure was called ``indexer'' in the |
404 | old implementation. Hereby we will be using the name SymbolTable everywhere. |
405 | The symbol table stores a mapping from names to declarations and implements a similar |
406 | name space separation rule, and the same scoping rules in standard C.\footnote{ISO/IEC 9899:1999, Sections 6.2.1 and 6.2.3} The difference in |
407 | name space rule is that typedef aliases are no longer considered ordinary identifiers. |
408 | In addition to C tag types (struct, union, enum), \CFA introduces another tag type, trait, |
409 | which is a named collection of assertions. |
410 | |
411 | \subsubsection{Source: AST/SymbolTable.hpp} |
412 | |
413 | \subsubsection{Source: SymTab/Indexer.h} |
414 | |
415 | \begin{C++} |
416 | SymbolTable::addId(const DeclWithType * decl) |
417 | \end{C++} |
418 | Since \CFA allows overloading of variables and functions, ordinary identifier names need |
419 | to be mangled. The mangling scheme is closely based on the Itanium \CC ABI,\footnote{\url{https://itanium-cxx-abi.github.io/cxx-abi/abi.html}, Section 5.1} while |
420 | making adaptations to \CFA specific features, mainly assertions and overloaded variables |
421 | by type. Naming conflicts are handled by mangled names; lookup by name returns a list of |
422 | declarations with the same literal identifier name. |
423 | |
424 | \begin{C++} |
425 | SymbolTable::addStruct(const StructDecl * decl) |
426 | SymbolTable::addUnion(const UnionDecl * decl) |
427 | SymbolTable::addEnum(const EnumDecl * decl) |
428 | SymbolTable::addTrait(const TraitDecl * decl) |
429 | \end{C++} |
430 | Adds a tag type declaration to the symbol table. |
431 | \begin{C++} |
432 | SymbolTable::addType(const NamedTypeDecl * decl) |
433 | \end{C++} |
434 | Adds a typedef alias to the symbol table. |
435 | |
436 | \textbf{C Incompatibility Note}: Since Cforall allows using struct, union and enum type names |
437 | without the keywords, typedef names and tag type names cannot be disambiguated by |
438 | syntax rules. Currently the compiler puts them together and disallows collision. The |
439 | following program is valid C but not valid Cforall: |
440 | \begin{C++} |
441 | struct A {}; |
442 | typedef int A; |
443 | // gcc: ok, cfa: Cannot redefine typedef A |
444 | \end{C++} |
445 | In actual practices however, such usage is extremely rare, and typedef struct A A; is |
446 | not considered an error, but silently discarded. Therefore, we expect this change to have |
447 | minimal impact on existing C programs. |
448 | Meanwhile, the following program is allowed in Cforall: |
449 | \begin{C++} |
450 | typedef int A; |
451 | void A(); |
452 | // gcc: A redeclared as different kind of symbol, cfa: ok |
453 | \end{C++} |
454 | |
455 | \subsection{Type Environment and Unification} |
456 | |
457 | The core of parametric type resolution algorithm. |
458 | Type Environment organizes type parameters in \textbf{equivalent classes} and maps them to |
459 | actual types. Unification is the algorithm that takes two (possibly parametric) types and |
460 | parameter mappings and attempts to produce a common type by matching the type |
461 | environments. |
462 | |
463 | The unification algorithm is recursive in nature and runs in two different modes internally: |
464 | \begin{itemize} |
465 | \item |
466 | \textbf{Exact} unification mode requires equivalent parameters to match perfectly; |
467 | \item |
468 | \textbf{Inexact} unification mode allows equivalent parameters to be converted to a |
469 | common type. |
470 | \end{itemize} |
471 | For a pair of matching parameters (actually, their equivalent classes), if either side is open |
472 | (not bound to a concrete type yet), they are simply combined. |
473 | |
474 | Within inexact mode, types are allowed to differ on their cv-qualifiers; additionally, if a |
475 | type never appear either in parameter list or as the base type of a pointer, it may also be |
476 | widened (i.e. safely converted). As Cforall currently does not implement subclassing similar |
477 | to object-oriented languages, widening conversions are on primitive types only, for |
478 | example the conversion from int to long. |
479 | |
480 | The need for two unification modes come from the fact that parametric types are |
481 | considered compatible only if all parameters are exactly the same (not just compatible). |
482 | Pointer types also behaves similarly; in fact, they may be viewed as a primitive kind of |
483 | parametric types. @int*@ and @long*@ are different types, just like @vector(int)@ and |
484 | @vector(long)@ are, for the parametric type @vector(T)@. |
485 | |
486 | The resolver should use the following ``@public@'' functions:\footnote{ |
487 | Actual code also tracks assertions on type parameters; those extra arguments are omitted here for |
488 | conciseness.} |
489 | |
490 | |
491 | \subsubsection{Source: ResolvExpr/Unify.cc} |
492 | |
493 | \begin{C++} |
494 | bool unify(const Type *type1, const Type *type2, TypeEnvironment &env, |
495 | OpenVarSet &openVars, const SymbolTable &symtab, Type *&commonType) |
496 | \end{C++} |
497 | Attempts to unify @type1@ and @type2@ with current type environment. |
498 | |
499 | If operation succeeds, @env@ is modified by combining the equivalence classes of matching |
500 | parameters in @type1@ and @type2@, and their common type is written to commonType. |
501 | |
502 | If operation fails, returns false. |
503 | \begin{C++} |
504 | bool typesCompatible(const Type * type1, const Type * type2, const |
505 | SymbolTable &symtab, const TypeEnvironment &env) |
506 | bool typesCompatibleIgnoreQualifiers(const Type * type1, const Type * |
507 | type2, const SymbolTable &symtab, const TypeEnvironment &env) |
508 | \end{C++} |
509 | |
510 | Determines if type1 and type2 can possibly be the same type. The second version ignores |
511 | the outermost cv-qualifiers if present.\footnote{ |
512 | In const \lstinline@int * const@, only the second \lstinline@const@ is ignored.} |
513 | |
514 | The call has no side effect. |
515 | |
516 | \NOTE: No attempts are made to widen the types (exact unification is used), although the |
517 | function names may suggest otherwise. E.g. @typesCompatible(int, long)@ returns false. |
518 | |
519 | |
520 | \subsection{Expression Resolution} |
521 | |
522 | The design of the current version of expression resolver is outlined in the Ph.D. Thesis from |
523 | Aaron Moss~\cite{Moss19}. |
524 | |
525 | A summary of the resolver algorithm for each expression type is presented below. |
526 | |
527 | All overloadable operators are modelled as function calls. For a function call, |
528 | interpretations of the function and arguments are found recursively. Then the following |
529 | steps produce a filtered list of valid interpretations: |
530 | \begin{enumerate} |
531 | \item |
532 | From all possible combinations of interpretations of the function and arguments, |
533 | those where argument types may be converted to function parameter types are |
534 | considered valid. |
535 | \item |
536 | Valid interpretations with the minimum sum of argument costs are kept. |
537 | \item |
538 | Argument costs are then discarded; the actual cost for the function call expression is |
539 | the sum of conversion costs from the argument types to parameter types. |
540 | \item |
541 | For each return type, the interpretations with satisfiable assertions are then sorted |
542 | by actual cost computed in step 3. If for a given type, the minimum cost |
543 | interpretations are not unique, it is said that for that return type the interpretation |
544 | is ambiguous. If the minimum cost interpretation is unique but contains an |
545 | ambiguous argument, it is also considered ambiguous. |
546 | \end{enumerate} |
547 | Therefore, for each return type, the resolver produces either of: |
548 | \begin{itemize} |
549 | \item |
550 | No alternatives |
551 | \item |
552 | A single valid alternative |
553 | \item |
554 | An ambiguous alternative |
555 | \end{itemize} |
556 | Note that an ambiguous alternative may be discarded at the parent expressions because a |
557 | different return type matches better for the parent expressions. |
558 | |
559 | The non-overloadable expressions in Cforall are: cast expressions, address-of (unary @&@) |
560 | expressions, short-circuiting logical expressions (@&&@, @||@) and ternary conditional |
561 | expression (@?:@). |
562 | |
563 | For a cast expression, the convertible argument types are kept. Then the result is selected |
564 | by lowest argument cost, and further by lowest conversion cost to target type. If the lowest |
565 | cost is still not unique, or an ambiguous argument interpretation is selected, the cast |
566 | expression is ambiguous. In an expression statement, the top level expression is implicitly |
567 | cast to void. |
568 | |
569 | For an address-of expression, only lvalue results are kept and the minimum cost is selected. |
570 | |
571 | For logical expressions @&&@ and @||@, arguments are implicitly cast to bool, and follow the rule |
572 | of cast expression as above. |
573 | |
574 | For the ternary conditional expression, the condition is implicitly cast to bool, and the |
575 | branch expressions must have compatible types. Each pair of compatible branch |
576 | expression types produce a possible interpretation, and the cost is defined as the sum of |
577 | expression costs plus the sum of conversion costs to the common type. |
578 | |
579 | TODO: Write a specification for expression costs. |
580 | |
581 | |
582 | \subsection{Assertion Satisfaction} |
583 | |
584 | The resolver tries to satisfy assertions on expressions only when it is needed: either while |
585 | selecting from multiple alternatives of a same result type for a function call (step 4 of |
586 | resolving function calls), or upon reaching the top level of an expression statement. |
587 | |
588 | Unsatisfiable alternatives are discarded. Satisfiable alternatives receive \textbf{implicit |
589 | parameters}: in Cforall, parametric functions are designed such that they can be compiled |
590 | separately, as opposed to \CC templates which are only compiled at instantiation. Given a |
591 | parametric function definition: |
592 | \begin{C++} |
593 | forall (otype T | {void foo(T);}) |
594 | void bar (T t) { foo(t); } |
595 | \end{C++} |
596 | The function bar does not know which @foo@ to call when compiled without knowing the call |
597 | site, so it requests a function pointer to be passed as an extra argument. At the call site, |
598 | implicit parameters are automatically inserted by the compiler. |
599 | |
600 | \textbf{TODO}: Explain how recursive assertion satisfaction and polymorphic recursion work. |
601 | |
602 | |
603 | \section{Tests} |
604 | |
605 | \subsection{Test Suites} |
606 | |
607 | Automatic test suites are located under the @tests/@ directory. A test case consists of an |
608 | input CFA source file (name ending with @.cfa@), and an expected output file located |
609 | in @.expect/@ directory relative to the source file, with the same file name ending with @.txt@. |
610 | So a test named @tuple/tupleCast@ has the following files, for example: |
611 | \begin{C++} |
612 | tests/ |
613 | .. tuple/ |
614 | ...... .expect/ |
615 | .......... tupleCast.txt |
616 | ...... tupleCast.cfa |
617 | \end{C++} |
618 | If compilation fails, the error output is compared to the expect file. If compilation succeeds, |
619 | the built program is run and its output compared to the expect file. |
620 | To run the tests, execute the test script @test.py@ under the @tests/@ directory, with a list of |
621 | test names to be run, or @--all@ to run all tests. The test script reports test cases |
622 | fail/success, compilation time and program run time. |
623 | |
624 | |
625 | \subsection{Performance Reports} |
626 | |
627 | To turn on performance reports, pass @-S@ flag to the compiler. |
628 | |
629 | 3 kinds of performance reports are available: |
630 | \begin{enumerate} |
631 | \item |
632 | Time, reports time spent in each compilation step |
633 | \item |
634 | Heap, reports number of dynamic memory allocations, total bytes allocated, and |
635 | maximum heap memory usage |
636 | \item |
637 | Counters, for certain predefined statistics; counters can be registered anywhere in |
638 | the compiler as a static object, and the interface can be found at |
639 | @Common/Stats/Counter.h@. |
640 | \end{enumerate} |
641 | It is suggested to run performance tests with optimized build (@g++@ flag @-O3@) |
642 | |
643 | |
644 | \bibliographystyle{plain} |
645 | \bibliography{pl} |
646 | |
647 | |
648 | \end{document} |
649 | |
650 | % Local Variables: % |
651 | % tab-width: 4 % |
652 | % fill-column: 100 % |
653 | % compile-command: "make" % |
654 | % End: % |