% Predefined journal names: % acmcs: Computing Surveys acta: Acta Infomatica % cacm: Communications of the ACM % ibmjrd: IBM J. Research & Development ibmsj: IBM Systems Journal % ieeese: IEEE Trans. on Soft. Eng. ieeetc: IEEE Trans. on Computers % ieeetcad: IEEE Trans. on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits % ipl: Information Processing Letters jacm: Journal of the ACM % jcss: J. Computer & System Sciences scp: Science of Comp. Programming % sicomp: SIAM J. on Computing tocs: ACM Trans. on Comp. Systems % tods: ACM Trans. on Database Sys. tog: ACM Trans. on Graphics % toms: ACM Trans. on Math. Software toois: ACM Trans. on Office Info. Sys. % toplas: ACM Trans. on Prog. Lang. & Sys. % tcs: Theoretical Computer Science @string{ieeepds="IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems"} @string{ieeese="IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering"} @string{spe="Software---\-Practice and Experience"} @string{sigplan="SIGPLAN Notices"} @string{joop="Journal of Object-Oriented Programming"} @string{popl="Conference Record of the ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages"} @string{osr="Operating Systems Review"} @string{pldi="Programming Language Design and Implementation"} % actor work stealing papers @inproceedings{barghi18, title={Work-stealing, locality-aware actor scheduling}, author={Barghi, Saman and Karsten, Martin}, booktitle={2018 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS)}, pages={484--494}, year={2018}, organization={IEEE} } @inproceedings{wolke17, title={Locality-guided scheduling in caf}, author={W{\"o}lke, Sebastian and Hiesgen, Raphael and Charousset, Dominik and Schmidt, Thomas C}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 7th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Programming Based on Actors, Agents, and Decentralized Control}, pages={11--20}, year={2017} }