\makeglossaries % \longnewglossaryentry{uthread} % {name={user-level thread}} % { % Threads created and managed inside user-space. Each thread has its own stack and its own thread of execution. User-level threads are invisible to the underlying operating system. % \textit{Synonyms : User threads, Lightweight threads, Green threads, Virtual threads, Tasks.} % } % C_TODO: replace usages of these acronyms with \acrshort{name} \newacronym{tls}{TLS}{Thread Local Storage} \newacronym{api}{API}{Application Program Interface} \newacronym{raii}{RAII}{Resource Acquisition Is Initialization} \newacronym{numa}{NUMA}{Non-Uniform Memory Access} \newacronym{rtti}{RTTI}{Run-Time Type Information} \newacronym{fcfs}{FCFS}{First Come First Served} \newacronym{toctou}{TOCTOU}{time-of-check to time-of-use}