#!/bin/bash - false=0; true=1 # Usage: arch [ hostname ] returns hostname, cores, startcore # # Define machine architecture based on starting socket, CPUs (cores) per socket, number of # sockets, has hyperthreading. start=0 arch() { hostname=${1:-`hostname`} # return value hashyper=${true} # assume machine has hyperthreads if [ "${hostname}" = "plg2" ] ; then startsocket=${start} cps=16 # coresPerSocket sockets=2 hashyper=${false} # has no hyperthreads elif [ "${hostname}" = "nasus" ] ; then startsocket=${start} cps=64 # coresPerSocket sockets=2 elif [ "${hostname}" = "pyke" ] ; then startsocket=${start} cps=24 # coresPerSocket sockets=2 elif [ "${hostname}" = "jax" ] ; then startsocket=${start} cps=24 # coresPerSocket sockets=4 else echo "unsupported host" ${hostname} exit 1 fi cores=$(( ${cps} * ${sockets} )) startcore=$(( ${startsocket} * ${cps} )) } # Usage: affinity (global cps, sockets, startsocket, hashyper, cores, startcore, wrap) # returns taskset argument # # This routine assumes hyperthreading has only 2 hyperthreads per core. # # If hyperthread scanning is used: processor units are assigned across the low-number hyperthreads # of the socket's cores. When the low-number hyperthreads are filled, the high-number hyperhtreads # are assigned across the socket's cores. Then the next socket is assigned. # # If hyperthread wrapping is used: processor units are assigned in low/high-number pairs of # hyperthreads across the socket's cores. Then the next socket is assigned. wrap=${false} # set to control hyperthread assignment across socket cores affinity() { if [ ${wrap} -eq ${true} -a ${hashyper} -eq ${false} ] ; then echo "architecture does not support hyperthreading for wrapping" exit 1 fi taskset="" # return value set -- $(( ${1} - 1 )) # decrement $1 if [ ${1} -eq 0 ] ; then taskset="${startcore}-${startcore}"; return; fi if [ ${1} -ge $(( ${cps} * ( ${sockets} - ${startsocket} ) * ( ${hashyper} + 1 ) )) ] ; then # error echo "not enough cores $(( ${cores} * ${sockets} )) for $(( ${1} + 1 )) starting at ${startcore}" exit 1 fi if [ ${hashyper} -eq ${false} ] ; then taskset="${startcore}-$(( ${1} + ${startcore} ))"; return; fi # no hyperthreads start2=$(( ${startcore} + ${cores} )) if [ ${wrap} -eq ${true} ] ; then # hyperthread wrapping end1=$(( ${1} / 2 + ${startcore} )) end2=$(( ${end1} + ${cores} )) if [ $(( ${1} % 2 )) -eq 0 ] ; then end2=$(( ${end2} - 1 )) fi taskset="${startcore}-${end1},${start2}-${end2}" else # hyperthread scanning if [ ${1} -lt ${cps} ] ; then taskset="${startcore}-$(( ${1} + ${startcore} ))"; return; fi filled=$(( ${1} / ( ${cps} * 2 ) * ${cps} )) modulus=$(( ${1} % ( ${cps} * 2 ) )) # leftover cores added to saturated sockets if [ ${modulus} -gt ${cps} ] ; then taskset="${startcore}-$(( ${startcore} + ${filled} + ${cps} - 1 )),${start2}-$(( ${start2} + ${filled} + ${modulus} % ${cps} ))" else taskset="${startcore}-$(( ${startcore} + ${filled} + ${modulus} )),${start2}-$(( ${start2} + ${filled} - 1 ))" fi fi } #used for output formatting column_headers="proc\ttime (s)" # executor config batch='100' nRounds='400' #500 # matrix config size='3072' # repeat config messages='100000' n_repeats='200' #200 # balance config nOneRounds='2000' nMultiRounds='800' # static config n_static_sends='100000000' n_static_sends_slow='10000000' # dynamic config n_dynamic_sends='20000000' n_dynamic_sends_slow='2000000' numtimes=5 # bench_cores='1 2 4 8 16 24 32' bench_cores='1 2 4 8 16 24 32 48' # bench_cores='48' # toggle missed gulp tracking config (overrides specified config) missed_gulps=${true} # missed_gulps=${false} # toggle mem collection config (overrides specified config) # outputs mem instead of time mem=${true} mem=${false} # toggle benchmarks executor=${true} matrix=${true} repeat=${true} balance=${true} static=${true} dynamic=${true} # executor=${false} # matrix=${false} # repeat=${false} # balance=${false} # static=${false} # dynamic=${false} # names=('Longest-Victim' 'No-Stealing' 'Random') # var_flags=('-D__STEAL=1 -DSEARCH=1' '' '-D__STEAL=1 -DRAND=1') # names=('CFA' 'CFA-EMPTY') # var_flags=('' '-DEMPTY') # names=('CFA') # var_flags=('-D__STEAL=1 -DSEARCH=1') # names=('CFA' 'CFA-STAT') # var_flags=('-D__STEAL=1 -DSEARCH=1' '-D__STEAL=1 -DSTATS') # names=() # var_flags=() names=('CFA') var_flags=('') runCAF=${true} runUCPP=${true} runPROTO=${true} runAKKA=${true} runCAF=${false} runUCPP=${false} runPROTO=${false} runAKKA=${false} if [ ${missed_gulps} -eq ${true} ] ; then bench_cores='2 4 8 16 24 32 48' column_headers="proc\tmissed\ttime (s)" names=('CFA') var_flags=('-D__STEAL=1 -DSEARCH=1 -DACTOR_STATS_QUEUE_MISSED') runCAF=${false} runUCPP=${false} runPROTO=${false} runAKKA=${false} executor=${true} matrix=${true} repeat=${true} fi if [ ${mem} -eq ${true} ] ; then bench_cores='48' column_headers="proc\tmem (kB)" names=('CFA') var_flags=('-D__STEAL=1 -DSEARCH=1') runCAF=${true} runUCPP=${true} runPROTO=${true} runAKKA=${true} executor=${true} matrix=${false} repeat=${false} balance=${false} static=${false} dynamic=${false} fi cfa=~/cfa-cc/driver/cfa # Helpers to minimize code duplication # repeats a command ${numtimes} preprint='' repeat_command() { t=1 while [ ${t} -le ${numtimes} ] ; do echo -n -e ${preprint} "${@}" t=`expr ${t} + 1` done } # prints the leading info for a given run of a variant print_header() { echo ${1}':' if [ ${mem} -eq ${false} ] ; then echo -e $column_headers fi } # runs the current benchmark with provided args # only works for standard-run benchmarks (not Akka) # must split into pre and post args to be able to supply val of p pre_args='' post_args='' single_run() { affinity ${1} preprint="${1}\t" if [ ${mem} -eq ${true} ] ; then repeat_command /usr/bin/time -f "%M" taskset -c ${taskset} ./a.${hostname} ${pre_args} ${1} ${post_args} > /dev/null else repeat_command taskset -c ${taskset} ./a.${hostname} ${pre_args} ${1} ${post_args} fi } # runs the current bench for all processor vals # works for standard benchs that dont need to set a config file (not Akka or CAF) run_bench() { for p in ${bench_cores} ; do single_run ${p} done } set_akka_parallelism() { sed -i "s/parallelism-min = .*/parallelism-min = ${1}/g" application.conf sed -i "s/parallelism-max = .*/parallelism-max = ${1}/g" application.conf } arch # get hostname # set up leading info for python script echo $numtimes echo $bench_cores for i in ${!names[@]}; do echo -n ${names[$i]}" " done if [ ${runCAF} -eq ${true} ] ; then echo -n 'CAF ' fi # done CAF if [ ${runAKKA} -eq ${true} ] ; then echo -n 'Akka ' fi # done AKKA if [ ${runUCPP} -eq ${true} ] ; then echo -n 'uC++ ' fi # done UCPP if [ ${runPROTO} -eq ${true} ] ; then echo -n 'ProtoActor ' fi echo "" # done printing header info for output # cfa flags cfa_flags='-quiet -O3 -nodebug -DNDEBUG' # CAF flags prefixCAF='-O3 -Wall -std=c++17 -I/home/pabuhr/software/nasus/Actors/experiments/CAF/actor-framework/libcaf_core -I/home/pabuhr/software/nasus/Actors/experiments/CAF/actor-framework/libcaf_core/caf -I/home/pabuhr/software/nasus/Actors/experiments/CAF/actor-framework/build/libcaf_core -L/home/pabuhr/software/nasus/Actors/experiments/CAF/actor-framework/build/libcaf_core -L/home/pabuhr/software/nasus/Actors/experiments/CAF/actor-framework/build/libcaf_io' suffixCAF='-lcaf_io -lcaf_core -Wl,-rpath=CAF/actor-framework/build/libcaf_core' # AKKA flags sbtflags="--warn -J-Xmx32g" # UCPP flags UCPPflags="-quiet -g -Wall -Wextra -O3 -nodebug -DNDEBUG -multi" UCPP=~/ucpp/u++-7.0.0/bin/u++ # run the benchmarks # /usr/bin/time -f "%Uu %Ss %Er %Mkb" if [ ${executor} -eq ${true} ] ; then if [ ${mem} -eq ${false} ] ; then echo "executor" else echo "mem" fi pre_args="40000 100 ${nRounds}" post_args="${batch}" cd cfa # CFA RUN for i in ${!names[@]}; do print_header ${names[$i]} ${cfa} ${cfa_flags} ${var_flags[$i]} executor.cfa -o a.${hostname} > /dev/null 2>&1 run_bench rm a.${hostname} done cd - > /dev/null # done CFA if [ ${runCAF} -eq ${true} ] ; then # CAF RUN cd caf print_header 'CAF' g++ ${prefixCAF} CAFExecutor.cpp ${suffixCAF} -o a.${hostname} > /dev/null 2>&1 for p in ${bench_cores} ; do sed -i "s/max-threads = .*/max-threads = ${p}/g" caf-application.conf # set CAF parallelism single_run ${p} done rm a.${hostname} # set back parallelism sed -i "s/max-threads = .*/max-threads = 1/g" caf-application.conf cd - > /dev/null fi # done CAF if [ ${runAKKA} -eq ${true} ] ; then # AKKA RUN cd akka/Executor rm -rf project target # random out of memory errors without this print_header 'Akka' for p in ${bench_cores} ; do set_akka_parallelism ${p} affinity ${p} if [ ${mem} -eq ${true} ] ; then t=1 while [ ${t} -le ${numtimes} ] ; do /usr/bin/time -f "%M" taskset -c ${taskset} sbt ${sbtflags} "run ${pre_args} ${p} ${post_args} 1" 2>&1 | grep -v "SLF4J:" | grep -v "Slf4jLogger started" | sed -e "s/\x1b\[0J//" | grep -v "\." t=`expr ${t} + 1` done else taskset -c ${taskset} sbt ${sbtflags} "run ${pre_args} ${p} ${post_args} ${numtimes}" 2>&1 | grep -v "SLF4J:" | grep -v "Slf4jLogger started" | sed -e "s/\x1b\[0J//" fi sbt clean > /dev/null done # set back parallelism set_akka_parallelism 1 cd - > /dev/null fi # done AKKA if [ ${runUCPP} -eq ${true} ] ; then # UCPP RUN cd ucpp print_header 'uC++' ${UCPP} ${UCPPflags} uC++Executor.cc -o a.${hostname} > /dev/null 2>&1 run_bench rm a.${hostname} cd - > /dev/null fi # done UCPP if [ ${runPROTO} -eq ${true} ] ; then # PROTO RUN print_header 'ProtoActor' cd proto/Executor go build -o a.${hostname} > /dev/null 2>&1 run_bench rm a.${hostname} cd - > /dev/null fi # done PROTO echo "" fi if [ ${matrix} -eq ${true} ] ; then echo "matrix" pre_args="${size} ${size} ${size}" post_args="" cd cfa for i in ${!names[@]}; do print_header ${names[$i]} ${cfa} ${cfa_flags} ${var_flags[$i]} matrix.cfa -o a.${hostname} > /dev/null 2>&1 run_bench rm a.${hostname} done cd - > /dev/null if [ ${runCAF} -eq ${true} ] ; then # CAF RUN cd caf print_header 'CAF' g++ ${prefixCAF} CAFMatrix.cpp ${suffixCAF} -o a.${hostname} > /dev/null 2>&1 for p in ${bench_cores} ; do sed -i "s/max-threads = .*/max-threads = ${p}/g" caf-application.conf # set CAF parallelism single_run ${p} done rm a.${hostname} # set back parallelism sed -i "s/max-threads = .*/max-threads = 1/g" caf-application.conf cd - > /dev/null fi # done CAF if [ ${runAKKA} -eq ${true} ] ; then # AKKA RUN cd akka/Matrix rm -rf project target # random out of memory errors without this print_header 'Akka' for p in ${bench_cores} ; do set_akka_parallelism ${p} affinity ${p} repeat_command taskset -c ${taskset} sbt ${sbtflags} "run ${pre_args} ${p}" 2>&1 | grep -v "SLF4J:" | grep -v "Slf4jLogger started" | sed -e "s/\x1b\[0J//" sbt clean > /dev/null done # set back parallelism set_akka_parallelism 1 cd - > /dev/null fi # done AKKA if [ ${runUCPP} -eq ${true} ] ; then # UCPP RUN cd ucpp print_header 'uC++' ${UCPP} ${UCPPflags} uC++Matrix.cc -o a.${hostname} > /dev/null 2>&1 run_bench rm a.${hostname} cd - > /dev/null fi # done UCPP if [ ${runPROTO} -eq ${true} ] ; then # PROTO RUN cd proto/Matrix print_header 'ProtoActor' go build -o a.${hostname} > /dev/null 2>&1 run_bench rm a.${hostname} cd - > /dev/null fi # done PROTO echo "" fi if [ ${repeat} -eq ${true} ] ; then echo "repeat" pre_args="${messages}" post_args="${n_repeats}" cd cfa for i in ${!names[@]}; do print_header ${names[$i]} ${cfa} ${cfa_flags} ${var_flags[$i]} repeat.cfa -o a.${hostname} > /dev/null 2>&1 run_bench rm a.${hostname} done cd - > /dev/null if [ ${runCAF} -eq ${true} ] ; then # CAF RUN cd caf print_header 'CAF' g++ ${prefixCAF} CAFRepeat.cpp ${suffixCAF} -o a.${hostname} > /dev/null 2>&1 for p in ${bench_cores} ; do sed -i "s/max-threads = .*/max-threads = ${p}/g" caf-application.conf # set CAF parallelism single_run ${p} done rm a.${hostname} # set back parallelism sed -i "s/max-threads = .*/max-threads = 1/g" caf-application.conf cd - > /dev/null fi # done CAF if [ ${runAKKA} -eq ${true} ] ; then # AKKA RUN cd akka/Repeat rm -rf project target # random out of memory errors without this print_header 'Akka' for p in ${bench_cores} ; do set_akka_parallelism ${p} affinity ${p} repeat_command taskset -c ${taskset} sbt ${sbtflags} "run ${pre_args} ${p} ${post_args}" 2>&1 | grep -v "SLF4J:" | grep -v "Slf4jLogger started" | sed -e "s/\x1b\[0J//" sbt clean > /dev/null done # set back parallelism set_akka_parallelism 1 cd - > /dev/null fi # done AKKA if [ ${runUCPP} -eq ${true} ] ; then # UCPP RUN cd ucpp print_header 'uC++' ${UCPP} ${UCPPflags} uC++Repeat.cc -o a.${hostname} > /dev/null 2>&1 run_bench rm a.${hostname} cd - > /dev/null fi # done UCPP if [ ${runPROTO} -eq ${true} ] ; then # PROTO RUN print_header 'ProtoActor' cd proto/Repeat go build -o a.${hostname} > /dev/null 2>&1 run_bench rm a.${hostname} cd - > /dev/null fi # done PROTO echo "" fi if [ ${static} -eq ${true} ] ; then echo "static" preprint='' cd cfa for i in ${!names[@]}; do echo ${names[$i]} ${cfa} ${cfa_flags} ${var_flags[$i]} static.cfa -o a.${hostname} > /dev/null 2>&1 repeat_command taskset -c ${startcore} ./a.${hostname} ${n_static_sends} rm a.${hostname} done cd - > /dev/null if [ ${runCAF} -eq ${true} ] ; then # CAF RUN cd caf echo 'CAF:' g++ ${prefixCAF} CAFSendStatic.cpp ${suffixCAF} -o a.${hostname} > /dev/null 2>&1 sed -i "s/max-threads = .*/max-threads = 1/g" caf-application.conf # set CAF parallelism repeat_command taskset -c ${startcore} ./a.${hostname} ${n_static_sends_slow} rm a.${hostname} cd - > /dev/null fi # done CAF if [ ${runAKKA} -eq ${true} ] ; then # AKKA RUN cd akka/SendStatic rm -rf project target # random out of memory errors without this echo 'Akka:' set_akka_parallelism 1 taskset -c ${startcore} sbt ${sbtflags} "run ${n_static_sends} ${numtimes}" 2>&1 | grep -v "SLF4J:" | grep -v "Slf4jLogger started" | sed -e "s/\x1b\[0J//" cd - > /dev/null fi # done AKKA if [ ${runUCPP} -eq ${true} ] ; then # UCPP RUN cd ucpp echo 'uC++:' ${UCPP} ${UCPPflags} uC++SendStatic.cc -o a.${hostname} > /dev/null 2>&1 repeat_command taskset -c ${startcore} ./a.${hostname} ${n_static_sends} rm a.${hostname} cd - > /dev/null fi # done UCPP if [ ${runPROTO} -eq ${true} ] ; then # PROTO RUN cd proto/SendStatic echo 'ProtoActor:' go build -o a.${hostname} > /dev/null 2>&1 repeat_command taskset -c ${startcore} ./a.${hostname} ${n_static_sends} rm a.${hostname} cd - > /dev/null fi # done PROTO echo "" fi if [ ${dynamic} -eq ${true} ] ; then echo "dynamic" cd cfa for i in ${!names[@]}; do echo ${names[$i]} ${cfa} ${cfa_flags} ${var_flags[$i]} dynamic.cfa -o a.${hostname} > /dev/null 2>&1 repeat_command taskset -c ${startcore} ./a.${hostname} ${n_dynamic_sends} rm a.${hostname} done cd - > /dev/null if [ ${runCAF} -eq ${true} ] ; then # CAF RUN cd caf echo 'CAF:' g++ ${prefixCAF} CAFSendDynamic.cpp ${suffixCAF} -o a.${hostname} > /dev/null 2>&1 sed -i "s/max-threads = .*/max-threads = 1/g" caf-application.conf # set CAF parallelism repeat_command taskset -c ${startcore} ./a.${hostname} ${n_dynamic_sends_slow} rm a.${hostname} cd - > /dev/null fi # done CAF if [ ${runAKKA} -eq ${true} ] ; then # AKKA RUN cd akka/SendDynamic rm -rf project target # random out of memory errors without this echo 'Akka:' set_akka_parallelism 1 taskset -c ${startcore} sbt ${sbtflags} "run ${n_dynamic_sends_slow} ${numtimes}" 2>&1 | grep -v "SLF4J:" | grep -v "Slf4jLogger started" | sed -e "s/\x1b\[0J//" cd - > /dev/null fi # done AKKA if [ ${runUCPP} -eq ${true} ] ; then # UCPP RUN cd ucpp echo 'uC++:' ${UCPP} ${UCPPflags} uC++SendDynamic.cc -o a.${hostname} > /dev/null 2>&1 repeat_command taskset -c ${startcore} ./a.${hostname} ${n_dynamic_sends} rm a.${hostname} cd - > /dev/null fi # done UCPP if [ ${runPROTO} -eq ${true} ] ; then # PROTO RUN cd proto/SendDynamic echo 'ProtoActor:' go build -o a.${hostname} > /dev/null 2>&1 repeat_command taskset -c ${startcore} ./a.${hostname} ${n_dynamic_sends_slow} rm a.${hostname} cd - > /dev/null fi # done PROTO echo "" fi if [ ${balance} -eq ${true} ] ; then cd cfa echo "balance_one" for i in ${!names[@]}; do echo ${names[$i]}':' echo -e $column_headers ${cfa} ${cfa_flags} ${var_flags[$i]} balance.cfa -o a.${hostname} > /dev/null 2>&1 for p in ${bench_cores} ; do affinity ${p} preprint="${p}\t" repeat_command taskset -c ${taskset} ./a.${hostname} 32 32 ${nOneRounds} ${p} done rm a.${hostname} done echo "" echo "balance_multi" for i in ${!names[@]}; do echo ${names[$i]}':' echo -e $column_headers ${cfa} ${cfa_flags} ${var_flags[$i]} -DMULTI balance.cfa -o a.${hostname} > /dev/null 2>&1 for p in ${bench_cores} ; do affinity ${p} preprint="${p}\t" repeat_command taskset -c ${taskset} ./a.${hostname} 32 32 ${nMultiRounds} ${p} done rm a.${hostname} done echo "" cd - > /dev/null fi