\chapter{Unwinding in \CFA} When a function returns, a \emph{single} stack frame is unwound, removing the function's parameters and local variables, and control continues in the function's caller using the caller's stack frame. When an exception is raised, \emph{multiple} stack frames are unwound, removing the function parameters and local variables for called functions from the exception raise-frame to the exception catch-frame. Unwinding multiple levels is simple for a programming languages without object destructors or block finalizers because a direct transfer is possible from the current stack frame to a prior stack frame, where control continues at a location within the prior caller's function. For example, C provides non-local transfer using $longjmp$, which stores a function's state including its frame pointer and program counter, and simply reloads this information to continue at this prior location on the stack. For programming languages with object destructors or block finalizers it is necessary to walk the stack frames from raise to catch, checking for code that must be executed as part of terminating each frame. Walking the stack has a higher cost, and necessary information must be available to detect destructors/finalizers and call them. A powerful package to provide stack-walking capabilities is $libunwind$, which is used in this work to provide exception handling in \CFA. The following explains how $libunwind$ works and how it is used. % Stack unwinding is the process of removing things from the stack from outside % the functions there. In languages that don't provide a way to guaranty that % code will run when the program leaves a scope or finishes a function, this % can be relatively trivial. C does this with $longjmp$ by setting the % stack pointer and a few other registers. \section{libunwind Usage} \CFA uses two primary functions in $libunwind$ to create most of its exceptional control-flow: $_Unwind_RaiseException$ and $_Unwind_ForcedUnwind$. Their operation is divided into two phases: search and clean-up. The search phase -- phase 1 -- is used to scan the stack but not unwinding it. The clean-up phase -- phase 2 -- is used for unwinding. % Somewhere around here I need to talk about the control structures. % $_Unwind_Exception$ is used to carry the API's universal data. Some % of this is internal, other fields are used to communicate between different % exception handling mechanisms in different runtimes. % $_Unwind_Context$ is an opaque data structure that is used to pass % information to helper functions. The raise-exception function uses both phases. It starts by searching for a handler, and if found, performs a clean-up phase to unwind the stack to the handler. If a handler is not found, control returns allowing the exception-handling policy for unhandled exception to be executed. During both phases, the raise-exception function searches down the stack, calling each function's \emph{personality function}. A personality function performs three tasks, although not all have to be present. The tasks performed are decided by the actions provided. % Something argument something bitmask. \begin{itemize} \item$_UA_SEARCH_PHASE$ is called during the clean-up phase and means search for handlers. If a hander is found, the personality function should return $_URC_HANDLER_FOUND$, otherwise it returns $_URC_CONTINUE_UNWIND$. {\color{red}What is the connection between finding the handler and the personality function?} \item$_UA_CLEANUP_PHASE$ is passed in during the clean-up phase and means part or all of the stack frame is removed. The personality function should do whatever clean-up the language defines (such as running destructors/finalizers) and then generally returns $_URC_CONTINUE_UNWIND$. \item$_UA_HANDLER_FRAME$ means the personality function must install a handler. It is also passed in during the clean-up phase and is in addition to the clean-up action. $libunwind$ provides several helpers for the personality function here. Once it is done, the personality function must return $_URC_INSTALL_CONTEXT$. \end{itemize} Forced unwind only performs the clean-up phase. It is similar to the phase 2 section of raise exception with a few changes. A simple difference is that it passes in an extra action to the personality function $_UA_FORCE_UNWIND$, which means a handler cannot be installed. The most difference significant is the addition of the $stop$ function, which is passed in as an argument to forced unwind. The $stop$ function is similar to a personality function. It takes an extra argument: a $void$ pointer passed into force unwind. It may return $_URC_NO_REASON$ to continue unwinding or it can transfer control out of the unwind code using its own mechanism. % Is there a reason that NO_REASON is used instead of CONTINUE_UNWIND? The $stop$ function is called for each stack frame and at the end of the stack. In a stack frame, it is called before the personality routine with the same arguments (except for the extra $void$ pointer). At the end of the stack, the arguments are mostly the same, except the stack pointer stored in the context is set to null. Because of this change, both GCC and Clang add an extra action in this case $_UA_END_OF_STACK$. The $stop$ function may not return at the end of the stack. {\color{red}This needs work as I do not understand all of it.} \section{\CFA Implementation} To use $libunwind$, \CFA provides several wrappers, its own storage, personality functions, and a $stop$ function. The wrappers perform three tasks: set-up, clean-up and controlling the unwinding. The set-up allocates a copy of the \CFA exception into a handler to control its lifetime, and stores it in the exception context. Clean-up -- run when control exits a catch clause and returns to normal code -- frees the exception copy. % It however does not set up the unwind exception so we can't use any inter- % runtime/language features. Also the exception context is global. The control code in the middle {\color{red}(In the middle of what?)} is run every time a throw or re-throw is called. It uses raise exception to search for a handler and to run it, if one is found. Otherwise, it uses forced unwind to unwind the stack, running all destructors, before terminating the process. The $stop$ function is very simple. It checks the end of stack flag to see if it is finished unwinding. If so, it calls $exit$ to end the process, otherwise it tells the system {\color{red}(What system?)} to continue unwinding. % Yeah, this is going to have to change. The personality routine is more complex because it has to obtain information about the function by scanning the LSDA (Language Specific Data Area). This step allows a single personality function to be used for multiple functions and it accounts for multiple regions{\color{red}(What's a region?)} and possible handlers in a single function. % Not that we do that yet. However, generating the LSDA is difficult. It requires knowledge about the location of the instruction pointer and stack layout, which varies by optimization levels. So for frames where there are only destructors, GCC's attribute cleanup with the $-fexception$ flag is sufficient to handle unwinding. For functions with handlers (defined in the $try$ statement) the function is split into several functions. Everything outside the $try$ statement is the first function, which only has destructors to be run during unwinding. The catch clauses of the $try$ block are then converted into GCC inner functions, which are passed via function pointers while still having access to the outer function's scope. $catchResume$ and $finally$ clauses are handled separately and not discussed here. The $try$ clause {\color{red}You have $try$ statement, $try$ block, and $try$ clause, which need clarification.)} is converted to a function directly. The $catch$ clauses are combined into two functions. The first is the match function, which is used during the search phase to find a handler. The second it the catch function, which is a large switch-case for the different handlers. These functions do not interact with unwinding except for running destructors and so can be handled by GCC. These three functions are passed into $try_terminate$, an internal function that represents the $try$ statement. This function uses the generated personality functions as well as assembly statements to create the LSDA. In normal execution, this function only calls the $try$ block closure. However, using $libunwind$, its personality function now handles exception matching and catching. {\color{red}(I don't understand the last sentence.)} During the search phase, the personality function retrieves the match function from the stack using the saved stack pointer. The function is called, either returning 0 for no match or the index (a positive integer) of the handler for a match. If a handler is found, the personality function reports it after saving the index to the exception context. During the clean-up phase there is nothing for the personality function to clean-up in $try_terminate$. So if this is not the handler frame, unwinding continues. If this is the handler frame, control is transferred to the catch function, giving it the exception and the handler index. {\color{red}This needs work as I do not understand all of it.}