% Main tex file for thesis document. \documentclass[digital]{uw-ethesis} \usepackage{comment} \usepackage{fullpage} \setlength{\textheight}{8.75in} \renewcommand\labelitemi{\footnotesize$\bullet$} % shrink bullet for level 1 itemize \usepackage{lmodern} % bold typewriter font \usepackage{listings} % format program code % Default underscore is too low and wide. Cannot use lstlisting "literate" as replacing underscore % removes it as a variable-name character so keywords in variables are highlighted. MUST APPEAR % AFTER HYPERREF. %\DeclareTextCommandDefault{\textunderscore}{\leavevmode\makebox[1.2ex][c]{\rule{1ex}{0.1ex}}} \renewcommand{\textunderscore}{\leavevmode\makebox[1.2ex][c]{\rule{1ex}{0.075ex}}} % parindent is relative, i.e., toggled on/off in environments like itemize, so store the value for % use rather than use \parident directly. \newlength{\parindentlnth} \setlength{\parindentlnth}{\parindent} % CFA programming language, based on ANSI C (with some gcc additions) \lstdefinelanguage{CFA}[ANSI]{C}{ morekeywords={ _Alignas, _Alignof, __alignof, __alignof__, asm, __asm, __asm__, __attribute, __attribute__, auto, _Bool, catch, catchResume, choose, _Complex, __complex, __complex__, __const, __const__, coroutine, disable, dtype, enable, exception, __extension__, fallthrough, fallthru, finally, __float80, float80, __float128, float128, forall, ftype, generator, _Generic, _Imaginary, __imag, __imag__, inline, __inline, __inline__, __int128, int128, __label__, monitor, mutex, _Noreturn, one_t, or, otype, restrict, resume, __restrict, __restrict__, __signed, __signed__, _Static_assert, suspend, thread, _Thread_local, throw, throwResume, timeout, trait, try, ttype, typeof, __typeof, __typeof__, virtual, __volatile, __volatile__, waitfor, when, with, zero_t}, moredirectives={defined,include_next}, % replace/adjust listing characters that look bad in sanserif literate={-}{\makebox[1ex][c]{\raisebox{0.5ex}{\rule{0.8ex}{0.1ex}}}}1 {^}{\raisebox{0.6ex}{$\scriptstyle\land\,$}}1 {~}{\raisebox{0.3ex}{$\scriptstyle\sim\,$}}1 % {`}{\ttfamily\upshape\hspace*{-0.1ex}`}1 {<}{\textrm{\textless}}1 {>}{\textrm{\textgreater}}1 {<-}{$\leftarrow$}2 {=>}{$\Rightarrow$}2 {->}{\makebox[1ex][c]{\raisebox{0.5ex}{\rule{0.8ex}{0.075ex}}}\kern-0.2ex{\textrm{\textgreater}}}2, } \lstset{ language=CFA, columns=fullflexible, basicstyle=\linespread{0.9}\tt, % reduce line spacing and use sanserif font stringstyle=\tt, % use typewriter font tabsize=5, % N space tabbing xleftmargin=\parindentlnth, % indent code to paragraph indentation %mathescape=true, % LaTeX math escape in CFA code $...$ escapechar=\$, % LaTeX escape in CFA code keepspaces=true, showstringspaces=false, % do not show spaces with cup showlines=true, % show blank lines at end of code aboveskip=4pt, % spacing above/below code block belowskip=3pt, moredelim=**[is][\color{red}]{`}{`}, }% lstset \lstnewenvironment{cfa}[1][] {\lstset{#1}} {} % inline code @...@ % Commands used in documenting how to use the template. To remove. \newcommand{\package}[1]{\textbf{#1}} \newcommand{\cmmd}[1]{\textbackslash\texttt{#1}} \newcommand{\href}[1]{#1} % For a nomenclature (optional; available from ctan.org) %\usepackage{nomencl} % Lots of math symbols and environments \usepackage{amsmath,amssymb,amstext} % For including graphics, sets the pdftex graphics driver. \usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx} \usepackage{cfalab} \usehyperrefpackage[pdftex,pagebackref=false]{ pdftitle={Exception Handling in CFA}, pdfauthor={Andrew James Beach}, pdfsubject={Programming Languages}, pdfkeywords={exceptions,implementation}, } % The \phantomsection is used to help the hyperref package create links. % Maybe only package that should be loaded after the hyperref package. % From http://ctan.org/pkg/glossaries-extra, extends glossaries which replaces % glossary and builds off of the makeindex system. \usepackage[toc,abbreviations]{glossaries-extra} % Main glossary entries -- definitions of relevant terminology \newglossaryentry{computer} { name=computer, description={A programmable machine that receives input data, stores and manipulates the data, and provides formatted output} } % Nomenclature glossary entries -- New definitions, or unusual terminology \newglossary*{nomenclature}{Nomenclature} \newglossaryentry{dingledorf} { type=nomenclature, name=dingledorf, description={A person of supposed average intelligence who makes incredibly brainless misjudgments} } % List of Abbreviations (abbreviations are from the glossaries-extra package) \newabbreviation{aaaaz}{AAAAZ}{American Association of Amature Astronomers and Zoologists} % List of Symbols \newglossary*{symbols}{List of Symbols} \newglossaryentry{rvec} { name={$\mathbf{v}$}, sort={label}, type=symbols, description={Random vector: a location in n-dimensional Cartesian space, where each dimensional component is determined by a random process} } % Must be here of cause problems with glossaries-extra. \lstMakeShortInline$% % Generate the glossaries defined above. \makeglossaries \begin{document} %---------------------------------------------------------------------- % FRONT MATERIAL %---------------------------------------------------------------------- \input{thesis-frontpgs} %---------------------------------------------------------------------- % MAIN BODY %---------------------------------------------------------------------- \input{unwinding} %====================================================================== \chapter{Introduction} %====================================================================== In the beginning, there was $\pi$: \begin{equation} e^{\pi i} + 1 = 0 \label{eqn_pi} \end{equation} A \gls{computer} could compute $\pi$ all day long. In fact, subsets of digits of $\pi$'s decimal approximation would make a good source for psuedo-random vectors, \gls{rvec} . %---------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{State of the Art} %---------------------------------------------------------------------- See equation \ref{eqn_pi} on page \pageref{eqn_pi}.\footnote{A famous equation.} \section{Some Meaningless Stuff} The credo of the \gls{aaaaz} was, for several years, several paragraphs of gibberish, until the \gls{dingledorf} responsible for the \gls{aaaaz} Web site realized his mistake: "Velit dolor illum facilisis zzril ipsum, augue odio, accumsan ea augue molestie lobortis zzril laoreet ex ad, adipiscing nulla. Veniam dolore, vel te in dolor te, feugait dolore ex vel erat duis nostrud diam commodo ad eu in consequat esse in ut wisi. Consectetuer dolore feugiat wisi eum dignissim tincidunt vel, nostrud, at vulputate eum euismod, diam minim eros consequat lorem aliquam et ad. Feugait illum sit suscipit ut, tation in dolore euismod et iusto nulla amet wisi odio quis nisl feugiat adipiscing luptatum minim nisl, quis, erat, dolore. Elit quis sit dolor veniam blandit ullamcorper ex, vero nonummy, duis exerci delenit ullamcorper at feugiat ullamcorper, ullamcorper elit vulputate iusto esse luptatum duis autem. Nulla nulla qui, te praesent et at nisl ut in consequat blandit vel augue ut. Illum suscipit delenit commodo augue exerci magna veniam hendrerit dignissim duis ut feugait amet dolor dolor suscipit iriure veniam. Vel quis enim vulputate nulla facilisis volutpat vel in, suscipit facilisis dolore ut veniam, duis facilisi wisi nulla aliquip vero praesent nibh molestie consectetuer nulla. Wisi nibh exerci hendrerit consequat, nostrud lobortis ut praesent dignissim tincidunt enim eum accumsan. Lorem, nonummy duis iriure autem feugait praesent, duis, accumsan tation enim facilisi qui te dolore magna velit, iusto esse eu, zzril. Feugiat enim zzril, te vel illum, lobortis ut tation, elit luptatum ipsum, aliquam dolor sed. Ex consectetuer aliquip in, tation delenit dignissim accumsan consequat, vero, et ad eu velit ut duis ea ea odio. Vero qui, te praesent et at nisl ut in consequat blandit vel augue ut dolor illum facilisis zzril ipsum. Exerci odio, accumsan ea augue molestie lobortis zzril laoreet ex ad, adipiscing nulla, et dolore, vel te in dolor te, feugait dolore ex vel erat duis. Ut diam commodo ad eu in consequat esse in ut wisi aliquip dolore feugiat wisi eum dignissim tincidunt vel, nostrud. Ut vulputate eum euismod, diam minim eros consequat lorem aliquam et ad luptatum illum sit suscipit ut, tation in dolore euismod et iusto nulla. Iusto wisi odio quis nisl feugiat adipiscing luptatum minim. Illum, quis, erat, dolore qui quis sit dolor veniam blandit ullamcorper ex, vero nonummy, duis exerci delenit ullamcorper at feugiat. Et, ullamcorper elit vulputate iusto esse luptatum duis autem esse nulla qui. Praesent dolore et, delenit, laoreet dolore sed eros hendrerit consequat lobortis. Dolor nulla suscipit delenit commodo augue exerci magna veniam hendrerit dignissim duis ut feugait amet. Ad dolor suscipit iriure veniam blandit quis enim vulputate nulla facilisis volutpat vel in. Erat facilisis dolore ut veniam, duis facilisi wisi nulla aliquip vero praesent nibh molestie consectetuer nulla, iriure nibh exerci hendrerit. Vel, nostrud lobortis ut praesent dignissim tincidunt enim eum accumsan ea, nonummy duis. Ad autem feugait praesent, duis, accumsan tation enim facilisi qui te dolore magna velit, iusto esse eu, zzril vel enim zzril, te. Nisl illum, lobortis ut tation, elit luptatum ipsum, aliquam dolor sed minim consectetuer aliquip. Tation exerci delenit ullamcorper at feugiat ullamcorper, ullamcorper elit vulputate iusto esse luptatum duis autem esse nulla qui. Volutpat praesent et at nisl ut in consequat blandit vel augue ut dolor illum facilisis zzril ipsum, augue odio, accumsan ea augue molestie lobortis zzril laoreet. Ex duis, te velit illum odio, nisl qui consequat aliquip qui blandit hendrerit. Ea dolor nonummy ullamcorper nulla lorem tation laoreet in ea, ullamcorper vel consequat zzril delenit quis dignissim, vulputate tincidunt ut." %====================================================================== \chapter{Observations} %====================================================================== This would be a good place for some figures and tables. Some notes on figures and photographs\ldots \begin{itemize} \item A well-prepared PDF should be \begin{enumerate} \item Of reasonable size, {\it i.e.} photos cropped and compressed. \item Scalable, to allow enlargment of text and drawings. \end{enumerate} \item Photos must be bit maps, and so are not scaleable by definition. TIFF and BMP are uncompressed formats, while JPEG is compressed. Most photos can be compressed without losing their illustrative value. \item Drawings that you make should be scalable vector graphics, \emph{not} bit maps. Some scalable vector file formats are: EPS, SVG, PNG, WMF. These can all be converted into PNG or PDF, that pdflatex recognizes. Your drawing package probably can export to one of these formats directly. Otherwise, a common procedure is to print-to-file through a Postscript printer driver to create a PS file, then convert that to EPS (encapsulated PS, which has a bounding box to describe its exact size rather than a whole page). Programs such as GSView (a Ghostscript GUI) can create both EPS and PDF from PS files. Appendix~\ref{AppendixA} shows how to generate properly sized Matlab plots and save them as PDF. \item It's important to crop your photos and draw your figures to the size that you want to appear in your thesis. Scaling photos with the includegraphics command will cause loss of resolution. And scaling down drawings may cause any text annotations to become too small. \end{itemize} For more information on \LaTeX\, see the uWaterloo Skills for the Academic Workplace \href{https://uwaterloo.ca/information-systems-technology/services/electronic-thesis-preparation-and-submission-support/ethesis-guide/creating-pdf-version-your-thesis/creating-pdf-files-using-latex/latex-ethesis-and-large-documents}{course notes}. \footnote{ Note that while it is possible to include hyperlinks to external documents, it is not wise to do so, since anything you can't control may change over time. It \emph{would} be appropriate and necessary to provide external links to additional resources for a multimedia ``enhanced'' thesis. But also note that if the \package{hyperref} package is not included, as for the print-optimized option in this thesis template, any \cmmd{href} commands in your logical document are no longer defined. A work-around employed by this thesis template is to define a dummy \cmmd{href} command (which does nothing) in the preamble of the document, before the \package{hyperref} package is included. The dummy definition is then redifined by the \package{hyperref} package when it is included. } The classic book by Leslie Lamport \cite{lamport.book}, author of \LaTeX , is worth a look too, and the many available add-on packages are described by Goossens \textit{et al} \cite{goossens.book}. %---------------------------------------------------------------------- % END MATERIAL %---------------------------------------------------------------------- %---------------------------------------------------------------------- % BIBLIOGRAPHY %---------------------------------------------------------------------- % Use \clearpage instead if the document class uses the "oneside" argument. \cleardoublepage \phantomsection % Bibliography setup and creation, renamed to References. \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\textbf{\bibname}} \bibliographystyle{plain} \bibliography{thesis} % Include all uncited entries in the bibliography. \nocite{*} % Begin the appendix, add a title and table of contents entry. \appendix \chapter*{APPENDICES} \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{APPENDICES} %====================================================================== \chapter[PDF Plots From Matlab]{Matlab Code for Making a PDF Plot} \label{AppendixA} % Tip 4: Example of how to get a short chapter title for the Table of Contents %====================================================================== \section{Using the GUI} Properties of Matab plots can be adjusted from the plot window via a graphical interface. Under the Desktop menu in the Figure window, select the Property Editor. You may also want to check the Plot Browser and Figure Palette for more tools. To adjust properties of the axes, look under the Edit menu and select Axes Properties. To set the figure size and to save as PDF or other file formats, click the Export Setup button in the figure Property Editor. \section{From the Command Line} All figure properties can also be manipulated from the command line. Here's an example: \begin{verbatim} x=[0:0.1:pi]; hold on % Plot multiple traces on one figure plot(x,sin(x)) plot(x,cos(x),'--r') plot(x,tan(x),'.-g') title('Some Trig Functions Over 0 to \pi') % Note LaTeX markup! legend('{\it sin}(x)','{\it cos}(x)','{\it tan}(x)') hold off set(gca,'Ylim',[-3 3]) % Adjust Y limits of "current axes" set(gcf,'Units','inches') % Set figure size units of "current figure" set(gcf,'Position',[0,0,6,4]) % Set figure width (6 in.) and height (4 in.) cd n:\thesis\plots % Select where to save print -dpdf plot.pdf % Save as PDF \end{verbatim} \end{document}