@string{sigplan="SIGPLAN Notices"} @manual{ANS:C, keywords = {ANSI C}, contributer = {gjditchfield@msg}, title = {American National Standard for Information Systems -- Programming Language -- {C}}, organization= {American National Standards Institute}, address = {1430 Broadway, New York, New York 10018}, month = dec, year = 1989, note = {X3.159-1989} } @manual{ANS:C11, keywords = {ANS:C11}, contributer = {gjditchfield@acm.org}, title = {American National Standard Information Systems -- Programming languages -- {C}}, organization= {American National Standards Institute}, address = {25 West 43rd Street, New York, New York 10036}, month = may, year = 2012, note = {INCITS/ISO/IEC 9899-2011[2012]} } @book{c++, keywords = {C++, ANSI}, author = {Margaret A. Ellis and Bjarne Stroustrup}, title = {The Annotated {C}{\tt ++} Reference Manual}, publisher = {Addison Wesley}, year = 1990, edition = {first} } @Unpublished{Ditchfield96:Overview, author = "Glen Ditchfield", title = "An Overview of Cforall", note = "in preparation", year = 1996 } @article{Bak:overload, keywords = {compilation}, contributer = {gjditchfield@msg}, author = {T. P. Baker}, title = {A One-Pass Algorithm for Overload Resolution in {Ada}}, journal = toplas, year = 1982, month = oct, volume = 4, number = 4, pages = {601--614}, abstract = { A simple method is presented for detecting ambiguities and finding the correct interpretations of expressions in the programming language Ada. Unlike previously reported solutions to this problem, which require multiple passes over a tree structure, the method described here operates in one bottom-up pass, during which a directed acyclic graph is produced. The correctness of this approach is demonstrated by a brief formal argument. }, comment = { See also \cite{D:overload}. } } @article{Cormack90, keywords = {polymorphism}, contributer = {pabuhr@msg}, author = {G. V. Cormack and A. K. Wright}, title = {Type-dependent Parameter Inference}, journal = sigplan, volume = 25, number = 6, month = jun, year = 1990, pages = {127--136}, note = {Proceedings of the ACM Sigplan'90 Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation June 20-22, 1990, White Plains, New York, U.S.A.}, } @book{clu, keywords = {CLU}, contributer = {gjditchfield@msg}, author = {Barbara Liskov and Russell Atkinson and Toby Bloom and Eliot Moss and J. Craig Schaffert and Robert Scheifler and Alan Snyder}, title = {CLU Reference Manual}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, year = 1981, volume = 114, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science} } @manual{SIMULA87, keywords = {Simula standard}, contributer = {gjditchfield@msg}, title = {Databehandling -- Programspr{\aa}k -- {SIMULA}}, organization = {Standardiseringskommissionen i Sverige}, note = {Svensk Standard SS 63 61 14}, year = 1987, abstract = { Standard for the programming language SIMULA. Written in English. } } @manual{ada, keywords = {Ada, packages, tasks, exceptions}, contributer = {pabuhr@msg}, title = {The Programming Language {Ada}: Reference Manual}, organization= {United States Department of Defense}, edition = {{ANSI/MIL-STD-1815A-1983}}, month = feb, year = 1983, note = {Published by Springer-Verlag} } @inproceedings{Thompson90new, title = {A New {C} Compiler}, author = {Ken Thompson}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Summer 1990 UKUUG Conference}, year = 1990, pages = {41--51} }