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C uses integral type as the underlying representation of enum. Cforall extends C enum to allow more types, including custom types, to be used as enumeration inner representation. \end{abstract} %% %% The code below is generated by the tool at http://dl.acm.org/ccs.cfm. %% Please copy and paste the code instead of the example below. %% %% %% This command processes the author and affiliation and title %% information and builds the first part of the formatted document. \maketitle \section{C-Style Enum} \begin{lstlisting}[style=CStyle, label{lst:weekday}] enum Weekday { Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday=10, Friday, Saturday, Sunday }; \end{lstlisting} Cforall supports the C-Style enumeration (C-enum for short). It has the same syntax as C and resembles the same language semantics. In code~\ref{lst:weekday} example, the syntax defines an enum class $Weekday$ with enumerators $Monday$, $Tuesday$, $Wednesday$, $Thursday$, $Friday$, $Saturday$ and $Sunday$ in order. The successor of $Tuesday$ is $Monday$ and the predecessor of $Tuesday$ is $Wednesday$. Enumerators have an integral type, either being explicitly initialized by an initializer or being assigned a value by the compiler. For example, $Thursday$ has been assigned with value $10$. If not explicitly initialized, the first value of an enum, $Monday$ in the $Weekday$ example, has the integer value 0. Other uninitialized enum value has a value that is equal to their successor $+ 1$. The enum value $Tuesday$, $Wednesday$, $Friday$, $Saturday$, and $Sunday$ have value 1, 2, 11, 12, and 13 respectively. \begin{lstlisting}[label{lst:enum_scope}, style=CStyle] { { enum RGB {R, G, B}; int i = R // i == 0 } int j = G; // ERROR! G is not declared in this scope } \end{lstlisting} C-enums are unscoped: enumerators declared inside of an enum are visible in the enclosing scope of the enum class. \section{Cforall-Style Enum} \begin{lstlisting}[style=CStyle, label{lst:color}] enum Color(char *) { Red="R", Green="G", Blue="B" }; \end{lstlisting} A Cforall enumeration is parameterized by a type declared. Cforall allows any oType in the enum declaration, and values assigned to enumerators must be in the declared type. \section{Enumerable Type Traits} A trait is a collection of constraints in Cforall, which can be used to describe types. Cforall standard library defines traits to categorize types that are related enumeration features. \subsection{Enumerable} A type is enumerable if it can map an integer to a value. \begin{lstlisting}[style=CStyle] forall(T) trait Enumerable { T value( *class_name* , int ); }; \end{lstlisting} The parameter class name stands for the name of an enumeration class, Weekday, for example. \subsection{AutoInitializable} \begin{lstlisting}[style=CStyle] forall(T) trait AutoInitializable { void ?()( T & t, zero_t ); void ?()( T & t, one_t ); S& ?+=?( T & t, one_t ); void ?{}( T &, T ); T ?{}( T &, T ); }; \end{lstlisting} \subsection{AutoInitializable} \begin{lstlisting}[style=CStyle] forall(T) trait AutoInitializable { void ?()( T & t, zero_t ); void ?()( T & t, one_t ); S& ?+=?( T & t, one_t ); void ?{}( T &, T ); T ?{}( T &, T ); }; \end{lstlisting} A type is AutoInitializable if it has defined a zero\_t constructor, a one\_t constructor, an addition assignment operator, a copy constructor, and a copy assignment operator. \subsection{Enumerable Type} \begin{lstlisting}[style=CStyle] forall(T) trait enumerable { void ?()( T & t, zero_t ); void ?()( T & t, one_t ); S& ?+=?( T & t, one_t ); void ?{}( T &, T ); T ?{}( T &, T ); }; \end{lstlisting} (Should change the definition of enumerable to something else. Maybe auto-constructible. If a type is not auto-constructible, all enumeration must be explicitly initialized) \begin{lstlisting}[caption={An example enumerable type}, label{lst:sample_enumerable}, style=CStyle] struct Type { int i; }; void ?()( Type & t, zero_t ) { t.i = 0; }; void ?()( Type & t, one_t ) { t.i = 1; }; int ?!=?( Type t, zero_t ) { return t.i != 0; }; S& ?+=?( Type & t, one_t ) { t.i += 1; return t; }; void ?()( Type & t, Type rhs ) { t.i = rhs.i; }; Type ?()( Type & t, Type rhs ) { t.i = rhs.i; return t; }; \end{lstlisting} A Cforall-enum is a C-enum parameterized by an enumerable type. For example, $enum(int)$ turns a C-enum into a Cforall-enum. \begin{lstlisting}[caption={An example Cforall enum}, label{lst:sample_cforall_enum}, style=CStyle] enum Color(Type) { Red, Green, Blue }; > Type Color.values[] = { 0, values[0]++, values[1]++ }; > enum Color.Label { Red_Label, Green_Label, Blue_Label }; \end{lstlisting} Declaring a Cforall-enum, the compiler defines a C-enum names every element in the Cforall-enum, and an array that stores Cforall enumeration values. \subsection{Cforall Enumerations Behaviour} An instance of Cforall-enum (denoted as $$) has a label, the defined enum name. The label can be retrieved by calling the function $label()$ on a $$. The $value()$ function on the other hand returns the value used to initialize the Cforall-enum. Cforall-enum supports a qualified expression. The syntax of the qualified expression for Cforall-enum is $$.$$. In the $Color$ example, $Color$ is a $$ and $Red$, $Green$, $Blue$ are $$. \begin{lstlisting}[caption={An example Cforall enum}, label{lst:sample_cforall_enum_usage}, style=CStyle] enum Color red = Color.Red; > enum Color.Label red = = Color.Label.Red_Label; Type instance = Color.Red; > Type instance = Color.values[ Color.Label.Red_Label ]; \end{lstlisting} The expression $Color.Red$ is overloaded to represent both $value(Color.Red)$ and $label(Color.Red)$. The expression returns the $label(Color.Red)$ by default but returns $value()$ whenever the $value()$ is a closer candidate in the context. [more explanation] In \ref{lst:sample_cforall_enum_usage}, when assigned to an enum variable, $Color.Red$ returns the label. This is to reduce the memory to store a Cforall-enum variable. In an assignment expression when the left-hand-side expects a $Type$, the resolution finds $value(Color.Red)$ is a better candidate than $label(Color.Red)$, and returns the value instead. \subsection{Enum Type Functions} \begin{lstlisting}[caption={Enum Type Functions}, label{lst:cforall_enum_functions}, style=CStyle] enum Color(string) { // assume String has been defined as an enumerable type R = "Red", G = "Green", B = "Blue" }; values( Color ); > [ String("Red"), String("Green"), String("Blue") ]; label_strings( Color ); > [ "R", "G", "B" ]; enum Color green = Color.G; label_string( Color, green ); > "G" label( Color, green ); > 1 value( Color, green ) ; > "Green" value( Color, "G" ); > "Green" label( Color, "G" ); > 1 value( Color, "DNE" ); > (null) value( Color, 1 ); // "1" is the label "G" > "Green" \end{lstlisting} Names of labels are distinct in an enum declaration. Cforall therefore allows indexing an enum value with its string representation of a label. \subsection{Iteration and Range} A Cforall enum is iterable and supports range function. \begin{lstlisting}[caption={Range Functions}, label{lst:range_functions}, style=CStyle] struct string; enum(string) Weekday( Monday = "M", Tuesday = "Tu", ... }; for ( i; Weekday ) { sout | i; } >> M Tu W Th F Sat Sun for ( Monday ~= Tuesday ) >> M Tu \end{lstlisting} \section{Implementation} \subsection{Companion Object} The intuition to create a companion object is that functions that support enumeration features need static information of an enumeration class. For example, values() returns an array of values defined for the enumeration. $label( Color, "G" )$ needs information about enum names defined for the enum class $Color$. Theoretically, enum-type functions can be defined as functions that take $TypeName$ expression as the first parameter. An alternative approach is to define that "companion object". \begin{lstlisting}[caption={Enum Type Functions}, label{lst:cforall_enum_functions}, style=CStyle] struct string; enum Color( string ) { R = "Red", G = "Green", B = "Blue" }; forall( T | enumerable(T) ) { struct Companion { T* values; char** labels; }; } >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> enum Color.Label; Companion( string ) Color = { .values = [ "Red", "Green", "Blue" ], .labels = [ "R", "G", "B" ] }; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> forall( T | enumerable(T) ) T value( Companion companion, int index ) { return companion.values[ index ]; } T value( Companion, enum Color.Label ); char* label( Companion companion, int index ) { return companion.values[ index ]; } char* label( Companion, enum Color.Label ); \end{lstlisting} \subsection{Companion Trait} Users can define the companion object themselves. A companion object should define an array of any type called values and an array of strings representing a label. Defining a companion object effectively creates a new enumerable type. \subsection{Companion Mapping} \begin{lstlisting}[caption={Enum Type Functions}, label{lst:cforall_enum_functions}, style=CStyle] \end{lstlisting} %% %% If your work has an appendix, this is the place to put it. \appendix \end{document} \endinput %% %% End of file `sample-manuscript.tex'.