% ====================================================================== % ====================================================================== \chapter{Putting it all together} % ====================================================================== % ====================================================================== \section{Threads as monitors} As it was subtely alluded in section \ref{threads}, \code{threads} in \CFA are in fact monitors. This means that all the monitors features are available when using threads. For example, here is a very simple two thread pipeline that could be used for a simulator of a game engine : \begin{cfacode} // Visualization declaration thread Renderer {} renderer; Frame * simulate( Simulator & this ); // Simulation declaration thread Simulator{} simulator; void render( Renderer & this ); // Blocking call used as communication void draw( Renderer & mutex this, Frame * frame ); // Simualation loop void main( Simulator & this ) { while( true ) { Frame * frame = simulate( this ); draw( renderer, frame ); } } // Rendering loop void main( Renderer & this ) { while( true ) { waitfor( draw, this ); render( this ); } } \end{cfacode} One of the obvious complaints of the previous code snippet (other than its toy-like simplicity) is that it does not handle exit conditions and just goes on forever. Luckily, the monitor semantics can also be used to clearly enforce a shutdown order in a concise manner : \begin{cfacode} // Visualization declaration thread Renderer {} renderer; Frame * simulate( Simulator & this ); // Simulation declaration thread Simulator{} simulator; void render( Renderer & this ); // Blocking call used as communication void draw( Renderer & mutex this, Frame * frame ); // Simualation loop void main( Simulator & this ) { while( true ) { Frame * frame = simulate( this ); draw( renderer, frame ); // Exit main loop after the last frame if( frame->is_last ) break; } } // Rendering loop void main( Renderer & this ) { while( true ) { waitfor( draw, this ); or waitfor( ^?{}, this ) { // Add an exit condition break; } render( this ); } } \end{cfacode} \section{Fibers \& Threads}