%% For double-blind review submission
%% For single-blind review submission
%% For final camera-ready submission
%% Note: Authors migrating a paper from PACMPL format to traditional
%% SIGPLAN proceedings format should change 'acmlarge' to
%% 'sigplan,10pt'.
%% Some recommended packages.
\usepackage{booktabs} %% For formal tables:
%% http://ctan.org/pkg/booktabs
\usepackage{subcaption} %% For complex figures with subfigures/subcaptions
%% http://ctan.org/pkg/subcaption
%% Journal information (used by PACMPL format)
%% Supplied to authors by publisher for camera-ready submission
%% Conference information (used by SIGPLAN proceedings format)
%% Supplied to authors by publisher for camera-ready submission
\acmConference[PL'17]{ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Languages}{January 01--03, 2017}{New York, NY, USA}
%% Copyright information
%% Supplied to authors (based on authors' rights management selection;
%% see authors.acm.org) by publisher for camera-ready submission
\setcopyright{none} %% For review submission
%\copyrightyear{2017} %% If different from \acmYear
%% Bibliography style
%% Citation style
%% Note: author/year citations are required for papers published as an
%% issue of PACMPL.
\citestyle{acmauthoryear} %% For author/year citations
%% Title information
\title[Short Title]{Full Title} %% [Short Title] is optional;
%% when present, will be used in
%% header instead of Full Title.
\titlenote{with title note} %% \titlenote is optional;
%% can be repeated if necessary;
%% contents suppressed with 'anonymous'
\subtitle{Subtitle} %% \subtitle is optional
\subtitlenote{with subtitle note} %% \subtitlenote is optional;
%% can be repeated if necessary;
%% contents suppressed with 'anonymous'
%% Author information
%% Contents and number of authors suppressed with 'anonymous'.
%% Each author should be introduced by \author, followed by
%% \authornote (optional), \orcid (optional), \affiliation, and
%% \email.
%% An author may have multiple affiliations and/or emails; repeat the
%% appropriate command.
%% Many elements are not rendered, but should be provided for metadata
%% extraction tools.
%% Author with single affiliation.
\author{First1 Last1}
\authornote{with author1 note} %% \authornote is optional;
%% can be repeated if necessary
\orcid{nnnn-nnnn-nnnn-nnnn} %% \orcid is optional
\department{Department1} %% \department is recommended
\institution{Institution1} %% \institution is required
\streetaddress{Street1 Address1}
\email{first1.last1@inst1.edu} %% \email is recommended
%% Author with two affiliations and emails.
\author{First2 Last2}
\authornote{with author2 note} %% \authornote is optional;
%% can be repeated if necessary
\orcid{nnnn-nnnn-nnnn-nnnn} %% \orcid is optional
\department{Department2a} %% \department is recommended
\institution{Institution2a} %% \institution is required
\streetaddress{Street2a Address2a}
\email{first2.last2@inst2a.com} %% \email is recommended
\department{Department2b} %% \department is recommended
\institution{Institution2b} %% \institution is required
\streetaddress{Street3b Address2b}
\email{first2.last2@inst2b.org} %% \email is recommended
%% Paper note
%% The \thanks command may be used to create a "paper note" ---
%% similar to a title note or an author note, but not explicitly
%% associated with a particular element. It will appear immediately
%% above the permission/copyright statement.
\thanks{with paper note} %% \thanks is optional
%% can be repeated if necesary
%% contents suppressed with 'anonymous'
%% Abstract
%% Note: \begin{abstract}...\end{abstract} environment must come
%% before \maketitle command
Text of abstract \ldots.
%% 2012 ACM Computing Classification System (CSS) concepts
%% Generate at 'http://dl.acm.org/ccs/ccs.cfm'.
Software and its engineering~General programming languages
Social and professional topics~History of programming languages
\ccsdesc[500]{Software and its engineering~General programming languages}
\ccsdesc[300]{Social and professional topics~History of programming languages}
%% End of generated code
%% Keywords
%% comma separated list
\keywords{keyword1, keyword2, keyword3} %% \keywords is optional
%% \maketitle
%% Note: \maketitle command must come after title commands, author
%% commands, abstract environment, Computing Classification System
%% environment and commands, and keywords command.
Text of paper \ldots
%% Acknowledgments
\begin{acks} %% acks environment is optional
%% contents suppressed with 'anonymous'
%% Commands \grantsponsor{}{}{} and
%% \grantnum[]{}{} should be used to
%% acknowledge financial support and will be used by metadata
%% extraction tools.
This material is based upon work supported by the
\grantsponsor{GS100000001}{National Science
Foundation}{http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/100000001} under Grant
No.~\grantnum{GS100000001}{nnnnnnn} and Grant
No.~\grantnum{GS100000001}{mmmmmmm}. Any opinions, findings, and
conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those
of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the
National Science Foundation.
%% Bibliography
%% Appendix
Text of appendix \ldots