%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -*- Mode: Latex -*- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% Cforall Version 1.0.0 Copyright (C) 2016 University of Waterloo %% %% lstlang.sty -- %% %% Author : Peter A. Buhr %% Created On : Sat May 13 16:34:42 2017 %% Last Modified By : Peter A. Buhr %% Last Modified On : Fri Jan 17 14:29:52 2025 %% Update Count : 46 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Go programming language: https://github.com/julienc91/listings-golang/blob/master/listings-golang.sty \lstdefinelanguage{Golang}{ morekeywords=[1]{package,import,func,type,struct,return,defer,panic,recover,select,var,const,iota,}, morekeywords=[2]{string,uint,uint8,uint16,uint32,uint64,int,int8,int16,int32,int64, bool,float32,float64,complex64,complex128,byte,rune,uintptr, error,interface}, morekeywords=[3]{map,slice,make,new,nil,len,cap,copy,close,true,false,delete,append,real,imag,complex,chan,}, morekeywords=[4]{for,break,continue,range,goto,switch,case,fallthrough,if,else,default,}, morekeywords=[5]{Println,Printf,Error,}, sensitive=true, morecomment=[l]{//}, morecomment=[s]{/*}{*/}, morestring=[b]', morestring=[b]", morestring=[s]{`}{`}, } % from https://gist.github.com/nikolajquorning/92bbbeef32e1dd80105c9bf2daceb89a \lstdefinelanguage{sml} { morekeywords= { EQUAL, GREATER, LESS, NONE, SOME, abstraction, abstype, and, andalso, array, as, before, bool, case, char, datatype, do, else, end, eqtype, exception, exn, false, fn, fun, functor, handle, if, in, include, infix, infixr, int, let, list, local, nil, nonfix, not, o, of, op, open, option, orelse, overload, print, raise, real, rec, ref, sharing, sig, signature, string, struct, structure, substring, then, true, type, unit, val, vector, where, while, with, withtype, word }, morestring=[b]", morecomment=[s]{(*}{*)}, } \lstdefinelanguage{D}{ % Keywords morekeywords=[1]{ abstract, alias, align, auto, body, break, cast, catch, class, const, continue, debug, delegate, delete, deprecated, do, else, enum, export, false, final, finally, for, foreach, foreach_reverse, function, goto, if, immutable, import, in, inout, interface, invariant, is, lazy, macro, mixin, module, new, nothrow, null, out, override, package, pragma, private, protected, public, pure, ref, return, shared, static, struct, super, switch, synchronized, template, this, throw, true, try, typedef, typeid, typeof, union, unittest, volatile, while, with }, % Special identifiers, common functions morekeywords=[2]{enforce}, % Ugly identifiers morekeywords=[3]{ __DATE__, __EOF__, __FILE__, __LINE__, __TIMESTAMP__, __TIME__, __VENDOR__, __VERSION__, __ctfe, __gshared, __monitor, __thread, __vptr, _argptr, _arguments, _ctor, _dtor }, % Basic types morekeywords=[4]{ byte, ubyte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, cent, ucent, void, bool, bit, float, double, real, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, float, char, wchar, dchar, string, wstring, dstring, ireal, ifloat, idouble, creal, cfloat, cdouble, size_t, ptrdiff_t, sizediff_t, equals_t, hash_t }, % Strings morestring=[b]{"}, morestring=[b]{'}, morestring=[b]{`}, % Comments comment=[l]{//}, morecomment=[s]{/*}{*/}, morecomment=[s][\color{blue}]{/**}{*/}, morecomment=[n]{/+}{+/}, morecomment=[n][\color{blue}]{/++}{+/}, % Options sensitive=true } \lstdefinelanguage{rust}{ % Keywords morekeywords=[1]{ abstract, alignof, as, become, box, break, const, continue, crate, do, else, enum, extern, false, final, fn, for, if, impl, in, let, loop, macro, match, mod, move, mut, offsetof, override, priv, proc, pub, pure, ref, return, Self, self, sizeof, static, struct, super, trait, true, type, typeof, unsafe, unsized, use, virtual, where, while, yield }, % Strings morestring=[b]{"}, % Comments comment=[l]{//}, morecomment=[s]{/*}{*/}, % Options sensitive=true } \lstdefinelanguage{OCaml}% {morekeywords={ and, as, asr, assert, begin, class, constraint do, done, downto, else, end, exception, external, false, for, fun, function, functor, if, in, include, inherit, initializer, land, lazy, let, lor, lsl, lsr, lxor, match, method, mod, module, open, mutable, new, nonrec, object, of, open, open!, or, private, rec, sig, struct, then, to, true, try, type, val, virtual, when, while, with }, sensitive,% morecomment=[n]{(*}{*)},% morestring=[d]"% }[keywords,comments,strings]% % CFA programming language, based on ANSI C (with some gcc additions) \lstdefinelanguage{CFA}[ANSI]{C}{ morekeywords={ alignas, _Alignas, alignof, _Alignof, __alignof, __alignof__, and, asm, __asm, __asm__, _Atomic, __attribute, __attribute__, __auto_type, basetypeof, _Bool, bool, catch, catchResume, choose, coerce, cofor, corun, countof, _Complex, __complex, __complex__, __const, __const__, continue, coroutine, _Decimal32, _Decimal64, _Decimal128, disable, dtype, enable, exception, __extension__, fallthrough, finally, fixup, __float80, float80, __float128, float128, _Float16, _Float32, _Float32x, _Float64, _Float64x, _Float128, _Float128x, forall, fortran, ftype, generator, _Generic, _Imaginary, __imag, __imag__, inline, __inline, __inline__, int128, __int128, __int128_t, __label__, monitor, mutex, _Noreturn, __builtin_offsetof, one_t, or, otype, recover, report, restrict, __restrict, __restrict__, __signed, __signed__, _Static_assert, static_assert, suspend, thread, __thread, _Thread_local, thread_local, throw, throwResume, timeout, trait, try, ttype, typedef, typeof, __typeof, __typeof__, typeid, __uint128_t, __builtin_va_arg, __builtin_va_list, virtual, __volatile, __volatile__, vtable, waitfor, waituntil, when, with, zero_t }, moredirectives={defined,include_next}% } % uC++ programming language, based on ANSI C++ \lstdefinelanguage{uC++}[GNU]{C++}{ morekeywords={ _Accept, _AcceptReturn, _AcceptWait, _Actor, _At, _Catch, _CatchResume, _CorActor, _Cormonitor, _Coroutine, _Disable, _Else, _Enable, _Event, _Exception, _Finally, _Monitor, _Mutex, _Nomutex, _PeriodicTask, _RealTimeTask, _Resume, _ResumeTop, _Select, _SporadicTask, _Task, _Timeout, _When, _With, _Throw }, } % pseudo code \lstdefinelanguage{pseudo}{ morekeywords={string,uint,int,bool,float}, sensitive=true, morecomment=[l]{//}, morecomment=[s]{/*}{*/}, morestring=[b]', morestring=[b]", morestring=[s]{`}{`}, } % Local Variables: % % tab-width: 4 % % fill-column: 100 % % End: %