package main import ( "fmt" "runtime" "sync" "sync/atomic" "time" "" "" ) func yielder(result chan uint64, start *sync.WaitGroup) { count := uint64(0) start.Wait() for true { runtime.Gosched() count += 1 if clock_mode && atomic.LoadInt32(&stop) == 1 { break } if !clock_mode && count >= stop_count { break } } atomic.AddInt64(&threads_left, -1); result <- count } func main() { bench_init() threads_left = int64(nthreads) result := make(chan uint64) var wg sync.WaitGroup wg.Add(1) for i := 0; i < nthreads; i++ { go yielder(result, &wg) } fmt.Printf("Starting\n"); atomic.StoreInt32(&stop, 0) start := time.Now() wg.Done(); wait(start, true); atomic.StoreInt32(&stop, 1) end := time.Now() duration := end.Sub(start) fmt.Printf("\nDone\n") global_counter := uint64(0) for i := 0; i < nthreads; i++ { global_counter += <- result } p := message.NewPrinter(language.English) p.Printf("Duration (ms) : %d\n", duration.Milliseconds()) p.Printf("Number of processors : %d\n", nprocs) p.Printf("Number of threads : %d\n", nthreads) p.Printf("Total Operations(ops): %15d\n", global_counter) p.Printf("Ops per second : %18.2f\n", float64(global_counter) / duration.Seconds()) p.Printf("ns per ops : %18.2f\n", float64(duration.Nanoseconds()) / float64(global_counter)) p.Printf("Ops per threads : %15d\n", global_counter / uint64(nthreads)) p.Printf("Ops per procs : %15d\n", global_counter / uint64(nprocs)) p.Printf("Ops/sec/procs : %18.2f\n", (float64(global_counter) / float64(nprocs)) / duration.Seconds()) p.Printf("ns per ops/procs : %18.2f\n", float64(duration.Nanoseconds()) / (float64(global_counter) / float64(nprocs))) }