#[cfg(debug_assertions)] use std::io::{self, Write}; use std::process; use std::option; use std::sync::Arc; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering}; use std::time::{Instant,Duration}; use tokio::runtime::Builder; use tokio::sync; use tokio::task; use rand::Rng; use clap::{Arg, App}; use num_format::{Locale, ToFormattedString}; #[path = "../bench.rs"] mod bench; #[cfg(debug_assertions)] macro_rules! debug { ($x:expr) => { println!( $x ); io::stdout().flush().unwrap(); }; ($x:expr, $($more:expr),+) => { println!( $x, $($more), * ); io::stdout().flush().unwrap(); }; } #[cfg(not(debug_assertions))] macro_rules! debug { ($x:expr ) => { () }; ($x:expr, $($more:expr),+) => { () }; } fn parse_yes_no(opt: option::Option<&str>, default: bool) -> bool { match opt { Some(val) => { match val { "yes" => true, "no" => false, "maybe" | "I don't know" | "Can you repeat the question?" => { eprintln!("Lines for 'Malcolm in the Middle' are not acceptable values of parameter 'exhaust'"); std::process::exit(1); }, _ => { eprintln!("parameter 'exhaust' must have value 'yes' or 'no', was {}", val); std::process::exit(1); }, } }, _ => { default }, } } struct LeaderInfo { id: AtomicUsize, idx: AtomicUsize, seed: u128, } impl LeaderInfo { pub fn new(nthreads: usize) -> LeaderInfo { let this = LeaderInfo{ id: AtomicUsize::new(nthreads), idx: AtomicUsize::new(0), seed: process::id() as u128 }; let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); for _ in 0..rng.gen_range(0..10) { this.next( nthreads ); } this } pub fn next(&self, len: usize) { let n = bench::_lehmer64( unsafe { let r1 = &self.seed as *const u128; let r2 = r1 as *mut u128; &mut *r2 } ) as usize; self.id.store( n % len , Ordering::SeqCst ); } } struct MyThread { id: usize, idx: AtomicUsize, sem: sync::Semaphore, } fn waitgroup(idx: usize, threads: &Vec>) { let start = Instant::now(); for t in threads { debug!( "Waiting for :{} ({})", t.id, t.idx.load(Ordering::Relaxed) ); while t.idx.load(Ordering::Relaxed) != idx { std::sync::atomic::spin_loop_hint(); if start.elapsed() > Duration::from_secs(5) { eprintln!("Programs has been blocked for more than 5 secs"); std::process::exit(1); } } } debug!( "Waiting done" ); } fn wakegroup(exhaust: bool, me: usize, threads: &Vec>) { if !exhaust { return; } for i in 0..threads.len() { if i != me { debug!( "Leader waking {}", i); threads[i].sem.add_permits(1); } } } fn lead(exhaust: bool, leader: &LeaderInfo, this: & MyThread, threads: &Vec>, main_sem: &sync::Semaphore, exp: &bench::BenchData) { let nidx = leader.idx.load(Ordering::Relaxed) + 1; this.idx.store(nidx, Ordering::Relaxed); leader.idx.store(nidx, Ordering::Relaxed); if nidx as u64 > exp.stop_count { debug!( "Leader {} done", this.id); main_sem.add_permits(1); return; } debug!( "====================\nLeader no {} : {}", nidx, this.id); waitgroup(nidx, threads); leader.next( threads.len() ); wakegroup(exhaust, this.id, threads); debug!( "Leader no {} : {} done\n====================", nidx, this.id); } async fn wait(exhaust: bool, leader: &LeaderInfo, this: &MyThread, rechecks: &mut usize) { task::yield_now().await; if leader.idx.load(Ordering::Relaxed) == this.idx.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { debug!("Waiting {} recheck", this.id); *rechecks += 1; return; } debug!("Waiting {}", this.id); debug_assert!( (leader.idx.load(Ordering::Relaxed) - 1) == this.idx.load(Ordering::Relaxed) ); this.idx.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst); if exhaust { debug!("Waiting {} sem", this.id); this.sem.acquire().await.forget(); } else { debug!("Waiting {} yield", this.id); task::yield_now().await; } debug!("Waiting {} done", this.id); } async fn transfer_main( me: usize, leader: Arc, threads: Arc>>, exhaust: bool, start: Arc, main_sem: Arc, exp: Arc) -> usize{ assert!( me == threads[me].id ); debug!("Ready {}: {:p}", me, &threads[me].sem as *const sync::Semaphore); start.wait().await; debug!( "Start {}", me ); let mut rechecks: usize = 0; loop { if leader.id.load(Ordering::Relaxed) == me { lead( exhaust, &leader, &threads[me], &threads, &main_sem, &exp ); task::yield_now().await; } else { wait( exhaust, &leader, &threads[me], &mut rechecks ).await; } if leader.idx.load(Ordering::Relaxed) as u64 > exp.stop_count { break; } } rechecks } fn main() { let options = App::new("Transfer Tokio") .args(&bench::args()) .arg(Arg::with_name("exhaust") .short("e").long("exhaust") .takes_value(true).default_value("no").help("Whether or not threads that have seen the new epoch should park instead of yielding.")) .get_matches(); let exhaust = parse_yes_no( options.value_of("exhaust"), false ); let nthreads = options.value_of("nthreads").unwrap().parse::().unwrap(); let nprocs = options.value_of("nprocs").unwrap().parse::().unwrap(); let exp = Arc::new(bench::BenchData::new(options, nthreads, Some(100))); if exp.clock_mode { eprintln!("Programs does not support fixed duration mode"); std::process::exit(1); } println!("Running {} threads on {} processors, doing {} iterations, {} exhaustion", nthreads, nprocs, exp.stop_count, if exhaust { "with" } else { "without" }); let s = (1000000 as u64).to_formatted_string(&Locale::en); assert_eq!(&s, "1,000,000"); let main_sem = Arc::new(sync::Semaphore::new(0)); let leader = Arc::new(LeaderInfo::new(nthreads)); let barr = Arc::new(sync::Barrier::new(nthreads + 1)); let thddata : Arc>> = Arc::new( (0..nthreads).map(|i| { Arc::new(MyThread{ id: i, idx: AtomicUsize::new(0), sem: sync::Semaphore::new(0), }) }).collect() ); let mut rechecks: usize = 0; let mut duration : std::time::Duration = std::time::Duration::from_secs(0); let runtime = Builder::new_multi_thread() .worker_threads(nprocs) .enable_all() .build() .unwrap(); runtime.block_on(async { let threads: Vec<_> = (0..nthreads).map(|i| { tokio::spawn(transfer_main(i, leader.clone(), thddata.clone(), exhaust, barr.clone(), main_sem.clone(), exp.clone())) }).collect(); println!("Starting"); let start = Instant::now(); barr.wait().await; debug!("Unlocked all"); main_sem.acquire().await.forget(); duration = start.elapsed(); println!("\nDone"); for i in 0..nthreads { thddata[i].sem.add_permits(1); } for t in threads { rechecks += t.await.unwrap(); } }); println!("Duration (ms) : {}", (duration.as_millis()).to_formatted_string(&Locale::en)); println!("Number of processors : {}", (nprocs).to_formatted_string(&Locale::en)); println!("Number of threads : {}", (nthreads).to_formatted_string(&Locale::en)); println!("Total Operations(ops) : {:>15}", (exp.stop_count).to_formatted_string(&Locale::en)); println!("Threads parking on wait : {}", if exhaust { "yes" } else { "no" }); println!("Rechecking : {}", rechecks ); }