use std::ptr; use std::sync::Arc; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicU64, Ordering}; use std::time::Instant; use std::thread::{self, ThreadId}; use tokio::runtime::Builder; use tokio::sync; use clap::{App, Arg}; use num_format::{Locale, ToFormattedString}; use rand::Rng; #[path = "../"] mod bench; // ================================================== struct MyData { _p1: [u64; 16], data: Vec, ttid: ThreadId, _id: usize, _p2: [u64; 16], } impl MyData { fn new(id: usize, size: usize) -> MyData { MyData { _p1: [0; 16], data: vec![0; size], ttid: thread::current().id(), _id: id, _p2: [0; 16], } } fn moved(&mut self, ttid: ThreadId) -> u64 { if self.ttid == ttid { return 0; } self.ttid = ttid; return 1; } fn access(&mut self, idx: usize) { let l =;[idx % l] += 1; } } struct MyDataPtr { ptr: *mut MyData, } unsafe impl std::marker::Send for MyDataPtr{} // ================================================== struct MyCtx { _p1: [u64; 16], s: sync::Semaphore, d: MyDataPtr, ttid: ThreadId, _id: usize, _p2: [u64; 16], } impl MyCtx { fn new(d: *mut MyData, id: usize) -> MyCtx { MyCtx { _p1: [0; 16], s: sync::Semaphore::new(0), d: MyDataPtr{ ptr: d }, ttid: thread::current().id(), _id: id, _p2: [0; 16], } } fn moved(&mut self, ttid: ThreadId) -> u64 { if self.ttid == ttid { return 0; } self.ttid = ttid; return 1; } } // ================================================== // Atomic object where a single thread can wait // May exchanges data struct MySpot { _p1: [u64; 16], ptr: AtomicU64, _id: usize, _p2: [u64; 16], } impl MySpot { fn new(id: usize) -> MySpot { let r = MySpot{ _p1: [0; 16], ptr: AtomicU64::new(0), _id: id, _p2: [0; 16], }; r } fn one() -> u64 { 1 } // Main handshake of the code // Single seat, first thread arriving waits // Next threads unblocks current one and blocks in its place // if share == true, exchange data in the process async fn put( &self, ctx: &mut MyCtx, data: MyDataPtr, share: bool) -> (*mut MyData, bool) { { // Attempt to CAS our context into the seat let raw = { loop { let expected = self.ptr.load(Ordering::Relaxed) as u64; if expected == MySpot::one() { // Seat is closed, return let r: *const MyData = ptr::null(); return (r as *mut MyData, true); } let got = self.ptr.compare_exchange_weak(expected, ctx as *mut MyCtx as u64, Ordering::SeqCst, Ordering::SeqCst); if got == Ok(expected) { break expected;// We got the seat } } }; // If we aren't the fist in, wake someone if raw != 0 { let val: &mut MyCtx = unsafe{ &mut *(raw as *mut MyCtx) }; // If we are sharing, give them our data if share { val.d.ptr = data.ptr; } // Wake them up val.s.add_permits(1); } } // Block once on the seat ctx.s.acquire().await.forget(); // Someone woke us up, get the new data let ret = ctx.d.ptr; return (ret, false); } // Shutdown the spot // Wake current thread and mark seat as closed fn release(&self) { let val = self.ptr.swap(MySpot::one(), Ordering::SeqCst); if val == 0 { return } // Someone was there, release them unsafe{ &mut *(val as *mut MyCtx) }.s.add_permits(1) } } // ================================================== // Struct for result, Go doesn't support passing tuple in channels struct Result { count: u64, gmigs: u64, dmigs: u64, } impl Result { fn new() -> Result { Result{ count: 0, gmigs: 0, dmigs: 0} } fn add(&mut self, o: Result) { self.count += o.count; self.gmigs += o.gmigs; self.dmigs += o.dmigs; } } // ================================================== // Random number generator, Go's native one is to slow and global fn __xorshift64( state: &mut u64 ) -> usize { let mut x = *state; x ^= x << 13; x ^= x >> 7; x ^= x << 17; *state = x; x as usize } // ================================================== // Do some work by accessing 'cnt' cells in the array fn work(data: &mut MyData, cnt: u64, state : &mut u64) { for _ in 0..cnt { data.access(__xorshift64(state)) } } async fn local(start: Arc, idata: MyDataPtr, spots : Arc>, cnt: u64, share: bool, id: usize, exp: Arc) -> Result{ let mut state = rand::thread_rng().gen::(); let mut data = idata; let mut ctx = MyCtx::new(data.ptr, id); let _size = unsafe{ &mut *data.ptr }.data.len(); // Prepare results let mut r = Result::new(); // Wait for start start.wait().await; // Main loop loop { // Touch our current data, write to invalidate remote cache lines work(unsafe{ &mut *data.ptr }, cnt, &mut state); // Wait on a random spot let i = (__xorshift64(&mut state) as usize) % spots.len(); let closed = { let (d, c) = spots[i].put(&mut ctx, data, share).await; data = MyDataPtr{ ptr: d }; c }; // Check if the experiment is over if closed { break } // yes, spot was closed if exp.clock_mode && exp.stop.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { break } // yes, time's up if !exp.clock_mode && r.count >= exp.stop_count { break } // yes, iterations reached assert_ne!(data.ptr as *const MyData, ptr::null()); let d = unsafe{ &mut *data.ptr }; // Check everything is consistent debug_assert_eq!(, _size); // write down progress and check migrations let ttid = thread::current().id(); r.count += 1; r.gmigs += ctx .moved(ttid); r.dmigs += d.moved(ttid); } exp.threads_left.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::SeqCst); r } // ================================================== fn main() { let options = App::new("Locality Tokio") .args(&bench::args()) .arg(Arg::with_name("nspots").short("n").long("nspots") .takes_value(true).default_value("0").help("Number of spots where threads sleep (nthreads - nspots are active at the same time)")) .arg(Arg::with_name("size") .short("w").long("worksize").takes_value(true).default_value("2").help("Size of the array for each threads, in words (64bit)")) .arg(Arg::with_name("work") .short("c").long("workcnt") .takes_value(true).default_value("2").help("Number of words to touch when working (random pick, cells can be picked more than once)")) .arg(Arg::with_name("share") .short("s").long("share") .takes_value(true).default_value("true").help("Pass the work data to the next thread when blocking")) .get_matches(); let nthreads = options.value_of("nthreads").unwrap().parse::().unwrap(); let nprocs = options.value_of("nprocs").unwrap().parse::().unwrap(); let wsize = options.value_of("size").unwrap().parse::().unwrap(); let wcnt = options.value_of("work").unwrap().parse::().unwrap(); let share = options.value_of("share").unwrap().parse::().unwrap(); let nspots = { let val = options.value_of("nspots").unwrap().parse::().unwrap(); if val != 0 { val } else { nthreads - nprocs } }; // Check params if ! (nthreads > nprocs) { panic!("Must have more threads than procs"); } let s = (1000000 as u64).to_formatted_string(&Locale::en); assert_eq!(&s, "1,000,000"); let exp = Arc::new(bench::BenchData::new(options, nprocs, None)); let mut results = Result::new(); let mut elapsed : std::time::Duration = std::time::Duration::from_secs(0); let mut data_arrays : Vec = (0..nthreads).map(|i| MyData::new(i, wsize)).rev().collect(); let spots : Arc> = Arc::new((0..nspots).map(|i| MySpot::new(i)).rev().collect()); let barr = Arc::new(sync::Barrier::new(nthreads + 1)); let runtime = Builder::new_multi_thread() .worker_threads(nprocs) .enable_all() .build() .unwrap(); runtime.block_on(async { let thrds: Vec<_> = (0..nthreads).map(|i| { debug_assert!(i < data_arrays.len()); runtime.spawn(local( barr.clone(), MyDataPtr{ ptr: &mut data_arrays[i] }, spots.clone(), wcnt, share, i, exp.clone(), )) }).collect(); println!("Starting"); let start = Instant::now(); barr.wait().await; elapsed = exp.wait(&start).await; println!("\nDone"); // release all the blocked threads for s in &* spots { s.release(); } println!("Threads released"); // Join and accumulate results for t in thrds { results.add( t.await.unwrap() ); } println!("Threads joined"); } ); println!("Duration (ms) : {}", (elapsed.as_millis()).to_formatted_string(&Locale::en)); println!("Number of processors : {}", (nprocs).to_formatted_string(&Locale::en)); println!("Number of threads : {}", (nthreads).to_formatted_string(&Locale::en)); println!("Work size (64bit words): {}", (wsize).to_formatted_string(&Locale::en)); println!("Total Operations(ops) : {:>15}", (results.count).to_formatted_string(&Locale::en)); println!("Total G Migrations : {:>15}", (results.gmigs).to_formatted_string(&Locale::en)); println!("Total D Migrations : {:>15}", (results.dmigs).to_formatted_string(&Locale::en)); println!("Ops per second : {:>15}", (((results.count as f64) / elapsed.as_secs() as f64) as u64).to_formatted_string(&Locale::en)); println!("ns per ops : {:>15}", ((elapsed.as_nanos() as f64 / results.count as f64) as u64).to_formatted_string(&Locale::en)); println!("Ops per threads : {:>15}", (results.count / nthreads as u64).to_formatted_string(&Locale::en)); println!("Ops per procs : {:>15}", (results.count / nprocs as u64).to_formatted_string(&Locale::en)); println!("Ops/sec/procs : {:>15}", ((((results.count as f64) / nprocs as f64) / elapsed.as_secs() as f64) as u64).to_formatted_string(&Locale::en)); println!("ns per ops/procs : {:>15}", ((elapsed.as_nanos() as f64 / (results.count as f64 / nprocs as f64)) as u64).to_formatted_string(&Locale::en)); }