#!groovy //=========================================================================================================== // Main loop of the compilation //=========================================================================================================== node ('master'){ boolean bIsSandbox = env.BRANCH_NAME == "jenkins-sandbox" def err = null def log_needed = false stage_name = '' compiler = null arch_name = '' architecture = '' do_alltests = false do_benchmark = false do_doc = false do_publish = false do_sendemail = true builddir = pwd tmp: true srcdir = pwd tmp: false currentBuild.result = "SUCCESS" try { //Wrap build to add timestamp to command line wrap([$class: 'TimestamperBuildWrapper']) { notify_server(0) prepare_build() clean() checkout() notify_server(0) build() test() benchmark() build_doc() publish() notify_server(45) } } //If an exception is caught we need to change the status and remember to //attach the build log to the email catch (Exception caughtError) { //rethrow error later err = caughtError //An error has occured, the build log is relevent log_needed = true //Store the result of the build log currentBuild.result = "${stage_name} FAILURE".trim() } finally { //Send email with final results if this is not a full build if( do_sendemail ) { echo 'Notifying users of result' email(currentBuild.result, log_needed, bIsSandbox) } echo 'Build Completed' /* Must re-throw exception to propagate error */ if (err) { throw err } } } //=========================================================================================================== // Helper classes/variables/routines //=========================================================================================================== //Helper routine to collect information about the git history def collect_git_info() { checkout scm //create the temporary output directory in case it doesn't already exist def out_dir = pwd tmp: true sh "mkdir -p ${out_dir}" //parse git logs to find what changed gitRefName = env.BRANCH_NAME sh "git reflog > ${out_dir}/GIT_COMMIT" git_reflog = readFile("${out_dir}/GIT_COMMIT") gitRefOldValue = (git_reflog =~ /moving from (.+) to (.+)/)[0][1] gitRefNewValue = (git_reflog =~ /moving from (.+) to (.+)/)[0][2] } def prepare_build() { properties ([ \ [$class: 'ParametersDefinitionProperty', \ parameterDefinitions: [ \ [$class: 'ChoiceParameterDefinition', \ description: 'Which compiler to use', \ name: 'pCompiler', \ choices: 'gcc-6\ngcc-5\ngcc-4.9\nclang', \ defaultValue: 'gcc-6', \ ], \ [$class: 'ChoiceParameterDefinition', \ description: 'The target architecture', \ name: 'pArchitecture', \ choices: 'x64\nx86', \ defaultValue: 'x64', \ ], \ [$class: 'BooleanParameterDefinition', \ description: 'If false, only the quick test suite is ran', \ name: 'pRunAllTests', \ defaultValue: false, \ ], \ [$class: 'BooleanParameterDefinition', \ description: 'If true, jenkins also runs benchmarks', \ name: 'pRunBenchmark', \ defaultValue: false, \ ], \ [$class: 'BooleanParameterDefinition', \ description: 'If true, jenkins also builds documentation', \ name: 'pBuildDocumentation', \ defaultValue: true, \ ], \ [$class: 'BooleanParameterDefinition', \ description: 'If true, jenkins also publishes results', \ name: 'pPublish', \ defaultValue: false, \ ], \ [$class: 'BooleanParameterDefinition', \ description: 'If true, jenkins will not send emails', \ name: 'pSilent', \ defaultValue: false, \ ], \ ], ]]) compiler = compiler_from_params( pCompiler ) arch_name = pArchitecture architecture = architecture_from_params( arch_name ) do_alltests = (pRunAllTests == 'true') do_benchmark = (pRunBenchmark == 'true') do_doc = (pBuildDocumentation == 'true') do_publish = (pPublish == 'true') do_sendemail = ! (pSilent == 'true') collect_git_info() def full = do_alltests ? " (Full)" : "" currentBuild.description = "${compiler.cc_name}:${arch_name}${full}" echo """Compiler : ${compiler.cc_name} (${compiler.cpp_cc}/${compiler.cfa_cc}) Architecture : ${arch_name} Arc Flags : ${architecture} Run All Tests : ${ pRunAllTests.toString() } Run Benchmark : ${ pRunBenchmark.toString() } Build Documentation : ${ pBuildDocumentation.toString() } Publish : ${ pPublish.toString() } Silent : ${ pSilent.toString() } """ } def build_stage(String name, Closure block ) { stage_name = name stage(name, block) } def notify_server(int wait) { sh """curl --silent --show-error --data "wait=${wait}" -X POST https://cforall.uwaterloo.ca:8082/jenkins/notify > /dev/null || true""" return } def make_doc() { def err = null try { sh 'make clean > /dev/null' sh 'make > /dev/null 2>&1' } catch (Exception caughtError) { err = caughtError //rethrow error later sh 'cat *.log' } finally { if (err) throw err // Must re-throw exception to propagate error } } //Description of a compiler (Must be serializable since pipelines are persistent) class CC_Desc implements Serializable { public String cc_name public String cpp_cc public String cfa_cc CC_Desc(String cc_name, String cpp_cc, String cfa_cc) { this.cc_name = cc_name this.cpp_cc = cpp_cc this.cfa_cc = cfa_cc } } def compiler_from_params(cc) { switch( cc ) { case 'gcc-6': return new CC_Desc('gcc-6', 'g++-6', 'gcc-6') break case 'gcc-5': return new CC_Desc('gcc-5', 'g++-5', 'gcc-5') break case 'gcc-4.9': return new CC_Desc('gcc-4.9', 'g++-4.9', 'gcc-4.9') break case 'clang': return new CC_Desc('clang', 'clang++', 'gcc-6') break default : error "Unhandled compiler : ${cc}" } } def architecture_from_params( arch ) { switch( arch ) { case 'x64': return '--host=x86_64' break case 'x86': return '--host=i386' break default : error "Unhandled architecture : ${arch}" } } //=========================================================================================================== // Main compilation routines //=========================================================================================================== def clean() { build_stage('Cleanup') { // clean the build by wipping the build directory dir(builddir) { deleteDir() } //Clean all temporary files to make sure no artifacts of the previous build remain sh 'git clean -fdqx' //Reset the git repo so no local changes persist sh 'git reset --hard' } } //Compilation script is done here but environnement set-up and error handling is done in main loop def checkout() { build_stage('Checkout') { //checkout the source code and clean the repo checkout scm } } def build() { build_stage('Build') { // Build outside of the src tree to ease cleaning dir (builddir) { //Configure the conpilation (Output is not relevant) //Use the current directory as the installation target so nothing escapes the sandbox //Also specify the compiler by hand targets="" if(do_alltests) { targets="--with-target-hosts='host:debug,host:nodebug'" } else { targets="--with-target-hosts='host:debug'" } sh "${srcdir}/configure CXX=${compiler.cpp_cc} ${architecture} ${targets} --with-backend-compiler=${compiler.cfa_cc} --quiet" //Compile the project sh 'make -j 8 --no-print-directory' } } } def test() { build_stage('Test') { dir (builddir) { //Run the tests from the tests directory if ( do_alltests ) { sh 'make --no-print-directory -C tests all-tests debug=yes' sh 'make --no-print-directory -C tests all-tests debug=no ' } else { sh 'make --no-print-directory -C tests' } } } } def benchmark() { build_stage('Benchmark') { if( !do_benchmark ) return dir (builddir) { //Append bench results sh "make --no-print-directory -C benchmark jenkins githash=${gitRefNewValue} arch=${arch_name} | tee ${srcdir}/bench.json" } } } def build_doc() { build_stage('Documentation') { if( !do_doc ) return dir ('doc/user') { make_doc() } dir ('doc/refrat') { make_doc() } } } def publish() { build_stage('Publish') { if( !do_publish ) return //Then publish the results sh 'curl --silent --show-error -H \'Content-Type: application/json\' --data @bench.json https://cforall.uwaterloo.ca:8082/jenkins/publish > /dev/null || true' } } //=========================================================================================================== //Routine responsible of sending the email notification once the build is completed //=========================================================================================================== def gitBranchUpdate(String gitRefOldValue, String gitRefNewValue) { def update = "" sh "git rev-list ${gitRefOldValue}..${gitRefNewValue} > GIT_LOG"; readFile('GIT_LOG').eachLine { rev -> sh "git cat-file -t ${rev} > GIT_TYPE" def type = readFile('GIT_TYPE') update += " via ${rev} (${type})\n" } def rev = gitRefOldValue sh "git cat-file -t ${rev} > GIT_TYPE" def type = readFile('GIT_TYPE') update += " from ${rev} (${type})\n" return update def output=readFile('result').trim() echo "output=$output"; } //Standard build email notification def email(String status, boolean log, boolean bIsSandbox) { //Since tokenizer doesn't work, figure stuff out from the environnement variables and command line //Configurations for email format def project_name = (env.JOB_NAME =~ /(.+)\/.+/)[0][1].toLowerCase() def gitLog = 'Error retrieving git logs' def gitDiff = 'Error retrieving git diff' def gitUpdate = 'Error retrieving update' try { gitUpdate = gitBranchUpdate(gitRefOldValue, gitRefNewValue) sh "git rev-list --format=short ${gitRefOldValue}...${gitRefNewValue} > GIT_LOG" gitLog = readFile('GIT_LOG') sh "git diff --stat ${gitRefNewValue} ${gitRefOldValue} > GIT_DIFF" gitDiff = readFile('GIT_DIFF') } catch (Exception error) { echo error.toString() echo error.getMessage() } def email_subject = "[${project_name} git][BUILD# ${env.BUILD_NUMBER} - ${status}] - branch ${env.BRANCH_NAME}" def email_body = """This is an automated email from the Jenkins build machine. It was generated because of a git hooks/post-receive script following a ref change was pushed to the repository containing the project "UNNAMED PROJECT". The branch ${env.BRANCH_NAME} has been updated. ${gitUpdate} Check console output at ${env.BUILD_URL} to view the results. - Status -------------------------------------------------------------- BUILD# ${env.BUILD_NUMBER} - ${status} - Log ----------------------------------------------------------------- ${gitLog} ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Summary of changes: ${gitDiff} """ def email_to = "cforall@lists.uwaterloo.ca" if( !bIsSandbox ) { //send email notification emailext body: email_body, subject: email_subject, to: email_to, attachLog: log } else { echo "Would send email to: ${email_to}" echo "With title: ${email_subject}" echo "Content: \n${email_body}" } }