#!groovy import groovy.transform.Field // For skipping stages import org.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.modeldefinition.Utils // Global for the stage name StageName = '' // wrapper around stage declaretion to be more verbose // and allow showing as skipped in the UI def BuildStage(String name, boolean run, Closure block ) { StageName = name echo " -------- ${StageName} -------- " if(run) { stage(name, block) } else { stage(name) { Utils.markStageSkippedForConditional(STAGE_NAME) } } } //=========================================================================================================== // Common compilation routines //=========================================================================================================== def Clean() { BuildStage('Cleanup', true) { // clean the build by wipping the build directory dir(BuildDir) { deleteDir() } } } def Checkout(commitHash = null) { BuildStage('Checkout', true) { //checkout the source code and clean the repo if(commitHash) { final scmVars = checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: commitHash ]]]) echo GitLogMessage(scmVars.GIT_COMMIT, scmVars.GIT_PREVIOUS_COMMIT) } else { final scmVars = checkout scm echo GitLogMessage(scmVars.GIT_COMMIT, scmVars.GIT_PREVIOUS_COMMIT) } } } //=========================================================================================================== //Routine responsible of sending the email notification once the build is completed //=========================================================================================================== @NonCPS def SplitLines(String text) { def list = [] text.eachLine { list += it } return list } PrevGitOldRef = '' PrevGitNewRef = '' def GitLogMessage(String oldRef = '', String newRef = '') { if (!PrevGitOldRef || !oldRef) return "\nERROR retrieveing git information!\n" PrevGitOldRef = oldRef if (!PrevGitNewRef || !newRef) return "\nERROR retrieveing git information!\n" PrevGitNewRef = newRef def revText = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "git rev-list ${oldRef}..${newRef}").trim() def revList = SplitLines( revText ) def gitUpdate = "" revList.each { rev -> def type = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "git cat-file -t ${rev}").trim() gitUpdate = gitUpdate + " via ${rev} (${type})" } def rev = oldRef def type = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "git cat-file -t ${rev}").trim() gitUpdate = gitUpdate + " from ${rev} (${type})" def gitLog = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "git rev-list --format=short ${oldRef}...${newRef}").trim() def gitDiff = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "git diff --stat --color ${newRef} ${oldRef}").trim() gitDiff = gitDiff.replace('', '') gitDiff = gitDiff.replace('', '') gitDiff = gitDiff.replace('', '') return """
The branch ${env.BRANCH_NAME} has been updated.

Check console output at ${env.BUILD_URL} to view the results.

- Status --------------------------------------------------------------

BUILD# ${env.BUILD_NUMBER} - ${currentBuild.result}

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------



Summary of changes:
""" } return this;