#!groovy node ('master') { user_email = '' test_list = '' prepare_build() try { stage('Checkout') { checkout scm sh 'git clean -xdf' sh 'git reset --hard' } stage('Building x86') { regen_tests('i386') } stage('Building x64') { regen_tests('x86_64') } stage('Building arm64') { regen_tests('arm64') } stage('Patching') { make_patch() } stage('Email') { email() } } catch (Exception caughtError) { email_error() throw caughtError } } def prepare_build() { properties ([ \ [$class: 'ParametersDefinitionProperty', \ parameterDefinitions: [ \ [$class: 'StringParameterDefinition', \ description: 'Who required the test', \ name: 'pEmail', \ ], \ [$class: 'StringParameterDefinition', \ description: 'Space separated list of tests to run', \ name: 'pTests', \ ], \ ], ]]) user_email = pEmail; test_list = pTests; echo "User ${user_email} requested regenerating tests : ${ test_list }" } def regen_tests( String arch ) { def install_dir = pwd tmp: true //Configure the conpilation (Output is not relevant) //Use the current directory as the installation target so nothing //escapes the sandbox //Also specify the compiler by hand sh "./configure CXX=clang++ CC=gcc-6 --host=${arch} --enable-silent-rules --quiet" //Compile the project sh 'make -j 8 --no-print-directory' //Regenerate the desired tests sh "src/tests/test.py --regenerate-expected ${test_list}" //Clean everything from the last build sh 'make maintainer-clean > /dev/null' } def make_patch() { def target_dir = pwd tmp: true //Add every file so new files appear in the diff sh 'git add .' //Create a patch file sh "git diff --cached --binary > ${target_dir}/result.patch" } def email() { def target_dir = pwd tmp: true dir( target_dir ) { def email_subject = "[cforall dashboard][TEST REGEN# ${env.BUILD_NUMBER}] - Result" def email_body = """This is an automated email from the Jenkins build machine. It was generated https://cforall.uwaterloo.ca:8082/dashboard.html. Please apply the required changes using the following method : - copy result.patch to your cforall repository of choice. - call 'git apply [patch file name]' (WARNING: the changes may conflict with any current changes to the test expected results). - validate that the changes are correct. - commit the changes as usual.""" //send email notification emailext body: email_body, subject: email_subject, to: user_email, attachmentsPattern: "**/*.patch" } } def email_error() { def email_subject = "[cforall dashboard][TEST REGEN# ${env.BUILD_NUMBER}] - FAILURE" def email_body = """This is an automated email from the Jenkins build machine. It was generated https://cforall.uwaterloo.ca:8082/dashboard.html. Test generation encoutered an error please see attached logs -----------------------------------------------------------------------""" //send email notification emailext body: email_body, subject: email_subject, to: user_email, attachLog: true }