#!groovy node { // Globals BuildDir = pwd tmp: true SrcDir = pwd tmp: false RemoteRepo = 'git@github.com:cforall/cforall.git' ArchiveUrl = 'https://cforall.uwaterloo.ca/jenkins/job/Cforall_Distribute_Ref/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/*zip*/archive.zip' // Local variables def err = null def log_needed = false currentBuild.result = "SUCCESS" //Wrap build to add timestamp to command line wrap([$class: 'TimestamperBuildWrapper']) { PrepRepo(); def name = GetArchive(); PushRepo(name); } } def GetTarName() { def files = findFiles(glob: 'archive/cfa-cc-*.tar.gz') echo "found: ${files[0].name}" return files[0].name - '.tar.gz'; } def PrepRepo() { stage('Clone') { // for display purposes dir (BuildDir) { sh 'rm -rf *' sshagent (credentials: ['git_key_mar27']) { sh "git clone --bare ${RemoteRepo} repo" } dir ('repo') { sh "mkdir .git" sh "mv * .git" sh "git init" } } } } def GetArchive() { def tarball stage('Unzip') { // for display purposes dir (BuildDir) { sh "wget -q ${ArchiveUrl}" sh "unzip archive.zip" tarball = GetTarName(); sh "tar -xzf archive/${tarball}.tar.gz" sh "mv ${tarball}/* repo/." } } return tarball } def PushRepo(name) { stage('Push') { // for display purposes dir ("${BuildDir}/repo") { sh "git add -A" sh "git status" sh "git diff-index --quiet HEAD || git commit -m 'Push from build machine: ${name}'" sshagent (credentials: ['git_key_mar27']) { sh "git push origin master" } } } }