#!groovy //=========================================================================================================== // Main loop of the compilation //=========================================================================================================== node ('master') { def err = null try { //Wrap build to add timestamp to command line wrap([$class: 'TimestamperBuildWrapper']) { stage('Build') { results = [null, null] parallel ( gcc_6_x64: { trigger_build( 'gcc-6', 'x64', true ) }, gcc_6_x86: { trigger_build( 'gcc-6', 'x86', true ) }, gcc_5_x64: { trigger_build( 'gcc-5', 'x64', false ) }, gcc_5_x86: { trigger_build( 'gcc-5', 'x86', false ) }, clang_x64: { trigger_build( 'clang', 'x64', false ) }, clang_x86: { trigger_build( 'clang', 'x86', false ) }, ) } //Push latest changes to do-lang repo // push_build() } promote_email(true) } //If an exception is caught we need to change the status and remember to //attach the build log to the email catch (Exception caughtError) { echo('error caught') //rethrow error later err = caughtError //Store the result of the build log currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE' //Send email to notify the failure promote_email(false) } finally { //Must re-throw exception to propagate error if (err) { throw err } } } //=========================================================================================================== // Main compilation routines //=========================================================================================================== def trigger_build(String cc, String arch, Boolean publish) { def result = build job: 'Cforall/master', \ parameters: [ \ [$class: 'StringParameterValue', \ name: 'Compiler', \ value: cc], \ [$class: 'StringParameterValue', \ name: 'Architecture', \ value: arch], \ [$class: 'BooleanParameterValue', \ name: 'RunAllTests', \ value: true], \ [$class: 'BooleanParameterValue', \ name: 'RunBenchmark', \ value: true], \ [$class: 'BooleanParameterValue', \ name: 'BuildDocumentation', \ value: true], \ [$class: 'BooleanParameterValue', \ name: 'Publish', \ value: publish], \ [$class: 'BooleanParameterValue', \ name: 'Silent', \ value: true], \ ], \ propagate: false echo(result.result) if(result.result != 'SUCCESS') { sh("wget -q -O - http://localhost:8084/jenkins/job/Cforall/job/master/${result.number}/consoleText") error(result.result) } } // def push_build() { // //Don't use the build_stage function which outputs the compiler // stage('Push') { // status_prefix = 'Push' // def out_dir = pwd tmp: true // sh "mkdir -p ${out_dir}" // //checkout the code to make sure this is a valid git repo // checkout scm // collect_git_info() // //parse git logs to find what changed // sh "git remote > ${out_dir}/GIT_REMOTE" // git_remote = readFile("${out_dir}/GIT_REMOTE") // remoteDoLangExists = git_remote.contains("DoLang") // if( !remoteDoLangExists ) { // sh 'git remote add DoLang git@gitlab.do-lang.org:internal/cfa-cc.git' // } // //sh "GIT_SSH_COMMAND=\"ssh -v\" git push DoLang ${gitRefNewValue}:master" // echo('BUILD NOT PUSH SINCE DO-LANG SERVER WAS DOWN') // } // } //Helper routine to collect information about the git history def collect_git_info() { //create the temporary output directory in case it doesn't already exist def out_dir = pwd tmp: true sh "mkdir -p ${out_dir}" //parse git logs to find what changed dir("../Cforall_Full_Build@script") { sh "git reflog > ${out_dir}/GIT_COMMIT" } git_reflog = readFile("${out_dir}/GIT_COMMIT") gitRefOldValue = (git_reflog =~ /moving from (.+) to (.+)/)[0][1] gitRefNewValue = (git_reflog =~ /moving from (.+) to (.+)/)[0][2] } //=========================================================================================================== //Routine responsible of sending the email notification once the build is completed //=========================================================================================================== //Email notification on a full build failure def promote_email(boolean success) { echo('notifying users') def result = success ? "PROMOTE - SUCCESS" : "PROMOTE - FAILURE" //Since tokenizer doesn't work, figure stuff out from the environnement variables and command line //Configurations for email format def email_subject = "[cforall git][${result}]" def email_body = """

This is an automated email from the Jenkins build machine. It was generated following the result of the C∀ nightly build.

Check console output at ${env.BUILD_URL} to view the results.

- Status --------------------------------------------------------------


- Performance --------------------------------------------------------------

""" def email_to = "cforall@lists.uwaterloo.ca" //send email notification emailext body: email_body, subject: email_subject, to: email_to, attachLog: !success }