#!groovy import groovy.transform.Field // For skipping stages import org.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.modeldefinition.Utils //=========================================================================================================== // Main loop of the compilation //=========================================================================================================== node('master') { // Globals BuildDir = pwd tmp: true SrcDir = pwd tmp: false Settings = null // Local variables def err = null def log_needed = false currentBuild.result = "SUCCESS" try { //Wrap build to add timestamp to command line wrap([$class: 'TimestamperBuildWrapper']) { (build_no, ref) = prepare_build() node('x64') { BuildDir = pwd tmp: true SrcDir = pwd tmp: false clean() // checkout() } // Update the build directories when exiting the node BuildDir = pwd tmp: true SrcDir = pwd tmp: false } } //If an exception is caught we need to change the status and remember to //attach the build log to the email catch (Exception caughtError) { // //rethrow error later // err = caughtError // echo err.toString() // //An error has occured, the build log is relevent // log_needed = true // //Store the result of the build log // currentBuild.result = "${StageName} FAILURE".trim() } finally { // //Send email with final results if this is not a full build // email(log_needed) // echo 'Distribution Completed' // /* Must re-throw exception to propagate error */ // if (err) { // throw err // } } } //=========================================================================================================== // Main compilation routines //=========================================================================================================== def clean() { build_stage('Cleanup', true) { // clean the build by wipping the build directory dir(BuildDir) { deleteDir() } } } //Compilation script is done here but environnement set-up and error handling is done in main loop // def checkout() { // build_stage('Checkout', true) { // //checkout the source code and clean the repo // final scmVars = checkout scm // Settings.GitNewRef = scmVars.GIT_COMMIT // Settings.GitOldRef = scmVars.GIT_PREVIOUS_COMMIT // echo GitLogMessage() // } // } //=========================================================================================================== // Helper classes/variables/routines //=========================================================================================================== def prepare_build() { // prepare the properties properties ([ \ buildDiscarder(logRotator( \ artifactDaysToKeepStr: '', \ artifactNumToKeepStr: '', \ daysToKeepStr: '730', \ numToKeepStr: '1000' \ )), \ [$class: 'ParametersDefinitionProperty', \ parameterDefinitions: [ \ [$class: 'IntergerParameterDefinition', \ description: 'The build number to put in the version', \ name: 'Build', \ ], \ ], ]]) // It's unfortunate but it looks like we need to checkout the entire repo just to get // - the pretty git printer // - Jenkins.tools checkout scm Tools = load "Jenkins/tools.groovy" currentBuild.description = "Distributing Binaries" echo "Distributing build ${params.Build}" return params.Build }