cfa-cc: Cforall to C Trans-compiler ====================================== Cforall is built using GNU Make and the GNU Autoconf system. It also requires g++ version >= 6, bison and flex. On systems where GNU Make is the default make, the system is built by entering the commands: For developers using the root git: $ ./ $ ./configure $ make -j 8 install For users using the distributed tarball: $ ./configure $ make -j 8 install where 8 is the number of CPUs on your computer. Options for 'configure' ====================================== The script 'configure' accepts many command line arguments. Run './configure --help' to see a list of all of them. This document attempts to summarize the most useful arguments. --prefix=/some/directory controls the path prefix common to all installed cfa-cc components. Some components are installed in /some/directory/bin, others in /some/directory/lib. If unspecified, this defaults to /usr/local. To use (a subdirectory of) your home directory, ${HOME}/some/dir works, but it is important not to put quotes around the directory path; Cforall may appear to build, but the installed version may not work properly. Build Test ====================================== $ cd ./test $ make -j 8 all-tests The tests take about 2-5 minutes and can be stopped at any time.