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Started 1 mo 10 days ago
Took 1 hr 25 min

Build #2902 (May 24, 2024, 10:47:00 PM)

  1. Change enum conversion steps (details)
  2. add Elliott18 paper (details)
  3. remove Grothoff14 paper (details)
  4. proofreading changes (details)
  5. program updates to match text (details)
  6. add Elliott18 citation (details)
  7. change xleftmargin spacing for lstinput, add code formatting macro for C++ (details)
  8. A upcast proposal for enums (details)
  9. Disable to voidEnum test for now to pass the test suite (voidEnum is WIP) (details)

Started by timer

Revision: 7da6a31bb3f051ef49b311b6fe8b5b05e1fcb11f
  • refs/remotes/origin/master