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Started 6 mo 11 days ago
Took 1 hr 25 min

Build #2863 (Apr 23, 2024, 10:47:00 PM)

  1. move __attribute__((unused)) so it applies to variable (details)
  2. formatting (details)
  3. formatting, documentation refactor alloc code, remove annoying warnings (details)
  4. Updated files in ResolvExpr to the new indentation style. It seems the remaining places have reason to break from the style. (details)
  5. add combinations of pointer/reference for memset and memcpy (details)
  6. update postfix function, storage management, and memory set/copy (details)
  7. fix parsing bug in field declaring list with empty declarator (details)

Started by timer

Revision: bab42dedcae60fabba662dd711ba8169f2a37e4e
  • refs/remotes/origin/master